Retake *Discontinued*

By Hufflepuff7913

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In their past lives, Nie Li and Nie Tai were the strongest Demon-Spiritists and stood at the pinnacle of the... More

Chapter One: Could This Be?
Chapter Two: Simply a Frog
Chapter Three: I Dare Heaven and Hell to Try and Stop Me!
Chapter Four: Money Makes the World Spin
Chapter Five: In the Marketplace
Chapter Six: Grabbing Life by Its Horns
Chapter Seven: What Did You Do Brother?
Chapter Eight: Inscription Masters
Chapter Nine: Knowledge
Chapter Ten: An Unbelievable Revelation
Chapter Eleven: Out of the School, Into the Library
Chapter Twelve: True Talent
Chapter Thirteen: Heavenly God Cultivation Technique
Chapter Fourteen: Languages
Chapter Fifteen: Confrontation in the Library
Chapter Sixteen: The Meeting
A Day on the Beach (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter Seventeen: Training
Chapter Eighteen: One-Star Bronze-Ranks
Chapter Nineteen: Screaming Bloody Murder
Chapter Twenty: Medallion
Chapter Twenty-One: Travelling To the Ruins
Chapter Twenty-Two: Fox-Bears
Chapter Twenty-Three: Talking Trash
Chapter Twenty-Four: Gaining Sight
Chapter Twenty-five: Two-Star Bronze-Rank
Chapter Twenty-Six: Map-Gazing
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Target Practice
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Spiritual-Grade Demon-Beast
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Connection
Chapter Thirty: There are Two
Chapter Thirty-One: Rumination
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Sacred Family and the Dark Guild
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Alchemists' Association
Chapter Thirty-Four: The President
Chapter Thirty-Five: Preparation for the Exam
Chapter Thirty-Six: At the Arena of the Exam
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Holy Orchid Institute's Exam
An Annoucement
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Going Home
Chapter Thirty-Nine: First Demon-Spirit
Chapter Forty: Yun Hua Approaches
Chapter Forty-One: Nie Hai, the Patriarch
Chapter Forty-Two: Talking with the Patriarch, Nie Hai
Chapter Forty-Three: Director Yang and the Patriarch
Chapter Forty-Four: To the Treasure Auction
Chapter Forty-Five: During the Treasure Auction
Chapter Forty-Six: The Hong Yue Auction Continued
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Xuan Spirit Merchant Hall
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Nightmare Demon Pot
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Second Demon-Spirit
Chapter Fifty: The Heavenly Marks Treasury
Chapter Fifty-Two: Nie Tai's First Round
Chapter Fifty-Three: Nie Tai's Second Round
Chapter Fifty-Four: Nie Tai's Third Round
Chapter Fifty-Five: The First at the City Lord's Mansion
Chapter Fifty-Six: Under the Sky
Filler: There Were Fireworks
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Into the Heavenly Sacred Border
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Within the Heavenly Sacred Border
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Ribbons of Pandora
Chapter Sixty: Suitors
Chapter Sixty-One: Remember Your Place
Chapter Sixty-Two: The Suitor's Tournament
Chapter Sixty-Three: Back Into the City Lord's Estate
Announcement II

Chapter Fifty-One: The Tournament Grounds

332 12 15
By Hufflepuff7913

The sun was shining harshly over the Northern Martial Field, which was the sight of the tournament. There were several large tents outside the viewing stands that could sit tens of thousands of people. Within the tents, there were smaller competitions being held. The largest tent acted as a betting center and was fairly close to the tournament grounds.

The Heavenly Marks Family was sat in the northern section of the viewing stands near the Sacred Family. Nie Hai took a minute to calm himself, for in the past none would give his Family the light of day. Now, there was no shortage of those trying to curry favor with him.

"Ah, Little Sister Nie Tai, Little Brother Nie Li! It is wonderful to see you again!" Greeted Yang Xin, walking up to the twins with three elders of the Alchemist Association behind her. Smiling amicably, the twins returned the greeting.

"Big Sister Yang Xin! I'm happy to see that you were able to make it!" Replied Nie Li.

"Of course. When Patriarch Nie Hai sent the invitation, how could I refuse?" Asked Yang Xin rhetorically while giving a chance for the man to join the conversation. Soon, others from the Heavenly Marks Family joined the exchange with excitement. The growing group was gaining the jealous gazes of spectators who cursed themselves for not bothering with the Heavenly Marks Family in the past.

"Anyway, you two nearly got me killed with that treasure of yours. Surely, you will repay me for all the danger you put me in," said Yang Xin with a slight smirk.

Chuckling, Nie Tai replied, "Ah, I'm glad that you are safe! We definitely owe you a favor."

"Right," nodded Yang Xin good naturedly, "When is the tournament going to start? I'm getting bored. You are both going to participate, correct?"

"Of course," answered the twins simultaneously.

"Director Yang," sounded a male voice. Nie Tai turned to see an older man walking over with some following behind. She recognized him to be Shen Ming: the Main Affairs Elder of the Sacred Family. He kept his attention on Yang Xin, ignoring the twins, "I was not aware that you held an interest in material tournaments."

"While I'm not interested in the regular competitors, my adorable Little Sister Nie Tai and Little Brother Nie Li are participating. I plan to place a bet or two, in favor of them of course," said Yang Xin, "I even heard that the Sacred Family is the banker this year. Is that true?"

When she mentioned the twins so warmly, Shen Ming glanced at them with concealed worry in his eyes. He could not offend the Alchemist Association, and he was curious as to how the Heavenly Marks Family gained the politically powerful woman's favor. With the current market for elixirs, the Sacred Family was not a match for the Alchemist Association's resources. Shen Ming's smile became stressed and he said, "You have heard correctly."

"Ah, don't worry. I'm just playing around. I will bet solely on the twins, so you've nothing to worry about!" Assured Yang Xin.

Seeing a movement behind Shen Ming, Nie Tai noticed Shen Fei snarling at her brother. She almost laughed when Nie Li lightheartedly said, "Mister Shen! Long time no see!"

Growling, Shen Fei didn't bother to reply. If he had, then he might have saved himself some face as Nie Li continued, "You really are very friendly! Ning'er has often told me of how kind and generous you are!"

Nie Tai hid her snickers behind her hand as Shen Fei turned an ugly shade. Nie Li, however, wasn't finished, "Ning'er's cultivation has also been steadily increasing! It's pretty amazing! When I massaged her to rid her of the Arctic Disease, I never would have imagine how strong she would become; after all, her disease is almost cured. Oh, you still haven't thanked me for healing your fiance!"

"You bastard!" Roared Shen Fei. It would seem that the last word he heard was massage; Nie Tai guessed that Xiao Ning'er had not let Shen Fei touch her. Shen Fei's pride controlled his mind as he launched a punch towards Nie Li. Nie Tai noticed that Yang Xin was about to move, but the younger girl was faster. She stood slightly in front of her brother with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

Snapping, Shen Ming quickly grabbed Shen Fei's arm to prevent the irate teen from striking Yang Xin's favored and said, "Young Master! Please, don't be rash; the tournament will begin soon. As the Heavenly Marks Family is participating, perhaps Nie Li will be interested in a showdown with you."

Tearing his arm from Shen Ming's grasp, Shen Fei pushed his anger down as he glowered at the twins with pure hatred in his arrogant eyes. Repressing a smirk, Nie Li calmly said, "I'm not interested in fighting unless there's a bet."

"Is that so?" Asked Shen Ming with a patronizing glance.

"Of course, we'll be the bankers for this round. No matter how much the Sacred Family will bet, we'll match it. Be warned," Nie Tai paused after gaining Shen Ming's attention, "Don't make the bet too low. If it's low, we are not interested."

"Do you really have money to be the banker? I don't believe that the Heavenly Marks Family has enough," replied Shen Ming, frowning.

"Big Sister," sounded Nie Tai gaining the older woman's attention, "Do you think that we are unable to pay?"

Smirking, Yang Xin enjoyed Shen Ming's annoyed expression as she said, "If the twins cannot afford to play, I will naturally cover for them."

"Well, if Director Yang agrees, then I suppose we can have a couple games. The first will be between Young Masters Shen Fei and Nie Li; the bet will be twenty-five million," dared Shen Ming, meeting Nie Li's gaze.

"Twenty-five million?" Asked Nie Li, with a grin stretching over his face. Shen Fei's stomach dropped to his feet as Nie Li exuded an arrogance that only money could buy, "You really want to bet so little? Big Sister Yang Xin, is the Sacred Family poor?"

Dumbfounded, the Main Affairs Elder watched with growing apprehension as Yang Xin seriously informed, "Little Brother, that is considered to be quite the sum for this type of family."

"This type!" Thought Shen Ming and Shen Fei, "Since when was a Major Family that type?!"

Sighing, Nie Tai frowned, "If you guys really are that poor, I suppose we can play with you. When we win, we'll split the winnings with the audience."

"We?" Asked Shen Ming.

"Of course, surely you will organize a fight for me as well? Why else would I come to a martial arts tournament? Plus, I don't want a lesser bet than my brother. You can manage to bet twenty-five million for my match as well, right?" Replied Nie Tai frankly.

Slightly taken back by her words, Shen Ming said, "Yes! We will play for fifty million total the first round. If you two are still willing to continue afterwards, then we will discuss it further."

"That's no issue. As long as you are willing, we will play. No matter what the bet is, my sister and I will be the bankers!" Assured Nie Li. His confidence was beginning to annoy Shen Ming.

With faux politeness, Shen Ming said, "Thank goodness that you two are really straightforward. Who will be the witness for this? That is, other than Director Yang?"

"I volunteer," interrupted a familiar voice. Nie Tai's grin widened as Chen Linjian approached. Shen Ming's smile fell slightly as he took in the One-Star Gold-Rank aura that he slightly gave off.

"Thank you, Linjian. Elder Shen Ming, let's include the rest of the family's while we're at it!" Announced Nie Tai, her voice carrying over to the nearby spectators, who quickly started whispering amongst themselves.

"This will quickly spread across the arena. Phase One is complete," ruminated Nie Tai, her confidence reverberating through her tone. She saw Nie Li nod slightly out of the corner of her eye, but remained focused on Shen Ming's arrogant expression. Shen Ming quickly left after placing his bet; before he did so, he told Nie Tai that he would find a suitable opponent for her with a confident grin on his face.

"Oh, Linjian. Here, this is for you. Be sure to make this demon-spirit yours!" Informed Nie Tai with a smile. She turned to the slightly older male and handed him an Earth attribute demon-spirit.

He looked closely at the creature and asked, "What is this? I don't recognize it?"

"It's a Tombed Fox. It's an Earth attribute that is rather quick and hits hard; not to mention, it has a God growth-rate," answered Nie Tai.

Chen Linjian glanced at her face and back to the creature. Nodding, he replied, "Okay, I'll be sure to replace my current demon-spirit with this tonight. My current demon-spirit does not have an Earth attribute. What is a God growth-rate?"

"I'll tell you later, that's not important now. Be sure to bet on me and Xiao Li," ordered Nie Tai in a joking manner.

"Who else would I bet on? I pity your opponents," said Chen Linjian seriously. There were several other bets open; Nie Tai didn't pay attention to them and let Nie Li handle it. The maximum of a bet was six million demon-spirit coins, so Nie Tai reasoned that he wouldn't waste too much money.

"Are you fighting today?" Questioned Nie Tai.

"No, tomorrow. I heard that the Heavenly Marks and Sacred Families were going head to head; naturally, I had to come and check it out," replied Chen Linjian cheekily.

As the two were talking, the noble could feel a murderous glare on him. He covertly glanced around before noticing the origin: Nie Ming. Chen Linjian quickly reasoned that this was Nie Tai's father based on the facial similarities and the bright orange hair; turning back to Nie Tai, he tried to ignore the daggers aiming for the back of his head.

"Oh, don't take any Demon Spirit Strengthening Pills, ever," said Nie Tai seriously. Chen Linjian quickly agreed and turned to the arena when loud cheers started in the audience. With a feral grin, Nie Tai whispered, "It's beginning."

Nie Li walked confidently onto the stage; Nie Tai cheered loudly for her brother. She ruminated, "Be sure to hide your strength; we don't want the Sacred Family to go running so quickly."

"Who do you take me for? Prepare for a show, Sister," replied Nie Li before cutting off the rumination channel.

Seeing Shen Fei try to fight Nie Li without merging with his demon-spirit, Nie Tai let out a short, barking laugh. Chen Linjian looked at her curiously; waving off his puzzlement, she watched Nie Li merge with the Fanged Panda. For a short moment, the arena was quiet. Then, laughter was heard; many jeered at her brother, but Nie Tai watched as Nie Li dash forward.

Shen Fei wasn't expecting the Fanged Panda to be powerful, so he didn't merge with his own demon-spirit. Nie Tai's smile grew as the unsuspecting male failed to properly assess his situation. Shen Fei prepared to meet Nie Li's blow but failed spectacularly; a loud smack resounded across the arena and Shen Fei fell heavily to the ground.

Once again, the arena was silent. Then, sounds of opposition started up; Nie Tai could hear irate voices calling out how unfair it was for Shen Fei since he didn't merge with his demon-spirit, others wondered if Shen Fei intended to lose, but none seemed to suspect that Nie Li had great strength.

Some ruffians from the Sacred Family started shouting, "How despicable! Not only did that brat merge with a trashy Fanged Panda, but he also struck someone who wasn't even merged with his own demon-spirit. How low can the Heavenly Marks Family get?"

A few of the younger generation loudly replied, "What did he do wrong? How is it Nie Li's fault that Shen Fei is an idiot?"

Chen Linjian looked at Nie Tai's smirk and realized that the twins had planned this. With a quiet voice, he leaned closer and asked, "How much will you hide?"

With confidence dripping in her tone, she replied, "That's not the proper question. You should be asking when will they realize how utterly outclassed they are?"

Leaning back, Chen Linjian laughed heartily at her proud grin. The pair didn't notice Nie Kai holding Nie Ming in his seat, nor the amused eyes of Yang Xin. Looking back towards the arena, Nie Tai said, "Well, that's unexpected. Shen Fei actually has the face to try and stand back up."

Following her gaze, Chen Linjian watched Shen Fei roar with rage coating his voice. A spectral image of a Scarlet Black Tiger appeared behind him. A Scarlet Black Tiger was a strong demon-spirit; that rang true especially for this one because it was at One-Star Black-Gold Rank.

Nie Tai tsked in annoyance as Shen Fei took forever to merge with his demon-spirit. She could hear her father, Nie Hai, and the others call for Nie Li to surrender; suddenly, for the third time, the arena was silent after another smack reverberated throughout the arena. It would appear the Nie Li launched a palm towards Shen Fei as the teen was in the middle of merging with his demon-spirit.

Sighing, Nie Tai sighed, "That is a bit too shameless, Brother."

Chuckling, Chen Linjian said, "At the very least, it was entertaining."

"I'm glad you thought so," replied Nie Tai unhurriedly.

A loud shout brought their attention behind them, "The Heavenly Marks Family is far too shameless! What have you been teaching your younger generation?"

A younger elder of the Heavenly Marks Family replied, "Have we violated any tournament rules? No! Isn't Shen Fei being too much of an idiot? He's a demon-spiritist that didn't bother to merge with his demon-spirit! When he finally did merge, he did so with his back to his opponent!"

Shen Ming stood with a red face; he opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Yang Xin, "Main Affairs Elder Shen Ming, could it be that you can't afford to lose?"

Calming down, Shen Ming sat back down without replying; it was obvious that Shen Ming planned to punished Shen Fei for the teen's inadequacy later when the match was over. Nie Tai looked back to the arena as Nie Li knelt by Shen Fei's head. She couldn't hear him, but she reckoned that it was something that Shen Fei did not want to hear. Her guess proved correct as Shen Fei roared again and tried to merge with his demon-spirit.

She heard whispers of the power of the Scarlet Black Tiger's powerful flames. She disregarded their comments as Nie Li was standing comfortably in the fire. She watched as Nie Li patiently waited until Shen Fei was almost finished merging; she watched as Nie Li lifted his chubby panda leg and sent a harsh, brutal kick on Shen Fei's back. That wasn't the end of the match; Nie Li kicked Shen Fei again with more force.

As Nie Li prepared to kick the teen for the third tiem, Shen Ming called out, "The Sacred Family contestant surrenders!"

Heyo! I hope you've enjoyed the chapters. Please tell me what you thought!

Sometimes, I hate having dogs. They get into stuff that's bad for them (like dehydrated onions) and then need to go to the vet. If it tastes bad (like dehydrated onions) why would they eat it?

Anyway, have a nice day! :D

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