Paw Patrol Fanfic

By kyder445

196K 3.6K 1.9K

Ryder is Adventure Bay Elementary's biggest social out cast. Katie is the most popular girl at school. When a... More

8 years old
Chase and Ryder
Running from the Truth
Swept off my feet
The new pup
The Kiss.
The adventure
What happened?
Make-ups and Break-ups
Going back
Whats wrong with you?
The good days
Dont come looking
Too late
The Mission
Break free
Ringing Truth
Lost and Lost?
Come on
Getting back
She's Perfect
Getting Skye
The Sleepover
Not so Tasty
You Never Know
Just Sketching
The Chief's Daughter
Second Base
Night at the Lookout
Chrismas Special
Pup tags
Kitty Cat go Bye Bye?
The End.

Watch your back.

6K 99 102
By kyder445

"I HATE YOU!!" She screamed.

"Wait, I can explain!" I chase after her.

"GET AWAY FROM ME! STOP FOLLOWING ME!" Ring. Oh great, now we're late. When she turns away from me I speed up and grab her arm and pull her into the janitors closet.


"Calm down and be quiet or we'll be caught" She sits on the opposite side of the closet hugging her knees.

"I don't care." She says calmer.

"I'm sorry." I say

"Don't give me that crap!" She snaps.

"Stop acting like a whiny baby and talk like a normal person." I snap back.

"Were you just playing me?! To get RYLEE?!"

"No!!! I don't care about Rylee."

"Well you obviously don't care about me!" She says.

"Why would you say that?! I just took care of you for 3 days!" I start to yell.

"Why do you even care?! You should have just let me get caught in the hall!" Katie raises her voice.

"Why would I do that!?"

"I don't know! Why did you do it!?"

"I didn't!! She kissed me!"

"Then why did she say 'eww Ryder I don't like you like that'?"

"TO GET BACK AT YOU!" I yell but then quickly regret it. We sit in silence for a while and when we know the coast is clear we continue.

"To get back at me? Do you think I'm stupid!?" She whisper shouts.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you being so stubborn?!" I whisper shout back.

"I DONT KNOW!" She starts balling into her hands.

"Katie... don't cry" I start scooting towards her.

"I thought you were different" I stop scooting. I'm about a foot away from her shoes. "Rylee has always been the pretty one. Everyone loves Rylee and hates me because I hate Rylee and they don't!"

"It's not like that at all!"

"I don't want your boat load of crap Ryder, I want the truth." Katie doesn't know how beautiful I think she is. She is to blinded by her biggest insecurity, Rylee.

"I would never lie to you" I say holding up my hands to show I'm not crossing any fingers. "Honesty I always thought you were way better than Rylee. Not only in looks but in personality."

"That's what Chris said!" Another round of tears come. "And, and, and, then one day I saw them making out but I pretended not to see it so that Chris and I could stay friends and I've never told anyone until now!" Every time a tear came out of her eye it hurt me more and more until I am now in my weakest yet strongest state. Weird what this girl does to me.

"That is not what's going on here, I promise. I don't like Rylee, actually after what she just did to you, I hate her!" I say.

"Your just saying that."

"No I'm not"

"Then prove it." I scotch over next to her and put my arm on her shoulders and she put her head on my shoulder. I wanted to kiss her so badly right now, but I'm not going to. I never want to be the guy who kisses 2 different girls in 20 minuets.

"Thank you" She says. We sit in comfortable silence for the rest of first period. When the bell rings I walk her to our next class, Mr. Mac who teaches science. He's a cool teacher in his mid 30s who always finds away to get food into our lesson. For instance, this year is all about marine life so we all made a cookie-diagram of a fish.

Katie sits on the other side of the class room so I won't be able to see her face unless I turn around.

"I like your hair Ryder." Emily says. Emily sits next to me at my table and is honestly really stupid. She try's to copy off me on tests and never does the homework.

"Thanks" I say.

"Yeah, your looking hot." Haley says. Haley sits across from me and she's nothing special, so-so looks, average grades and good personality. I have never felt anything for her, she's just not... Katie. The bell rings.

"Is everyone excited for our field trip on Friday?!" He shouts. A series of yeahs, claps, and woos, come from us.

"When did you start wearing it that way?" Emily asks.

"Yesterday" I answer.

"I think Ryder's hair looks like crap." Chris says sitting down getting his millionth tardy. I was hoping he wouldn't come today.

"Well some one woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Emily says.

"Chris is just jealous of Ryder." Haley says.

"For what!?" Emily says it like you just told her she was going to Disney Land.

"Ryder and Katie walked into school together, but then Katie caught Ryder kissing Rylee. So now him and Katie hate each other's guts out!"

"That is so not true!" I clarify "Who told you that?"

"Rylee" Haley says.

"Figures" I say rolling my eyes. "For one Rylee kissed me, not the other way around. For two Katie and I made up, were fine."

"Listen up Rydork, stay away from Katie or else."

"Or else what?" I say pushing my limits.

"Or else I'll break your nose."

"I guess that's just the chance I'm going to have to take." I say. All three of their mouths flew open. I guess no one has ever stood up to Chris before.

"Watch your back Rydork"

"The names' Ryder"

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