Chapter Fifty-Eight: Within the Heavenly Sacred Border

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"Silence!" Bellowed Ye Yan, remnants of his power sending harmless ripples through the twins' soul realms, "How dare you speak to me in such a manner! Your cultivation techniques mean nothing if you don't have someone to guide you in them! As a Legend Rank Spiritist, I have such knowledge to do so!"

"Really?" Laughed Nie Li cheekily, "Then answer this: how can a demon-spirit be integrated?"

"Oh, that's an unfair question, brother," thought Nie Tai with a smile. Ye Yan gave a shallow response to the question, not truly answering it. An individual was only able to integrate with a demon-spirit due to an attribute, or trait to be more precise, that would awaken within their soul realm upon reaching Silver Rank. The possession of the trait determined whether or not one could house a demon-spirit; this is also why there are some who are unable─or find it extremely difficult─to integrate with a demon-spirit.

Chuckling at Ye Yan's response, Nie Li replied, "If you are willing to become by student, I will ensure that you actually learn something; though, no student of mine should be satisfied or proud of remaining within the Legend Rank for a thousand years; it would be disgraceful," before Ye Yan could argue, Nie Li continued, "Anyway, since you're not completely dispersed, I could probably find a way to give your body back to you."

There was a moment of quiet as Ye Yan absorbed this information, "I could have a body? All that I would have to do was to be your student?"

"Sure, why not. You could be useful on this continent," replied Nie Li offhandedly.

"You rotten brat! Treat me with some respect!" Snarled Ye Yan, distracted from his thoughts.

Nie Tai stopped listening to their squabbling then; she agreed that Ye Yan could prove useful, if only for a short time. Returning to her cultivation, she quietly trained. Sadly, she was interrupted by Ye Yan, who had discovered her, "You seem very talented, would you like to be my disciple? I am a founder of Glory City: Ye Yan!"

Stunned, she opened her eyes to see a wispy shape of an old man floating in front of her. The first thought that ran through her mind was, "Does he have no shame?"

Chuckling, she replied, "Since you had no luck with my brother, you decided to come to me?"

The ghost moved erratically in the air before answering, "Your brother?"

"You can see the state of souls, correct?" Asked Nie Tai, without waiting for an answer, "Do you see nothing odd about mine? Or Xiao Li's? I'm not going to be a disciple of some thick-skinned ignoramus."

"Igno-How dare you! I should have known you brats were related! How are your souls connected!?" Demanded the ghost, bouncing quickly from one subject to another.

"Figure it out, oh powerful Legend Rank Demon Spiritist. I'm sure that someone of your caliber knows far more than I on such a subject," answered Nie Tai, her sarcasm causing the ghost to bristle. Without bothering to wait for him to reply, she began to start cultivating, but was stopped by Ye Yan quietly asking.

"How can you two use the same cultivation technique so differently?" Gone was the arrogance in his voice, all that was left was the need for knowledge.

Smirking, Nie Tai replied, "Because, wind doesn't blow one way and blood goes to and from the heart; knowing that, why is it so hard to believe that there are multiple paths to the same destination?"

Ye Yan was silent and left Nie Tai to cultivate silently. Her peace went uninterrupted for about ten minutes when Nie Li called out with a voice laced with soul force, "You old coot! Ning'er, don't listen to this senile ghost! Your Lightning Dragon cultivation technique is better than any of what he has!"

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