Bullied By Colby Brock

By emosock51

374K 6.6K 5.2K

Three sections. Three love stories. One family. SECTION 1: Colby: Anyway, meet me by my locker after school... More

Chapter 1: Valentine's Day
Chapter 2: Reasons Why I Hate You
Chapter 3: Cheaters Never Win
Chapter 4: The Bridge
Chapter 6: The Return
Chapter 7: Nothing Lasts Forever
Chapter 8: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 9: The Procedure
Chapter 10: Lost Memory (pt.1)
Chapter 11: Lost Memory (pt.2)
Chapter 12: Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easily
Chapter 13: The Truth Hurts Sometimes
Chapter 14: You Can't Run Away Forever
Chapter 15: Are You Healed Yet?
Chapter 16: Allies or Enemies?
Chapter 17: Brothers?
Chapter 18: Family Dinner
Chapter 19: Kidnapped
Chapter 20: Psychopaths and Bullet Holes
Chapter 21: Goodbye
Chapter 22: Coma
Chapter 23: Dreams Are Not Just Fantasies
Chapter 24: Adopted
Chapter 25: The Journal
Chapter 26: Ash
Chapter 27: What Are You Hiding?
Chapter 28: Cops pt.1
Chapter 29: Cops pt. 2
Chapter 30: Cops pt. 3
Chapter 31: What Happened?
Chapter 32: Sophomore Year
Chapter 33: Dak
Chapter 34: The Call That Broke Ash's Heart
Chapter 35: A Haunting Of A Different Kind
Chapter 36: Anger
Chapter 37: Tricksters
Chapter 38: The Game
Chapter 39: Urgent Causes
Chapter 40: I'm Sorry, I Don't Trust You
Chapter 41: Explanations Come With A Price
Chapter 42: The Cliff
Chapter 43: Finding Peyton Sawyer
Chapter 44: I'm Not Gone
Chapter 45: Possession pt.1
Chapter 46: Possession pt.2
Chapter 47: Fix It
Chapter 48: I Miss You
Chapter 49: What Are You?
Chapter 50: Cry It Out
Chapter 51: The Day Of Reckoning
Chapter 52: Tell Me
Chapter 53: 2 Years Later
Chapter 54: Quick Thinking
Chapter 55: Change
Chapter 56: Meant To Be???
Chapter 57: College
Chapter 58: Break Up
Chapter 59: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 60: Forgive Me, Please
Chapter 61: We're All Human
Chapter 62: We Can't Escape The Past
Chapter 63: Secret Santa 🎅
Chapter 64: The Aftermath
Chapter 65: Apologies Can Reveal Secrets, Too
Chapter 66: Lies Upon Lies
Chapter 67: Damaged
Chapter 68: Young and Dumb
Chapter 69: Reunited
Chapter 70: Maybe This Time, It Will Be Better
Chapter 71: Selene
Chapter 72: A New Life
Chapter 73: Judgement
Chapter 74: An Enemy Rising
Chapter 75: Realization
Chapter 76: Why Can't We Just Tell The Truth?
Chapter 77: Maybe We Took Normal For Granted
Chapter 78: Prom Pt. 1 (Time Skip Later In Chapter)
Chapter 79: Prom Pt. 2
Chapter 80: Hospital
Chapter 81: A Child
Chapter 82: Welcome Home
Chapter 83: Suspicion
Chapter 84: Breakfast
Chapter 85: Shopping Trip
Chapter 86: First Day Pt. 1
Chapter 87: First Day Pt. 2
Chapter 88: Help
Chapter 89: Answers
Chapter 90: The Party Pt. 1
Chapter 91: The Party Pt. 2

Chapter 5: The Past

12.2K 203 44
By emosock51

I knew exactly what that meant, and it wasn't good. She was dying. I heard the doctors talking.

Doctor: Time of death?

I started walking out, I couldn't deal with it. I was at the hospital entrance. Brennen was there. He had a busted lip, she tried to fight back, she got a few good hits in, despite him being captain of the football team.

Brennen: She in the clouds yet?

It took everything in me not to bust his head in.

Colby: You have 30 seconds to get in your car and leave.

Tears started streaming down my face. Then, a doctor came up behind me and tapped me on my shoulder.

Doctor: She's not dead, she came back at the last second, it's a medical miracle.

Colby: Really?

Doctor: She's in a coma, but there are no promises.

Colby: Thank You.

Doctor: It's my job. If you don't mind me asking, she's your girlfriend right?

Colby: Yeah, kind of, it's complicated.

Doctor: When did you guys meet?

I thought back in my mind to the first time I met her. Junior year. 2 years ago, it was when I first moved here. She was smiling at me, then her friend said something and she laughed, it was so cute.

Colby: 2 years ago. Gym Class.

Doctor: I got to go back to my shift, but you can wait in the waiting room until she can have visitors.

Colby: Sounds good.

I walked back to the waiting room. I thought back to before I really knew her. I remembered one day walking down the halls. She was with her friends and they were talking. She always hung out with the people who never really fit in with others.

I passed her and she looked at me, then her friend yelled "Brother Husbands!" I didn't understand what her friend meant, but she and her other friends did. They all erupted with laughter.

Jen: Just because I wear rings doesn't mean I'm married to 5 people!

Then, I got the joke, instead of sister-wives it was brother-husbands.

Friend: Well your five brother husbands are: Reed, Colby,-

Jen: Would you shut up!

I couldn't believe she had said my name. I smiled at her. She looked at me and seen me looking at her. She turned back to her friends.

Jen: Now you see what you done??!!

I thought I would say something, just be funny.

Colby: Anywhere, anytime baby!

They all started dying of laughter. Then, Reed turned the corner.

Reed: In your dreams. Cole.

He said coldly and kissed Jen. The thing is, they didn't start dating then, they waited a while.

Later that day, in gym class, I purposely chose her for my team during capture the flag. She was in front of me and I was behind her talking to Sam in a whisper, trying to not let her hear me.

Colby: She's really hot dude.

Sam: I know right?

We weren't quiet enough. She heard us. She turned around and laughed at us. She walked away from us we were facing all of her friends, but she didn't care, anyone who crossed the half court line got tagged. She was very fast.

The next day, we played castle ball. (Which is where there are "castles" Made of hula hoops and the opposing team tries to knock all 3 of your "castles" Down, And vice versa.) She was with her friends, and they were unstoppable. There was absolutely no way to beat them.

During the game, I gave up and started throwing the balls at her. She looked at me after the ball hit her. I smiled at her. Then, it was time to switch out with the other two teams, so they could play. She sat with her friends.

Jen: Cole Brock is a idiot, I think he has brain damage from his ego.

Her guy friend that had responded, I recognized. His name was Will.

Will: So he was throwing his balls at you?

All of her friends started laughing.

Other friend: I told you! brother husbands!

I grabbed my water bottle and was swallowing when I heard:

Other friend: I'm coming over later right? To work on math homework?

Will: If Colby isn't there first.

I choked on my water. That was really funny. They hadn't noticed that I was there before. Now they noticed from the sound of me choking on my water.

Jen: What are you, a stalker or something?

Colby: Nope, I'm apparently one if your five "brother husbands."

She turned to Will.

Jen: See what you've done?

I came back into reality. I never thought that this would be where I would be back then. The doctor came and got me.

Doc.: Are you Cole Brock?

Colby: Yes. May I see my girlfriend now?

Doc.: Yes you may.

He took me back to her room. There were so many wires hooked up to her. She was asleep. I walked over and held her hand.

Colby: I wish I could tell you how much I love you.

I looked at her eyes and seen them open.

Jen: Now you can.

I kissed her and my hand touched her side.

Jen: Ow! Colby.

I walked over to her other side, the one I touched accidentally. At first, she swatted my hand away.

Colby: Hey, I'm just checking your side.

Jen: Nothing else?

Colby: Nothing else.

She let me look at it. I slowly lifted up the hospital gown. There were stitches up her side, she was black and blue. It was so sad to see.

Colby: I'm so sorry that this happened to you.

I said with tears streaming down my face.

Jen: Don't cry baby.

She still has anesthesia in her system. I didn't correct her though.

Colby: This should be me not you.

Jen: Yeah whatever. You didn't date Reed.

Colby: I know what you're thinking, and you better not think it because it's not your fault.

Jen: Yes it is Colby. I dated Reed. I was friends with Anna.

Colby: But you didn't cheat. You would rather have me stay at your house than kiss me. You deserve better.

Then, the doctor walked in.

Doc: Oh you're awake. Good. We have some information you would like to know.

The doctor looked at me.

Doc: Alone.

Colby: Whatever you can say to her, you can say to me.

Doc: Trust me, she wants to hear this alone.

Jen: Colby, go. I promise I won't die in the couple seconds you're not in the room.

I gave up and walked out the door to the room. I stood there wondering what could have happened. Soon enough, the doctor walked out and said it was okay for me to go back in.

I walked in and seen Jen crying, silently, with no expression on her face, like she was taking something in.

Colby: Jen?!?! What happened??!!

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