But Who's Counting?

By wowdaisy

316K 12.6K 3K

"I'm pregnant with your child, Alex." Sophia was determined on convincing Alexander that besides her being pr... More

Chapter One: "Happy Birthday!"
Chapter Two: "Hell yes!"
Chapter Three: "Deal!"
Chapter Four: "Abortion."
Chapter Five: "Baby."
Chapter Six: "Control."
Chapter Seven: "Mamas,"
Chapter Eight: "Nicole."
Chapter Nine: "The Grinch."
Chapter Ten: "Merry Christmas!"
Chapter Eleven: "Pack your shit."
Chapter Twelve: "I'm jealous."
Chapter Thirteen: "Who is that?"
Chapter Fourteen: "Hold me."
Chapter Fifteen: "Your face."
Chapter sixteen: "They're kicking!"
Chapter Seventeen: "Just friends."
Chapter Eighteen: "Family dinner."
Chapter Nineteen: "Family Dinner cont."
Chapter Twenty: "Are you drunk?"
Chapter Twenty-One: "She's mine."
Chapter Twenty-two: "Just like you."
Chapter Twenty-three: "Basketball and Ice Cream."
Chapter Twenty-Four: "Vodka."
Chapter Twenty-Five: "Cravings."
Chapter Twenty-Six: "I'm calling the police."
Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Bash your skull in."
Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Relationship status."
Chapter Thirty: "Change your outfit."
Chapter Thirty-One: "Cinnabon."
Chapter Thirty-Two: "Sophia's Family."
Chapter Thirty-three: "Buddy System."
Chapter Thirty-Four: "Pool."
Chapter Thirty-Five: "Dumbo."
Chapter Thirty-Six: "Surprise!"
Chapter Thirty-Seven: "Shorty."
Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Wedding Bells."
Chapter Thirty-Nine: "Thor."
Chapter Forty: "Welcome home!"
Chapter Forty-One: "Five weeks."
Chapter Forty-Two: "You deserve to be happy."
Chapter Forty-Three: "Call Daddy."
Chapter Forty-Four: "Mommy's not happy."
Chapter Forty-Five: "Being loved."
Chapter Forty-Six: "She said what?"
Chapter Forty-Seven: "Here goes nothing."
Chapter Forty-Eight: "Unbelievable."
Chapter Forty-Nine: "You're stupid."
Chapter Fifty: "Alexander the Maniac."
Chapter Fifty-One: "Nose rings."
Chapter Fifty-One 1/2: "Jaisiah and Jalen."
Chapter Fifty-Two: "Moving like a sloth."
Chapter Fifty-Three: "Adult Brownies."
Chapter Fifty-Four: "That's not his pacifier."
Chapter Fifty-Five: "Water balloons."
Chapter Fifty-Six: "Baby gravy."
Chapter Fifty-Seven: "Happy Birthday!"
plan b(aby)
Bonus Chapter
Chapter Fifty-Eight: "August 23rd."
Official Sequel #1 Sneakpeek
Official Sequel #2 Sneakpeek

Chapter Twenty-Eight: "Who's is this?"

4.8K 194 60
By wowdaisy

After spending the day out with Alexander, Quincy, and Maya I was tired. My ankles were swollen, I had to pee, my head started to pound and I was hungry.

Quincy and Alexander got along great as we walked around the malls. They chatted about everything from sports to his fiancée to kids. Quincy absolutely adored Maya and I could see him wanting to have a child of his own.

From the way he talked about his fiancée, I didn't really like her. I didn't voice this opinion though. He liked Alex and I didn't want to take away the happiness from him.

Maya stayed to my hip the whole day. Both Alexander and Quincy bought her everything her eyes laid on. Alexander bought the first couple things and Quincy ended up getting her four pairs of crocs, including charms. I got a pair as well since the shoes I had on hurt against my swollen feet.

Maya talked to me about all the things that the babies room should have and all the things Alexander's mother bought. Without a baby shower, we would be fine, for sure.

We left the house around 1, shopped around the mall before running to the car and putting everything that we had gotten already into it, then coming back to see a movie and then going shopping again. Quincy, who was a impulse buyer, bought every Marvel movie plus a marvel hoodie and pair of converse.

We ate at Olive Garden and then made our way back home. Now, it was 11 and I was inside of Alexander's bedroom while Quincy and Alex were downstairs. Maya was asleep by the time we got home, so it was only us three up.

I was terribly tired. All I wanted to do was get off my feet and sleep.

The twins were absolutely restless today, turning and kicking every chance they get. As soon as they are born, I am signing them up for the soccer team.

My ribs have been kicked at so hard, I wouldn't be surprised if it was broken.

I change out of my clothes, stripping to the sports bra and spandex I wore before slipping into some sweatpants and a cami top.

I lay in bed and almost immediately, Alexander is walking in.

"Alright, goodnight." He says behind him before shutting the door with a smile on his face.

"Hey baby." He smiles at me as he walks into his closet. He returns, completely stripped of us clothing. He stood in his boxers as he ran a hand through his hair. Alex turns off his closet light and comes over to the bed.

"Hi, Alex."

"I love you."

"I know." I say, tiredly.

Immediately, Alex's face twists and he stiffens. He taps on my cheek and is now inches away from my face. A frown is etched across his face as he speaks. "What did you say? Say that again."

"I know?"

"I said, I love you. When I say I love you, you say you love me. Now, I love you."

"You love me." I joke. Immediately, Alexander is pulling me onto him, my stomach in the way of me rolling so he shifts himself underneath me. "I'm tired." I moan as he runs his hand down my body.

"Say you love me." He demands.

"You love me."



"I love you."

"I love you." I finally said. Alexander presses a kiss to my lips before allowing me to lay down. He entangled his legs with mine. His warm body instantly heating mine.

"They won't stop kicking."

"They just love you." He says, rubbing his hand on my stomach. Another sharp kick was delivered right to where his hand was. "Woah." He draws back before grabbing my hand.

"You're brother is something else."

"Agreed. He's also a asshole."

"He's your brother. He's supposed to be."

"Yeah yeah, whatever asshole." By now, I'm just tiredly mumbling. I don't really have any idea what exactly is coming out of my mouth. I just know that I'm responding to whatever Alex said.

"That doesn't mean I'm a asshole."

"Yeah yeah. Enough pillow talk. I'm tired." I reply again, this time a yawn escaping. Alexander yawns as well before draping another arm around me.

"Okay baby, lets go to sleep."


"Fuck, you're cheating!"

My head immediately leaves the pillow at the high pitched scream. In a daze of confusion, I lift my head. Alexander is knocked cold with very soft snores leaving his parted lips. The clock reads 6:04 am.

"Shhhh. Your stepmom and Dad are sleeping." Quincy says. I realize that the first voice was Maya.

I swing my legs off the bed, slowly making my wya to Quincy's room. The door is cracked and television light is illuminating the room. I peek in, seeing Maya with a wii remote in her hand as she sits on her knees on the large bed. Quincy is laying back with another remote in his hand. Maya is shaking the wii remote firefly just as I push the door open.

"Why are y'all up so early?"

"Well, I was coming back from the kitchen and just as I was, my favorite niece her was just about to knock on your door. I wasn't sure if you gave Alexander a cookie or not last night, so I invited her in my room to play Mario kart. Now, if you excuse me, I'm getting my ass beat by someone named Princess Peach." He says, groaning as something happens. Maya just sends me a tired before speaking again.

"Maya swore."

"Maya, don't," he winks as she looks at him, "swear in front of your mother or father."

"Sorry mommy," Maya says in a baby voice to me. Quincy chuckles before sharply sitting up and shaking the remote.

Quincy is rubbing off on her way too much. I sigh before turning around and making my way back to bed. I'm too tired for this.

When I get back to the room, Alex is halfway awake. He was patting around just as I began to slip into the bed.

"Where'd you go?" He groggily asks. "Just go back to sleep." I say. I pull the cover back up and Alexander wraps his arm around me once again before falling back asleep quickly.

When I wake back up, it's 8:42 and I'm the only one in the bed. I can hear noise from downstairs so I decide to just get up. I make my way downstairs and Alex and Quincy are both chatting while Maya is playing the wii.

Alex has his laptop in his lap, so he's probably doing work as well as talking to Quincy. Quincy has a wii remote in his hand but it doesn't look like it's currently on.

"Hey babe." I say before addressing Maya and Quincy. Maya smiles wide at me while Quincy makes a gagging noise.

I sit on the love seat with a hand under my stomach while Quincy begins talking.

"For the wedding, do you think we should get alcohol? I invited Aunt Ke."

"She's not sober?"

"No idea."

"Have designated spots for alcohol and make sure she doesn't get any."

"I have a bad feeling about this wedding." Quincy grumbles, typing away at his phone. "Same here."

"Wait, Uncle Quincy, can I come to the wedding?"

"Of course. Both you and your father can come. Matter fact, you can even be the flower girl. We don't have one of those."

"How do you not have a flower girl? Your wedding is in a month."

"Listen, I barely know anything about the wedding. Mom has been doing all of it."


"I'm just there to show up."

"Just don't show up late." Alexander says.

"Mom would kill me. Speaking of Mom though, when are you telling her?"

"When she picks me up from the airport."

"When are you due?"

"May 21."

"So you're gonna tell her basically a month before? Excuse me, two months before."

"What's your fiancées name?"

He looks at me dumbfounded before sputtering a name. "Sarah."

"Your 11th grade crush?" I question. Quincy lied before pressing his phone to his ear. He mimicked me before turning away. Alexander was typing away at his laptop, almost infuriatingly and Maya was now standing, shaking the remote harshly.

Here I was, sitting with a belly that extended two feet in front of me.

"Where's that weird girl you hang out with? Chrissy, is it?"

"She said she wanted to kill her." Maya said, my eyes going wide. Immediately Quincy stands up while Alex is so engulfed in his work he doesn't realize what's happening.

"Where does she live? I'll kill her."

"Police detained her I haven't spoken to her since."

"You shouldn't. I'll kill her. I'm not scared to go back to jail." Quincy says, his muscles flexing as he crossed his arms in front of me. Alexander doesn't even speak, simply peaking o between us and going back to work.

"Why'd you go to jail, uncle Quincy?"

"For beating up people who talk about my favorite sister and nieces." He says, which was the truth. Although he was only in jail for like six months, it was because he beat up some guy that wouldn't leave me alone.

"You're my favorite uncle. I wish I could live with you."

"When Sophia moves back maybe."

"Quincy." I didn't want him nor Maya to think I was moving back. I wasn't, at least not anytime soon. Maybe when the twins were a reasonable age. It depends on how Alex and I are. If we arent talking, I'll move. If we are still, 'together', by then, of course im not moving unless he is too.

"Sorry, Sophia. Forgot you were keeping that in the closet." He jokes as he picks up his WII remote. Alexander finally decided to look up. "She's not moving anywhere unless I am as well."

"Good. Pack your bag loser you're going to Disney world." He says, sending everybody a smile as he licks his lips and then begins to boast Maya on the game. "Can I pack my bag too?" Maya looks back at my brother and her father, obviously wanting to go to the Disney amusement park. Quincy just chuckles while Alex groans.

"Mamas, can you watch Maya for a while? I have to run in to work." Alexander asks while shutting his laptop. He stands up and tucks it under his arm while I nod. "Yeah, I can watch her."

"I'll be back." He mutters, making his way up the stairs.

"Okay so sister. You're going to tell me what the hell happened with Crissy." He instantly digs, his eyes dodging over to mine for a moment. I shake my head before telling him everything. I started off with Jace's three foster siblings who didn't like me and I ended with Crissy chucking her phone at me.

Now that I think about it, I should have connected the dots sooner. One of Jace's foster sisters name was Kristina. It was spelled differently than Chrissy but I still should have connected the dots. I guess I just figured that they wouldn't follow me from California to New York.

While we are on the topic, Alexander was right. For whatever reason he had to not trust Crissy and warn me to stay away from her, I should have listened to him. She was dangerous. I just didn't want to think someone so close to me would be.

I knew as soon as she said Jace something was up.

I've never told her about Jace.


Of corse, stubborn me just refused to believe that she wasn't safe for me.

I wish I would have listened to Alex. I wish I would have listened to any of the warnings I was given.

"She threatens my nieces and nephews? I'll kill her. I swear to god I will Sophia."

"Hopefully she gets arrested," I grumble.

"What are you guys going to name them?"

"We have no idea yet. I like Jaisiah."

"Probably because it's my middle name." He boasts, shaking his wii remote. Maya turns around with a smile on her face and sticks her tongue out.

"How about because no."

"Are you stay in at Moms house or a hotel?"

"Why would I pay for a hotel?"

"Because everybody lives at our house since they got renovations done. They added an extra floor and added on to the bottom floor. The guest house has a guest house. They've officially went crazy."

"Who lives there?"

"Everybody."he says with a deep voice as Alexander comes down the stairs. He's dressed in his suit and tie and he's carrying car keys and a laptop. He comes over to me and plants a kiss onto my lips, biting the bottom before mumbling. "I love you."

"I love you too." I say as he pulls away. Quincy makes having noises while Alex says goodbye to Maya.

"Don't make that noise like I'm not going to have to watch you kiss your fiancée."

"Yeah yeah whatever. At least I'm supposed to kiss her." He reply's back just as his phone rings.

"I need to take this." He says, quickly dashing out of the living room with his phone. Maya turns the wii of before coming around to sit with me.

"Can we talk?"


"When you and Daddy get married are you going to be my mom?"

"Yes. We are not getting married." I clarify though. I would hate to get her expectations up.

"Yes you are. I told daddy I wanted you to be my Mommy. He said 'I do too' so that means he wants you to be mommy too."

"We can't be friends?"

"You can be both. Then, you can move into Daddy's house and you can sleep in the same bed. Then the babies can have the room next to mine and we can share the bathroom. All I'm saying is I want you to be my mom."

"What about the twins?" I ask as she plays with her fingers.

She's so pure.

"What about them? We can share mommy's. We already have the same Daddy so what's the difference?"

"You're too old."

"What? Daddy is old. He's 23. I am only 3. I am not old."

"I guess you're right."

"I am right. Now, can we talk about something else?"


"What do you want for your birthday?"

"A nap."

"Really? You don't want to go to the bounce house? That's what I want to do for my birthday."

"What else do you want to do for your birthday?" I asked. I gladly took this chance as a way to divert the attention from my birthday to Maya's.

She smiled widely at my question, excited to say what she wanted to do for her birthday.

"I want to have a party. I want to invite Brieaja, Justin, Emily, Yasmine, and Caleb and we can all go to the bounce house. After we go to the bounce house we can go and eat pizza and then play some more. Caleb is my best friend and Brieaja. Caleb is in my daycare class with me. Justin is mean to me sometimes but then he's nice. That's Caleb's bestfriend. Emily is the girl who likes to use my crayons. Yasmine is Brieaja's sister. She's nice and gives me her fluffy bean chair to sleep in. You can come too! You have to wear special socks though. Daddy and I went to the bounce house and they gave us blue and green socks. Uncle Drew broke his leg there. It was nasty and he didn't even cry. But I like it. Daddy said he only broke his leg because he was trying to impress the lady. He's stupid. Oops." She rambles before topping it off with a toothy grin.

"I can't wait!"

"Me neither. I'm getting a princess cake. With only white cake because chocolate cake is nasty. And the frosting, not the fake kind or the soft kind like whipped cream. The good kind." She clarify as she shakes her head up and down.

After four hours, Alexander returns back to his place. He looks upset and tired so when he storms upstairs, I debate whether or not to follow him.

Quincy was almost knocked out on the couch. He was just staring at the wall at this point and on the other couch Maya was sleeping. I stood up and quietly made my way upstairs.

I knocked on his bedroom door softly. When he didn't answer immediately, I knocked again. I could hear him trudge over to the door. The door was pulled open and there he stood. "Hey baby, what's wrong?" I followed him in as he turned around and walked back into his room room.

"Work." He answers sharply, sitting on the bed and staring at his reflection in the mirror.

"I'm sorry, baby. anything I can help with?" I asked.

"You know how to get a major client back?"

I shook my head no.

He stayed silent after that. We both did. I could see his leg start to bounce out of frustration.

He turned and grunted, mumbling under his breath. He attempted to move away from me but I loved wuick enough to rest my hands on his knees.

"What is up with you? There's absolutely nothing I can do for you? Maybe try talking to them. I can go cook." I said, seeing the anger pooling in his eyes. He gave me the straightest face as he answered my question.

"Fuck me." His breathing was jagged and I could see his chest pump up and down as I frowned.

"My brothers downstairs."

"I mean this in the nicest way possible; fuck your brother."

"What about Maya?"

"Her favorite uncle is downstairs. I guarantee you she won't bother us. I'll bet a whole fucking car."

"Alex.." i said while he frowned at me.

"Undress me" was all Alexander needed to say in order for me to comply. My hands moved towards his tie, QuickRing untying it before moving to the buttons. He grabs my arm and drags me up, moving to the side of the bed.

I was pulling of his short as he took over, saying to me "Get undressed now."

I nodded sharply as he walked over to the door, twisting the lock before stepping out of his pants. Now, he was left in his boxers while I was in my pants and a bra.

"You're taking too long." He stalks over to me, a hand sensually running down my pregnant bulge.

Although Alexander has seen me naked before, i still want cower into a corner of the room from the look he's giving me. His hand slips behind my back as he pulls my sports bra over my head. His other hand is already trailing down towards my pants. "You're so fucking sexy." He mumbles as he rips my pants down. Before I even have a chance to process anything, I am laying in the bed and Alexander is standing over me.

I watched as he slowly reached for his boxers. I stared as he slowly pulled it down his legs, they were now at his ankles. "Fuck!" He blurts out, a frown taking over his face once again.

I saw him now glaring at me and knew that he was upset and now, there was no backing down. I took pleasure gazing as he pulled his lip into his mouth and his member stood proud. His hand stroking himself while I am laid out for him.

"Okay baby." he says, postponing himself at my entrance.

He waited just a moment, giving me another look over. Then he plunged into me. His stroke was full of anger and love. He steadied himself on my stomach.

"You are going to be sore, I'm sorry baby. You won't even be walking anytime soon."he grunts as I let out a moan. He finds exactly what he needs to find and is already pushing harder against it. I let out a moan as he hits my g-spot. His long and hard strokes rocking my body with the bed.
When I look back up, Alexander's eyes are distant. He is almost in another world but the green pools of anger are evident. I just wanted to kiss it away. I grab his arm, almost wanting to pull him down but he retrieve it back from me. "Don't touch me, Sophia."

My arm came back down, bringing a frown with it. My breath was taken away with the pain his words cause and I had to reassure my self that he was upset.

"Oh, my god. You are turned on. I don't believe it," He says.

Well, you're fucking a pregnant woman, what do you expect?"

"More, more! Harder Alex!" I nearly screamed at him.
"Be quiet. Your brother and Maya are downstairs." Alexander grunts.

He matched his hips with mine harder and faster, watching me as did so. My eyes shut as he pulled back and slammed into me. His hands gripped my ass as he grunted and swore. Suddenly, on the this stroke, he raised my hips and shuddered. I waited and watched as he grunted pulling back and slamming harder than I thought possible.

"Please," i start to beg His grip tightens as he pulls my thighs towards him. My knees were spread wide as he bought a hand and aimed for my soaked center. He began to viscously rub while pounding me. I almost screamed from the pressure. "Be quiet Sophia or I'm going to stop." He grunts, pounding into me even more.

The way he moved.. it was almost like he wanted me to make noise because he started working even harder. When he looked into my eyes, now all you saw was pure anger.

He finally stripped off his boxers and pulled out, moving me further onto the bed, a panting mess, kissing me roughly. He pressed his lips against mine before trailing my face, ending at my ears.

"Who's is this?" He said, darkly as I panted. I was frozen in place while he slightly bit my ear lobe. He easily entered a finger into my wet and waiting hole. I was soaked and we both knew that.

"Yours." I moan just as he pulls himself up and aims for my entrance again.

"Say it again," he pulls me forward and plunging into me. "It's yours,"

"Say it again." He demands as I begin to hit my peak. He spanked my ass as I felt my body shake, "Alex! It-"

He stopped.

"No, no, no, no, no." I said. I doubt he even understood anything I said because I was a blubbery mess as he stroked his dick. He stood over me, a disappointing look on his face. "Please."

"I told you to be quiet." He said, pumping his dick. I frowned while still being spread for him. All he did was smile darkly before releasing his seed all over my stomach with a grunt.

"Alexander Makai!" I said, desperately. I attempt to sit-up. He froze as he looked at me. "What?"

"I'm sorry."

"Are you going to shut up this time?"

"Yes baby." I pleaded as he reentered me, way slower this time. This time it was torture. He teasingly ran a hand down my side while lazily pumping into me. Suddenly, he sharply plunged, hitting my peak. He pulled back again, hitting the peak again as I came undone underneath him. He let out another grunt, coming inside me this time. Our combined wetness flowed down my crack as he exited with a pop.

We stay silent as we regained our breath. He looked down and kissed me, smiled and gently murmured, "That was what I needed. That was exactly what I needed," and kissed me again.
Guys my phone cracked and I had a terrible time tried to rewrite this. Donate a dollar to my charity to get my phone fixed 😔.

rip to luke perry tho :(( riverdale is one of my fave shows and luke was almost one of my fave character.

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