But Who's Counting?

By wowdaisy

316K 12.6K 3K

"I'm pregnant with your child, Alex." Sophia was determined on convincing Alexander that besides her being pr... More

Chapter One: "Happy Birthday!"
Chapter Two: "Hell yes!"
Chapter Three: "Deal!"
Chapter Four: "Abortion."
Chapter Five: "Baby."
Chapter Six: "Control."
Chapter Seven: "Mamas,"
Chapter Eight: "Nicole."
Chapter Nine: "The Grinch."
Chapter Ten: "Merry Christmas!"
Chapter Eleven: "Pack your shit."
Chapter Twelve: "I'm jealous."
Chapter Thirteen: "Who is that?"
Chapter Fourteen: "Hold me."
Chapter Fifteen: "Your face."
Chapter sixteen: "They're kicking!"
Chapter Seventeen: "Just friends."
Chapter Eighteen: "Family dinner."
Chapter Nineteen: "Family Dinner cont."
Chapter Twenty: "Are you drunk?"
Chapter Twenty-One: "She's mine."
Chapter Twenty-two: "Just like you."
Chapter Twenty-three: "Basketball and Ice Cream."
Chapter Twenty-Four: "Vodka."
Chapter Twenty-Five: "Cravings."
Chapter Twenty-Six: "I'm calling the police."
Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Bash your skull in."
Chapter Twenty-Eight: "Who's is this?"
Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Relationship status."
Chapter Thirty: "Change your outfit."
Chapter Thirty-One: "Cinnabon."
Chapter Thirty-Two: "Sophia's Family."
Chapter Thirty-three: "Buddy System."
Chapter Thirty-Four: "Pool."
Chapter Thirty-Five: "Dumbo."
Chapter Thirty-Six: "Surprise!"
Chapter Thirty-Seven: "Shorty."
Chapter Thirty-Nine: "Thor."
Chapter Forty: "Welcome home!"
Chapter Forty-One: "Five weeks."
Chapter Forty-Two: "You deserve to be happy."
Chapter Forty-Three: "Call Daddy."
Chapter Forty-Four: "Mommy's not happy."
Chapter Forty-Five: "Being loved."
Chapter Forty-Six: "She said what?"
Chapter Forty-Seven: "Here goes nothing."
Chapter Forty-Eight: "Unbelievable."
Chapter Forty-Nine: "You're stupid."
Chapter Fifty: "Alexander the Maniac."
Chapter Fifty-One: "Nose rings."
Chapter Fifty-One 1/2: "Jaisiah and Jalen."
Chapter Fifty-Two: "Moving like a sloth."
Chapter Fifty-Three: "Adult Brownies."
Chapter Fifty-Four: "That's not his pacifier."
Chapter Fifty-Five: "Water balloons."
Chapter Fifty-Six: "Baby gravy."
Chapter Fifty-Seven: "Happy Birthday!"
plan b(aby)
Bonus Chapter
Chapter Fifty-Eight: "August 23rd."
Official Sequel #1 Sneakpeek
Official Sequel #2 Sneakpeek

Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Wedding Bells."

4K 194 84
By wowdaisy

Goal: 25 votes and 13 comments.

Some time has passed since my weird phone call with Anthony and today was the day we were going to the hotel.

Over the last couple of days, my family got closer to Alex and Maya. They absolutely adored them. Maya captures everybody's heart. My father, who hates kids, loved Maya. Alex and practically every guy in my family got closer after a few hours of playing a video game. Then, they all came out and played poker. Alexander gained all of their respect and love. My cousins started calling him Cousin Alex and some of them even called him Uncle Alex just because he was so much older than them. Maya continued to call me Mamas. I'm not sure whether or not she was confused but she asked at one point, and I quote: "I thought your name was Sophia?"

"It is." Is what I replied and she squinted her eyes at me, confused. "So why does so many people call you Mamas? I'm just going to call you that." She declared.

My mother and father insisted Alex called them mom and dad since we were 'getting married anyways'. Maya asked if she could call them grandma and grandpa. They both recoiled, saying they think those make them sound old so call them 'g-ma and g-pa' instead.

Maya loved it. Now all you heard was 'g-am, can you do my hair? g-pa, can we ride the bike again?'.

You would think they knew Alex for their whole life and we had finally gotten together. They absolutely loved Alex and Maya.

At this point, we actually have to get married. If not, my family would kill me.

I still have to figure out how to break it to them that we aren't married. I don't understand why I said that. Under pressure, I completely folded. Maybe I should just let it play out until we leave and then tell them we broke the engagement off once we got back to New York.

My family would still kill me.

I guarantee that if somebody asked whether they wanted to exchange me for Alexander and Maya to be in their family, they would quickly exchange us.

So, yeah. They couldn't wait for the wedding-that's-not-actually-happening to happen. Just because they wanted Alex and Maya to legally be apart of our family.

Kyle, one my my oldest younger cousins, already made a deal with Alex that if he got good grades for the rest of the school year, Alex would buy him any two pair of shoes and a matching outfit to go with them.

They all are begging to come back with us, but they can't. I do want Charles to come visit sometime soon. His Dad said sometime before the babies are born because he doesn't want the stress of two newborns, Maya, and Alex to pile up on top of me. I told him that was fine by me.

Since Anthony's weird phone call, I've only received two more. He wanted to make sure he got everything right for the basket he's making for the twins. Apparently, there's just about everything you'd put in a nursery in there. The second phone call he just asked what type of sheets did I want and I said white. The third phone call was whether or not the room was going to have any designs.

I must admit, Alex and I are slacking on that part.

No nursery, still.

We still have a strong month left once we get back, so we should really step to it.

Sabrina has been okay lately. She wasn't acting like a total b-word anymore and was pretty chill. Her sister, Rebecca, came over a few times. She was funny and adorable. She didn't talk much, but when Chris or Alex came around, she was a blubbering mess. Alex was also acting weird and refused to be in a room alone with either girls. He would make sure I was at his hip at all times, just to make sure he wasn't stuck alone in a room with them.

He was acting kind weird. He would give vague answers and always change the subject whenever I was talking to him. If it was anybody else, they'd talk for hours.

Over the last couple of days, we all went to a indoor trampoline thing. Of course I didn't jump and Charles was too scared to jump so instead him and I went to the arcade. We played every game, twice. He ended up with thirty five thousand tickets, which he traded in for two jumbo teddy bears and a shit ton of candy.

We also went to the beach, now with that, Maya absolutely flipped. She hated the water and the sand. She claimed she didn't like the way the sand felt. Of course, she's from New York. You don't really go to the beach there because they aren't particularly clean (as much as a beach can get) and very often, they are filled to the brim. So the second she touched the sand, she was going straight for Alexander's legs, screaming bloody murder. Alexander threw her over his shoulder and went straight into the water with her but the second she hit the water, she cried. She begged for him to get out, so he did. He didn't want to get in the water either, just for Maya to get over her newly found fear of the beach. So we sat under the cabana on the floor that came with it and watched everybody play and splash in the water while Maya watched Max and Ruby on her iPad.

Now, we are all piling into cars. The wedding was tomorrow, Quincy's bachelor and Sabrina's bachelorette party is tonight. Alex was going to Quincy's, which Quincy promised was going to be filled with wholesome brotherly bonding (which I'm not sure how they need anymore of that when they've spent four hours a day cooped up in the theater room).

I have no idea what was going on with Sabrina bachelorette party since I heard no word of it.

Did I care though? Not really.

"Can I ride with Sophia and Alex?" Chris's deep voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I glance up, seeing him talking with my mom and Alex. Alex nods and my mom shrugs while Maya tugs my hand towards the car. She had her suitcase in the other hand while she was holding mine. "Mamas, come on." She drags, outing. I start moving for the car again while she follows. Chris and Alex make their way to the car just as Maya and I reach it. Alex unlocks the car and Maya slides in, buckling her seatbelts. Chris slides in next to her while I get in the passenger seat and Alex in the drivers seat.

"Is anybody else riding with us?" I question, looking at Alex. His hair was wild, like he - like I - had been running hands through it. He blinked at me before shrugging, looking back. "Do you have your iPad?"

"Do you have my new phone?" Maya bites at Alex. He rolls his eyes. This had been an ongoing thing. Alex had Maya's phone in his pocket when they went to get inside the pool and completely forgot until Maya asked him for it.

"Chris, can you go and see if anybody else is riding with us, please?"

"Can you grab me orange chips, please!" Maya day as Chris exits the car. He nods curtly before shutting the door and leaving us in a car full of silence.

Chris returns two minutes later with two containers of cheddar Pringle's and Kyle. Kyle throws his bag into the trunk before the two teenagers slip into the car. "Uncle Quincy said everybody is already in their designated cars so we can just leave now."

The drive was only an hour and a half long, we got there by 4 o'clock and were getting settled into rooms by 4:30. Alex, Maya, and I in one room. Noah, Fernando, Jesse were in a room, Emma, Olivia, Selene, Chloe were in a room, Charles, Kyle, Chris were in a room. My parents had their own room, My aunts and uncles took up two rooms, two people in each, Sabrina family took up too, Sabrina and Quincy have a room. Quincy and Sabrina had the biggest room, pretty spacious and was more like a mini apartment than a room. Everybody on this floor was either apart our of family or Sabrina family.

I guess I should just say our family since soon we will all be legally related.

We are all currently in our rooms, Alexander sitting on the bed and combing Maya's hair out while she got ready to go join Emma and Olivia in their room.

"Why couldn't we share a room?"

"There's not enough space for everyone."

"I can sleep on the floor! Can I come back after we leave? By myself? We should just move here. "


"Alexander." She says, crossing her arms. I turn so they don't see the smile that overcomes my face.

"What did I say about that?" He says, putting her hair into a very, very sloppy bun before turning her around. "I don't like it when you call me that!"

"That's your name."

"Alexander is your name."

"It's different."

"My name is Maya."she pouts as I decide to take a seat. The twins were wild today and I had been on my feet all day. Baby A was kicking at my ribs with both his feet as hard as he could and Baby B was kicking right near my already shrunken bladder.

"I apologize for calling you Amaya."

"I apologize for calling you Alexander, even though that's your name." She says and next thing I know she's in a fit of giggles.

Alex is tickling Maya while she helplessly tries to move from his grip.

"Mamas! Help me!" She cries out, kicking her legs. "Sorry, Maya. Can't help you this time."

"Daddy, stop!" She screams, laughing and kicking her legs. Alexander stops, laughing at Maya as she crawls away.

"Okay, I'm going to Emma's room." She pants, running towards the door. "Act like you got some sense," Alex says as she opens the door. She sends him a nod and a thumbs up before opening the door. Just as she opened it, Emma happened to be passing. She slipped with them and shut the door.

"You good?" Alex asks me, his eyes trailing to corner where I sat. I nod and give him a heads up, just like Maya did.

Three hours have elapsed and now we are all standing in the hallway.

"Quincy, when you get back you will go in the room where Jesse and then are, got it?"

"Yes ma,"

"Sabrina, sweetie, you can go back into your room." My mom instructs.

"Sophia, tomorrow I'll need to you put babygirls," she is referring to Maya, "- hair up. A bun with loose curls is good, got it?"

"Yes momma." I say as Alexander grabs my hand. "Alex, you'll need to meet with the guys in Jesses room. Sophia, after you finish with babygirl, you two come in my room."

"If you're a boy below the age of 17, and yes Kyle that includes you as well, you will be going into Chris' room. You will get dressed in there. I want all of y'all up, have eaten.. Do not, I repeat, do NOT go down stairs and eat in your f'ing suits. The wedding starts at 12:30, I want you guys up by 8, showered by 10 and dressed, hairstyled by 11. Help your younger cousins. All the younger girls will go in Emma's room and get ready. We will come in there and assist you guys, don't worry." My mom instructs. We all agree and then disperse into rooms.

Maya has taken her things into the other room and Alex is getting dressed. He was going out with Quincy, Jamal, Simon (Quincy's friend) for his bachelor party. They were leaving at 8 for the actual party but were leaving now for food and then come back ( I don't know why) and then leave out again.

"We are just going to a bar. He said he wants to get back around midnight. I don't know." Alex says . He runs a hand through his hair and pulls his matching hat on.

"You look cute."

"I'm not cute. I'm sexy. Besides, I'm always that." He smirks, looking at himself in the mirror. He turns back towards me a frowns.

"You haven't given me a kiss all day."

"Did you ask for one?"

"I have to ask?"

"Just come here." I laugh. Alex makes his way like a baby towards me before wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love, I love you." He chants before kissing me, thoroughly. I immediately respond but he pulls away. "Kissing me like that, I won't be going anywhere and we will be the ones getting married tomorrow." He jokes, his hand gripping my chin as he gives me another kiss.

"I love you," he says as there's a knock on the door.

"I love you more." I say as he sweeps down and kisses my stomach. He whispers an I love you again before going to open the door.

"Parker, hurry up!" Quincy's joy-filled voice rings through the room. "Can I say goodbye to my girl, Matthews?" Alexander questions before tipping his hat at me.

"Text me if you need me baby. I'm going to go say bye to Maya, alright? I love you."

"I will. I love you too." I say as Quincy knocks Alex's cap off and I hear them laughing as they walk down the hallway to where Maya was.

I guess since I have some free time, now would be a good time to browse apartments. By the time we get back, all we would have to do is pack and then move in.

So, I spend the next hour browsing apartments. There was one place that I saw a couple weeks ago that I really liked and that's what I've settled in. I keep coming back to it, and I really think it's the one. It's a nice building but it only have 4 apartments in them. They are two in each floor and they are pretty spacious. Inside the living room is a fire place and a bookshelf, already provided. The kitchen is about the same size as Alexander's kitchen, the only difference being the size of the refrigerator. There's are two hallways that have a total of seven options. The first hallway had the master bedroom, a closet, and a small laundry room. The second hallway has two bedrooms and a bathroom that sits between them, adjoining them. There's a closet across from it.

I think it would be perfect. The rooms are pretty big. Maya could have her own room still, the twins can share a room and we can set their nursery up. We can put two cribs on either side of the windows, add a changing station, add a dresser to putt their extra diapers and any baby supplies from the baby shower and what Alexander's family has already bought.

We don't need another baby shower. These babies have enough stuff to last them until they are five.

We would still have extras.

I think that's a good idea.

When we get back, I can go put down the down payment, sign the lease and then surprise Alex.

My head snaps down to my phone, buzzing.

It was Quincy.

Quincy: Hey, we are back but can you come here? I'm in my room.

I respond with a quick 'otw' and stand.

They're back already? It seems like I was only looking for apartments for five minutes but they've left and came back already. Who knows how long they have been back. I go down the hall. Quincy and Sabrina's room were two doors to the left of my room, so it took me a good five minutes.

Knock knock," I say as I push the door open.

My eyes went wide at the sight. Almost immediately, I found myself marching up to the two. I was outraged. I pulled the girl by her hair from under the man. They both were starting to scramble around and put clothes on.

What the hell.

Marcus and Sabrina.

Now, Marcus had his pants on and was shrugging on his shoes. The female I was currently about to kill had on Marcus's shirt. Her bra was in her hand and she shrugged up underwear. I feel my phone vibrate in my hand.

"Give me my shirt." He told her. Her face turned red as she tried to step away, hoping to keep the shirt.

"Listen, I don't know what's going on but I need my shirt. Now, Sophia, why are you here?"

"Me? Why are you here?" I yelled, probably alerting up the whole floor. I didn't care though. I just caught my ex boyfriend and my brother's FIANCÉE, who was getting married tomorrow, having sex. Plus I'm pregnant. These combinations should never match. Because if you thought I was mad when I was without child, imagine now with the two I have waiting in the oven.

"This is my fucking brothers wedding weekend. You know what that means? Everybody on this WHOLE floor is apart of the wedding. The bride, the groom, best men, groomsmen, maid of honor, bridesmaid, parents. Now, this is the fucking only pretty, expensive, big suite on this floor. This is damn near a penthouse! What does that tell you?"

"I don't know." He shrugged, idiotically. Why did I ever date this fool? To think I was heartbroken over this pathetic excuse of a man is insane.

My eyes darted across the room before landing on the ring my brother spent SO much money on. This only fueled my rage.

"Sophia, I beg you. Please do not do this." Sabrina begged. She looked nervous.

Good bitch.

You should be.

Forget the ring, her stupid beg made me 200 times more upset.

Before I could even take my next breath, I was on top of her. I could barely see over my pregnant belly, but I was throwing punches in front of me. She covered her face, causing me to just punch her boney arms. I moved my hands to her frail ass dyed blonde hair that was probably going to fall out before she even turned 30 years old.

"My brother is literally getting married to you, tomorrow!" I said, getting a urge to bite her.

Woah! Calm down kiddos.

Marcus did nothing, but I could tell somebody else was now in the room.

"I didn't mean to!" She said, proceeding to be me to stop.

"Is that Sophia?" A deep, confused voice asked. The bitch moved her hands again so I began to punch her in her face again. I heard a crack underneath me and blooding coming from her. Suddenly, I was pulled from Sabrina as i continued to throw hits at her.

She had the AUDACITY to cheat on my brother with my parents next door, and our whole family on this floor.

"Calm the fuck down, Sophia! What happened?"

"I'm confused myself." Marcus said, a little too calm.

"Woah! Sophia! Your ass is pregnant, stop! You're going to seriously hurt yourself!" Alexander's booming voice interrupted as I thrashed in his tight hold.

Now, if nobody has came to the room to see what was wrong now, they will be.

I was pulled off of Sabrina as she sat on the floor crying with a swollen and bleeding lip . The blood trickled down her face onto her chin, which gave the illusion that her skin was busted as well. She rubbed at her eyes while pulling her knees to her chest.

Alexander's hold engulfed me while the twins kicked around like crazy.

Must have heard about their Uncle being cheated on.

"Now, what the hell happened?"

"I don't know why don't you ask her!?" I yelled attempting to turn around at the crybaby on the floor. I could hear her sniffles and sobs.

I didn't feel bad for her at all.

"Sophia please don't do this." She begged me.

"Tell him what you did! Tell him what you did to my brother."

She shook her head no.

"Better yet, you tell me." I glared at Marcus. He took a step forward and began to talk but I got sidetracked by another voice. While still in Alexander's hold, I turned towards the door. "Why the hell are you even here?"

As soon as I faced the door clearly, I shut my eyes.

The hurt in Quincy's eyes made me want to turn around and kill this chick.

"Sophia. What's going on?" His voice was low. I could hear his breathing. Sabrina's cry's got louder and Alexander hold on me got tighter. Marcus finally decided to speak.

"She said she booked this hotel for the night for us.." he said, as if he truly was confused. He was too dumb to be a good actor, so he was lucky I knew he wasn't lying.

"You know all about that trick, wouldn't you say?" I said, menacingly.


"No, Marcus. First I catch you in the act with that girl and now, my brother's fiancée? I- I'm disappoi-"

"THIS is Marcus?"

"Sophia! Sabrina! What is going on?" Quincy's voice was becoming shaky now. I think the realization of what was happening was starting to sink in.

"Who's shirt do you have on, Sabrina? It's not mine." Quincy said. He demanding voice becoming louder as he entered the room further. He came between Sabrina and Alex and I. Marcus stood by the door, actually shaking.

The room got dead silent except for the muttering of 'im so sorry,'

"Okay." Quincy said, a little too calmly. He was swinging his phone around between his fingers. I was starting to feel the tears burning the back of my eyes but instead I looked at Alex. His face was clenched and red, while his deathly grip held me back.

"I knew we could get through this!" She suddenly said in a cheery voice. She looked crazy, tears streaming down her face in Marcus's shirt and speeding in such an excited voice. I wanted to beat her face into a pulp.

"How l-"

"67 weeks. I'm sorry. I planned to tell you tonight. To talk this through with you so we can get through this... together. I will answer anything and everything that you wanna know. I tried to break everything off tonight but I just couldn't I don't know what happened. It happened again. I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. We can get through this."

"I guess what I wanna know is, what I'm waiting for to find out, did you already tell me? I guess my question is, did you already tell me how many people you've slept with? Did you tell me why?" He asked. As he finished I felt a vibration in my pocket. I ignore it but my phone continued to buzz in my pocket. Sabrina sat on the bed, tears staining her face. Her nose was really red and there was snot starting to wet that area of her face.

I awaited for an answer as my brother started at the wall. If looks could kill, the wall would be dead. My mind was racing right now. I couldn't think. I couldn't keep thinking. My eyes started to burn even more as I heard her mumble, "Don't Quincy. Don't do this to yourself."

I closed my eyes, ignoring her voice for a couple seconds before speaking. "Yeah, Quincy. Don't do this because if you do and she answers anymore than one person, Alexander is going to let go of me while the twins and I beat her fucking ass. Okay? I really don't want to have to beat your fiancée into a pulp." I opened my eyes, seeing Sabrina look at Quincy with scared eyes.

"I don't have a fiancée." He said, the deadliest tone to his voice. I flinched at it. I get Alexander grip getting tighter while Sabrina broke into a sob.

"Quincy, I'm sorry. We can get through this." She yelled. It was only now that I saw we had a audience.

"Do I know yet?" Quincy said, yelled really, spinning towards her. I was facing his back now, and even from the stance he took I could tell how livid he was. She jumped, pulling her hair back into a ponytail with the tie that always laid on her wrist.

"At first it was just Roy. Then it was other people. Maybe the same thirty on repeat. I'm sorry." She said, breaking down even more. Did she just say thirty people?

Disgusted, I started an attempt to charge towards her. Of course, Alexander held me back. He pulled me taking several steps.

I heard Sabrina's breathing slow, as she mumbled.

"Can you come to bed? I know we co-"

"Shut up." My cousin, Amanda interrupted. My gaze snapped towards her and she had her fist clenched. She was known for jumping into a fight when needed, she was a troublemaker and a punisher. I somehow slipped out of Alexander hold and I was now near Amanda. It was my turn to hold somebody back.

"I can't be near you right now. I can't even listen to you breathe. I am disgusted and disappointed." Quincy yelled, starting to walk out the hotel room. He was stopped at the door.

"What the hell happened?" Amanda whispered. "She cheated on me. The wedding i-"

"I'm going to beat her ass." I was pushed aside as Amanda stormed towards the poor girl who stood now chance. Quincy steadied me before grabbing my hand. "Do your worst." He told our cousin, slamming the bedroom door - loudly and intentionally. I heard another sob erupt from her. Tears began to roll down my face but I wiped them as we walked across the hall. The whole hall was filled with people. Everybody must have heard the commotion. I could see a disappointed look on some people's face. Other were sad but someone was smiling.


I pulled my hand from Quincy. "Excuse me," I yelled, pushing past people. She started to turn around, walking back to her room but I met her right at the door.

"Yes, Sophia? What happened?" She feigned innocence but there was a amusement tone. Immediately I clinched my fist.

Nobody is cheating on my brother and nobody is gonna know about this affair and not tell my brother. Not on my watch.

I swung as hard as I could. She dramatically fell to the ground as she clutched her cheek. Almost immediately I heard a loud demanding voice that was fueling my rage.

"Sophia!" Alexander's voice silenced the whole hall. I turned around, a murderous expression set on my face. They began to surround the crying girl on the floor. I pushed passed everybody, not caring to say sorry. Once I reached Alexander, I was tugged into Quincy's room.

Quincy sat on the bed with his head in his hands. His body was moving up and down. I looked down at the ground, seeing his engagement ring. I took deep breath before calling his name.

"Thirty." That was all he said in response. A low laugh escaped him as he threw his head back, now staring at the ceiling. I started towards him, glancing back at Alexander who had a hard expression as he stared at his phone.

"30 other men over the course of 67 weeks. Y-you know how many times w-" his head immediately tended with a gag. Shortly, he was emptying his stomach onto the floor. I pulled my feet onto the bed. I glanced up, seeing Alex leave the room.

"I'm sorry." I offered an apology. I rubbed his back, flinching at the sob that wrecked his body. He wiped his mouth on the flannel, chucking it across the room. I pulled him into a hug. He cried into my arms.

I've never seen my brother cry. The only time I even remotely remember seeing him cry was when Amelia died.

"I thought I could love her since she loved me.. only for me to find out that she has been fucking other men? For 67 weeks! You know what crazy? We been dating for a year and three months. 67 weeks is damn near a year and three fucking months. I hate her. I hate myself." He cutched me against him before chuckling.

"You're pretty badass, even pregnant." His laugh became a sob again. I smiled gently before nodding. "I guess I am. You are too. Don't let her play you."

"She already did." He said, making me dead silent. I wasn't ready for that reply. We both sat in silence. I knew he didn't exactly want to talk right now.

I was okay with that. I didn't want him to do anything he didn't want to do. Especially after I just beat on his ex-fiancée. He sighed heavily into my shoulder.

I loved my brother so much.

"I love you too,"


"I guess you and Alex will have to get married tomorrow. Maya has told me a thousand times that you're going to be her new mommy." Quincy says, his voice not really up.

"It's not like that. We aren't even engaged."

"It's like that." He says. "I'm going to go get drunk off my ass. "

"Do you think you should be alone?" I decided to ask. I didn't know if leave it alone after the night had has had.

"I want to be and I'm serious though. He loves you. I know you love him. I've never seen you blush or even look remotely happy to a man since j-"

"Jace. I know. It's just different with Alexander. I mean, I'm pregnant with two of his kids. Now, back to you." I whispered. I shook my head slightly, attempting to change the subject.

"I hope Amanda didn't do too much infliction."

"Me too. I would hate for her to get arrested on my wedding night." He chuckled, pulling away with a shrug. We both sighed in unison before I glanced at my brother. Just as I started to talk, he did so I just shut my mouth.

"You know, it's kind of funny.. I already had assumed she cheated before. I mean, I literally caught her buying two boxes of condoms once. One size was mine and the other.. wasn't. I never even saw that box again until she needed me to get her glasses out her top drawer. There they were with four missing. I just assumed she grabbed some for me the times we fucked. But then I realized, those would be way too tight on me. I just brushed it aside. I knew I shouldn't have. Fuck! I'm so stupid."

"No you're not. You're in love, you're blinded by that. You don't see her by her flaws. Major flaws." I said, not exactly knowing where this convo was going next. I stiffened when I heard him laugh and speak the next words.

"I don't really love her. I guess that's why I'm not as upset as I should be. It's really just, I thought I could love her with some more time. I like her. She was the type of person I needed in my life at the time. I thought I could love her, I really did. That's why I agreed to get married to her and flew in her stupid family members. She said Marcus was her cousin that she was flying in from Michigan."

"That's where he's from. Why didn't you just go find a girl you love then?"

"She's possessive as fuck, yet, she couldn't even stay tied down to me. It's like a mental illness. You don't want me to even talk to other girls yet you're the one that is fucking other guys. I'll be fine though. I need a drink." He said, standing. He winced when he looked at the puke on the floor. He simply just picked up the rug and threw it into the garbage bag he had hanging on the wall. I stood up, looking at my brother. He was hurt, but he didn't want to admit it.

I'll leave it alone. I trust he won't do anything too crazy.

"Well, I can't help you there." I responded and motioned towards my stomach. He replied with a 'no shit,' before pressing his phone to his ear. I gave him a hug before beginning to exit the room.

"Remember what I said!" His voice rang.


"Your baby daddy. Don't keep him waiting. It's meant to be."

yes there were two people on the last chapter that said something and if you comment you know I usually respond and I wanted to respond so bad but then I knew I'd be spoiling so I didn't.

love you guys.

fuck Sabrina.

Quincy is now a free man, any single ladies out there?

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