Bullied By Colby Brock

By emosock51

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Three sections. Three love stories. One family. SECTION 1: Colby: Anyway, meet me by my locker after school... More

Chapter 1: Valentine's Day
Chapter 2: Reasons Why I Hate You
Chapter 3: Cheaters Never Win
Chapter 4: The Bridge
Chapter 5: The Past
Chapter 6: The Return
Chapter 7: Nothing Lasts Forever
Chapter 8: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 9: The Procedure
Chapter 10: Lost Memory (pt.1)
Chapter 11: Lost Memory (pt.2)
Chapter 12: Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easily
Chapter 13: The Truth Hurts Sometimes
Chapter 15: Are You Healed Yet?
Chapter 16: Allies or Enemies?
Chapter 17: Brothers?
Chapter 18: Family Dinner
Chapter 19: Kidnapped
Chapter 20: Psychopaths and Bullet Holes
Chapter 21: Goodbye
Chapter 22: Coma
Chapter 23: Dreams Are Not Just Fantasies
Chapter 24: Adopted
Chapter 25: The Journal
Chapter 26: Ash
Chapter 27: What Are You Hiding?
Chapter 28: Cops pt.1
Chapter 29: Cops pt. 2
Chapter 30: Cops pt. 3
Chapter 31: What Happened?
Chapter 32: Sophomore Year
Chapter 33: Dak
Chapter 34: The Call That Broke Ash's Heart
Chapter 35: A Haunting Of A Different Kind
Chapter 36: Anger
Chapter 37: Tricksters
Chapter 38: The Game
Chapter 39: Urgent Causes
Chapter 40: I'm Sorry, I Don't Trust You
Chapter 41: Explanations Come With A Price
Chapter 42: The Cliff
Chapter 43: Finding Peyton Sawyer
Chapter 44: I'm Not Gone
Chapter 45: Possession pt.1
Chapter 46: Possession pt.2
Chapter 47: Fix It
Chapter 48: I Miss You
Chapter 49: What Are You?
Chapter 50: Cry It Out
Chapter 51: The Day Of Reckoning
Chapter 52: Tell Me
Chapter 53: 2 Years Later
Chapter 54: Quick Thinking
Chapter 55: Change
Chapter 56: Meant To Be???
Chapter 57: College
Chapter 58: Break Up
Chapter 59: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 60: Forgive Me, Please
Chapter 61: We're All Human
Chapter 62: We Can't Escape The Past
Chapter 63: Secret Santa 🎅
Chapter 64: The Aftermath
Chapter 65: Apologies Can Reveal Secrets, Too
Chapter 66: Lies Upon Lies
Chapter 67: Damaged
Chapter 68: Young and Dumb
Chapter 69: Reunited
Chapter 70: Maybe This Time, It Will Be Better
Chapter 71: Selene
Chapter 72: A New Life
Chapter 73: Judgement
Chapter 74: An Enemy Rising
Chapter 75: Realization
Chapter 76: Why Can't We Just Tell The Truth?
Chapter 77: Maybe We Took Normal For Granted
Chapter 78: Prom Pt. 1 (Time Skip Later In Chapter)
Chapter 79: Prom Pt. 2
Chapter 80: Hospital
Chapter 81: A Child
Chapter 82: Welcome Home
Chapter 83: Suspicion
Chapter 84: Breakfast
Chapter 85: Shopping Trip
Chapter 86: First Day Pt. 1
Chapter 87: First Day Pt. 2
Chapter 88: Help
Chapter 89: Answers
Chapter 90: The Party Pt. 1
Chapter 91: The Party Pt. 2

Chapter 14: You Can't Run Away Forever

6.7K 121 101
By emosock51

You decided to ask Colby about it.

Jen: Why do you have Jessica as a contact on your phone?

Colby: hm?

He said as he turned around and put his hands over his area that included a very visible bulge.

Jen: Why are you texting Jessica?

Colby: Oh we were partners for a thing in Chemistry.

Jen: Then why is she asking if you want to have fun? And why were you talking about hanging out yesterday and why do these messages seem extremely sketchy?

Colby: We were talking about Sulfur.

You could tell that was a clear lie. It didn't even match the conversation.

Jen: Right.

You began to walk away but wanted to say one more thing.

Jen: If you're going to lie about cheating, at least tell a convincing lie.

Colby: I'm so sorry Jen.

You could feel the hot tears on your face.

Jen: Don't talk to me.

You grabbed Colby's keys and walked out the door. He started to follow you. You got inside his car and locked the doors before he could get in. He started pounding on the windows.

Colby: Please, Jen, let me explain.

You drove off in his car. You realized you were still in your underwear, but you weren't about to face Colby again. You pulled out your phone and called Will. It went straight to voicemail. You yelled at Will even though he couldn't hear you.


The car started sputtering so you pulled the car over. You were right in front of suicide bridge. You walked underneath the bridge, avoiding the rain that was coming down in buckets. You sat down on a block of concrete that was underneath the bridge, the only bad thing- it was were you told Colby about Violet. Memories of him started coming back. His smile, his laugh, his everything. You knew you loved him and you knew that he loved you. You hated the fact that he was so easy to love. You should have listened to your brain. You sat there and cried, and cried, and cried. Until, you felt a hand on your shoulder, which made you jump and scatter away.

Will: Calm down Jen, it's just me.

Jen: Next time, don't give me a heart attack, please.

Will: I know you're not going to like this but...

I seen Colby emerge from the other side of the bridge.

Jen: Oh hell no. I'm leaving.

Colby: Jen, please, just hear me out.

You have to remind yourself that this is the same person that kept you from jumping, that saved you from being beat to death, that stayed with you through surgery, should you forgive him for just one mistake? Then a thought crossed your mind... maybe it wasn't a mistake. A single tear fell down your face. Colby walked closer and attempted to wipe the tear away.

Colby: Don't cry sweetheart. I'm sorry

You grabbed his hand before he could touch your face.

Jen: Don't touch me. You can't do that anymore.

Will: Can I talk to you for a second? Privately.

Jen: Of course.

Colby walked back to the other side of the bridge.

Will: You're not going to like this, but I think you should give him another chance.

Jen: What? Why? Are you insane?

Will: With you, he's a better person. He loves you so much and I can tell you love him.

Jen: Why are you doing this? We both know you don't like him and he doesn't like you. Plus, you said-

Will: Look, I know what I said before, and everything I said is still true, but I want you to be happy, and you won't be happy with me. As hard as it is to say, he will make you happy, and if he doesn't I'll kill him.

Jen: How do you  know what will make me happy?

Will: Jen, we both know how it ended last time. You don't love me. You never will. You love him.

Jen: Fine. If my best friend says it's a good idea, I guess I'll go with it, but if this happens again, I have the honor of saying 'I told you so.'

Both of you laughed. You redirected your attention to Colby.

Jen: Cole, come here!

He ran over rather quickly.

Colby: Yes?

Jen: I forgive you, I guess. But it will take a while to get back to where we were as a couple.

Colby wrapped his arms around you and squeezed tightly.

Colby: I'm so sorry Jen.

Jen: I know.

Colby: If I could take it back, I would.

Jen: I know.

The hug lasted a long time, your hoodie was soaked, either from the rain or from Colby's tears. When Colby pulled away he made a joke to try and lighten the mood.

Colby: *Sniffle* Jen you know you look hot as fuck right now? *Sniffle*

You and Will laughed at Colby as he began to blush.

Colby: I wasn't kidding.

He moved his hand toward his genitals.

Will: Looks like someone is just now adjusting to puberty.

Colby: Where's a corner when you need one?


Later when you went home, Colby was staying with you. He slept in your parents room without them knowing. You refused to let him sleep in the same bed as you after the events that happened today. You laid down on your bed and instantly fell asleep. After about 20 minutes you felt hands move around your waist. You thought it was Colby.

Jen: Colby stop. You know I'm mad at you right now.

Brennen: What if I told you it wasn't Colby?

The voice was unmistakable, it was Brennen's. You woke up screaming. You put your head in your hands and cried. Not long after, Colby ran in.

Colby: What's wrong?!?!

Jen: Bad dream. That's all.

Colby: You wanna talk about it?

Jen: Not really.

Every time you look at Colby, you see him with Jessica.

Colby: You can talk to me, you know that, right?

Jen: Yeah, I know.

Colby went back to bed... Or so you thought. You felt hands grip your thigh not long after.

Jen: Colby, go back to bed.

You felt the hand recede from your leg. You fell back asleep. You woke up the next morning and heard a knock on the door. You hurried and changed so you don't look like absolute crap. You walked to the door and answered it. It was the last person you wanted to see. Brennen. It felt as though time had stopped as he spoke.

Brennen: I heard you got out. I wanted to come by and see if you were fully healed.

You opened your mouth to scream for Colby, but he put his hand over your mouth.

Brennen: We wouldn't want him to ruin our fun, would we?

Your eyes filled with tears as his hand traveled up your back.

Brennen: Let's move this somewhere else.

You had to admit, you were scared, very  scared. He shoved you into your room and kept your mouth covered. You were shaking with tears and all you wanted was someone to save you.

Brennen: Don't cry sweetheart, it'll be just like before, remember?

You wish that he didn't bring that up. You and Brennen had dated before. In Junior year. He took your virginity. He forced himself on you, you didn't say anything because you thought it was alright. He didn't tell anyone what happened. You blamed yourself because you didn't tell anyone. You cried harder.

Brennen: Lets get this started, shall we?

Jen: Please. Don't.

Brennen: Don't make me tie you up.

A pounding on your door scared you.

Colby: Jen? JEN?!

Brennen: Perfect timing. Cole sit down outside the door.

Colby: Not if Jen's in there!

Brennen: If you try to come in, I strangle her, if you try to notify the police, I strangle her. Now, you sit down outside the door and listen, or I strangle her. You choose.

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