Chasing Reality (Katsuki Baku...

By sienasummer

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WARNING: this story is unfinished and will probably remain so You've always dreamed of having a life of your... More

Chapter One: Shadows of the Past
Chapter Two: Growing Up
Chapter Three: A Happy Wife
Chapter Four: An Unlikely Rescue
Chapter Five: Thank You?
Chapter Six: Back to School
Chapter Seven: Class 1-A
Chapter Eight: Homework Heroes
Chapter Nine: Cornered
Chapter Ten: Love Rivals
Chapter Eleven: Temptation
Chapter Twelve: Movie Night
Chapter Thirteen: Movie Night Part 2
Chapter Fourteen: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter Fifteen: Media Mess
Chapter Sixteen: An Arrogant Bastard
Chapter Seventeen: Let's Be Friends
Chapter Eighteen: Dazed
Chapter Nineteen: Lunchtime Affairs
Chapter Twenty: The USJ Incident
Chapter Twenty-One: The USJ Incident Part 2
Chapter Twenty-Two: The USJ Incident Part 3
Chapter Twenty-Three: The USJ Incident Part 4
Chapter Twenty-Four: The USJ Incident Part 5
Chapter Twenty-Five: Blame
Chapter Twenty-Six: Forgotten
Chapter Twenty-Seven: An Accidental Invitation
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sleepless Nights
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Morning Madness
Author on Bedrest
Chapter Thirty: Mystery Man
Chapter Thirty-One: Secrets
Chapter Thirty-Two: Secrets Part 2
Chapter Thirty-Three: Secrets Part 3
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Lovers Tree
Extra Chapter: Shoto's Birthday (2019)
Chapter Thirty-Five: Self Doubt
Chapter Thirty-Six: Home
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Dating Advice
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Turmoil
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Uproar
Chapter Forty: A Quirk Marriage
Chapter Forty-One: Why Not Me?
Extra Chapter: Valentines Day 2019
Real Chapter Forty-One: Heart to Heart
Chapter Forty-Two: Heart to Heart Part 2
Chapter Forty-Four: Repose
Chapter Forty-Five: Opportunity Knocks
Chapter Forty-Six: Choices
Chapter Forty-Seven: A Declaration of War
Chapter Forty-Eight: A Declaration of War Part 2
Chapter Forty-Nine: A Glimmer of Hope
Extra Chapter: Katsuki's Birthday (2019)
Chapter Fifty: The Truth About Marriage
Chapter Fifty-One: Infidelity
Chapter Fifty-Two: Murderous Intent
Chapter Fifty-Three: Fire and Ice
Chapter Fifty-Four: Defiance
Chapter Fifty-Five: The Final Fight
Chapter Fifty-Six: A Not So Warm Welcome
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Saviours
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Stay With Me
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Sweet Respite
Chapter Sixty: A Room Full of Elephants
Chapter Sixty-One: Equal Ground
Chapter Sixty-Two: Understanding
Hiatus Notice
Hiatus Extended

Chapter Forty-Three: A Token of Friendship

840 39 12
By sienasummer

"Alright, woman," you giggled at Nanami from across the small table. "I have my cappuccino and I have my chocolate cake, now spill!"

"Okay, okay, calm down," Nanami smiled as she took a sip of her coffee. "Let me at least eat some of my cake first."

"Ugh, fine," you huffed as she dug into her slice of strawberry shortcake.

You'd decided on going to the small café that Ochaco had recommended to you earlier that week. You'd poked and prodded the whole way there, but Nanami had insisted on keeping her mouth shut on the topic of Touya until you'd arrived.

You picked up your fork, eyeing Nanami impatiently as you took a bite of your chocolate fudge cake. Oh my god... You hummed contently as the chocolatey goodness melted in you mouth. I'll have to text Ochaco and thank her for the amazing café recommendation. This cake is heavenly!

"So, you're seriously not mad about me telling Touya?" You asked between mouthfuls of cake.

"Nope," Nanami smiled. "It's kind of hard for me to be mad at you when it resulted in him asking me out on a date."

"I knew it!" You practically screamed, drawing way too much attention to yourself in the small café. "Whoops," your cheeks flushed in embarrassment as Nana laughed at you.

"Alright, calm down. I might have to limit your sugar otherwise."

You growled at Nanami and quickly pulled your plate away from her fork as she reached across the table. "Not a chance, woman. This is mine. Get your own if you want some."

"Awe, but (y/n)," she whined. "Best friends are supposed to share!"

"I don't exactly see you offering up any of your short cake," you narrowed your eyes at her almost empty plate.

Nanami shrugged. "It was worth a shot."

"Anyways," you sipped your drink. "You were saying?"

"Oh, right," Nanami smiled. "So I guess after Touya got home Sunday night, he called me right away to talk about you. Once we'd finished that conversation, he told me that you'd mentioned I had a thing for him."

You smacked your forehead and groaned. "He didn't even try to hide the fact that I told him, did he?"

"Nope," she laughed. "And since you'd told him, I couldn't exactly deny it. He basically apologized for being so oblivious all these years, and I told him that I'd come to accept that us being a thing was something that probably wasn't going to happen."

You rolled your eyes. "And exactly how many times did I tell you that you should just confess?"

Nanami stuck her tongue out at you. "Zip it. He was always talking about you, what was I supposed to say? 'Hey Touya, I know that you have a major crush on (y/n), but I like you so you should go out with me instead'. Yeah, right, he'd have totally been receptive to that."

"You never know," you giggled.

"Anyways," Nanami rolled her eyes. "He said that he'd never really thought of me that way, but he was wondering if I'd want to give dating a shot anyways."

"What?" Your eyes widened. "Just like that?"

"I guess," she shrugged. "He said that now that he knew there was absolutely no chance for him with you, if I was okay with it, he wanted to try. We discussed it for a while, and we're not officially dating or anything, but we're going to try going on a couple of dates and see how things go. He said that he owed it to me to at least give 'us' a fair shot."

"It's about damn time," you sighed. "I'd better be the first to know when you get engaged."

Nanami choked on her coffee. "(Y/n)! It's one coffee date, just to try things out, nothing more. Besides," she took another sip of her drink. "You're his best friend. He's obviously going to be bringing you along to pick out the ring."

"Ha, I knew it!" You laughed. "You're trying so hard to act like it's not a big deal, but you're practically shaking with excitement."

"And nervousness," she huffed. "God, we've known each other for years, yet here I am stressing out about what to wear to one silly little coffee date."

"I can only imagine," you smiled. "I'm sure I'll be the same when Shoto and I go on our first date, and I've known him since I was 7."

"No way," Nanami gaped at you. "You guys haven't been on a date yet?!"

You shook your head. "We went out for dinner to celebrate when he got accepted into UA, but we've never been on an official date or anything."

"Damn, woman, get with the program!"

"Said the pot to the kettle..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing." You sipped away at your cappuccino as Nanami glared at you.

"OI! You two are awfully noisy."

You practically jumped out of your seat as a familiar ashen blond appeared out of no where. "K-Katsuki? When did you get here?"

"Tch, I've been here the whole time, idiot. I've been sitting over there with Shitty hair," he gestured over his shoulder.

You looked past him to see Kirishima smiling and waving. "Oh."

"Obviously. I can't believe you didn't see them," Nanami rolled her eyes.

"You've known this whole time?!" You hissed at her. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Nanami shrugged. "I kind of wanted to see what would happen." She smiled mischievously as you glared at her. "I'm leaving now. Consider you drink and cake paid for."

You watched in disbelief as she went to pay the bill before disappearing out of the door to the café. Katsuki took her now empty seat, and you noticed Kirishima get up to pay and leave not far behind your best friend.

"Well that was rude," you narrowed your eyes at Katsuki. "Shouldn't you at least say goodbye to your friends before you abandon them?"

"He knew that I wasn't going back over when I left," he shrugged, flagging down the waitress. "Do you want anything else?"

"Oh, um, no thanks, I'm fine."

"Another cinnamon tea and a slice of spice cake for me, and a slice of strawberry short cake for her." The waitress nodded before gathering up the empty dishes and disappearing into the back.

"I said I didn't want anything." You eyed him suspiciously.

"I'm pretty sure you accused your friend of not sharing hers earlier. Or did I miss hear?"

"No, you didn't," you grumbled. "It's not nice to listen in on other people's conversations you know?"

"Don't talk so loud next time then."

"What do you want, Katsuki?" You leaned back in your chair. "I'm not in the mood to argue with you right now."

"Then don't argue." You glared at him but he ignored it. "Look, I already said I was sorry. I know that what I did was out of line, but I meant what I said about us being friends."

"And why should I trust you?"

"Because I won't do it again, damn it!" His crimson eyes watched you closely. "I won't do anything anymore unless you want me to."

"Fine, whatever," you huffed. "It's not like you're going to give me much of a choice on the matter anyways."

"You got that right," Katsuki shot you a wicked grin. You cursed under you breath. God damn bastard! Don't smile at me like that.

You thanked the waitress as she returned with your order, happy for the momentary distraction. You wasted no time before diving into the new slice of cake, humming contently as each bite tasted like a soft, strawberry sugar cloud.

My god she's adorable. Katsuki watched as you happily devoured the slice of strawberry shortcake as he drank his cinnamon tea. Once you'd finished, he smiled as he saw you eyeing up his slice of spice cake.

"Do you want to try some of mine too?"

You bit your lip, you cheeks flushing slightly in embarrassment. "No, it's yours."

"It's fine, I've already had a piece," Katsuki lied, smiling as you pursed your lips.

"I've eaten two pieces already, I probably shouldn't have anymore."

"Spice cake has a lot less sugar than regular cakes, if that's what you're worried about." You pouted, your eyes displaying the internal battle you were having. "It tastes really good."

"Okay, I guess..." Your eyes lit up as Katsuki pushed the small plate across the table to you.

So cute! He smiled. "You like sweet things?"

"Yeah," you gave him a small smile before taking a bite of his cake. "I wasn't really allowed to have them growing up, so I've developed a major sweet tooth over the past couple of years." You let out a small laugh. "Shoto used to always sneak me candies and things during parties while my aunt wasn't looking."

Katsuki frowned at the mention of your boyfriend, but made sure to tuck away the information for later use. "I got you something."

Your eyes widened in surprise. "You what?" Your curiosity grew as Katsuki pulled a small black box from his pocket and placed it on the table in front of you. "What is this?"

"Tch, it's an apology, idiot." Katsuki looked away, the tips of his ears turning red as he rubbed the back of his neck. "And a token of our friendship."

"A token of our..." you eyed the simple black box suspiciously.

"Just open it already," Katsuki snapped, making you jump.

"Alright, I will," you grabbed the box off of the table. "You don't have to bite my head off."

Katsuki narrowed his eyes at you but remained silent as you pulled the lid off of the small box. You blinked a couple of times, almost as if you didn't believe what you were seeing.

"Katsuki, it's..." You let out a small laugh of disbelief, pulling the small charm bracelet out of the box and holding it up to better inspect it. The actual bracelet was a simple thin metal chain, decorated with variously coloured clip on star charms that shimmered as you moved them.

"It's beautiful, Katsuki. Thank you." Katsuki felt the air disappear from his lungs as you smiled at him, your (e/c) eyes sparkling. "Can you help me put it on?"

All Katsuki could do was nod as you handed him the bracelet and held out your right arm. He quickly unclasped the silver chain before securing it around your wrist, trying his best not to have his fingers linger for too long on your soft skin.

"It's supposed to be a friendship bracelet, right?" You smiled again, oblivious to his internal struggle.

"Uh, yeah," Katsuki cleared his throat. "Shitty hair said that friends usually get matching ones, but I thought that would be stupid."

"It's fine," you giggled. "I love it anyways."

Katsuki couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he watched you twist your wrist every which way, admiring his gift. Guess you were right, Shitty hair. Girls really do love these kinds of things.

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