Reject (BNHA x Reader) DISCON...

By evil_monk

33.5K 1.1K 289

(Male!Various x Male! Villain! Reader) Brought up by anger and pain, one boy seeks out his revenge. Suffering... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 14.5
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Season 4!
Two Heroes
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 22

695 26 11
By evil_monk

Time flew by swiftly, and before they knew it, class 1-A was on a bus, driving to Takoba, where they'd be taking the provisional license exam. Y/n sat at the back of the bus, on the opposite side of Bakugou. People didn't seem to notice the tension between the two of them, but y/n didn't care.

"Get off. We're here." Aizawa ordered as soon as the bus parked in front of their destination. "This is one of the exam areas, the national stadium in Takoba." Everyone exited off the bus, adrenaline kicking in as they grew closer to the building.

"Ugh. I'm getting nervous..." Jirou huffed.

"Man, what'll they have us do for the test? I hope I can earn a provisional-" Mineta was cut off as Aizawa stepped in front of him, leaning down.

"There is no 'I hope'. Return back here with your provisional." The teacher almost seemed like he was pleading.

"Oh! R-Right!"

"Remember, if you can just pass this exam and obtain your provisional license, then you will cease to be mere eggs and hatch into chicks...Into semi-pros. So give it your all." The class erupted into cheers as soon as Aizawa finished, attracting attention from students from other schools.

"Say it with me! Plus..." Kirishima started,

"Ultra!!!" but he was cut off as a student ran towards their group, finishing the motto before him.

"You shouldn't go crashing the circles of outsiders without invitation, Inasa-kun." Another student, presumably from the same school as 'Inasa', chastised, her braided silver hair swinging as she approached the group.

"Ah! You're right!" Inasa gasped. "Please accept my sincerest apologies!" The man placed his arms to his sides before bowing deeply, crashing his forehead into the ground, surprising most of class 1-A.

"What's up with this guy?" Kaminari sweatdropped.

"He's like Iida and Kirishima squared...!" Sero added.

"Wait! Those uniforms!"

"Is it really them?"

"The power school of the west!" Multiple students from different schools could be heard muttering amongst themselves.

"The east's got Yuuei, and the west's got Shiketsu." Bakugou grunted.

"Of the many departments of heroics in all the high schools out there, the one rival school that poses an obstacle for Yuuei...Shiketsu Academy!" Inasa pulled his face off from the ground, a large, intense smile on his face. "I've always wanted to say it at least once! 'Plus Ultra!!' I love Yuuei Academy!! It's such a pleasure! The highest honor! To be able to compete against Yuuei!"

"Oh! You're bleeding!" The silver haired girl gasped, her head uplifted slightly, her nose twitching as it inhaled the copper scent of blood. She then turned her head, her nose catching something else. Making a beeline towards y/n, the girl sniffed at his collar, smiling softly. "You smell nice..." Y/n didn't say anything, only furrowing his brows as he noticed her foggy eyes.

"C'mon Naomi! Let's go!" One of her classmates called out, their group beginning to walk towards the stadium to get ready for the exam.

"Right! Coming!" The girl reached into her backpack, taking out a small candy, smiling sweetly and giving it to y/n before running to catch up with her class.

"Um..." Y/n stood there awkwardly, not really knowing how to respond to what just happened.

"Oh~! Eita! I think she likes you~!" Kaminari cooed teasingly, only to receive a candy to the face.

"Yoarashi Inasa..." The class calmed as they heard Aizawa mutter out a name.

"Do you know him, Sensei?" Hagakure questioned.

"Talk about enthusiastic, huh. And everything he said sounded good-natured and normal." Kirishima hummed.

"That kid...He's no pushover." Aizawa stated. "His name's Yoarashi. At the end of the last school year, or in other words, when you were all applying for the entrance exam, he was selected as one of the recommended students. But, for some reason, despite his top of the line grades, he declined to enter Yuuei." Aizawa explained.

"Really?!" Midoriya exclaimed. "Wait, that'd make him a first year too, right? Not to mention, to have the top qualification for the recommended spots...Wouldn't that make him...stronger than Todoroki?" The green haired male looked up at Todoroki, finding a blank expression.

"I don't get it. He says he loves Yuuei, but he tosses his chance at entering?" Sero mumbled.

"So weird."

"He may be weird, but make note: he's the real deal." Aizawa huffed.

"Eraser?! Eraser is that you?!" A voice called out, causing the teacher to tense up. "I saw ya on TV and at the sports festival and whatnot, but it's been forever since we bumped into each other like this!" All of the students turned their head and spotted a lady smiling and waving at their teacher. "C'mon! Let's get hitched!"

"No." Aizawa responded shortly.

"No?! Hahahaha! What a laugh!" The woman burst into a fit of giggles.

"Your jokes are as impenetrable as ever." Aizawa huffed.

"She's the heroine of smiles, Miss Joke!" Midoriya exclaimed! "Her quirk's called 'Peals of Laughter'! She can use her quirk to dull the thoughts and deeds of anyone near her by forcing them to laugh their heads off! The way she dispatches with villains is really crazy too!" The green haired male explained, excited to see this pro so close.

"You brought your school too?" Aizawa questioned.

"C'mon kids! C'mhere! It's Yuuei!" The woman called over a group of students behind her.

"Whoa! In the flesh!" One of the students, a tall male with messy dark hair, looked over the class in awe. He and his classmates seemingly excited to meet the famed class 1-A.

"Meet the second years I'm in charge of. Ketsubutsu Academy's class 2-2!"

"Nice to meet you! The name's Shindou! Yuuei's been through quite the string of trouble this year, huh?" The black haired male jumped from student to student, introducing himself and shaking their hands. "But you're all still aiming to be heroes, despite it all! So admirable! I think that from now on, what every hero fundamentally needs is an indomitable spirit!" Y/n watched as the male walked up to Bakugou, reaching his hand out. "And then there's you, Bakugou! The kid at the center of the Kamino incident. You must have an especially strong heart! Today, if you'll have me, it'd be my honor to be allowed to hone my skills with partners of your caliber-" Shindou was cut off as Bakugou whacked his hand away.

"Don't patronize me. Your words don't match your eyes." The blond sneered.

"Dude, rude!" Kirishima huffed. "Sorry about him-"

"It's okay! It's just all the more proof of his strong heart!" Shindou's gaze then turned to y/n's form. "And finally, the one I've been really wanting to meet. Eita y/n." The man smiled and walked up to y/n, offering his hand, which y/n reluctantly took to shake. He couldn't help but notice the unnecessary strong grip Shindou was using. "You must have a strong heart too." The two of them stared into each other's eyes, challenging one another, for what seemed like an hour. They were snapped out of it as Aizawa spoke up.

"Hey, they're going to lay down the details after you get changed. So stop waisting time." The teacher ordered.

"Yes, sir!"


As soon as they all got changed into their hero costumes, the students were gathered in a large room. But even with the size of the room, y/n felt like he was being suffocated by the sheer amount of bodies packed in.

"Ehem, right, so let's begin." A very tired looking male spoke up from the front of the room, his voice echoing off the walls as he began to explain the rules of the exam. The main objective of the first test was to place balls onto targets connected to other students. Eliminate three students by taking out their targets, and you succeed. Get your own targets taken out, you fail. Only 100 students would pass. "All right...We'll distribute the targets and balls after that happens...The exam will commence one minute after everyone spreads out."

"After what happens...?" Y/n heard Todoroki mutter. The students all flinched and gasped as a loud clanging sounded, the walls around them beginning to collapse, falling down outward, revealing a large field filled with a variety of different training grounds.

"I believe you all have types of terrain you like and dislike. Please do your best and capitalize your skills."

As soon as y/n received his balls and targets, he moved to find a spot for himself. The countdown had begun, and before he knew it, y/n was being targeted by many different students. An abundant amount of light, magnetic balls were thrown his way, hoping to land a few of them on the male's targets, located right above his elbows on the backs of his arms, and at the center of his chest.

"Let's have a good Yuuei hunt, shall we?!!" The students around him smirked and snarled like wild animals, their eyes narrowed and focused, like a predator hunting its prey. Dodging a few of the balls easily, y/n released a large amount of energy from his whole body, the shockwave pushing back or slowing down the momentum of all the balls.

"I knew you'd do something like that!" A student snuck up behind y/n, aiming for the backs of his arms. Y/n swiftly dodged before the ball could touch his target, grabbing the student's extended arm before twisting them around and pinning them to the floor. He quickly grabbed a few of the balls lying around, placing them in all three of the student's targets.

"One down...." Y/n muttered, hopping away from the student as another lunged for him. It was a pattern of dodging balls and students themselves as they tried to attack him and get him out. Growling, y/n jumped into the air, becoming annoyed with the constant attacks. "Skywalk!" Releasing energy pulses from his feet, y/n pushed himself up into the air. Those with quirks allowing them to follow him into the sky were swiftly on his tail, hoping to take him out now that he was a bit more vulnerable without stable footing. Y/n dodged the balls flying at him and kicked at the students that got too close, making sure to add an energy pulse to blow them further away.

Finding an area with a good amount of rubble to hide in, y/n allowed himself to fall down, careful not to land on any sharp edges. Swiftly moving behind a large stone, y/n breathed out, finally able to catch his breath. As soon as he calmed, he heard a few sniffles. Looking to his side, he saw that the silver haired girl from the entrance was sitting there, grabbing her head with agitated fingers, hissing out curses to herself. Taking a step forward, the girl finally noticed y/n's presence, gasping in surprise, standing up and backing away warily.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked, watching the girl as she stared at the air behind him. She sniffed the air, trying to identify him.

"Are you the boy from before?" The girl asked. She then cursed to herself, grabbing her head again. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Can't you get anything right?!" Y/n didn't say anything, simply watching as the girl verbally beat herself up.

"What are you doing here, just sitting around and yelling at yourself?" Y/n asked again, hoping to get an answer out of her this time.

"It's chaotic! There's too many noises! I can't figure out where I am, or who's voice belongs to who's body! There's so much dust, I can't smell anything clearly! I'm completely useless!" The girl cried out. Only now did y/n put everything together. Her foggy eyes, her strange way of moving around, her reliance on smell and touch.

"You're blind." He stated. The girl nodded.

"Aren't you going to just get me out?" She asked. Her targets were located on her shoulder blades and the small of her back.


"I don't want your pity!" The girl snarled, only to gasp in surprise as y/n grabbed her arm, yanking her towards him. He placed the palm of her hand on the left side of his chest, forcing her to feel the steady pumps of his heartbeat. The girl blushed and opened her mouth to say something, but no sound came out. A red tint fanned across her face, her nose twitching as it began to pick up y/n's pleasant scent. Slowly but surely, the girl began to calm, all negative thoughts leaving her mind.

"I'm not giving you my pity." Y/n grunted, releasing her arm once he noticed her calm. The girl's hand still rested on his chest, only shifting as the girl brought herself closer to find more comfort in y/n's presence.

"I can hear better..." The girl muttered, her head turning and her ears twitching slightly as she picked up new sounds and smells. Y/n didn't reply, just allowing the girl to step away, her blind eyes widening as her senses returned to her.

During the camp training, y/n had learned that he could take much bigger impacts and store them for much longer, as long as he stayed calm and reserved. Before, whenever he received a large impact, because of the overwhelming feeling of energy coursing through his body, he would often begin to panic, allowing his quirk to become unstable. He knew, once he laid eyes on the girl before him, her quirk was unstable due to her frazzled mind and the activity going on around her.

"How...?" The girl shook her head, deciding that questions at the moment weren't worth asking. Instead, she smiled. "Thank you..." She trailed off.

"Eita Y/n." Y/n gave her his name.

"Thank you, Eita-kun." She breathed, only to tense up. "Look out!" She jumped and pushed y/n out of the way before a ball could hit his targets.

"Wha...?!" Y/n had no idea there was someone behind him, he looked at the girl with furrowed brows. His eyes widened slightly before relaxing as the girl began to transform, her ears growing pointed to the sky, fur covering her pale skin. Her arms also began to elongate and thin, her fingers becoming long and skinny, leather-like webs connecting them, the web also extending from her pinky finger to right above her armpit.

"My name is Agaski Naomi. I also go by Koumori for my hero name. My quirk is bat form. Please allow me to aid you, Eita-kun!" The girl smiled before shooting her wings forward, projecting a large gust of wind, pushing away more magnetic balls heading towards them.

"Sure." Y/n smirked, launching himself into the sky, Naomi following after him. A few airborne students spotted them in the open air, immediately going after them. Y/n pushed himself up higher just as one student dived towards him. As the student passed under him, y/n kicked his legs down, releasing a large amount of energy, sending the student to the ground. Y/n followed the student down, grabbing a few stray balls before placing them in the targets. "Two down." Y/n looked up to see Naomi placing her balls in another student's targets, along with a candy in the student's mouth.

"Thank you for this opportunity!" She chimed to the student, who sighed in defeat. She seemed to notice y/n's gaze on her, as she turned her head towards his direction, smiling sweetly. Y/n huffed and looked away, jumping off to find another student to take down.


"I'm so pleased everyone's hale and healthy! I was so worried!" Yaoyorozu gleamed at the sight of her classmates in the waiting room where all of the people who passed rested. It didn't take too long for both y/n and Naomi to take out three students each, both of them passing the first stage of the exam. After being told how to take off the targets and where to put the extra balls, y/n grabbed a cup of water and sat on one of the empty benches, allowing his muscles to relax.

As they all waited, the students chatted and listened to the announcements, telling everyone how many had passed and how many spots were left. In the end, all of class 1-A had made it through. Y/n drank his water and watched as his classmates celebrated their passing. He sighed and threw away his paper cup, finding himself feeling left out. He really asked himself why he was feeling that way. He knew that these were all aspiring heroes, his enemies, but he couldn't help but feel like he wanted to be with them. He hated to admit it, but helping Naomi....felt good. He then thought of Bakugou. The one who chased after the number one hero spot with aggression, the one who had such a tough exterior and a strong heart, the one who had rough lips that stole his first kiss. His heart fluttered, and it felt so nice. But y/n knew that it was wrong. This wasn't where he belonged. This wasn't who he was. No one here would accept him if they knew who he actually was.

Y/n was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard large explosions, his eyes shooting over to the large screen on the wall showing the exam field. The buildings and terrain were being demolished, stone and metal falling down, and dust flying up. He also spotted many frail looking people making their way onto the field, trapping themselves and getting 'injured' within the destruction. Y/n heard his classmates gasp in shock at the scene.

"The next stage of the exam will be the last! You will all act as bystanders, and conduct rescue operations at a disaster site!" A voice announced through the speakers. Y/n furrowed his brows. This was not him, being a hero was not his dream, nor his duty...So why did he feel this way?

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