Riley and the Boxers | ✔️

De Navycoffee

214K 8.9K 3.2K

Imagine losing your family. You would be devastated, heartbroken and empty, as if you've lost everything in y... Mai multe



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De Navycoffee


"Don't think because I haven't told Elva yet means I'm never going to tell her. You're entire existence is a nuisance wherever I go and besides, I enjoy giving you mini heart-attacks."

Beth's icy threat registered through my mind a few moments after it was said, since I wasn't a morning person. I blinked at her with a bored expression, I was already used to her bitterness. Her eyes shone annoyance from the fact I wasn't affected by what she said.

She then replaced her true emotions with a sickening-sweet smile. "Now be a sweetie and open the door for me, will you?"

I rolled my eyes at her silly command. Seriously, did she not have arms? Were those floppy things that hung on her shoulders just there for decoration?

However, not wanting to boil her temper because that'll make her sure to tell Elva about my little secret, I reluctantly opened the long door of a black limo parked on the wide driveway. When I saw the chauffeur in the driver's seat spotting a poker face, I became baffled at the fact that he wasn't here, opening the door for her instead. Oh, so she already planned this.

I shot Beth a sarcastic smile before gesturing my hands for her to get in. "Happy?"

"Fairly satisfied." She smirked, climbing in. Before I could shut the door, she added. "You're making the right choice, dear cousin for obediently accepting my commands. Just keep in mind how shocked and betrayed Elva would be after hearing that you're actually-"

Cutting her unworthy words off by slamming the door shut, I nodded to the emotionless chauffeur to drive off.

I checked my phone; it was 5AM. Gosh, if she was going to say all those things, she should say it at a time when my brain would actually co-operate with me because at that moment, whatever she did say, I couldn't care less. I just wanted to return to my beautiful dreamworld where I was making perfect sandcastles with my parents, just like the old times. The old times, when things weren't so much of a mess it is right now.

I sighed. She's not going to stay here for anytime longer, I'm sure of it.


When I returned to my room and resumed my slumber, I unintentionally woke up thirty minutes before class started. Cursing at Chance and my alarm for not waking me up, I didn't dare to waste any second and hurried to get ready for school.

By the time I got out of the house, there was fifteen minutes until school would start. Everyone had already left and since Beth used the only car, I had to ride my skateboard to school. No that I mind riding to school since I knew the route, but the problem was if I would arrive on time.

When I did arrive at school, it was thankfully on time. I rode into the school grounds, completely aware of how many pair of eyes were on me - not to mention the flirty winks girls were shooting at me.

Oh, they have no idea who they're actually swooning over.

Rolling my eyes as I entered the hallway, I held my skateboard tightly as I hid my nervousness and greeted everyone who greeted me back. It's been a month, yet all the attention I get is defintely not something I had easily become accustomed to.

I jumped at the vibration of my phone inside my pant's pockets. Man, that tickled.

I was notified of a message from Orio, saying: It's your call.

It's my call.

I unconsciously nodded at my phone, knowing exactly what the message meant. That's right guys - It was time for Plan B of Mission-Let's-Get-Beth-The-Brat-Out-Of-Here.

Walking to the sports' staffroom, I politely knocked on the door, waiting for a staff member to open it. Yet all I could heard was loud chatter of the teachers arguing about who would open the door. How ironic - gym teachers being lazy. Thought I'd never witness that!

Finally, the door opened to reveal Mrs Grey, a smile displayed on her face that simply did not her eyes. "Good morning. What brings you here?"

"I would like to sign up for tackle football please." I replied in my convincing(well atleast to me) manly voice.

She nodded, sighing and rummaging through some papers on her right while muttering complaints and un-teacher-like under her breath.

I frowned because I found her a tad-bit-hella rude. I mean, she should be in utter bliss that someone wants to join their sport teams -- that would really benefit her job too!

She handed me the clipboard a bit forcefully, before walking away deeper into the room.

Woah, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Rolling my eyes, I quickly jotted down the name 'Bethany Coleman,' before handing it back to the teacher, praying she wouldn't check it. As assumed, she carelessly threw the clipboard onto the desk before slamming the door in my face.

I rolled my eyes once again, sighing whilst walking down the hallway. Then I remembered that I had to text my seven housemates back on our group message, telling them I've done my part.

Yup, that's exactly right - Beth would join the tackle football team and there would be no way out of it, if she didn't want to ruin her reputation that is. The tackle football team was lacking one player to run so with Beth joining, she would be the team's hero. That sounds like it'll make her even more popular but nope, my friend -- Beth cannot stand anything to do with tackling and football.

So... mix them together and what do you get? Beth's taste of nightmare.

Mmmm, revenge is sweet.

After texting the message, Triston replied: Okay, good. Leave the rest to us.

I smiled right as the bell rung and almost skipped my way to class, realising that skipping the way I do didn't really give people manly vibes, judging by the way they stared at me.

And I prayed once again, hoping that this plan would conclude with the departure of Beth - well, at least before she could even say a word to Elva.


Time passed within a blur and before I knew it, it was already lunchtime. Placing my previously used books into my locker, I walked down the hallway and through the cafeteria to see that Orio was sharing a genuine laugh with Jackson.

I squealed - then cleared my throat once I realised how girly that sounded - but decided against approaching them because then I would be ruining their moment. Making my way towards an empty table, I sat down and pulled out my lunch, feeling feisty and excited to eat up my homemade lasagne like a beast!

"Move, this is my table."

However, before I could even take a bite, an oh-so-familiar voice hissed beside me, causing me to jump in alarm.

"What on Earth, Chance!" I yelled-whispered at him, not wanting to attract any attention.

Although I've seen his little geek-disguise one too many times, I still couldn't get used to it. It just didn't reflect the real him, the guy (arrogant, tough, stupid, yet deliciously hot and sometimes cute and charming - shutup Riley!) that I knew after school.

He secretly shot me a threatening glare as I sighed. "Why don't you just join me instead?"

"Are you stupid? I can't meddle with someone like you! You're a popular dummy and I'm the champion in disguise. Plus, I need to keep in character so scram, don't make me have to do it myself."

I snorted. "As if! You would totally reveal your identity within a split second if you did that, you know."

Speaking of his whole disguise -- It was still so curiously confusing to me. Why did he disguise himself too? I couldn't think of a single reason that would match up. Was it because of girls or something? No that's not it, because he's avoiding people in general.

"Just sit-"

Before I could utter another word, Chance was aleady running out of the cafeteria. I stood there speechless, my eyes still fixated after him. Did he really just walk out on me?

No... he just ran out on you.

And then it all made sense.

Silence peirced through the air of the entire cafeteria. Curiosity and awe was plastered on every single person's face as they stared at what just entered the cafeteria. I twisted on my seat to witness Beth, with two other narcissistic girls I recognised in my grade walking beside her like side-kicks. Her curly hair had a bow clipped on, and her skirt was a lot more higher than the school's dress code.

First day of school and she already proclaimed the spot of Queen Bee. It was typical of her in my point of view, but in others it was probably unbelievable. She was like a walking barbie doll, and I didn't fail to notice the captivated guys who were hopelessly drooling over her.

No wonder why Chance ran off - because if Beth recognised him, it'll be the literal end for him. However I doubt she would've, considering how I didn't even recognise him myself until Lily told me.

Beth sat down in the large table, which was made by joining small tables together. It was called the "Popularity Pillars," the table of the jocks and cheerleaders that sat there, whom I must admit, were actually nice and cool to talk to. They asked me a few times if I wanted to join them but I declined, not wanting to become close with anyone just in case they'd find out about you-know-what. However, I was still classmates with them and seeing Beth sit at the table made me feel unconditionally and terribly sorry. If only I could save them...

Suddenly the worst of all that I unexpected happened.

Jackson approached her and she smiled flirtatiously before standing up, clinging her arms around his neck and crashing her lips onto his. I watched in horror as they passionately kissed made out. Crap, Orio! Automatically, my eyes searched for Orio who was already running out of the cafeteria, completely heartbroken.

That darn plastic arse is going to pay for this.

I ran with my all to catch up to Orio, who sat all crouched up in the corner of a small hallway. I sat beside him, patting his shoulders for comfort as he stared down to his feet, emotionless.

He chuckled mirthlessly. "I was planning to confess sometime soon, actually." He sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep himself from crying. "But how can I now, when the answer was clearly shown a few minutes ago? I actually had hope too." His voice was now shaky. "I-I can't help it, Riley. I've liked him for so long that it's going to be hard to let go of him now. And I don't think I ever can... I'm in love with someone who will never like me back, even more, might not even accept me once it's revealed... A-and it truly hurts..."

I embraced him into a big hug. I honestly didn't know what to say, so a hug is better than nothing, right?

I took a deep breath, before telling him, "Orlando... I know it's going to be really hard, but I think you should go ahead and confess. It'll help you move on. Who knows, maybe Beth is just a cover-up, maybe he actually feels the same way about you too."

He wiped away his tear and gave me an appreciative look. "You're totally right! I need to seriously tell him how I feel and face whatever is coming for me. But..." I rose an eyebrow, as he sheepishly grinned. "In the meantine, can you buy me ice-cream pretty please?"

I laughed. "Absolutely."


It was time to watch the incredible scene all eight of us boxers(Jacob rushed to the scene right after school) were waiting for.

Beth playing tackle-football.

Hiding behind a very conveniently lengthy bush, we all watched like stalkers as she entered the football grounds with the most confused, angry expression. We tried to suppress our laughter as she unwillingly wore the shirt to indicate which team she was in. After that was done, she then bid her sidekicks goodbye before getting ready to play the game. She couldn't have looked more bummed.

But then...

As soon as the two girls were gone, we all were taken aback as soon as a wild smirk plastered on her face when the coach blew the whistle to start the game.

The game passed within a blur and she seemed to have... enjoyed it very much. Heck, even her team won too. My jaw was already resting on the ground after seeing her enjoy it so much, and everything was now clear - Beth secretly loved playing tackle football all along.

"Damn." Chance commented, looking genuinely sad.

"T-that... Was... Unexpected." Evan's mouth hardly reached for words. Everyone was shocked by the fact that our plan resulted in an epic fail. Man, we were so confident!

Orio snorted. "Looks like she loves manly guys."

We all stared helplessly at Beth casually flirting with the athletic-figured jocks. Wow, the girl's got some mad skills, I'll admit that. I wonder if she trained herself...

I glared at Orio, who was in deep thought with himself. And then he gasped and clicked, as if he just hit bullseye. "But I wonder if she can stand unmanly guys?"

We all stared at him in confusion and he stared back at us with a mischevious grin. Oh boy.


I was walking back home in a blissful mood, satisfied and pump for Orio's genius plan. This one had to be the one, I could just feel it my veins! Sounds extreme I know, but trust me I wasn't exaggerating a single bit.

Humming to myself, I looked around my surroundings and my eyes spotted an awfully familiar backside, sitting near the hill of the park. Cheekily, I decided I wanted to surprise him by sneaking up to him. So, as doing so, I shouted, "Boo!"

He instantly jumped as I helplessly broke into laughter, right before almost choking on air when beads erupted from his hands and scattered around the grass.

"Are you..." I managed to choke out. "... Making the friendship bracelet?"

"No." He replied too hastily, but there was enough evidence to do the telling.

I rose my left brow at him.

He sighed. "Okay yes, but only because it's due tomorrow. Besides, I've got my mind set on not losing to you."

"Oh, please." I huffed, sitting beside him and gathering some beads without his approval. "My heart's set on not losing to you."

"Brain is more important."

"No, the heart is."

"Sorry sweetheart, but whether you like it or not, your brain is scientifically the most vital organ-"

My heartbeat started pacing when he called me 'sweetheart,' and I tried my hardest to ignore the burning of my cheeks. "Well Mr Brainy-head, scientifically my brain seems to work more intelligently in peace, so if you don't mind please hush or do I have to leave?"

He rolled his eyes. "If you could leave, that'll be asweome."

"Fine!" I stole a bunch of his beads, stood up and walked away.

He remained unfazed. "Fine."

Making my way out of the park, I halted in my tracks when I saw a freakishly familiar person standing in the near distance. My heart skipped a beat. It was the same man who gave me the business card, the same man who had spied on us two times already... or who knows, maybe more.

I ran and sat back down beside Chance again, earning a mix of confused and annoyed look from him.

I shot him a friendly grin in return and started nervously sliding beads through the given string. AsI came to think of it, I realised that the stalker-man always appeared whenever I was with Chance and he even mentioned him before, so maybe Chance knew something about him?

"Um, Chance?"

"Yeah?" He looked concerned after seeing the pale look on my face. "What is it?"

I gulped. "There's like, this old man I happen to see staring at us sometimes, so I was like wondering if you might know him because I like, always see him whenever I'm with you and like-"

"Riley, your beads are falling out cause' you didn't tie the end of the string." He sighed, snatching the string off me.

I blinked, stared, blinked. Did he not hear me? Was the fact a man seemed to he stalking us not a concerning matter? Or maybe... He secretly knew him, but didn't want to talk about it? The latter option seemed the most understandable.

He sighed. "Do I really have to show you how to make one?"

I sighed. "It wouldn't hurt to learn from the best, would it?"

He looked at me with shocked eyes, probably unexpecting what I had just said and chuckled. "Finally, you woke up." Then he smirked. "You've given up already, huh?"

I nodded. Hell yes I've given up already, Chance. Your secrets and mysteries make me go insane and shamelessly curious... But most of all, worried. Worried of what you've been through and what you're going through right now... Jerk.


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