
By hagreen6

130K 4K 1.7K

Cassie Quinn, now a Senior in college has her life figured out. She's smart and funny with the heart to match... More

1| Introductions
2| Super Sushi
3| Broken Home
4| And So It Begins
5| Crash
6| Doctor for a Day
7| The Power of Hugs
8| Uphill Battle
9| Safe Haven
10| Accident Magnet
11| Wash it All Away
12| First Night
14| SOS
15| Good Eats
16| Smooth Sailing
17| Swinging Axes
18| Sinking
19| Theres Comfort in Conversation
20| Nightmares
21| Just a BDF
22| Hungover
23| Dark and Stormy
24| How Men Kill Time
25| Self-Defense
26| Reflexes and Rescues
27| Magic Mike
28| What Lies Below
29| Panicked
30| Wrench in the Plan
31| Family Feuds
32| Stronger Together
33| When Sickness Strikes
34| Goin' on a Ginger Hunt
35| Feelings for you (pt. 1)
36| Feelings For You (pt. 2)
37| Invasion
38| Repercussions
39| Ammunition
40| New Normal
41| Thin Ice
42| Great Escape (pt. 1)
43| Great Escape (pt. 2)
44| Where It All Began
45| The Final Bullet
46| Greatest Adventure
47| Have Some Faith
48| We're Here
49| Survivors
50| Family Reunions
51| Always and Forever a BDF
52| Statements and Affirmations
53| Nothing Fun About Goodbye
54| Home Sweet Home
55| Bonfire's and Fireball
Author's Note

13| Hunting Party

2.7K 80 31
By hagreen6

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of the rock door sliding. I opened my eyes just a little to see the early morning sunrise shine through the door. It must have been about 6:30 in the morning since the sun wasn't fully up yet. I mentally groaned at how early it was and decided to roll over and go back to sleep with my warm, hard pillow.

Wait a second... this is not a pillow... It's Jake!

It wasn't that I didn't remember what happened last night. I just thought it was a dream, or at the very least that he wouldn't have spent the entire night cuddling me. As we were now, my face was pressed into his chest and his arms were around me. I had to admit, it was nice waking up so close to him, but I wanted to know who was outside already and why.

I slowly eased myself out of Jake's grasp, being very careful not to wake him. I sat up and stretched my body slowly. My entire body ached and I felt like I had been hit by a bus.

Or like you just survived a plane crash, my subconscious reminded me.

I looked around to see most of the guys were still asleep but I couldn't tell how many were already outside. I slowly rose to my foot, being extra careful of my ankle. I hopped my way to the door, trying my best to avoid the sleeping bodies. When I made it outside, I took a look around and spotted Derek standing a little ways away, staring out at the water.

Now was my chance to talk to him about what he said yesterday regarding who I reminded him of, and also what he meant about Jake.

I began to hop towards him, not very gracefully I may add. I was about halfway there when I realized this may not have been the best decision. I started to wobble when I hit uneven terrain, and before I had time to even curse at myself, I hit the ground with a thud.

"Umph," I said. I broke my fall with my hands, but a sharp twig went straight into my palm. I sucked in a breath as I looked at it. Now was a good time to curse; this was not how I wanted to start my day.

Derek whirled around when he heard me fall and started running towards me. "Cassie? What are you doing? Are you okay?" He asked, crouching down beside me.

"I was just coming to see what you were doing. I was awake, and saw you were out here," I explained while a blush formed on my cheeks. I was embarrassed that I fell.

"I could have helped you! Don't try and get around without any kind of assistance, that's dangerous! And now you're bleeding," he said with a tone like he was angry and almost irritated with me.

"I'm sorry," I said in a small voice. "I thought I could make it and I didn't want to wake the guys up by yelling to you." I didn't want to meet his gaze. I was too embarrassed and taken aback by his tone.

He let out a long sigh, and when he spoke again his tone was much softer, "Let me see it."

I lifted my hand to him. There was a large twig stuck deep into my palm with blood oozing out around it and dripping down my wrist. I looked away before I got too lightheaded. I was okay with other people's wounds, but hated looking at my own.

"Ooo ouch. Okay, let me go get some medical supplies. I'll be right back," he said as he pushed himself up and ran towards the cave.

I didn't understand why he was so upset. I mean, I supposed I could have said something to him before I headed towards him, but that may have woken up the other guys. Plus, I didn't want to be helpless. Granted, I did just eat shit which was not one of my finer moments, but really I couldn't have seen that coming and he shouldn't be angry about it. Plus it's my body, what does he care if I get a few bumps and bruises along the way? I did make a vow to try and be more careful though, I didn't want to use any more medical supplies.

Before I could over think too much, Derek was back. "Here Cass," he reached a hand down to me. I took it with my good hand and allowed him to pull me up. "Hold this." He handed me the medical supplies before picking me up bridal style in his arms. He began walking towards the rock where he had wrapped my ankle yesterday.

"How did you get out here this morning?" I asked, curious.

"What do you mean?" He cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Well, doesn't it take a few of you guys to move the rock out of the way? You're the only one up."

"Ohhhh. Well the first time took a lot of us because it was stuck to the ground. This morning Adam was up to go to the bathroom so the two of us pushed it together," he explained as he put me down. "He decided to go back to sleep, and I wanted to stay up and watch the sunrise."

"Well... I'm sorry I disrupted your sunrise," I said as he took my palm in his hands.

"It's fine," he chuckled, "honestly I'm sure we will have plenty more."

"Derek, can I ask you something?"


"Yesterday you said you are protective of me because I remind you of someone... can I ask who?" Derek gently pulled out the twig with the tweezers and I flinched. Blood started oozing faster from the wound and I looked away while he pressed some fresh gauze onto it to stop the bleeding.

"Um... I don't know. I haven't told anyone this story before," he replied as he locked eyes on mine.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry. You don't need to tell me if you don't want to; but if you ever do want to talk, I'm a great listener," I said, placing my good hand on his.

He took a deep breath before speaking, "You remind me of my little sister Sarah. She's the reason that I started signing up for trips like this." He dabbed at my palm to check the bleeding. "Sarah was beautiful, kind-hearted, clumsy," he chuckled, "a lot like you."

My cheeks heated, "You said was?"

"Yeah... about 7 years ago, when I was 19 and my sister was 17, she got involved in a relationship with this guy. He was a college guy. She went to visit our cousin at college and she took her to a party where they met. My sister was innocent; never even had a boyfriend before she met him. They dated shortly after. She introduced him to the entire family and she just seemed so happy in the beginning. He seemed like a normal guy," he paused as he dumped some peroxide onto my wound and pressed down some fresh gauze.

I sucked in a breath. "So, then what happened?"

"She was with him for a few years and attended the same college as him. We started hearing from her less and less, and the times we did see her, she was different. She used to always be so full of life, but she just appeared to be empty. One night, she showed up at my place with a black eye. She said he had come home drunk, they got into an argument, and he hit her. Before this, he had only been controlling and verbally abusive; this was the first time he had physically hurt her but it wasn't the last," he removed the gauze and squeezed at my palm to test the bleeding before starting to wind a thick bandage around my hand.

"Did she leave him?" I asked.

"She tried. That night, she stayed with me and the next morning I took her to their house so she could grab her stuff. He was there... sober and very apologetic. I could see it in her eyes that she loved him... I mean, he was her first love. But when I looked into his eyes I didn't see love. I saw a man who was deeply disturbed, putting on a show. Anyway, we grabbed some of her stuff and headed back to my place. I swore I wouldn't let her out of my sight until things blew over," he sucked in a deep breath. "One night, I was working late. She said she was going out with one of her girlfriends. I should have known better. She ended up going over to his house to talk things over. He was drinking of course. She told him that she was leaving him once and for all, and he wouldn't let that happen. He just snapped, and he killed her," his voice broke and I saw tears forming in his eyes. I immediately stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Derek, I am so sorry."

"I should have been there to protect her," he said as he hugged me tighter.

"No Derek... that was not your fault. You didn't know. It's nobody's fault but his. What happened to him?" I asked without letting him go.

"Rotting in a prison cell; life without parole. Turns out my sister wasn't his first victim. The guy was sick, and I should have seen the signs."

"Derek, you can't blame yourself for things you have no control over. There was no way to know he was going to do what he did. Like you said, the guy was sick, and he is the only one to blame. I am really sorry for your loss," I said as I locked my eyes on his.

"Thank you Cassie. It actually felt good to talk to someone about her."

"Of course. Anytime," I said as I hugged him again around his waist. It made sense now why he seemed to be so protective of me without even knowing me. If I reminded him of his sister that he couldn't protect... I couldn't blame him for trying his best to keep me safe.

He hugged me back and took a deep breath. "After her death I vowed to protect the ones I love. I signed up for everything and anything I thought would make me stronger; mixed marshal arts classes, karate, survival trips like this one. I even became a self-defense instructor at my college. That's actually where I met Jake."

"He took your class?" I asked as I released him and looked up at his face.

"He was my co-instructor. We attended the same college and he got into self-defense coaching for reasons of his own... a story you will need to ask him about one day. We became friends. I was surprised to see him on this trip though. We kind of fell out of touch once I moved to attend med school."

"Small world," I smiled up at him to try and lighten the mood.

"True. He does seem different now though; I guess time changes all," he shrugged. I wanted to know what he meant but figured this was Jake's story to tell and it wasn't my place to ask.

Just then, Cam, Luke, and Nathan emerged from the cave.

"Morning!" Nathan called as he walked up to us. "What are you two doin' over here?"

"Oh um, I fell this morning heading out of the cave  and Derek was helping me with my hand," I explained.

"Damn Cassie another injury? We've been here one day and you're already always getting into trouble,"Nathan said with an exasperated sigh.

"I'm a little clumsy, what can I say?" I replied with a shrug, "More so when I only have one useable leg."

"What are we gonna do with you," Nathan chuckled and shook his head.

"Admire my determination?"

"Hmmmmmm no. But nice try. I was thinkin' more like put you in a bubble wrap cocoon."

"Who needs a cocoon?" Luke asked as he and Cam approached.

"Cassie. The sun isn't even fully risen yet and she already hurt herself," Nathan filled them in.

"What? How?" Cam asked.

"Guys, it's not a big deal. She's fine; I already took care of her cut," Derek came to my defense.

"Wow. Jake lets her go for 5 minutes and she's already in trouble," Cam grumbled with a head shake.

"Jake? What do you mean?" Nathan asked.

"Didn't you see them cuddled up all night last night?" Cam asked. My cheeks heated in embarrassment... again. I didn't understand why I was being called out so much.

"What!?" Nathan and Luke exclaimed as they both looked at me.

"Okay, not that I should really have to explain myself since we all barely know each other, but I only slept next to Jake because I was FREEZING last night. Seriously, I have no idea how any of you guys slept through that... let alone all of you. Also, I'm from Arizona, I'm used to 100 degree weather, not this," I said with a calm tone. None of the guys said anything in response.

Just then, Jake approached us. "Good morning everyone. What's going on over here?"

"Nothing," we all responded in unison. Wes and Adam had wandered into the group now too behind Jake; they looked so tired still.

"Ooookay... I don't believe that but oh well! We have a lot we need to get done today, so let's make a plan. Who started the fire yesterday?" Jake asked.

"I did," Cam said, raising his hand.

"Think you could start one again?"

"Yep! I'll go right now. Adam come help me," he said as both of them walked off towards the firewood.

"Okay. We need to get food. Anyone here have hunting experience?" Jake asked the rest of us.

"I do. A lot of experience actually," Nathan said, "But if I'm being honest, I'm not so sure I'd be very good today... my body is really hurting—especially my ribs. I don't think I'd be able to carry anything and since we don't have guns, I'm not sure how good of a hunter I am anyway. I was thinking I could stay back and build animal traps if that's okay?"

"Of course. We don't want you pushing yourself too far and we could use some traps," Derek nodded in agreement.

"Anyone else have experience?" Jake asked.

"I do," I replied. "Does anybody know if my bow and arrow made it out of the plane? I'm actually a really good shot; but... I know I can't really walk, so I don't know if you guys would want to bring me along."

"I definitely saw a bow and arrow in the cave. If you're a good shot I would love to take you with us," Jake replied with a reassuring nod. I gave him a smile back. Finally, I was able to be helpful, and this opportunity excited me.

"I want to come with too. I can help carry whatever we kill," Derek volunteered.

"I'll come too!" Luke said as he raised his hand.

"I would come, but I'm not sure how helpful I would be with my arm the way it is. I could start building an SOS sign out of rocks and see what other food I can gather around here?" Wes suggested.

"That sounds like a good plan. See if Cam or Adam want to come with us or stay here with you," Jake said. Wes walked off to talk to the other boys who had just gotten the fire started.

In the end, it was decided that Jake, Cam, Luke, Derek, and I would go off hunting. Nathan was staying back to make traps, and Adam and Wes were going to start piecing together an SOS sign. Luke carried me into the cave so I could find my archery kit and change my clothes.

Although the air had a crisp morning chill leftover from the night, we guessed by noon it would be hot like it was yesterday. I decided to change into a pair of black leggings and a tight, maroon, athletic tank top. I put an oversized, grey, zip-up sweatshirt on over it for the time being. Lastly, I put on one of my black converse shoes but my foot hurt too bad to put on the other one, so I just put a sock on over the wrap. I assumed I looked a mess and tried to tame my long blonde hair by braiding it into a dutch, french, side braid. Once I was finished, I threw my bow over my shoulder and pulled myself up. I used the side of the cave to keep my balance as I hopped out.

All of the guys were gathered around the fire chatting. When I exited the cave they all took a moment to look at me and I suddenly felt self-conscious. Jake came jogging over to me. He put his arm around my waist and I grabbed on and let him assist me to hop along. "You look nice," he said with a smile.

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself," I said back as we made our way to the others.

We arrived at the fire and Jake continued to hold on to me, keeping me stable.

"Is that my sweatshirt?" Cam asked as he cocked an eyebrow at me.

I was a bit startled because I found it near my bag, and also because I found Cam to be intimidating. "Oh... I don't know. It was by my bag so I thought it was mine... I'm sorry," I stuttered out as I began to unzip the sweatshirt.

"No it's okay, I was just curious! You should keep it on; It looks good on you," he said. I felt Jake's arm tighten around me just a little bit.

"Thank you. I'll give it back to you later," I gave him an appreciative smile.

"Okay. Is everyone ready to go?" Jake asked.

"Yep! I can carry Cassie first," Luke volunteered. "Is that okay with you Cassie?"

"Yeah sure. I don't really care who does it," I said with a shrug. Luke walked over and crouched down. I handed my bow and arrow off to Jake as I planted both my hands on Luke's strong shoulders and jumped up.

Derek and Cam were carrying backpacks already. I wasn't sure what was in them, but I assumed at least a few water bottles and maybe some different weapons.

"Okay, let's head out!" Luke announced once I was settled on his back.

"Good luck guys! Kill us something big!" Wes dismissed us with a wave.

"We'll try," Jake replied.

"Be safe!" Nathan called after us.

"We'll try," I waved and called back, hoping we wouldn't disappoint.

Wooo! Day one let's go!

Also, poor Derek. At least now we kind of understand why he's so protective sometimes. I'll slowly be giving some back story on the characters but once again, I'm new at this so let me know if I'm doing a decent job or how I could improve on character development! Thanks again!


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