But Who's Counting?

By wowdaisy

331K 13.1K 3K

"I'm pregnant with your child, Alex." Sophia was determined on convincing Alexander that besides her being pr... More

Chapter One: "Happy Birthday!"
Chapter Two: "Hell yes!"
Chapter Three: "Deal!"
Chapter Four: "Abortion."
Chapter Five: "Baby."
Chapter Six: "Control."
Chapter Seven: "Mamas,"
Chapter Eight: "Nicole."
Chapter Nine: "The Grinch."
Chapter Ten: "Merry Christmas!"
Chapter Eleven: "Pack your shit."
Chapter Twelve: "I'm jealous."
Chapter Thirteen: "Who is that?"
Chapter Fourteen: "Hold me."
Chapter Fifteen: "Your face."
Chapter Seventeen: "Just friends."
Chapter Eighteen: "Family dinner."
Chapter Nineteen: "Family Dinner cont."
Chapter Twenty: "Are you drunk?"
Chapter Twenty-One: "She's mine."
Chapter Twenty-two: "Just like you."
Chapter Twenty-three: "Basketball and Ice Cream."
Chapter Twenty-Four: "Vodka."
Chapter Twenty-Five: "Cravings."
Chapter Twenty-Six: "I'm calling the police."
Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Bash your skull in."
Chapter Twenty-Eight: "Who's is this?"
Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Relationship status."
Chapter Thirty: "Change your outfit."
Chapter Thirty-One: "Cinnabon."
Chapter Thirty-Two: "Sophia's Family."
Chapter Thirty-three: "Buddy System."
Chapter Thirty-Four: "Pool."
Chapter Thirty-Five: "Dumbo."
Chapter Thirty-Six: "Surprise!"
Chapter Thirty-Seven: "Shorty."
Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Wedding Bells."
Chapter Thirty-Nine: "Thor."
Chapter Forty: "Welcome home!"
Chapter Forty-One: "Five weeks."
Chapter Forty-Two: "You deserve to be happy."
Chapter Forty-Three: "Call Daddy."
Chapter Forty-Four: "Mommy's not happy."
Chapter Forty-Five: "Being loved."
Chapter Forty-Six: "She said what?"
Chapter Forty-Seven: "Here goes nothing."
Chapter Forty-Eight: "Unbelievable."
Chapter Forty-Nine: "You're stupid."
Chapter Fifty: "Alexander the Maniac."
Chapter Fifty-One: "Nose rings."
Chapter Fifty-One 1/2: "Jaisiah and Jalen."
Chapter Fifty-Two: "Moving like a sloth."
Chapter Fifty-Three: "Adult Brownies."
Chapter Fifty-Four: "That's not his pacifier."
Chapter Fifty-Five: "Water balloons."
Chapter Fifty-Six: "Baby gravy."
Chapter Fifty-Seven: "Happy Birthday!"
plan b(aby)
Bonus Chapter
Chapter Fifty-Eight: "August 23rd."
Official Sequel #1 Sneakpeek
Official Sequel #2 Sneakpeek

Chapter sixteen: "They're kicking!"

7.5K 233 84
By wowdaisy

Alexander Parker

After relieving Sophia and ... myself, I begin to head out her room. I heard her weakly whimper as I shut her bedroom door behind me causing me to smirk.

I stand by the door, listening to see if she gets up. After a moment, I hear the bed creek and then the floor. Now, I being walking downstairs.

When I came over today, I definitely didn't expect this to happen. I definitely didn't expect her to say that.

When I arrived, the first thing I noticed about Sophia was that she was extremely red. Even when she blushed she wasn't that red and if she was, you couldn't tell because of her skin complexion. But this time, her face was completely red. The only thing that looked normal about her was her eyes, the milk chocolate color ever so curious.

Then, when I allowed my eyes to trail down her body, I knew for sure something was off. Her breast spilled over her bra and tank top and if any other guy was here, I'm sure that her breast would be all they would look at. My eyes continued to wander, noting her stomach. She looked like she was ready to give birth but I knew that wouldn't be for basically another five months.

I hated to admit it but time was going by fast. Sophia and I just got our relationship on the tracks and before you know it Sophia and Alexander mini's will be here.

I was excited. With Maya, I was so angry and upset at Leah that I could barely watch Maya. I would give her to my mother and then visit. But then my Mom straightened me out. She basically told me to get my shit together or else and with my mother, just know that or else is something you don't want. So, I got my shit together and now here I am today, walking down Sophia Matthews stairs.

As soon as I hit the bottom step, I notice the food all over the floor. Luckily, the boxes didn't break and the only thing that's really on the floor is her sprite. The top came off of the cup and spilled he contains all over the floor.

Good job Casanova.

I mocked myself as I picked up the food and left the Sprite. I'll clean it up after I get off the phone with Chance.

I call my dear cousin quickly and asking him to pick up my daughter from daycare. He told me that I asked him to do that earlier and that they were at the park currently. Then, as I hear the shower starting upstairs, I tell him what just went down between Sophia and I. He congratulated me and we hung up.

I grab Sophia's keys and practically sprint to my car, grabbing a change of clothes. I quickly change in the garage, chucking my shirt off and replacing it with a grey one. I put on some black sweatpants, quickly changing out in the open. I throw my other clothes in my trunk, observing all the toys I've hidden from Maya.

That damn Elmo toy.

I was so tired of hearing it. It was originally to encourage Maya to use the potty, the short song it sang about going to the potty but once she learned when and how to use the potty, she would just let the song play all day. I hated it. Then, she would leave it on so all night I would hear 'Elmo has to go potty!'

'Can you take Elmo to the potty?'

'Elmo has too much to drink!'

So I took it and threw it in the trunk. She wasn't even tall enough to see in there and she never asked about it so, we were good.

I run up the stairs, using Sophia's key to unlock the door. Then, I take a elevator to her floor.

Entering the elevator, I press 8. One lady was inside already, she looked to be about in her mid-60s but who am I to say so?

I stand against the wall as she glances at me. I pretend I don't see her and look to see which floor she's getting off on.


"You're a fine looking thing." She says, tucking her hand into her purse. I thank her before turning my attention back to nothing. She makes a few noises before asking for my attention again.

"Excuse me, would you look right here? This is my daughter. She's 26 and I know she might be a little old for you but you would mind giving her a chance? She's a little on the shy side. If you don't end up liking her then know I'm always available sugardrop. I'd love a piece of you." She said as the elevator rose to her floor. I smile at her as the doors open.

"If I didn't have a girlfriend, I would definitely take it into consideration."

She frowns before exiting. I stay in the elevator by myself until I am at Sophia's floor. I get off and jog down the hall way. I look at my phone and see the time. I was only gone for seven minutes. As soon as I enter her apartment, I hear a scream and a loud THUMP! causing my heart to drop.

Sophia Matthews

I stepped in the shower, looking at the small mirror I had on the inside. My lips were still swollen from the kiss and a very slight hickey starting to form.

Thanks, Alex.

I turned the knobs on the shower, causing the scolding hot water to come out. I smiled gently before wincing at a sudden jab to my ribs. A frown overtook my face as I pressed my hand to the area and leaned over to grab my conditioner. I poured some in my hand and lathered my hair up with it. I ran my hand through the curls before massaging my scalp.

A new song came on as I whispered the words to the new ones.

"You're like perfection," I sang gently before grabbing my wide-toothed comb off the rack. I began to comb through the first section and I ended up looking down.

My stomach was SO huge. The twins definitely took up some space. I couldn't even see my feet. Not even my toes. When I looked down, all I could see was my humongous belly. I looked like I was ready to pop, even though I still had almost five months left.

I wonder who the babies will look like the most. No, actually, I wonder if it's gonna be a girl and a boy, both boys, or both girls. I honestly prefer any but I know Alexander has his mindset on having a girl and a boy. I know he wants boy because he always refers to baby A as 'he'. He wants a girl because Maya asked him whether the babies were gonna be boys or girls, because she wants some baby sisters. At the same time, I know he wouldn't care. As long as they are healthy, I hope.

I braided the two section of my hair that I had detangled before grabbing the last section in the back and slowly combing it through.

"Ow." I said, looking back down at my stomach. "Stop it." I unconsciously scolded the babies. I continued to comb through my hair. When I was done, I took out all the braids and massages my scalp again. I then put on my exfoliating glove and poured some of the pineapple mango scented body wash onto the palm of the glove. I moved my hand at the wrong time, causing a huge blob of body wash to fall to the ground. I closed the container and put it back on the shelf.

Just as I began to clean my stomach, I felt another jab. "Ow!" I cried before stepping forward. I ended up slipping, falling on my butt in the shower with a scream slipping from my lips. I winced in pain before looking back down at my stomach. Faintly, I could hear the harsh footsteps of Alex. He most likely either heard my scream or my big ass falling in the shower but I didn't care.

His harsh knocks snapped me out of a trance before hearing his demanding voice. "Sophia? What the hell just happened? Are you okay? Open the door."

I couldn't even speak because I was in awe but Alex wasn't having it.

"Sophia, why would you lock the door? Speak to me! Are you okay?" He questioned and I heard the door knob move.

"Alexander!" I cried out. I looked back down at my stomach before calling his name again.

"Fuck!" He screamed. Seconds later he was kicking at the door, making it swing open on his fourth harsh kick.

My head snapped up, seeing Alexander. He was now dressed in a grey T-shirt and some black sweatpants. Where he got clothes to change into from.. I don't know. His wild green eyes looked over me, as if he's inspecting for any harm.

"What happened? Why are you-"

"The babies are kicking! Look! Look!" I said excitedly. Alexander's expression changed from a face or worry to a face of joy. A wolffish grin spread across his face as he sat on the shower ledge.

"Really? Where at?" He asked with his hand hovering over my belly. I grabbed his wrist, guiding my hand to where the babies were just viciously kicking at. They had stopped, causing their father to plaster a frown across his face. He started to pull his hand away but I grabbed his hand and guiding back to the spot. "They already stopped. I missed it."

"No, just wait. Watch." I encouraged. We waited in anticipation for a couple more seconds before right next to our hands, I felt three thuds. Alexander pulled his hand back in shock with a weird expression on his face.

"Did you feel that? Woah. Does that hurt?"

"No, it just feels weird."

"He's in there kicking with both his legs at the same time! Way to go kiddo." He said to my stomach. We both smiled at each other like goofys before he sucks in air sharply.


"You're.. naked." He said, as if he was just naked and inside a naked Sophia twelve minutes ago. I laughed, because with the babies kicking, Alex kicking the door open and all, I completely forgot about me even taking a shower. I watched Alex turn around while he talked.

"Do you need help up?" He asked, his hand over his eyes.

"Actually, pass me the robe and turn the shower off." I said, he reached over and threw the robe behind him. It landed on my head as he reached over without looking at me and turned the water off.

"Alright now, I need help." I said, clutching the robe to my chest while trying to stand.

Alexander turned around with his eyes tightly shut and offered his arm out. I rolled my eyes before grabbing his arm. He pulled me up while I steadied myself in the shower rail. I slipped on the robes, tying it as best I could over my swollen belly. "You can open your eyes." I said, stepping onto the mat.

He opened his eyes looking at me with a smile. "You're due in 132 days."

"You're keeping track?" I asked, grabbing my phone off the sink and beginning to walk out. I could feel Alex following behind me and him turning off the light. He walked hot on my tail to my room.

"Maybe. I'm excited, what can I say?" He said as I entered my bedroom. I sat on my bed, putting my phone on the charger as he stood at the door. "I know. I kinda am too. I'm also nervous. Why are you just standing there?"

He started to answer but got interrupted by his phone ringing. He shook his head before turning. He looked back at me before saying 'I gotta get that'

I know, Alex.

Alexander Parker

Hearing Sophia's scream definitely scared the shit out of me. The 6 seconds it took to even get to the bathroom door felt like 6 minutes. All I could think about was all the things that she could have been screaming about. All the things that could have been wrong. She could have been bleeding down in her area.. which could have been even worse. A unfortunate miscarriage. She could have felt a really sharp pain. Someone could have broken in through the bathroom window, which was very unlikely since that window is pretty high but people are crazy. You never know. When I didn't hear her talking and the door was locked, I felt the air escaping my lungs. All I could hear was the water of the shower running. Then when she screamed out my name, I knew I had to do something. I just needed her to talk to me so I knew it wasn't anything serious but all she could say was Alexander. I held the door knob and pushed against the door while kicking to get it open. Once inside, I did a onceover to her body. No marks but she was lying in the tub while water sprinkled over her. She was clutching her stomach with slight tears in her eyes. When she told me the babies were kicking, I felt a heavy weight come off my chest. I was so glad it wasn't anything bad.

I picked up my phone and looked at the four miss calls. All from Chance. Just as I started to call him back, he called me again. I quickly answered and pressed the phone to my ear. I pulled it away at the same pace I brought it to my ear. All I could hear was screaming. I braved my ears before pressing it to my ears again.

"What's happening? Why is Maya crying like that?" I asked. I could tell she was close to him based on how loud she was. Chance whispered towards her and she only got louder.

"She's upset.. and scared.." Chance said hesitantly. Obviously I know she's upset. Why he was beating around the bush, I don't know. I asked him why before he answered.

"You know how we went to the park? Some boy she goes to daycare with was there as well. He said some things to her.. she's not happy about it." He said again.

"What the hell did he say?"

"She told him how Sophia is pregnant with the twins.. he made a comment about how his Dad left his mom when she had twins and he hasn't came back. She thinks you're going to leave her with Soph when she gives birth."

"Put her on the phone." I demanded. I could hear them in the background. Chance told Maya that I was on the phone and she screamed no. Maya got quiet before speaking again, claiming she didn't want to speak to me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sophia walking into the living room. She was now fully dressed and had car keys in her hand. I looked up at her while she watched me with a worried expression.

"I don't wanna speak to Daddy!" Maya screamed again. Chance sighed heavily before speaking towards me again.

"I don't know what to do." He said. I looked back up at Sophia who was now looking down at her phone.

"Ask her if she wants to speak to Sophia." I suggested, seeing Sophia's head snapping up to the sound of her name. She furrowed her brows as Chance asked Maya. Maya stubbornly agreed and I put the phone on speaker while offering it to Sophia. She stepped forward and hesitantly presses it to her ear.

"It's on speaker." I whispered. She sat on the chair before placing the phone on the arm chair. Chance spoke once more before I heard Maya's voice. Her voice sounded like she had been crying, which damn near broke my heart into four.

"Sophia?" Maya asked. "Yeah? What's wrong?" Sophia said, her eyebrows furrowing while a frown over took her face.

"When I was at the park with Uncle Chance and Crissy, Justin told me that Daddy is gonna leave me with you when our babies are born. I don't want him to leave! Tell the babies to go back! I- I don't want them anymore." Maya said, her voice breaking at the end. Sophia's eyebrows raised in surprise while she starting to talk.

"Maya, sweets, your Dad isn't going anywhere. He loves you, he's your dad. If he's going anywhere, it'll be with you. He doesn't wanna leave you. Don't believe whatever Justin says. Justin's a jerk. Look Daddy loves you," Sophia said before looking at me expectantly. She nodded towards me, making me confused. I got it after a couple seconds.

"I love you, Maya Elizabeth!" I blurted out, a little too loud.

"I love you too Daddy. I'm sorry I pushed Justin." Maya cried. Sophia spoke again.

"You pushed Justin?" She asked with a slight smile on her face. She toyed with her fingers while we awaited a answer.

"Yes but! It was only because he flicked my earrings!" Maya said, quickly trying to defend her self. I let out a laugh while Sophia smiled silly. "Good. I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay. Love you!" Maya said before making smooching noises. "Can I speak to daddy?"

"Sure baby, sure." Alexander said, taking the phone and turning speaker phone off.
"She probably just has the flu. You know it's flu season, right?" I said to Alexander as he groaned over Maya's health for the past three days. He was glad that she was up and able to go to daycare today but clearly stressing since she was sick.

"Obviously, Sophia. I've only been through this for the past three years."

"Look, from the way it seems, she was also sheltered for those past three years." I retorted, pushing a mango slice into my mouth. He rolled his eyes before glancing back at his laptop.

Alexander had planned to go out but decided against it, reasoning unknown to me. I agreed because I really didn't want to go out anyways.

Now, Alexander sat in my living room doing work while I just watched Jeopardy on Netflix.

Since he sat in front of me, I couldn't help but steal glances every once in a while. He had let his hair down so the dark curls fell over his forehead, slightly covering his eyes. His green orbs stared down at his laptop, almost in frustration. I wanted to ask, but he seemed as if he was in the zone - his fingertips lightly danced over the keyboard, scrunching into a fist ever couple of minutes.

He sighed before picking up his phone just as it began to rang.

"Parker." He greeted, pushing himself further into the chair. I silently mocked him as I pushed another piece of mango into my mouth. Shaking my head, I attempted to pay attention to jeopardy. Alexander was speaking low, his attention now on the wall across from him.

"Carbohydrates." I said to the television, answering a daily double. My phone went off beside me, making me pick it up.

It was Crissy.

"Hey." I greeted, waiting for a reply. She was silent for a minute before speaking.

"Hey. What are you doing?"

"Watching Jeopardy."

"You're home?" She said, almost in surprise. I nodded in a sarcastic way, knowing she couldn't see me.

"Did you hear Quincy was getting married?" I asked instead, smiling. I played with the bag of mango slices as she sighed. "No. Is she hot?"

"I don't know. I've never met her."

"What's her name?"

"I don't know. I have to fly to California in a month I think. Or maybe two." I commented, noticing that the TV was now paused.

"Chance there?"

"Nope." I said, popping the P. (Wouldn't be a Wattpad book without it)


"Wait, where are you?"

"I'm out, don't worry about it. You want some food? I'm bringing sushi, I know how much you love it."

That sounded nauseating right now.

"Actually, Cri-"

"Ring me up!" She said and before I could rely she hung up and the small buzz filled the apartment.

I sat my phone down, frowning. When I look back up, I notice Alexander standing. "Who are you expecting?"

"Apparentl, Crissy."

"Don't let her come up if you don't want her too."

"She bought me food."

"I brought you food and you dismissed me after twelve minutes."

"You were acting like a jackass!"

"She's always a jackass." He mumbled but pressed the button, ringing Crissy in. I smiled sweetly at him.

"Can Chance and Amaya come over? She's been begging to see you, apparently."

"It doesn't matter to me."

"Good because they are around the corner." He smiled before dropping onto the couch next to me. I shook my head as Alexander lifted my shirt. His hand roamed the surface of my stomach as if he was looking for something. "They aren't kicking right now."

"I know." I giggled. If they were kicking, I would definitely feel it.

"I wonder if I can hear them." Alex said, pressing his ear against my stomach. I blushed. Having contact from him for the second time today made me blush, his warm hands scalding against my skin.

"Hear what?"

"Just... them."

"Probably not. Next time I have an appointment though I can ask for that thing. Shit, I forgot what it's called. It's basically like how I get a ultrasound but you hear the heartbeat."

"Gotcha. Why don't we already have one of those?"

"Be-" I was cut off by a patterned group of knocks. I learned to recognize this as Crissys way of saying it's her. I stood, pushing Alex back onto the couch when he stood. I waddled over to the door, pulling it open to reveal a pajama dressed Crissy. She had a coat pulled over the red matching pajama set. Her arms was filled with the bag of food and another brown bag. Crissy gave me a once-over before speaking.

"Damn, you've gained weight." She said, pushing her way inside. I rolled my eyes before mumbling a thanks and shutting the door.

I turned around seeing Crissy staring at Alexander.

"You didn't say he was here." She groaned, huffing after the sentence.

"Is that a problem?" Alexander challenged. He began to stand, glaring at the short woman standing in my apartment. She shook her head before walking towards the table. She dropped the bags before sitting onto the floor.

Alexander glanced at me over Crissy head, a look that I deciphered as a warning for Crissy. I knew Alex already didn't like her so hopefully she acted like she had some sense today.

I nodded before turning back around at the sound of Chance and Maya in the hallway. I opened the door just as they came to it. Chance was dressed in his usual outfit, black t-shirt, joggers, but this time he sported a pair of man uggs on his feet. Maya matched more with her father's original outfit. She had the same grey sweatpants and shit that Alexander had, only difference being that hers was smaller. She had on a pair of black crocs that spelled out her full first name and had a basketball charm on them as well. Her hair was hidden by the pink hat she wore and the necklace I got her for Christmas hanging from her neck.

"Sophia! I missed you!" She said immediately, throwing herself up. I bent down to catch her, immediately regretting it when I felt my back begin to ache. I picked her up, despite the pain, and she practically wrapped her legs around my stomach.

I moved back so Chance could move in, hearing him mutter "Damn, it's a full house."

I laughed, carrying Maya to where I previously sat. Chance closed the door behind him just as I sat next to Alex. Maya goofed around, trying to kiss me. I playfully moved my head around before she planted one right on my cheek. I groaned pulling her off of me and offering her to her father.

Chance sat on the large seat near the couch, pulling out his phone. He was taping before pressing it to his ear. Crissy was sitting on the floor, pulling three boxes of food out. She slid one my way before opening hers and emptying half of the third container in it and pushing the container towards me.

"Here, Sophia." Crissy grunted, glaring at the males. Neither male noticed as one played with his daughter and the other ordered a pizza. I frowned, taking the chopsticks and picking up my container.

The room got filled with tension, causing me to look up. Even Maya was quiet, uncomfortable with the tension. She sat in her father's lap, staring at her uncle while he stared at Crissy. Crissy looked down at her food not even eating it.

I glanced at Alexander, feeling him staring at me. He shrugged before speaking.

"You both can leave if you're going to come over here with your problems."

"I haven't even done anything. She's the one that slept with a guy she's known for three days."

What! My eyebrows shoot up in surprise, trying to think of who she could be talking about.

"We aren't dating!"

"We were dating!" Chance yelled, standing out of his seat. Maya immediately squirms in her spot, frightened.

Crissy drops her fork, glaring at the angry male.

"Sophia," Chance says, turning towards me. "Tell me, does that guy David have a girlfriend?"

"Yes.." I say, confused with where this was going.

"They just fuck! Like you and I!" Crissy yells. Realization sinks in me, my gaze snapping to Crissy.

"Princess, go upstairs. Take your iPad and headphones and watch something." Alexander instructed Maya. She bolted up the stairs before Alexander finished his sentence.

"You slept with David?"

"I was drunk."

"He has a girlfriend." I said, confused. Crissy has morals when shes drunk. I doubt David is going to move to New York with his girlfriend just to break up and hook up within the first two months.

"Oh, you're one to talk! Don't act like when you were drunk you didn't jump this guys bones and now you're having his kids. You weren't worried whether he had a girlfriend or not!"

"I didn't know him! You knew David."

"Don't act like you're not a whore!" She spat; making me take a step back. Alexander moves towards me immediately while Chance began speaking now.

"You need to leave." He said, balling his fist. Crissy stepped back, appalled. "You're kicking me out? Sophia is my best friend I'm not going anywhere. You go!"

"You called your best friend a whore?" Alexander said, lowly. I couldn't even speak. I didn't know who this person was.

Crissy was acting like a completely different person and wasn't even speaking the same.

"She is a whore. She threw herself at you like one. I'm not going to lie." Crissy said, menacingly. She rolled her eyes before staring at me. When she began staring at me, something in me snapped.

"Yeah, I'm whore because I got drunk and I was at the club and I threw myself over him! I was drunk! You know why? Every five seconds you were forcing me to drink another damn shot! Another drink! You forced me to come to that stupid club and you KNEW I didn't want to go. I wanted to reminisce over my boyfriend of four years but no, I had to go out with YOU and just happen to also get pregnant that night! I did not want to go out! Marcus had just broken up with me the week before after he said we would get married, that I was the one. I wanted to stay in. I wanted to drown myself in another movie. But you just had to have me come with you. When you have a boyfriend! Chance was there! So, it wasn't like you would have been alone for men to venture after you! Chance was there! You didn't need me! You wanted me to come when you knew I wanted to do anything but. You know I can't control my drinking! But no! You always have to force me to do something! You're toxic Crissy! That's why I wanted to move back to California? To get away from you! But, nah. You just needed to find a reason to make me stay. You just HAD to cancel my apartment viewing. You just HAD to sell my plane ticket! You just HAD to. I'm done Crissy. Seriously. I tried to make this friend ship work but between me getting pregnant, you cancelling my plane tickets, canceling my job interview, and now calling me a whore?.. I can't. I can't take this stress. You need to go."

"What? It is not my fault you got pregnant! You chose to throw yourself over him like a whore! I didn't tell you to stick his dick inside of you! You did that yourself."

"You're still not getting the point! I still wouldn't have even gotten pregnant if I was HOME in my apartment not at some stupid club you dragged me to!" I screamed. The babies were kicking like crazy, like they wanted to jump out and fight Crissy for me. I wanted to but I know she'd retaliate and the last thing I need are for the twins to get hurt.

Crissy has now been standing and stared at me as if she didn't know me. I hated myself for having to say what I had to say but.. it needed to be said. I loved Crissy, I did. That just didn't excuse her from the fact that she tries to ruin everything in my life. She wants to control me. Just like my parents wanted to. But I, I can't do it. I need to be independent. Besides, her calling me a whore really crossed the line. I wasn't a whore. I knew that. Now, I could feel the tears begin to build up inside of me and burning my eyes.

"Of course. Blame me for not wanting you to sulk about the break up of your pathetic ass boyfriend! Ex-boyfriend!" She yelled.

"Crissy, you need to go. You can either leave willingly or I am calling the cops. If any of this even causes Sophia to become stressed, I'm going to make your life a living hell." Alexander said, his hand now wrapped around mine. I didn't even notice when he came closer to me and had even grabbed my hand.

I watched quietly as Crissy threw something to the ground and began to storm out. As she got to the door, she said one last thing.

"Don't expect me to come crawling back to you. I'm just glad you admitted how you feel." She said before slamming my door closed. I let out a breath or relieve before looking down seeing what she threw. She threw done my spare key that I had given to her. I held the key in my hand while look back at the door where she had previously stood. Maybe this was what's best for us. Some time apart.

We will get through it. Maybe.

I put the key on my coffee table, in the small fish bowl that was empty. Tears had finally presented themselves, streaming down my face. Alexander immediately pressed me to his chest, telling me that it was okay and not to worry about her.

"I told you, mamas." He mumbled a quiet 'I told you so' before rubbing my back.

"Wait! When did this happened?" Chance exclaimed, causing me to turn around at his voice. I wiped tears from my face while looking at him confused. "What?"

"This whole Alexia? That's you guys ship name." He said, attempting to lighten the mood. I went to reply but Alexander beat me to it.

"When I fucked her so hard the babies started kicking." He said, bluntly. I felt his hand on the small of my back as I gasped; turning around and hitting his chest. I let out a light laugh before responding to Chance's net question.

"Yeah. They started kicking like three minutes later. Soccer players in the making." Alexander boasted, already sounding proud of his unborn kids. Of our unborn kids.

Alexander made his way out of the living, going up the stairs while Chance and I shared glances back and forth at each other. He winked at me before standing.

"So you're giving him a chance?"

"Well..." I didn't know how to say this without saying I used him. I just happened to be in the mood and perhaps so was he. It was healthy consensual sex between two adults.

We just happened to be pregnant. Together.

"It was just a hookup? Where's Sophia Matthews? The Sophia I know doesn't just do hookups."

"Chance," I whined, glancing up to see if Alexander was coming back down yet.

"Sophia. I think he likes you. Just give him a chance. It's not like everything is just going to go back to normal now, unless you want to go back to you two hating each other." Chance said, shrugging. He pushed his lip down into a frown before speaking again. "Besides, what's there to lose? You don't have a boyfriend. He doesn't have a girlfriend."

"He has plenty of girls at the bottom of his feet."

"You don't even want to tell your kids that you have their father a chance? You want them to grow up with spilt parents who never made it work? I know you Sophia. If you weren't even the slightest bit attracted to Alexander, both physically and mentally, you wouldn't be hanging out with him and you for damn sure wouldn't have had sexual with him!" Chance spoke and made me realize that everything he said was true.

I just didn't want it to be.

Alexander Parker was attractive. His loose curly black hair that hung from his head, sometimes i got the pleasure of being able to see it in a man-bun or it combed through and gelled back. His exotic green eyes, always filled with intimidation or what seems to be anger. His eyes portrayed one story while his actions and laugh perceived another. When it came to Alexander, even his personality was perfect. He knew how to switch from business to father to friend. The way he held himself, like most egotistical men do, brought all the attention to him. He doesn't even have to try. He just knows he's all that and a bag of skittles and he just breathes. That's all he needs to do.

That's not the problem though.

The problem is that when I was with Marcus, I practically thought the same thing. I thought he was prefect because I was blinded by my feelings for him. I never thought he would be a cheater after he said he knew I wasn't mentally ready to be at that stage with him and that he would wait for me. He always walked around like he knew he was attractive and used it to his advantage, much like Alex. But now that I think about Alexander and how I have already had sexual with him twice, when I hadn't had sex with Marcus during the whole duration of our relationship scares me. When it come to Alex I can't think and I don't like that.

But if I hadn't liked Alex, he definitely would not hang around me. Much like how I stayed away from him as much as possible a month and a half ago.

Alexander couldn't know I even shared a single slither of feelings for him because then, if what Chance is saying is true, he will want to act on them and that can't happen.

"You're overthinking it."

"I'm not allowing what happened between Marcus and I to happen again."

"It won't happen again, Alex-"

The creak and then the giggles on the steps gave the Parkers away. Maya stood, giggling. She stifled them with her hand before turning back at her father who was holding her iPad and earbuds walked behind her. He has a slight smile on his face as he looked at his daughter.

I looked back to Chance who just sighed before going towards the door. My eyes wandered back to Maya, who was now darting across my living room and into my arms. She placed kisses all over me before asking if she could feel the babies.

Alexander finished coming down the stairs and slide Maya's belongings into her backpack.

Chance grabbed the pizza that he ordered earlier, thanking the delivery guy.

"Sophia, guess what! Daddy said that one day when the babies come out that I'm going to be in charge of picking out there outfits! Then when they grow up I can teach them how to do hair, if it's a girl, hopefully and then if it's a boy then.. Uncle Sebastian will have to teach them because I don't like boys."

"You like Justin." I teased, pulling her by her underarms while Chance and Alex chatted in a hush tone. I looked up at them before going back to looking at Maya. Her toothy grin had diminished as I mentioned Justin's name.

"I do not!"

"That's what you told me!"

"What!" She said loudly before whispering. "When did I say that? I don't like him.." she said it as if she was in deep thought and didn't want Alex to hear. She finally shook her head before frowning, saying she would never say that because she doesn't like boys and boys don't like her.

I teased her for a few moments more until Alexander told her to go sit at my small table and eat.

I say no to the pizza, the smell of the cheese making me want to run to the toilet.

"Uncle Chance, you forgot to tel Daddy that Nana says you better bring your ass to the next family dinner!"

"I forgot."

"Watch your mouth, Maya. There's a bathroom right there."

Maya didn't respond but instead stuffed I piece of pizza down her throat.

"She called me earlier, asked me what you were doing this weekend. I told her we had those Jiangxi deals that are about to go through and then we have to replace our Fernandez ones since they dropped out last minute. We still really don't need to fill the spot." Chance said. Alexander business work is on.

"Damn I forgot about those. Well we'll go next week. No harm." He said, smiling at me. "Besides Maya has the flu."

"Daddy! You should have told me that before I kissed Sophia! Now our babies are sick!"

I guess that didn't dawn on any of us because as soon as she said that, she caught everyone's attention. Alexander muttered a curse before turning towards me.

I felt alright but I knew side effects would not start immediately. She had kissed me earlier but even then, hopefully the pregnancy wouldn't make me prone to any illnesses.

"Sophia! You're pregnant!"

"I know! Do you want me to go take some antibiotics? Would that make you feel better?" I said, sputtering.

Alexander had a scowl on his face, looking as if he wanted to kill me at this moment. What's that saying? If looks could kill I'd be six feet under? Yeah.

That's me at this moment.

"Yes, mama. That would surely make me feel better." He mocked.


After they finished eating pizza, which took them almost two additional hours since Chance complained of still being hungry and then ordered more pizzas so that Alexander and him could have a pizza eating contest, which Maya ended up joining in on. She ended up throwing up, which made my currently weak stomach throw up. Alexander and Chance continued to stuff their stomachs though while Maya and I sat in the bathroom.

Chance and Alexander cleaned up my living room, disposing it of ginger ale soda containers and pizza boxes before preparing to go home.

Maya was reluctant to leave but when she finally started getting sleepy, Alexander threw her over his shoulder and marched out - not before demanding me to call him before I went to bed.

Chance stayed for a little while after so we could continue our talk from earlier. Which basically went like this:

"You remember what I told you? That day Alexander and I had the altercation?"

"To give him a chance?"

"Yes! So you didn't forget. Why won't you? Nevermind, that's a dumb question. You can't let one guy ruin your experience for every guy. It's not fair."

"Alexander has emotional baggage."

"So do you!" He retorted in defense for his cousin.

"It's too soon. Come back in two months." I said, before pushing him out of the open door, watching the frown over take his face as he resided on the other side of my threshold. I have him a slight wave before closing the door.

So then, I stayed in my room for the rest of the night while online shopping, putting random baby things in the cart. Just things I liked. I already went to shopping for almost 24 months.

Okay, I'm on a roll with these updates this week though.

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