I Call it a Draw

Oleh Kitay-chan

2.9K 54 17

The game has started, can China understand what is going on before it is too late for him to back off? Lebih Banyak

Strange Messages
Summer House.
Piece of Cake.
Tea time.
A game.
Stop playing the innocent.
Ping Pong.


240 2 1
Oleh Kitay-chan

How was I supposed to know that?

Apart from the fact that all those "suck my Florida" remarks that America pulls on Ivan make sense now, I had no idea.

After five minutes of Ivan laughing at me, I decided to end with my misery by saying that I had to check up on Taiwan and Hong Kong. Somehow, I convinced him of my inability to contact them through my phone, and went to my hotel room.

Once there, I had time to go through all that happened today, what was all this about? Is the "Florida" thing related to this, or is it just Alfred making fun of me? But that doesn't make sense, I didn't know about it, Ivan did though. Maybe it was a joke for him... it still doesn't make sense.

And what's with the invitation to have lunch? Both of them did that, it isn't strange coming from Ivan, he hates to be alone but Alfred? Maybe I am overthinking.

I will read the file he gave me instead, yes, it is an official request after all. Now, where did I put it?

Oh no.

I left it at the table, I'll have to come back there and ask for it. Or maybe Russia took it. What if he did? Would he read it? Of course he would, I would.

There is a knock on my door.

Yes, he took it. And now he is going to question me about it, I hope it doesn't have any important information, who am I kidding? I hope he didn't read the last page. I don't even know how to explain that.

I open the door to find Russia outside with the file on his hands.

"Yao you forgot this on the table." He says while handing it to me.

He is smiling and I know he read it, it is too calm, too calculated which means it's fake.

"Thank you, I was just looking for it." I reply and wait for his questions but there is just silence. He just nods and stands there.

Should I say that I have no idea why America wrote that, or should I pretend I know nothing? Yes, I am oblivious, if I act well enough he'll believe me.

"Well, see you later Russia, or tomorrow."

He nods again, and I try to close the door but he stops it with his hand.


He frowns at me, here comes the questioning. This was way too easy.

"Will you visit me the next week?"

That was not the question I was expecting. But it makes me feel relieved and I smile.

"Of course, we have a meeting to discuss how to go about changing the currency on our transactions, but thanks for reminding me of it anyways."

He furrows his brows while slowly pushing the door back at me.

"Yes, but I was not referring to that, I was asking if you would visit me in my house."

His house? Why would I do that? I haven't been there in a long time, not since it was the Soviet Union.

No, I won't. I don't want to go there but how can I tell him this without offending him?

Sorry I can go to your house because it gives me the creeps? No.

Sorry but I need to avoid some places so I don't have a panic attack? That's too honest.

I would love to but I am allergic to the kind of wood your house is made of? No.

Since when am I so bad at lying?

I look at him, he is waiting for my answer, I have to say something.

"I... I don't know. What about you go to my house?"

He sighs. "No, I want you to go to my house, will you?"

I lean on the door a bit, only to shield myself from him, from his stare. I don't know how to handle this without upsetting him.

"I... I can't..."

"Why?" he seems exasperated and I can feel an aura of coldness around me.

This doesn't seem like a conversation to me anymore, it is more like an interrogatory, one where if I am not cautious enough I will end up digging my own grave.

My reply comes out weaker than what I expected. "Because.... I am busy"

That is such a terrible lie, how am I busy if the only thing that I have to do that week is attend to that meeting with him?

He retrieves his hand from the door and it closes due to my weight on it, I end up kneeling with the door closed in front of my face. I don't dare to open it, I know he is there. But my hand trembles when I reach the doorknob.

He must be mad, I can hear him outside.

"Yao, are you ok?"

Why isn't he mad? Is it a trap? No, remember Yao, he's changed, no need to panic. "Yes... I... I am fine."

"Well... open the door."

I open it hesitantly, his expression is not tense, not angry, and he almost seems calm, almost, because I can see a bit of worry on his eyes. He takes a step back and holds his hands together. I am not sure if it is consciously or not but it makes feel less uneasy.

He talks again, but his voice is soft. "Are you afraid of me? I am not mad."

"Of course not- I take a deep breath -you are not a threat to me now."

"But I was. Is that what this is about? If that is the case I apologize."

His behavior makes me feel awful, he hasn't done anything to me and still this happens. "No, is not about that. I just fell and the door closed, really. "

He sighs again and offers me his hand. After a moment I take it, and the fact that it is not cold surprises me but also soothes away the shreds of fear I had.

"Yao, we need to talk. I will leave you alone for now, but I will come back later and-"

"Hey Russia, what are you doing on Yao's door? Are you spying on him? I guess old habits never disappear."

Oh no, that's America's voice. I hear footsteps approaching, I retrieve my hand quickly while Russia just frowns.

"Didn't you hear me? Why are you standing in front of his door?" How weird, his voice sounds different, it isn't his usual carefree tone.

"That is none of your business America." Russia's voice is harsh, too aggressive for just a little of teasing.

I don't really need this right now. I want them both to go away.

"Why are you so touchy Russia? Did Yao already rejected you? I told you he is afraid of you, he wouldn't-"

Russia interrupts him. "Not now America."

A part of me wishes he hadn't interrupted him, after all if this is because of a stupid game between them I would really like to know. The other part of me wants them to leave as soon as possible so I can have a rest.

But it seems that America in not in favor of my wish for peacefulness because he keeps on approaching.

"Don't be stubborn Russia and admit that you lost already."

Lost? What is he talking about?

Russia turns to him and motions towards me. "I'll repeat it again because apparently you can't hear me over the sound of your annoying loud voice. NOT. NOW. AMERICA."

America snickers "Oh man, he really did reject you. I wish I had seen it."

Russia rolls his eyes. "He didn't."

What are these two up to?

"Just admit it already, I promise I won't make fun of you, for a day. It is just a matter of time before Yao calls me to have lunch together, he is just being polite with you since you followed him after the meeting, and then I can put my plan on acti-" America holds his gaze at me, his smile falters but he recovers in a matter of seconds. "Yao, you are here, did you read the file? I came here to talk about it."

Russia looks like he is about to inquire about it but he just gives me a questioning look.

I decide to keep on with the "oblivious act" and reply with an apologetic tone. "No, I haven't"

America takes off his glasses showing me his best puppy eyes. "Aww but I was eager to talk with you."

I feel annoyed, that trick is not going to work twice. "Cut the act already. I won't fall for it."

I hear Russia chuckling.

"That goes to you too, Ivan. What are you two doing? Why are you acting so weird lately?"

Both, Alfred and Ivan are no longer smiling.

Ivan is the first to retort. "I already told you I have no idea what you are talking about, I am and have always been my usual self. As for him- he points at Alfred- he is just being silly as always, do not pay him any mind. "

Alfred glares at Ivan. But keeps silent anyways then he looks at me and winks. Weird.

Ivan places his hand on my shoulder. "Why don't you rest a little? You must be tired."

Alfred takes Ivan's wrist moving away his hand from me and mutters. "Remember Russia, you must not touch him."

Ivan snatched his hand away.

He turns to me. "We will talk later." He looks back at Alfred and half smiles then he leaves.

I look at Alfred but he is not paying attention to me, he just stares at Russia, and surprisingly he goes after him. Turning around the corner of the corridor where I can no longer see them.

Now, if I wasn't confused for all that has happened today, I would have never done what I did next. I decided to forget about my manners and polite costumes and went to eavesdrop them. Was it wrong? Yes. But how could I not do so if the possibility of discovering what they were playing was so tempting?

I tiptoed as fast as I could and reached the corner where I could easily hear Alfred's voice. "You are going to sabotage me aren't you?"

Ivan laughed. "But America, remember the rules. No sabotage allowed. Taking into account that I already told you what I'd do, why don't you tell me what are you planning?"

Rules? What is that supposed to mean?

Alfred's tone is easy to read I recognize it from when he annoys England, it is playful, almost like a purr, pretending a false seductive attitude. "Well if you say so, it is not a plan at all, haven't you noticed? He treats us like children, so, I give him what he wants, you do so too but you behave as a spoiled child, while on the other side I am the golden boy, therefore I can make him do as I wish just by asking nicely and showing him the perks of doing as I say. It is quite easy, Yao is a simple man."

How dare he? I am not so easy to manipulate am I?

My thoughts are interrupted by Ivan's voice. "Don't pull me into your stupid rationalizations, to me it looks like you want a babysitter."

America just laughs. "if you think about it, he just wants to take care of the others as an older brother would do so, that's also the reason why he keeps you around." he ends up that sentence with his annoying laugh again.

I hear Russia moving. "Whatever you say America, I hope he doesn't end up hitting you with a spoon for being too direct or too stupid."

I hear Alfred's steps towards me. "Take it easy Russia, as a hero I will take good care of him. Perhaps I'll try to convince him of finally playing rough, just as you and I used to do during the cold war." He just keeps snickering.

Before I can let Alfred's words sink in my mind I hear steps, and after a moment a thud against the wall and America's laugh stops abruptly. That remark can't be good if Russia's reaction is so quick.

"I will warn you beforehand, if you dare to touch him I will end you." Russia's voice is barely audible but I recognize the coldness of his tone.

America chuckles. "I thought you liked to share, comrade."

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