But Who's Counting?

By wowdaisy

316K 12.6K 3K

"I'm pregnant with your child, Alex." Sophia was determined on convincing Alexander that besides her being pr... More

Chapter One: "Happy Birthday!"
Chapter Two: "Hell yes!"
Chapter Three: "Deal!"
Chapter Four: "Abortion."
Chapter Five: "Baby."
Chapter Six: "Control."
Chapter Seven: "Mamas,"
Chapter Eight: "Nicole."
Chapter Nine: "The Grinch."
Chapter Ten: "Merry Christmas!"
Chapter Eleven: "Pack your shit."
Chapter Twelve: "I'm jealous."
Chapter Thirteen: "Who is that?"
Chapter Fourteen: "Hold me."
Chapter Fifteen: "Your face."
Chapter sixteen: "They're kicking!"
Chapter Seventeen: "Just friends."
Chapter Eighteen: "Family dinner."
Chapter Nineteen: "Family Dinner cont."
Chapter Twenty: "Are you drunk?"
Chapter Twenty-One: "She's mine."
Chapter Twenty-two: "Just like you."
Chapter Twenty-three: "Basketball and Ice Cream."
Chapter Twenty-Four: "Vodka."
Chapter Twenty-Five: "Cravings."
Chapter Twenty-Six: "I'm calling the police."
Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Bash your skull in."
Chapter Twenty-Eight: "Who's is this?"
Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Relationship status."
Chapter Thirty: "Change your outfit."
Chapter Thirty-One: "Cinnabon."
Chapter Thirty-Two: "Sophia's Family."
Chapter Thirty-three: "Buddy System."
Chapter Thirty-Four: "Pool."
Chapter Thirty-Five: "Dumbo."
Chapter Thirty-Six: "Surprise!"
Chapter Thirty-Seven: "Shorty."
Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Wedding Bells."
Chapter Thirty-Nine: "Thor."
Chapter Forty: "Welcome home!"
Chapter Forty-Two: "You deserve to be happy."
Chapter Forty-Three: "Call Daddy."
Chapter Forty-Four: "Mommy's not happy."
Chapter Forty-Five: "Being loved."
Chapter Forty-Six: "She said what?"
Chapter Forty-Seven: "Here goes nothing."
Chapter Forty-Eight: "Unbelievable."
Chapter Forty-Nine: "You're stupid."
Chapter Fifty: "Alexander the Maniac."
Chapter Fifty-One: "Nose rings."
Chapter Fifty-One 1/2: "Jaisiah and Jalen."
Chapter Fifty-Two: "Moving like a sloth."
Chapter Fifty-Three: "Adult Brownies."
Chapter Fifty-Four: "That's not his pacifier."
Chapter Fifty-Five: "Water balloons."
Chapter Fifty-Six: "Baby gravy."
Chapter Fifty-Seven: "Happy Birthday!"
plan b(aby)
Bonus Chapter
Chapter Fifty-Eight: "August 23rd."
Official Sequel #1 Sneakpeek
Official Sequel #2 Sneakpeek

Chapter Forty-One: "Five weeks."

3.8K 167 24
By wowdaisy

Goal: 20 vote and 5 comments.
Last time jump: Two weeks
We have all spent the last two weeks adjusting to our new home and transferring things from our old apartments to our shared one. Alex and I both decided to keep our old apartments. There was no reason for me to bring everything I had from my old apartment and I really had no space for it here. We had all the furniture we needed, my clothes were all here, and that was just about all.

Alexander had all of his stuff that he said he wanted. The only thing that his old apartment had was furniture and dishes. When Anthony stocked our new apartment with food, he also went out a got all new dishes. He stocked the bathroom with all different types of toiletries. Whoever saw him buyin as much toothpaste and toilet paper as he did would have probably thought he had a issue.

In more ways than one.

Maya had all of her stuff in her new room and barely came out. She absolutely loved it. Alex went out and bought her some bins to keep it more organized and that was all she would do, reorganize the bins and whatnot.

In the two weeks since we have officially lived together in our own home, I have learned a few new things.

While I could only speak two languages, English and partially Spanish, the Parkers could both speak more then two. They were both basically fluent in the languages as well.

Besides from english, Maya could speak Spanish, French, American Sign Language, Italian, and Latin. Alexander said that the ASL is from when she was a baby, he and his mother both taught her some minor things. They always taught the infants simple sign language. Then, she had a ear infection that went unnoticed, which caused her eardrkms to close or something like that... I can't remember the story. Long story short, though, she went deaf for a extended period of time so Alexander decided to just teach her the rest of ASL. She picked up on spanish and Italian by herself. She was always around Chance and Alex, who needed to speak the language to get some potential clients. He said French was because his grandparents would only speak French whenever they came to visit. Maya has no choice but to learn. Latin was because she just wanted to know.

I can't even imagine being only three years old and being as talented as Maya is.

Since then, Maya has been attempting to teach me ASL and finish up on some Spanish. She said she used a app to learn Latin and maybe I could learn Spanish like that. So she downloaded the app on my phone and reminded me everyday to do it. So now, we have a special time dedicated to after she comes home from daycare for learning a new language. She works on the app as well, freshening up on the languages she already knows.

Alexander has basically made me homebound. I was in the final month of my pregnancy which, in his mind, made me invalid.

Anthony dropped Maya off and picked her up from daycare now. He would come around at 9, have breakfast with us, sometimes he comes back and hangs out with me, and then he picks Maya up and then always stays until dinner. Andrew has come over a couple of times, he was here now.

He was quite fun company and I could finally tell the difference between the triplets.

Alexander: he was obviously my boyfriend and pretend fiancée. He had a nose ring on the left nostril. He doesn't wear it often but it's there. His hair is always falling over his face, in a man bun, or combed through. If he wasn't wearing a suit, it was sweatpants and a hoodie. I don't think I can ever recall him wearing jeans. He had a nice laugh and always knew when to be serious but also knew when to laugh. He loved bickering with people because he knows it gets on their nerves.

Anthony: He has a nose piercing in the right nostril. He twisted it around a lot when he was talking, but would pull it in and out when he was nervous. His curly hair was usually tamed and kept at a certain length. You may find him with a bandanna tied around his head or a headband. He almost always wears a black nike jacket with PARKER plastered across the back of it. He was very flirtatious and joked around a lot. He was the most child like out of the three. He could easily switch from being the nice and funny guy to being the serious guy. All the brother were like that. They could easily become the mean and scary guy in the switch of a second. He did like to talk about the girl he had last night though. He said he's been seeing the same one for a couple a days now; which apparently is a new record for him.

Andrew: he was the oldest of the three. He was also the most serious. Around other people he may seem stuck up or rude, but when he was with family he was perfectly fine. He liked to joke like the rest of his brothers. He wasn't around as much but he has been around now, due to Alexander demands. He did not have any piercing except his ears pierced. He was always wearing basketball shorts; he works out a lot. He usually runs over to our place from wherever. He said it's only a twenty minute run, which isn't really bad if your in New York but it just couldn't be me. His hair always looked like it was fresh out of the bed, messy and wild. Maya describes him as stricter, only because he makes her eat properly unlike his brother, Anthony.

I appreciate and love them all, dearly.

So now, Andrew and Anthony were accompanying me to the grocery store. Alex didn't want me to leave the house but I hate being confined into one place so I told him I was going to the grocery store. Of course I had no reason to go and he wasn't happy about that but made sure I bring the two tall ass bodyguards with me.

"I'll grab some cookie dough, Andrew go get some mangoes, Anthony go get some cereal; Frosted Flakes." I point them in different directions. Andrew gives me a pointed stare while Anthony glances between the two of us.

"Hurry up; it'll be like you never left if you run." I say, pushing the cart forward and leaving them behind. When I turn back around, both of them are gone. I let out a sigh before going to the dairy aisle. I scan up and down for the cookie dough I was looking for; chocolate chip.

I know it's Alex's favorite kind and Maya preferred Oreos but would still eat chocolate chip cookies if she had the chance.

I grab the cookie dough and push my cart forward to grab a cartoon of milk when my phone buzzes. I reach into the cart while pushing it forward while reading the notification.

Missed call from Alex

New text from Alex:

can you please answer your phone?

I type back that I can't currently and say I will call him back later.

"Be careful," a voice says, making my head snap back up. The brown hair made it obvious who it was and before I knew it, I was trying my best to hug him.

"You're fucking huge," he says, attmeptingti hug me from the side since the barrier was too big.

"And your stomach is low as fuck. When are you due?"

"Five weeks." I smile. He leans against the freezer as we begin a conversation. The babies begin to kick, making me touch the area.

"They're kicking? Probably because they hear their uncles voice."

"Oh shut up."

"I haven't seen you in forever."

"I know... we just got back from California a couple weeks ago and then we ended up moving into an apartment together. I haven't been back to my old place since." I say, shrugging at him. He smiles at me.

"I'm glad to see you're happy. It looks good on you."

"Thank you. You look like you woke up on the right side of the bed this morning... who did you sleep with?"

"Not Crissy, that's for sure." He bites out and I flinch at the name. I had nearly forgotten about her. I'd been so happy lately, I hadn't even been thinking about her.

"I've for-"

"Let's go, Sophia."

"Hey Alex," David says, waving at Anthony. "Woah, there's two of him." He mumbles to himself while I face two of the triplets that were glaring at David.

"There's three of them. Alex isn't here. David this is Andrew, Andrew this is David. David this is Anthony, Anthony this is David; Alex's identical brothers. Triplets."

I introduce while Andrew shoves his items inside the cart. Anthony is on the phone, nodding at whoever he's speaking to.

"You have to deal with three of them, whew. I thought one was enough." David jokes before giving me another hug. I hug him back before he promises to call me later. I nod as he walks away.

I missed him.

"Here," Anthony says, shoving his phone in my hand and grabbing my wrist. Andrew pushes the cart forward while Anthony forces me to follow. I press the phone to my ear. "Hello?"


I should have known.

"Yes baby?" I say as sweetly and sarcastic as I can. Alex lets out a chuckle as Anthony lets go of me and allows me to walk on my own.

"Why can't you answer your phone?"

"I'm grocery shopping."

"Talking to David?" He wuestions while I send a glare to Anthony.


Anthony laughs before grabbing a random thing off the shelf and throwing it into the cart.

"I ran into him, yes."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Do you want anything?"

"For you to answer my phone calls," he says, something beginning to tap in the background. I roll my eyes before saying bye and passing the phone back to its owner.

By the time I'm actually paying attention, we are at the checkout having our items scanned. Andrew is standing at the end, placing the bags into the cart while Anthony mumbles a few words to his brother. He nods before hanging up.

"Can we hurry up because I have to pick up my niece." Anthony says as the cashier rings up the last item. As I take out my card, Anthony slides his, which looks a lot like Alex's, before beginning to flirt with the cashier.

She easily gives in, giving him his number in less than two minutes. We walk out while Anthony talks about beating his record for getting a girls number. Before it took him three minutes, this one was a minute and thirty seconds.

"Didn't you say you were fooling around with that girl? Daniella?"

"Yeah, she's not gonna work for me. I'm single again." He says as we walk back to the car. He unlocks it and grabs the bags and throws them into the trunk while Andrew and I go in to sit. I sit in the back seat while the two brothers sit in the front.

"You were never not single." Andrew points out. Anthony shrugs before agreeing with him. "I guess you're right. We need to go get maya though, we're already ten minutes late." He breathes out, pulling out of his spot.

"Are ya nervous?" Anthony questions, looking at me through the rearview mirror as he drove.

Nervous about what? Picking up Maya?

I ask him about what and he replies with a annoyed tone.

"Giving birth stupid."

"Clarify that next time idiot." I reply back while Andrew chuckles.

"Are you?" Andrew presses this time and I nod.

"Of course I'm nervous, I'm pushing two watermelons out of a hole that's the size of a grape. My vagina will be ripped." I say, looking at the brothers as if they were insane. I was giving birth to two children that I would have to watch and nurture for the rest of my life. Of course that makes me nervous.

Them coming out and not being healthy, makes me nervous.

Them not coming out, makes me nervous.

This whole situation is making me nervous.

I try to ignore it because at the end of the day it's a 1/3 chance they come out perfectly healthy. We just have to pray for the right 33%.

"Ouch. Good luck with that. I can't wait to meet my nephews. There are way too many girls in this family."

"Why don't you have kids of your own?"

"Are you willing to be the lucky woman?" Anthony questions. I roll my eyes as he pulls into Maya's daycare lot.

"No, twat." I say as he parks the car. "Then I'm not interested. I'm still younger and I don't see anybody suitable to be my child's mother. Then again, if you're offering..."

"Don't worry, I'm not." I say. The car fills with a soothing silence. Anthony is twisting a curl around his finger while his brother taps away at his phone.. I'm not doing anything besides looking at all the little kids waiting outside with their small book bags. We are waiting for Maya to come to the car.

I glance around even more and see Maya and a little boy. She was glaring at him while he played with her hand. He said something to her that made her laugh before a teacher got her attention. She waved at the boy before grabbing her book bag and running towards the car. I lean over and push open the door, allowing her to climb in. She shuts it behind her and sits in her car seat.

"Hi everybody!"her happy voice fills the car.

"Who's that?"

"Justin. He's my friend. He's mean sometimes but then he's nice. He said he's my bodyguard."

"What?" Andrew says, squinting at the little boy. "That's the boy that made you cry." He pointed out as Anthony drives.

"When we were at the park with Chance?" Anthony asks, lookin back at the kids. Andrew nods before looking back at his niece. She shrugs before smiling.

"He doesn't make me cry anymore, I said he's nice." She says, finally getting her seatbelt on correctly.

I remember her speaking about Justin a couple of times, I vaguely remember her saying how Justin told everybody not to play with her.

"How was everybody's day?" Maya asks, kicking her feet.

"Fine." Both brothers respond.

"Boring." I say jokingly.

"Boring? Don't ever insult me like that." Anthony barks back at me, causing Maya to giggle while I shake my head.

"Uncle Tony and Uncle Drew, why are you both even here?"

"We hung out with Soph for the day."


"Because we wanted to."


"Because we love our sister in law very dearly."

"Did you guys know that the babies are coming soon? Only this many more weeks." She says, holding up five fingers. She smiles widely at me before looking out the window. "I'm excited."

"Me too."

"Me three."

"I hope one is a boy. I like boys now."

"What changed your mind?"

"No you don't."

"Shut up, Uncle Tony, yes I do. And my friends and Daddy."

"What about me?"

"And Uncle Drew," she smiles, kicking her feet. "We can have one boy and one girl. Then, Daddy has somebody to play with and Mama and I can share Marie, that's my sisters name. Actually, that's her middle name. Her first name is going to be something else. I think Marie is a nice middle name, right? My middle name is Elizabeth and I hate it. It makes me want to vomit. Like Amaya, I like Maya, without the A. But Nana said I have to have the A. It's stupid." She rambles as Anthony begins speeding down the road. We are home in three minutes and now, Andrew was helping Maya out the car while Anthony grabs the groceries. There was only two bags and he denied my offer to help when I offered.

We get to our front door, on the third floor, and see Alex banging his head against the wall.

"It's only took you guys three years." He groans, grabbing the keys from my hand before giving me a slight kiss.


"Actually, it didn't take us three years because if it did, our babies would be three and I would be six. Daddy, you're wrong."

"Exactly Maya, Tell him what's up." Anthony says as Alexander pushes the door open. We all trail behind him and Anthony goes straight to the kitchen with the groceries.

Maya runs up the stairs with her book bag, returning not even a minute later without it. Andrew makes himself at home, plopping onto the couch.

"Why are you home so early?"

"I finished my meetings early. Got all my deals." Alexander answers, grabbing my hand as I begin to go up the stairs. I give him a pointed look while he smirks and glances at the his brothers.

"Nope! Please, no sexy time while I'm here!" Anthony yells, earning a pillow chucked at him. I unlatch Alexander's hand before heading up the stairs, leaving him to bicker with his brothers.

I just wanted to change out of my clothes since I was beginning to burn up. I just wanted to put some shorts and a cami shirt on and call it a day.

I get to my room..

Our room.

It still feels so odd saying our room instead of Alexander's room or my room.

I was still getting used to it.

Our room has two closets, Alexander takes up one and half of mine. I allowed him to use mine since I was also using a dresser for my clothes.

I quickly throw of my shirt and slip a cami over my sports bra. I've had to buy four new seats of bras because my boobs have grown so much. Alexander said it was like a pillow since he just loved to lay on my chest, sometimes my lap. He was like a big baby himself.

Once we were alone, he was always on me. When Anthony was around he'd always attempt to touch me but Anthony teases him endlessly about it. He doesn't even attempt to do it in front of Andrew; its times ten more endless hours of calling him a baby. Him being the younger brother doesn't help his case.

I take off my leggings just as Alexander walks into the room.

"Please continue the strip show." He jokes, beginning to unbutton his own shirt.

"Oh shut up." I say, flinging my sweatpants at him. I sit down on the bed, attempting to put my pants on. My stomach was so big that I couldn't even see my toes anymore. If I was taller, Alexander's height maybe, then I wouldn't even be able to see Maya if she stood underneath me.

My stomach had since lowered, which was a sign that I would give birth soon. We don't know how soon soon is but we know I only have five more weeks. Hopefully I make it in the next four weeks, which would make me full term.

"Do you need help?"

"No... I got it," I say, still attempting to get them up. Yeah, this was definitely getting harder.

Alexander took matters into his own hands, getting on his knees in front of me and assisting me.. shirtless. He kisses my thighs after he pulls the shorts up before giving me a pointed look.

"You're glowing today."

"You look cute,"

"I'm not cute... handsome? maybe. sexy? Of course. Amaya is cute. Sebastian is cute. I'm not cute."

"Okay cutie," I tease as he stands up, going into our closet and pulling out a plain black t-shirt. I can see his back flex as he slips it over his frame. He drops his pants and picks them up, leaving him in his boxers as he puts the slacks into the basket.

"Babe, what do you want for dinner?"

"I'm not really hungry." I reply as he pulls up some gym shorts. He exits the closet and closes the door, giving me a pointed look. "Let's try this again, what do you want for dinner?"

"Ask Maya." I instruct. "She said lobster with macaroni and cheese."

"Okay, what's wrong with that?"

"We don't have lobster. Tough luck."

"Buy some."

"Choose something we have in our house." He says, opening the bathroom door. He closes it behind him as a pounding comes at the bedroom door.


"I said no sexy time! Why's the door locked? We don't lock doors in this house!" Anthony says, banging on the door. I stand and waddle over.

I didn't realize that Alex locked the door behind him. I unlock it and swing it open, seeing Anthony with a pointed look.

"Nope, come with me young lady." He says, grabbing my forearm. "Alexander Makai! I'm taking your girl! We don't approve of the inappropriate actions taking place under this roof!" Anthony yells.

I roll my eyes as he guides me down the stairs and onto the couch, in between Andrew and Maya.

"Can you at least go get my phone?" I ask as Andrew reaches over and give Maya her phone.

"So what's for dinner, lil' sis." Andrew says, draping his arm around my shoulder. I shrug while Maya puts out suggestions.



"I'm telling Nana you said her lasagna is nasty." Maya says, shaking her head at her uncle. Andrew shakes his head at his niece mumbling about he doesn't know when he said his mother's lasagna was nasty.

"How about subway? I haven't had subway in a long time." She says, sliding off the couch and grabbing her iPad off the table. Andrew and Alex both come down the stairs. Alex has both his and I's phone in his hand.

"Maya, I can beat your ass in Uno."

"Swear jar. Anyways, no you can't. I still have my cards out from when we played before I went to daycare." Maya says as Anthony withdraws a bill from his pocket. He flings it towards the table, a frown on his face. "Everybody in this damn room curses like a sailor and you only call me out on it,"

"Swear jar!" Everybody in the room laughs in unison as Anthony groans, putting another bill on the table as he grabs the Uno cards. He shuffles the cards while Maya grabs the bills and goes to the kitchen, where our swear jar was. There was easily already a hundred dollars in there from both Alex and I, and then Anthony.

"Let's play some Uno. Are we doing teams?"Andrew asks as his younger brother deals the cards. Alexander sits next to me while Maya sits on the other side of me.

"No because if we do teams, everybody is going to put me with Uncle Anthony because he always loses." Maya pouts as Anthony gives out the last card. He slaps his cards on the table before standing.

"I'll be right back, don't touch my ducking cards. I didn't even curse that time either, I said ducking." He says before sprinting to the bathroom.

Andrew and Alexander immediately surge forwards, one brother grabbing the Uno stack and the other grabbing Anthony's cards. They quickly exchange Anthony's cards with all regular cards before dealing all of us some reverses, draw 2s and 4s, and skips. Alexander grabs my hand and switches out some of my cards before doing the same to Maya's.

They hear the toilet flush and quickly begin to make it look like nobody did anything. Maya plays on her phone with her cards sitting on her thighs while Alex and Andrew act like nothing happened and complaining about how their cards suck.

"Don't hate the dealer, hate the game. Who's going first?" Anthony asks as he returns, flicking his wet hands across all of us. He earns a few groans as we begin the game.

The game starts with Maya, who immediately put down her skip.

"Thanks Maya," I tease as Alexander goes, putting down a reverse. I go and put down a four, so nothing seems too suspicious.

The game continues with Andrew putting down a draw two and everybody else putting down draw twos until it gets to Anthony, who has no choice but to draw eight cards. He does so with a groan before Andrew goes again.

The game countines until we all have one or two cards left and Anthony has seven.

"Y'all are cheating."

"How are we cheating? We haven't even been talking?" Maya questions, putting down a card. "Uno!" She cheers. While Andrew and Alexander share some chuckles.

"Hm." Anthony says, placing down a card before looking at me. His stare was getting harder as it became my turn to finally go.

"Go Sophia."

"I am."

"What's in your hand?"
I only had two cards left, a draw two and a wild.
I feel both Maya and Alex peer over my shoulders, peeking at my cards. I hold them against my chest before rolling my eyes.

"You can't look at my cards,"

"Stop showing me!" Alex says, while Maya giggles and flashes her card at me. It's a draw two.

Oh this smart little girl.

I put down my draw two, saying Uno, and immediately Maya slams down her draw two, saying Uno our whole Anthony glares at us. He throws his cards onto the table before falling back and laying on the floor.

"Y'all expect me to believe that you aren't cheating! I didn't have a single good card! Drew said his hand was ass but he hasn't put down a normal card since we started! Alex has been peering over Sophia's shoulder the whole time and I don't know what Sophia and Maya are doing but I just know you're cheating."

"We aren't." Maya's eyebrows furrow. "You just suck."

"Exactly," Alex and Andrew both say while I laugh. The triplets begin bickering while Maya boasts about how she won.

"Uncle Anthony, I thought you said you can beat my ass in uno?" She stands, putting her small hands on her hips as we all turn towards her.

"Swear jar!" Anthony says, laughing at his niece.

"Maya, don't say that."

"Maya, watch your mouth or you can go to your room for the rest of the night." Alex scolds, grabbing the cards from everybody so he can shuffle for a new game.

"Sorry Daddy." Maya says before jumping onto Anthony. He falls back onto the floor while they both giggle and tickle each other.

"Okay, lets start a new game. Loser pays for dinner."
hi everybody this sucks i know but i just wanted to say i love you guys so much, okay? okay.

vote and comment please 💕.


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