Paw Patrol Fanfic

By kyder445

196K 3.6K 1.9K

Ryder is Adventure Bay Elementary's biggest social out cast. Katie is the most popular girl at school. When a... More

8 years old
Chase and Ryder
Running from the Truth
Swept off my feet
The Kiss.
Watch your back.
The adventure
What happened?
Make-ups and Break-ups
Going back
Whats wrong with you?
The good days
Dont come looking
Too late
The Mission
Break free
Ringing Truth
Lost and Lost?
Come on
Getting back
She's Perfect
Getting Skye
The Sleepover
Not so Tasty
You Never Know
Just Sketching
The Chief's Daughter
Second Base
Night at the Lookout
Chrismas Special
Pup tags
Kitty Cat go Bye Bye?
The End.

The new pup

6.6K 117 59
By kyder445

Ryder POV

"Why didn't you got to school, it's Monday?" I had just woken up a few minutes ago and it almost 9:30, school would have started 30 minutes ago.

"Because you weren't going" She replied.

"You don't have dead parents and a new dog" I said. Looking in the fridge if we had any milk. My fridge literally has ketchup, moldy bread, and broccoli, which I refuse to eat because it's so nasty.

"Yeah but I have a new friend" She says.

"Congratulations Chase." I said. I knew she meant me but I just love hearing her laugh. She's sitting on the couch with the same thing she had on last night. She has a blanket and Skye on her lap who's still sound asleep. Chase is curled up next to her leg but is awake. "I was thinking of going to Mr. Poters for breakfast today."

"You finally feel hungry after three days without eating?" Chase asks.

"Ryder, is that true?" Katie looked concerned for me. I didn't know what to say, I had never seen her care for me at all or even glance my way and then yesterday happened and bam! My appetite comes back and I actually want to get out of the house. Overall I want to be there for her, when she's in trouble.

"Yes" I say honestly.

"That's unhealthy. We got to go before you die of starvation!" I look at her with a face that sarcastically says 'yeah right'. "For your information, I ate breakfast on the first day!" I say as I walk in to my room. I put on my usual cloths but today I decide to spike my hair up instead of laying it flat on my head.


We are walking to Mr. Porters when Katie turns to me and says "Why do you care so much?"

To be honest, that was a curve ball.

"What do you mean?"

"The boy I've known since birth, who I thought would do anything for me, turn down saving my life for some other stupid girl. I had my first real conversation with you 3 days ago and you not only saved my life but gave me shelter in the storm."

"Yeah, well... I guess I just saw how scared you were and... knew if I didn't do something and you or Skye got hurt, I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

"Really?" She said almost in shock "No one has ever told me that."

"Really?" Now it was my turn to be stocked. "Not even your parents?"

"My mom works in the city and I've never met my dad, left before I was born."

"Oh" I say looking down at my feet.

"You have to promise me you won't tell any one."

"Promise me you won't tell any one about my parents. Their going to find out, I know, but just let them do it for them selfs." I say looking back at her.

"Promise for a promise?" She said holding up her pinkie finger.

"Promise for a promise." I say linking our pinkie fingers. We finally make it to Mr. Porter's and I what I brought was just enough to pay. Katie and I were chatting when Mr. Porter spilled some grease on the floor in front of the door way.

"I'll help you clean that Mr. Porter." Chase said jumping over the puddle to get some napkins.

"Thanks little pup, I go deliver these orders and I'll be right back to help." Mr. Porter said. Right as Mr. Porter stepped over the puddle a spark flew of the grill landing on the grease coursing it to burst into flame trapping Chase in the kitchen alone.

"Chase!" I shout jumping out of my seat. All of a sudden a black and white blur jumped out from under the patio.

"I'll save you Chase!" He shouted jumping up onto our table grabbing my cup of water and sprinting over to the scene. The water quickly put the fire out creating a puddle of grease/water. I run over to the little guy and notice it's a Dalmatian pup.

"Thanks for saving my friend" I say crouching down to pet him.

"No problem, I'm..."

"Marshall" Chase growled from the other side of the puddle.

"Chase I'm sorry, I've told you before! I was just really jealous of you and was sick and tired of girls that would use me just to get back at you!" Marshall said.

"Use you?! You wish..."

"Chase he just saved you" I cut him off. "Don't you owe him something?"

"Thank you Marshall" he said in a defeated tone.

"You can go back home now Marshall." I say.

"I was thinking about staying around here, I don't even have a home anyways." Marshall said.

"I wish I could foster you but I don't have enough food." I say.

"I can help pay for food!" Katie blurts out.

"Really!" Marshall says.

"Really?" I say.


"THAT HAPPENED ONE TIME! GET OVER IT!" Marshall shouts causing heads to turn.

"Pups!" I whisper shout "Keep it down your disturbing the other people eating!"

"Sorry sir." Chase says.

"Come on let's get you boys to the house." I say. I grab Katie's arm and spin her around so she's facing me then I put my mouth really close to her ear. "What are you going to do about Skye?" I whisper.

"I don't know I think I'll just keep her at my place until I can find someone to take care of her." She whispers back. I let go of her arm and pull away from her face.

"Okay" I say. "Thanks for helping me pay for the pups" I say. We start walking back home but I notice the pups aren't following. "Chase, Skye, Marshall! Let's get home." They quickly sprint in front of us. Skye stays closer to us while Chase always makes sure he's in front of Marshall.

"My pleaser, by the way your house isn't really a house" Katie says."Its more of a...lookout. You know like the ones we learned in history."

"A lookout?" I say surprised.

"Yeah, plus it sounds cooler. Would you rather live in a house or a lookout?" She adds.

"A lookout." I say.

"I know, me too." Katie says.

"A lookout" I mumble under my breath suddenly filled with inspiration.

"A lookout"

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