Nightmares *Rogue X Female!Re...

By Muggle-born-fayzian

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"Are you scared? You should be!" In a world of magic and guilds, you find yourself the only Mage in lavender... More

*Special Chapter*
Random Poll
Author's note


137 3 3
By Muggle-born-fayzian

Rejection: the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc
the action of spurning a person's affections.

You were slightly afraid as you approached he guild, as you stepped inside it suddenly felt like you were being stared at. Mainly because you were, by Marie, Max, Akira and even Patience was were watching from the very back of the room. But where was Akio?

"Hey!" You heard, caught you off guard, his voice. You jumped as you quickly spun to face Akio. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to startle you..."

His expression seemed nervous, on edge, but at the same time he wasn't in a bad mood either, there was a slight excitement in his movement.

"Um, shall we get out of here, there's a nice place we can chat..." he seemed to regret every word that came out of his mouth, it sweet to be so nervous, which was an awful thing to think, since he had every right to be nervous.

You nodded and followed him out the guild, still followed by stares of your team mates and one of their parents. You followed behind Akio awkwardly, you tried to keep your face straight but you couldn't help but look anxious. Luckily with Akio in front he wouldn't of been able to see this look on your face, but at the same time, you couldn't see him expression either.

He led you to the small hill, the somehow notorious one. Where you, Max and Marie had watched the fire start from all those years ago, and just the other week had spoke to Rogue on. You shivered at the variety of memories you were making here, but continued to follow Akio as he lead you up it.

After what felt like hours of walking from the guild, the two of you had finally stopped. The ground of the hill seemed a lot less soft the more tensed you became, and while you usually freely sat on the grass when you were up here you felt permitted to stand. Akio stood nervously for a moment, brushed his fingers through his hair with a nervous smile. He was very attractive, you suddenly remembered in the moment, as if trying to actually contemplate whether you should turn him down or not; and this sunset lighting did wonders for him, his eyes, his hair, his complexion. But you couldn't quite help but link this shade of dusk to the evening you watched another man smile as he cared for his exceed, as he didn't even notice you watching him, the evening the both of you had come to new resolutions.

"So... um." Akio drew his mind back to him. "I think, you've probably guessed why. I've done this."

The anxiety was clear on his face, immediately once he was done talking he bit his lip and avoided eye contact. In a response to your own nerves you hugged yourself, nodding in the process.

"I, I should tell you..." he drew a deep breath, "I think you're amazing, the strongest person I know and you're just incredible..."

That wasn't how he wanted to say it, it was just easier to say that then his true feelings. He took another deep breath, this time preparing himself for what he actually wanted to say.

He said your name. "I, like, you, a lot," he bit his lip. "And I don't think I could go on, if I didn't tell you, if I didn't know how you felt too."

You bowed your head in deep embarrassment as he said those words, you felt your lip quivering. Could you just say, you liked him too? And you wouldn't have to watch his heart break in front of you.

Just make it quick, you told yourself, and clear. Yet at the same time you wanted to offer some kind of condolence.

"I'm sorry," you looked up to meet his face, you watched the hope slowly drain. You couldn't watch, you rose to your tip toes and placed a light hand on his head to lower it. All so you could place a quick kiss of his forehead, an apology, but not so clear.

"I- I can't return your feelings, I don't..." you spun round instantly after saying those words and retreated down the hill as quick as you could, your arms still tucked around your waist as you attempted to hide within yourself.

Only when you got to the bottom did you dare to turn around, to face him.

Akio hadn't moved, had only moved one hand to hold his head where you had kissed him. His expression, sad, but accepting. You pleased to see no sign of resentment, but there was still utter heartbreak in his eyes. You broke into a run the second you were out of his sight, and went home to do whatever was sensible when you were disappointed in yourself.

I can't return you're feelings, I don't.

It's weird because, you were adamant that you didn't like Akio, no matter how many times people told you about his crush. How they thought you'd be cute together.

But you knew, in the future, some point in the next seven years, as future Rogue told you. You would be with him.

And that was enough to make your heartbeat slightly faster.

After standing up on the hill a little while longer, Akio decided it was time to move, with a mixture of feelings, sadness, heartbreak, nerves for what was next of your relationship together. Still friends? He hoped for that at least, even if he couldn't be your lover. All the emotions made him want to go straight, home to hide under his covers, pretend that nothing happened, that you never met and everything was fine. But, he'd left Akira at the guild, and I guess somebody needed to tell the others how it went. He was certain you hadn't returned the guild after that, he knew you probably wouldn't want to face the others.

The second he entered the hall there was a group of five heads peaking up immediately, all wanting to know how it went. Riko, who wasn't there earlier had now joined the group, Akio immediately wanted to question why she wasn't wearing glasses, but his heart and mind were else where.

They knew straight away the response he received the second they saw him alone, and how he bowed his head with a sad smile. They rushed over to him, his sister, his mother and Marie first to tackle him into a hug.

"Hey cheer up!" Marie was first to speak,

"I'm fine..." Akio buried his face into his hands as he tilted his head up, he was quite eager to shake he girls off him but they didn't move.

"Should we go get you some Ben and jerrys," Riko mocked, but playfully rather than spitefully. "or beer, which would you prefer?"

"Neither thanks."

Max nudged him from behind, the only free space as the three girls were quite adamant on keeping him in the hug. "At least you told her,"

He nodded at that comment, at least now, in the nicest way, he could let his hope die, and maybe the feeling would eventually fade away.

"Yeah, don't feel bad!" Akira somehow nuzzled herself deeper into her brothers arm, "we can go do all your favourite things to make you feel better!!"

There was a soft laugh from Akio, "I'm fine," he used his free arm to ruffle his sisters hair. "Just want to go home I think."

"Let's do that then," Patience decided, motherly and with confidence. The three girls released him from that he saw as a smothering hug, Akira ran around her brother to hold her mums hand. "Lets go home, and don't you worry there are still plenty of fish in the sea."

"Let's just stop talking about this." Akio sighed, but there was a small laugh hidden behind it. He was comforted, if he didn't show it, that his mother, his sister and friends were all there for him right now. And he also knew they would be there for you too. He felt a little better as he left the guild, leaving just three alone in there.

"By the way, what did (y/n) want from you earlier?" Marie asked Riko, who stood on the other side of Max as they watched Akio and his family leave.

"Huh? Nothing really, wanted to borrow some clothes." Riko dismissed her question, very casually. Marie leaned back, unsatisfied, but did she have any right to challenge her about it?

"And where are your glasses?" Max added.

"Broke." Riko shrugged, "I can see fine though."

And that was all the questions she let them ask, before excusing herself out of exhaustion.

"You've only just got here..." Marie attempted to call her back, 'and I haven't seen you all day..."

Riko became sort of flustered by this, much to Max's amusement. She was almost convinced to stay, but turned around to smile at her crush.

"They'll be tomorrow."

And with that, Riko left leaving just Max and Marie.

"Well there's one thing left to do," Marie sighed, her attitude rising slightly. "I'm sure (y/n) isn't in the best mood right now... we should go check on her." Marie decided, and once she had, Max didn't have much to say, there was no guild leader powers that could stop him being dragged round to your apartment.


I've had this chapter written for weeks and never put it up? Soz guys, also officially done with school! (Well, until uni next year) so maybe they'll be more chapters soon. 

This chapter makes me sad maybe thats why i put off publishing it.

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