But Who's Counting?

Por wowdaisy

330K 13.1K 3K

"I'm pregnant with your child, Alex." Sophia was determined on convincing Alexander that besides her being pr... Más

Chapter One: "Happy Birthday!"
Chapter Two: "Hell yes!"
Chapter Three: "Deal!"
Chapter Four: "Abortion."
Chapter Five: "Baby."
Chapter Six: "Control."
Chapter Seven: "Mamas,"
Chapter Eight: "Nicole."
Chapter Nine: "The Grinch."
Chapter Ten: "Merry Christmas!"
Chapter Eleven: "Pack your shit."
Chapter Twelve: "I'm jealous."
Chapter Thirteen: "Who is that?"
Chapter Fourteen: "Hold me."
Chapter Fifteen: "Your face."
Chapter sixteen: "They're kicking!"
Chapter Seventeen: "Just friends."
Chapter Eighteen: "Family dinner."
Chapter Nineteen: "Family Dinner cont."
Chapter Twenty-One: "She's mine."
Chapter Twenty-two: "Just like you."
Chapter Twenty-three: "Basketball and Ice Cream."
Chapter Twenty-Four: "Vodka."
Chapter Twenty-Five: "Cravings."
Chapter Twenty-Six: "I'm calling the police."
Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Bash your skull in."
Chapter Twenty-Eight: "Who's is this?"
Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Relationship status."
Chapter Thirty: "Change your outfit."
Chapter Thirty-One: "Cinnabon."
Chapter Thirty-Two: "Sophia's Family."
Chapter Thirty-three: "Buddy System."
Chapter Thirty-Four: "Pool."
Chapter Thirty-Five: "Dumbo."
Chapter Thirty-Six: "Surprise!"
Chapter Thirty-Seven: "Shorty."
Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Wedding Bells."
Chapter Thirty-Nine: "Thor."
Chapter Forty: "Welcome home!"
Chapter Forty-One: "Five weeks."
Chapter Forty-Two: "You deserve to be happy."
Chapter Forty-Three: "Call Daddy."
Chapter Forty-Four: "Mommy's not happy."
Chapter Forty-Five: "Being loved."
Chapter Forty-Six: "She said what?"
Chapter Forty-Seven: "Here goes nothing."
Chapter Forty-Eight: "Unbelievable."
Chapter Forty-Nine: "You're stupid."
Chapter Fifty: "Alexander the Maniac."
Chapter Fifty-One: "Nose rings."
Chapter Fifty-One 1/2: "Jaisiah and Jalen."
Chapter Fifty-Two: "Moving like a sloth."
Chapter Fifty-Three: "Adult Brownies."
Chapter Fifty-Four: "That's not his pacifier."
Chapter Fifty-Five: "Water balloons."
Chapter Fifty-Six: "Baby gravy."
Chapter Fifty-Seven: "Happy Birthday!"
plan b(aby)
Bonus Chapter
Chapter Fifty-Eight: "August 23rd."
Official Sequel #1 Sneakpeek
Official Sequel #2 Sneakpeek

Chapter Twenty: "Are you drunk?"

5.9K 233 52
Por wowdaisy

This chapter is all over the place but it finally got my story back on track. :)


Alexander POV

I watch as my mom pulls Sophia away, both of them going to the balcony. Sophia looks at me, worriedly and I smile at her.

My mom was already in love with her.

"I thought I said wait until dessert!"

"Maya's the one who told y'all."

"You're going to have three kids. Not to mention that Sophia is hot. I'd want her to have MY kids." Aurora said, getting agreements from everybody around the room. We all sat in the living room while Stella and Sebastian sat in their bouncers. Maya and Maddison stayed in one corner, playing with barbies.

My older siblings sat on the couch opposite of mine while Aurora and Arabella sat on the same as mine.

"He wasn't even going to tell us. Can you believe him?" Arabella points to me before speaking again.

"I can't believe she's Sophia Matthews. You guys went to the same high school. That's crazy!"

"I knew she looked familiar. She was in my AP Bio class." Andrew says, stretching out.

"Chance went to college with her. Y'all went to high school with her and I got her pregnant."

"When did you even... sleep with her?" Aurora whispers, counting in her head.

"Your birthday party? Ew!"

"I knew you got some that night. You left and didn't come back. The party started like a hour before ." Anthony frowned while Andrew applauded me. I let out a slight chuckle as I watched Maya throw her doll in the air.

"How long has Maya known? She can't keep a secret for shit."

"She's known as long as I have known."

"Which was...?"

"Maybe four or three months?" I say, watching as Arabella looks behind us, out the balcony. "You guys aren't dating and you're having two kids tomorrow."

"Trust me," I say, a smile spreading across my face as I look at the beautiful girl talking to my Mother. She had a smile and was resting her hands against her stomach. "She's been mine since the moment I put my seed in her."

"She probably doesn't even like you."

"I guess I'll have to tie her to the stripper pole in my closet until she does."

"Wait, you have a stripper pole in your closet? How much did that cost? I'm definitely going to need to invest in that." Anthony says, laughing. I shake my head as Andrew murmurs about how I was joking.

I wasn't but okay.

"Can I come to the baby shower?"

"We aren't having one. We are just going to buy stuff."

"Trust me, you are."

"Wait, who else knows?"

"All of us. Maya. Chance."

"Chance knew before us?" Andrew let's out a groan before running a hand through his hair.

"Chance and Sophia are like best friends! He's the one who got her to come to my party." I said, resting my elbows on my knees. My brothers eyebrows raise at this.

"Are they bestfriends or are they fuck buddies?"

"Swear jar!" Maya says, looking back quickly at her uncle. He rolls his eyes before holding up a dollar. He slides it to the coffee table in front of him while looking back towards me.

"Her ass is huge. Have you been together since that night?" He whispers.

"Okay, I don't wanna spread her business out but, yes."

"Has she been with anyone else?"

My heart stopped for a second, I swear.

Has she been with someone else?

I swear anybody else who has been with he-

"And then she shook her ass in front of my face and I wanted to leave because it smelt like straight ... ass." Anthony says, rather loudly. He was attempting to quickly change the subject since Sophia and my Mom were coming back inside.

His plan immediately backfired, which he realized since the blush took over his face while my mother scolded him and Maddison and Maya both called for him to put money in the swear jar.

"Anthony Malik Parker, have you lost your damn mind?" My mom scolds her son. I glance back, seeing her hand gripping Sophia's hand. Sophia is wiping her eyes and when she drops her hand she sees me. She smiles at me and I monitor for her to come here.

She can't move because of my moms iron grip.

"Mom, I'm sorry."

"You have four sisters! Act like it."

"Alex is the one getting them pregnant and not putting a ring on it." Anthony immediately throws me under the bus, causing me to stand up.

"I'm putting a ring on this one right here." I say, winking at Sophia as I walk towards her. After having to practically pry my moms hand off of her.

I grab her hand and whisk her right back out to the balcony, desperate to know what my mom said.

I close the door, checking to make sure nobody was looking. When I was sure no body was paying attention, I pressed my lips to hers.

"I'm sorry about Maya. She was worried." I apologize as she smiles against my lips. From the way she was acting today, you'd think we were together.

In my head, we are together.

"It's fine. I love your mom." Sophia comments. I shrug. I figured she would like my mom. They are alike in multiple ways and they would have to get used to each other whether they liked it or not.

"What'd she say?" I finally question. Sophia just shrugs and turns around. She looks over the railing which stands over the cars and driveway. Her teasing smile has me to question her again.

"What do you mean you don't know? You don't know or won't tell me?"

"I won't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because you were being a dick earlier." She smiles at me before reaching for the door knob. I grab her wrist and push her against the wall. Her back it's the wall and her eyes rush up to mine. When I look into them, all I see is desire and want.

So, that's what this is about.

I bring my lips to her ear, smiling against it. "I told you if you were a good girl, I'd reward you."

"And am I being a good girl, Daddy?" She teases, running her fingers across my jaw. I tense up and feel myself begin to swell.

"We're leaving."

"I want to spend time with Andrew and Anthony. They're fun."

"Well, we are about to go have a whole bunch of fun." I say, nipping at her ear. I pressed my lips underneath her ear and suck harshly, making sure to leave a mark (incase the ones from earlier weren't enough).

"Alex." She moans quietly as I pull away. Her eyes flutter in a aroused gaze as I pull open the door. I hold her hand in mine as we walk through the threshold and into the kitchen. All eyes turn to us and I motion for Maya.

"We are going home." I announce and Maya lets out a cry.

"Nana! Can I stay here?"

"Yeah, I think it's best if they stay here because Sophia totally looks like she's in the mood to-" Aurora is cut off by our Mother.

"Of course you can baby, Daddy looks like he's about to go do some grown up things anyway." She winks towards me and I let the smirk cross my face as I glance at Sophia. Her breathing is harsh and she's out of it. Perfect.

"It was nice meeting you all, right baby?"

"Yes, nice meeting you!" She says, monotone. I begin to pull her out while Maya runs up and gives me a kiss. "Daddy, when I call you.. answer."

"No promises. Goodnight love bug," I say before whisking Sophia away. I barely make it down the stairs before Sophia's touching me again.

"That shirt is really tight." She whispers, her hand trailing down my shirt to the hem. "Wait and you can take it off."

We leave in a hurry. I kiss Sophia hard once we get to the car before guiding her inside the car.

Sophia's POV

I don't know if it was the pregnancy hormones or being trapped in the same car as Alexander after he's teased me but I couldn't take it anymore. Every chance I got, my eyes would trail Alexander's body. Even as he attempted to talk about his family finding out that we were pregnant, all I could pay attention to was his soft pink lips and his strong hands as he nervously ran them through his hair.

One of his hands gripped the steering wheel and the other was now gripping my thigh. He tapped his fingers against my thigh, making me shudder.

If I wasn't already in overdrive, I was now.

The car started to get hot so I rolled down my window. Alexander's head snapped towards me before he spoke: "Are you okay? It's like 56 degrees in here.." he said, turning a corner.

"Alex.. I'm-"

"You're what?" He asked, glancing from the road to me. I could feel my face flush as his grip on my thigh tightened.

"Don't do that." I bit back a moan.

"Do what? This?" He said, smirking at me. This time, the moan escaped and he look evilly at me.

"You're horny?" He questioned and I vaguely remember a smilies conversation like this.

"It's the pregnancy." I answer

"Or is it me?"

"Alex." I said, moving my hands to his, prying them. It was no use. His hands were iron.

"Wait till we get home." He said. He started the car back up and drove far higher than the speed limit, attempting to get home.

"Can I move in with you?"

"You already did."

"We need to talk, tonight."

"Deal. Afte-"

"Talk first." I needed to say what I needed to say before I just gave myself out once again. "Baby."

"Please, Alex?"



We make it back to the apartment in two pieces, one per a person.

Alexander is sitting on the couch and I decide I'm going to put my feelings out there once.

"We can do this but no strings."

"No. You're mine."

"I'm not!"

"What did my mother say to you?" He voice dropped as he stood. Immediately my heart stopped.

His mother made one thing very clear: if I broke his heart, I would get broken.

Despite being a very small woman, Sarah Parker could deliver the harshest and scariest threats. She was smiling and laughing and all the sudden her voice dropped and she was threatening me.

I couldn't let Alex know this but I did need to let him know how this whole ordeal was going to go down.


"She obviously said something."


"You're withdrawing. I'm not going to let you do this." He said, coming up to me and grabbing my hands.

Why didn't he understand? He didn't have a choice about this. I didn't have a choice about this. I couldn't stand myself if I broke his heart after all he's been through.

"I have to."

"I'm leaving. When I come back, hopefully you'll be back in your right mind." He says harshly, grabbing his keys and storming out the house. I don't bother to stop him. This is all my fault and I deserve this.

I assume Alex will be back in a couple minutes, even a hour, but I don't hear from him at all. He left around 8:30 and it is now 1:54. I'm still sitting on the couch, hoping that Alexander returns safely.

I feel insanely bad and now all I want to do is hugs him.

I sit up straighter in the slightly dark room as I hear the door knob jingle.
Alexander slid through the door, he didn't bother so open it all the way, but instead attempted to slip through the small opening.

"Are you drunk?" I asked myself more than I asked him. The way that he tipped his head while laughing versus the way he threw it back while sober confirmed it all for me. His dark green eyes bore into mine as he fell onto the couch, grasping my wrist for comfort.

"Alex. Let's go upstairs." I said, attempting to pull him up. When I pulled, he pulled as well. His strength causing me to fall right into his lap. He wrapped his arms around me before whispering, "lets stay right here.. I wanna tell you something."

"You can't tell me upstairs?"

"I really like you. I really really really really really really like you." He sang, rubbing my swollen belly. He continued to whisper cute things towards me, well towards my stomach, as he pranced his finger across my stomach.

"I'm scared to tell you. My mom told me to tell you tonight. I'm stubborn."

"Trust me, I know."

He grunted in reply.

"Oh you don't have to tell me." And if he was telling me what I think he is telling me, I didn't want to know. If he told me, I would only fall deeper into the hole of love and I didn't need that.

I didn't want that.

If anything, I needed to be as far from this relationship as possible. Not sitting on a drunk Alex's lap at 2 in the morning. He smelled of a mix of vodka and Hennessy. Which one he had the most of, I don't know. But he was for sure drunk off of it. I didn't know what to do. I tend to not know, but especially in this situation. Drunk guy, pregnant me.

But it was Alex.

"I love you."

I snapped out of my thoughts, looking at Alex's large hands rubbing my stomach. He started to tap his fingers lightly while humming. Even with his humming, all I could hear was him saying 'I love you'

"Mamas," he started but I didn't want to hear it. I couldn't hear it.

"Alex.. please don't."

"No!" He said, loudly. He pushed me to the side before standing up. He ran a hand through his hair, angrily. He swung his hand, shoving a glass off the table.

"I just love you. So, so, so, so much. No matter how far you go, I'll always follow because I just love you. I can't even say it anymore than that. I love you. I'm not afraid to say it. You're the one I desire. You keep my calm throughout these episodes I have. You straighten me out when I being stubborn. You keep me at bay. Baby, it's you. Why can't you realize that? I thought I knew love. I thought I had had it before. But, damn. I was wrong. I've never had that shit. Leah, that wasn't love. That was toxic. But this, this is me loving you. This is me wanting to cherish you for as long as I can. You're my sunshine on my dark days. My warmth on my cold nights. You're all I need. I'm positive. I know I am. I don't think I would be the same man if I never met you. I've always known you were the one. I just didn't know what it meant. These babies, Maya, and I... we all love you. So much more than you can see. You're so beautiful. You're so kind.. sweet. I wouldn't have anyone else be the mother to those kids. I love your angels.. and your demons. What's that quote? The one from the movie we watched a couple days ago?.. You like because and you love despite! Yes. I love you despite the fact that you lash out on me. I like you because you're not afraid to lash out on me! You know me, even more then you think. I didn't even let Leah see this side of me. She didn't deserve this side of me, you do. I love you because you try to annoy me or get on my nerves, I could never get sick of you. I wanna be that someone who would take care of you when you're sick, who would give up everything and move across the world for you, and with you. You wanna know why? I am foolishly foolish and stupidly stupid and irrational, and totally and completely and entirely in love with you. If you love me, why wont you say something?" He rambled, pulling at the roots of his hair. Halfway through, he started to pace the room, making me even more anxious. He was unpredictable in this state.


"Why is it so hard for you to love me? Is it because of Maya? Leah? My family? I know you love me. It's pretty obvious."


"Can you let me talk?!" He yelled. He was getting frustrated. The way he pulled at the roots of his hair while violent shaking his arms proved that. He let out a loud noise, pulling off his shirt. I couldn't do anything but watch. I was glad Maya was spending the night at her grandmothers house. I definitely didn't want her to see her father in this state, or have him wake her up in the whims of the morning. My eyes wandered down to my hands, picking at the nail polish on my fingers. I listened to Alex's unsteady breathing, hoping to calm myself. I was nervous. My body was shaking. Alexander could read me like a open book.

I did love him, perhaps. But I know how this goes. I've read the books, watched the movies. People like us never get happy ever afters. He will go for some girl with straight blonde hair versus my curly brown hair. Someone more skinner and who's stomach wasn't stretched out from their kids.

If I was in his shoes, I wouldn't blame him. Hell, I don't blame him in my shoes. That's just how the story goes. He may say all of this while he's drunk but later on today, when he is completely sober.. he would look at me crazy if I even began to mention this. My heart can't go through that. My heart can't go through Alex. All he will do is throw it from hand to hand, tear it in half, poke at it, and play until it bursts and only then will he give it back to me. I'll be helpless and vulnerable with my feelings out. With him assuming that I 'love him', it doesn't really affect me like that. But if I told him I loved him?

That's a whole other story.

"You're hiding your feelings. I can see it! Why won't you let me love you? I won't break your heart! Just give me a chance! I love you! What's there to be scared of? It can't be rejection since I'm offering you all my love. It's all here on the table! So, tell me what it is, Sophia." His emotions were jumping all over the place since fifteen minutes ago he was singing to me about how much he liked me and now he was yelling and swiping stuff off tables.

"I'm not good with my emotions," I started, my eyes staying in my lap. Out the corner, I could see Alex begin to stand still.

"So, I really can't tell you how I feel. I don't know how to say what I feel about you. You're right, I feel something, I guess. But you have to understand I can't act on it. This is about the ba-,"

"Stop. Shut up. Be quiet." Alexander silenced me. We stared at each other in silence, me too scared to talk and him too upset. "I know you don't mean to hurt me but every time you speak I can feel my heart ripping into shreds, so please shut up. I haven't felt any shit like this since Leah. You know it took me a couple years to realize I didn't love Leah? That she was a toxic bitch who manipulated me into getting her pregnant just for her to not even want our baby anymore? I wasn't even heartbroken when we broke up. I didn't care! I didn't love her, the more I think about it. I sacrificed everything for her but in the end I didn't love her. This time, I know I love someone but they supposedly don't feel the same way. Leah didn't love me from the start, but will you ever? Will you ever love me? I don't understand this. My heart can't take this type of damage, I can't do this. I can't stand living in the same home as someone I love but having to watch her avoid my eye contact or even talking to me! Leaving before I wake up and locking yourself in your room while I'm here. You're making this hard for me! You really fucking are making this hard for me! It doesn't have to be this damn difficult, we can be together. I don't know what you're scared of. Am I not good enough? Fuck! I love you, Sophia!" This one he yelled ten times louder. My heart was drumming against my chest and tears were streaming down my face.

"I'll keep trying for anything for you. What do I have to do? I'm jumping through hoops here!" He screamed. He fell to his knees causing me to immediately stand. I slowly walk to his body. His eyes were trained on the floor while his palms rested on his knees. His back bent as he leaned forward. His hair was just a inch below my hands. I rubbed my hands through his hair, causing him to slowly look up at me. His bloodshot eyes stared emotionless into my cloudy ones. I felt one of his large hands grasp my wrist, taking it away from his hair before repeating the action with my other hand.

"You're good enough! I don't want all of this to go terribly wrong and have to see you move on while I can't because I fell so deep. I don't want our kids to have to witness us not being cool with each other because we tried and it didn't work." I explained softly. He stared at me, not a word came out his mouth. Slowly, he rose. His height made me have to step back and look up a little at him.

"Can I love you?" He asked lowly, the smell of vodka and henny still on his breath. It was such a simple question but the depth went further than what you see at the surface.

"Alex-" he cut me off. He shook his head, putting a hand under my chin to lift it towards him and another on the back of my neck, forcing me to look no where but at him.

"Yes.. or.. no?" His voice was demanding, even his this angry-drunk-in-my-feelings state.

I so desperately wanted him to love me.

So, I said yes.

A wide smirk spread over his drunk face. He finally smiled, showing his teeth. I watched in horror as he swiped down, hooking his arms under my knees and back. He lifted me up while screaming.

"She said yes!" He yelled, as if I just agreed to him proposing. He spun us in a circle while pressing his lips to my forehead. I held on, worried for his drunken state and for my heavy ass.

He stopped spinning but continued to press sloppy kisses along my face before finally pressing a firm one to my lips. He pressed another one, swiping his lip along my bottom one before starting to walk backwards. I held on even tighter as he blindly began to walk up the stairs while tonguing my throat. I began to eagerly kiss him back, pregnancy hormones playing a part in this. One of my hands found their way to his cheek, pressing his face firmly to the side to kiss him. He pressed another kiss just before tripping.

"Fuck. I'm sorry. Cmon." He said, as I laid off herin the top step. He must have transferred the alcohol from him to me, because I burst into a fit of giggles. He tipped his head down, looking at me before letting out a loud laugh. He swooped down and lifted me once again, making it up the remaining stair this time.

He kissed my mouth again, gently massaging his tongue against mine. Alexander moves back, pulling my lip with him before laughing drunkingly. "You're so beautiful. I swear I never want anymore kids with someone else." He declared before kicking open his door.

"I hope you never leave me." He whispered silently as he laid me gently against the bed. I don't think I was supposed to hear that because he immediately folded his lips into his mouth before pulling down his pants. I took this time to take off my shirt. I watched in confusion as he dropped to his knees while in his boxers. He pressed his hands against my bare stomach before talking in a sweet tone.

"Hellllo," he slurred. "It's Daddy here. I just wanna day, anything that about to happen.. you're not gonna get hurt. Don't worry. I love you and your mommy so I wouldn't do anything to hurt neither of you. Okay? Now, go to sleep in there. Daddy is gonna take care of Mommy. Daddy loves mommy." He said before kissing my stomach. His kisses trailed down to my shorts before his teeth grazed my skin. He pulled at my short with his teeth while keeping eye contact with me. His lust yet love filled eyes trapped mine in his emerald gaze. He put both hands on my hips while he pulled down the shorts in the most seductive way I've seen. He came back up, pulling down my underwear. He stopped halfway, leaving wet kisses on the inside of my thighs.

My breathing hitched as one of his hands left my hips and found its way between my legs. He grunted before impatiently sipping my panties apart, chucking them behind him. I frowned slightly before feeling him kiss inbetween my legs, trailing up to my mound. I laid back down on the bed, immediately tightning my legs when I felt Alexander warm, wet tongue lick my clit. He was still on his knees on the floor, but he pulled me forward so that my thighs rested on his shoulders. He pulled away before asking me, "are you ready, love?"

I was unable to speak as he began licking me before I could respond. His tongue was like magic. I could feel myself getting wetter, and then he started to slide his finger in. I started to have a small orgasm as he explored inside me. He was now tongue deep in me, his hands were gripping my thighs to hold me in place while I squirmed in delight. My hands found their way to his hair, gripping it in hopes to bring him closer to me. I could feel myself came and he didn't even stop then. I was in dream land like never before. He stopped then came up for a kiss. We locked into a long kiss. We explored each other's mouth. I could taste my own come in his mouth.

He stopped and pulled on my thighs, pulling me towards him again since I some how found my way towards the middle of the bed. "Don't come this time."

I heard him but it really went in one ear but out the other.

He leaned forward again and began kissing me. I could feel his head touching my lips. I could feel him teasing me. He reached down and rubbed the head up and down before positioning himself at my opening again. I felt him splitting my lips and then push forward slightly until his progress was halted. He took a deep breath and I felt a extreme surge of pleasure between him burying himself inside me and him toying with my nipples. He pushed forward again and I could tell he wasn't done getting himself in. He moved his hands to my stomach, steadying himself before slamming into me. He laid as on top of me as he could, my swollen stomach in the way. "I'm going to go slow, I don't wanna fuck you. I want to make love to you. You want me to stop and just fuck you at anytime, let me know."


I felt him begin to move backward and then slowly push forward again. Very gradually, I could feel him picking up the pace and moving in and out of me a little more rapidly. I looked up and watched his face intently. His eyes were tightly closed and it looked like he was in another world. He began to let out little moans and grunts as he found his way to my hands. My bundles over nerves nearly exploded as he decided to push my legs up, allowing him to go deeper. He put his hands on my stomach, letting out a small curse.

"God, you're so fuckin' beautiful." he said, almost to no one in particular, because he appeared to be off, somewhere else.

He began to thrust into me harder and I wasn't entirely certain that he knew he was doing it because it seemed to be an almost unconscious act.

"This is mine, right?!" He asked, his voice in a low sexy tone.

I nodded, I couldn't even talk. I moaned loudly and felt a huge orgasm building. "Please don't stop!" I yelled out. He pounded me harder and faster until I started twitching and shaking before abruptly stopping. "No!"

"Say it!" He yelled out. He stared directly into my eyes, his hand slipping back between my legs. He grazed his nails over my thighs, right where I was sensitive. My breathing hitched as I tried to remember what he wanted me to say.

"Sa- say what?" I asked, my eyes rollin back as he slowly began to bring back some of the pleasure i was previously getting.

"You're mine, right? This right here," he said, toying with my sex, "is mine right."

I viciously nodded my head in hope for him to continue.

"I need to hear you say it, baby. Cmon mamas, tells me who's it is and you can't get that good ole' release you want." He coaxed. He started to tease me but I couldn't speak. All I could do was nod my head.

"Babygirl... I'm telling you. I gotta hear you say it."

I still tried to concentrate. I couldn't.

He pushed into me slowly before pulling out and repeating. He began to hum quietly, a wicked smirk on his face. He pulled out and pushed back in, quickening his pace.

"Fuck! It's yours! It's all yours!"

He granted me a smile before beginning to work his magic again.

"And only mine? No one else's?" He asked, pounding into me before laying his lips onto my stomach.

"Only yours, Alex. Nobody else's. Just you, just you." I panted as I felt my orgasm on the brim. It was close, super close.

"I know, baby." was his reply as we both came and then we just stopped. We were both panting and covered in sweat.

"I think we just made another baby." He said, falling on top of me.

vote, comment, and enjoy.
am I the only one who loves Alex or do y'all think he's a jerk?

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