I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Sh...

By Awesomelemonaids

1.1M 54.9K 30.4K

(Y/n) was destined to be the greatest villain of all time. Her father was an evil genius, while her mother wa... More

1. I hate this
2. Freedom
3. Communication
4. Marshmallows
5. Happiness
6. Trust
7. Past
8. You should smile more
9. My Hero
10. Parents
11. Purple cat charm
12. Meow
13. U.A High school
14. The practical test
15. Be careful
16. Results
17. Master?
18. Explain
19. Without
20. Jealousy
21. Memories
22. Protect you
23. U.A
24. Quirk assessment
25. Sensei
26. The music room
27. For her
28. I'm sorry
29. Fly
30. Obtained
31. Out
32. Costume time!
33. Team J
34. I have a plan
35. Congratulations
36. The notebook
37. Shadow quirks
38. Threads
39. Saviour
40. Friendship
41. Wanted
42. Understandings
43. Arrangement
44. Home
45. Cafe
46. Become a hero
47. No control
48. The nurse
49. The USJ
50. Villains
51. Hospital
52. Forgiven
53. Healed
54. Mystery object
55. Guest
56. Brother
57. Friends
58. I am a hero
59. Different
60. Safe
61. Delusional
62. Accidental advancements
63. Thank you for everything
64. Times up
65. Back to me
66. Plummet
67. Revival
68. Countdown
69. Counter-attack
70. Cheer
71. Reunited
72. The game
73. Deal
74. I can't lose
75. A contract
76. Titan
77. Visitors
78. A happy family
80. Press conference
81. Pressure
82. Not enough
83. Confession (Final chapter)
Bonus: Kuro gets a boyfriend
Fan art
More fan art

79. Love

9.7K 429 598
By Awesomelemonaids

You hid the remainder of you marshmallow kitties before running outside to the police car that beeped loudly. Opening the passenger door, you were immediately greeted by the kind smile of Mr. Tsukauchi.

"Good morning, (L/n)-san," he greets. You nod in response.

"Thank you for picking me up, I really appreciate you taking me to the hospital." He chuckles as he pulls away from the house and begins driving towards your destination.

"It's nothing really. There's a train station close to the hospital so you could always take that but since you're under our protection for the time being, I'd prefer taking you. "

"You never explained why I'm under the police's protection," you say, turning to the dark haired male as he continued driving, his eyes on the road.

"It's nothing serious, since there are people against you we thought it would be smarter to keep you somewhere else. Someone might follow you home or find out your address and I don't want to endanger you. It's not that you can't take care of yourself, the civilians are very on edge about this all so I think it's best that we wait until the press conference has passed so everything it cleared up," he explains. You hum in understanding, you didn't want to hurt. People act irrationally when their emotions get the best of them.

For the majority of the car ride, you remained silent and looked out the window. It was rare going in a car, the reason for that being that there wasn't one at your aunt's house.

Watching the scenery go by, you noticed that you were in the neighborhood which the hospital was in. The large building came into view, as you drew closer you couldn't help but smile. You wanted to see your father. Sure, people had told you that he was alright but you needed to see it for yourself.

Tsukauchi pulled up in front of the hospital and turned to you, smiling kindly once again.

"Thank you again, Mr. Tsukauchi," you say, bowing your head. He chuckles.

"It's fine, now I'll be back in an hour or so. I'll come in once I'm back." You send him a grateful smile before opening the door and leaving the car.

The hospital was smaller than the one you had been staying in when you woke up the previous day, but that was only because it specialized in mental health. You entered through the front doors and greeted the receptionist with a smile.

"Excuse me, I'm here to-" You were immediately cut off when she jumped out of her seat, an excited expression on her face.

"To see your father, right? You're the fallen angel!" she announces, gathering the attention of a few doctors and nurses who were tending to people in the waiting room. With all attention on you, you gave a small, awkward nod.

"Uh, yes." She sits back down on her chair and types quickly into her computer before returning her gaze to you.

"He's on the second floor, in room 46. I'll have someone escort you up there to open the doors and keep watch, it's a security thing," she laughs. She spoke at a fast pace, sometimes you found it difficult to understand what she was saying, especially when she started ranting about watching your fight on TV. You nodded along, hoping that she would hurry up and call someone to take you up.

"Thank you," you but in, hoping that it she would figure out that you had limited time and needed to make the most of it. Pausing her story, she noticed how on edge you were.

"Oh, sorry for talking for so long. You probably want to go see your dad, I'll just cut to the point. It was really inspiring seeing you fight a battle everyone thought you would lose. You got hurt but every time you stood back up and kept going. My younger brother is scared of his own quirk because of what people say about it, how it's villainous and such. I just wanted to say thank you, you owned everything and won, he's a lot happier and now proud of his quirk." You smiled down at the seated woman, enjoying the warmth that filled your chest. Hearing that made you feel good, you had felt the same when reading the letters sent to you by the public. Sure, some were hateful but a majority were supportive and thankful. You didn't even need to answer before she picked up the phone and called for someone to take you, she understood that you weren't someone who spoke much.

A moment later, a tall man dressed as security guard approached the desk, the woman immediately responding.

"Right, Miss Angel. This is Jun, he'll be taking you up to the second floor and will supervise while you visit your father."

"Thank you," you say with a bow, following Jun to the elevator. He opens it with his key card and then enters, watching as you follow him in. As the doors close, he turns to you with a smile.

"I was surprised when your father was admitted here, I sent you a letter but it doesn't matter if you haven't read or don't remember it. My family is pretty dodgy so people usually think I'm like them, but you're different, y'know. Even though your father was a villain, the number one villain too, you became the opposite," he laughs.

"You continue to fight and change people's perception of yourself, I find that very admirable." You smile down at your feet.

"I'll never get used to all the attention and compliments, but I'd like to thank you for saying such kind words to me. Hearing people's stories makes me feel like I'm not alone." The elevator doors open, Jun leaving first with you following.

Room 46 drew nearer with every step, making you feel excited.

Before you knew it, you were standing before the door, being able to see your father sitting on bed through the glass of the window. You turned to Jun who gave you a nod.

"Go in, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you. He talks about you non-stop." You place your hand on the handle and open it, entering the room. The door closed behind you, Jun taking place in front of it. When your father heard the door, he looked up, a smile replacing his dull expression.

"You came!" he exclaims excitedly, getting up and rushing over to you. Before he can, you hug him tightly. He hugged back, resting his head on top of yours as he sniffled quietly. Pulling away, you noticed he was crying again.

"Hey, why are you crying?" you asked. He pulled one hand back and used it to wipe his now wet face.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I thought you weren't coming to visit me. I was worried, especially after you passed out and no one would tell me anything about your situation," he explained, holding onto your hand. You smiled softly up at him and pulled him over to his bed to sit down.

"So, hows life here? Are they treating you alright?" you ask, hoping that he was enjoying himself. He reached up and placed a hand on his face, covering the burns.

"Everything is great, the staff treat me nicely and the other patients are very kind to me. It's just like you said, they're taking good care of me." You reach forward and pull his hand away, he was probably struggling without having his mask to cover his face.

"Don't hide it, okay? I know that people seeing you like this makes you feel vulnerable but you need to own it. I've been doing the same, I'm open about my quirk and my family. I don't care anymore, if people see me as a villain that's fine. I'll do my best and show people that I'm more than my quirk and family. I shape who I am and I've chosen to be a hero, do you know what I mean?" you ask, hoping he understood. He nodded and smiled.

"I get it, It's just hard to forget everything Akuma has said to me. She filled me with hate and told me people thought I was horrible and disgusting. I never wanted to hurt people, I just didn't like heroes, especially after the fire. But my dislike never meant I wanted to become a villain, I pushed away everything my mother believed because Akuma said that the dead were wrong. She said a lot to me and now I can see through her lies, I can see how she was manipulating me." You smile at him, taking his hand in hopes of making him feel better. There was a moment of silence before he gained the courage to speak again.

"H-how is she?" he asked suddenly, referring to your mother. He seemed uncomfortable talking about this but he pushed through it, you respected that.

"Better, she's back with her lover and I've never seen her happier..." you trail off, staring down at the bed below you.

"Life is better for you like that, I know what you wanted to say. You're a part of a proper family and I'm sorry that I couldn't give you that. In that time it didn't matter how others felt, I was selfish and all I wanted was for you to be there with me." You sighed softly at the older male and lent back against the wall behind you.

"You make it sound like he's going to replace you, which he won't. Sure, I look up to him but he will never be my father," you assure. He chuckles and combs his fingers through his dark hair.

"It's fine, I just want you to be happy." Speaking to him gave you a good understanding of how he actually was, what type of person he was without Akuma controlling him. He was kind and understanding, being supportive in anyway that he could.

"Anyway, before I forget, I wanted to ask you about your quirk. We both know that in order to awaken your shadow spirit, you must lose love. I wanted to know who this person is, you spoke of them back in our fight but didn't touch upon it very much," he says. You nod slowly, a light blush covering your cheeks as you thought about the purple-haired boy. You missed him a lot and hated being without him for so long.

"Well, we met at the store one day. I bumped into him outside it and then caught him following me. There was also a cat who was following me, he said he was going after him but I don't really believe that," you laugh, continuing with your story.

"I found out that he lived across the street from where we were staying and we started hanging out everyday. Eventually we found out that we both wanted to be heroes and such, there were many similarities between us. He told me about his quirk and how people thought it was the type a villain would have and so I came out and told him everything about me. Giving myself away wasn't the smartest of plans but he accepted me anyway. In the end, we grew closer and then took the U.A entrance exam together. It was when we got the results that he suddenly changed..." you trailed off, being reminded of the time where Hitoshi wanted nothing to do with you. Noticing that you were sad, your father pet your head affectionately.

"You don't have to talk about it if it hurts too much." You shake your head.

"No, I can do it. It turned out that I had gotten into the hero course and he hadn't, that made him really upset. I tried to console him but he ended up pushing me away and using his quirk against me. It hurt a lot, especially since it was only when he closed me out that I realized how strongly I felt for him. School started and I saw him around school occasionally, he even saved me once when we were evacuating. I knew that he didn't hate me but the way he acted towards me made me feel lonely. I made some friends over this time but it still wasn't sufficient. It was only when I saved the cat from being hit by a car that he noticed me again, from there he changed. We grew a lot closer from then on and now we're at the point where we could actually be together. But we didn't have the time to get to that so I'll have to wait until I see him next," you finish with a sigh. Slipping your hand into your pocket, you fish out your phone and begin looking through it. Going to your gallery, you pull up the picture of you and Hitoshi at the cat cafe.

"This is him," you say, handing your phone to the older male. He took it and analyzed the image with sharp eyes, noticing how happy you looked even though your face showed barely any emotion. Returning the phone, he chuckles, giving you a closed eyed smile.

"It's hard for me to help with something like this, I've never fallen in love with anyone. Even when I was around your mother all those years I didn't fall for her. She was beautiful but I just didn't see her like that, I was too preoccupied with you. But now I think I can understand." You raised an eyebrow, wondering if he was telling the truth.

"Really? Are you falling in love with someone?" you ask him. He shrugs his shoulders, a faint blush on his cheeks.

"She's very kind to me and always treats me with care. She's been watching over me for a week now and I can't help but feel so strongly for her," he explains. You nod as you listen.

"So, is it one of the staff here or a patient?" He shakes his head and looks around the room.

"No um, she's my new shadow spirit. Emi is her name, she's very beautiful but quite shy." You look around the room with him, wanting to catch a glimpse of this new shadow spirit.

"Is she good to you? I'm just worried, especially after what happened with Akuma." He chuckles, placing a hand on your shoulder to calm you.

"She's not like Akuma at all, she's amazing. I'm her first host so she's very self conscious of how she's doing." He scans the room one more time before calling out her name.

"Emi? Are you there? I want you to meet my daughter." The room fell silent for a moment before a short woman with shoulder length black hair appeared, a crooked smile on her pale face.

"H-hello?" she responds. Your father's face lit up at the sight of her, making him get up and approach her shaking figure. He wrapped her in an embrace which immediately calmed her down, giving you a chance to introduce yourself. Standing from your seat on the bed, you approached her.

"It's nice to meet you, Emi. I'm (Y/n)," you greet, smiling softly. She sent you a nod in return, leaning into your father's chest with pink cheeks.

"Yes, you're father speaks of you often. Thank you for helping him away from Akuma." You watch as the two remain close, it reminded you of Aizawa and your mother this morning. Your father seemed to be attached to this shadow woman and it wasn't one sided. She looked to be enjoying his affection, it almost felt like you were intruding at this point.

"I'd hate to cut my visit short but it seems you too are busy," you laugh awkwardly. Your father quickly pulls away, still remaining close to Emi.

"(Y/n), you don't have to leave yet. You've only just got here." You hum, staring down at your feet.

"I promise to come back, next time I'll catch the train out to the hospital and visit for longer, okay? But right now, it looks like you two want to be alone." He blushes at your words but accepts them.

"Thank you for coming to visit me," he calls as you approach the door. You nod in response, sending the pair a wave before leaving the room. Jun turned when he heard the sound of the door opening, a surprised look on his face.

"Is everything alright? That visit was quick." You sigh softly.

"No, it's fine. He's happy and that's all that matters." The security guard immediately understood, it was a known around the hospital that your father had a new shadow spirit who was much more of a romantic partner than a servant.

"I guess he called Emi out then, those two are pretty close and it hasn't even been that long," he thought aloud as he walked back to the elevator with you following behind him. The trip back to the reception took barely two minutes. As you left through the metal doors, the receptionist sent you a wave, watching as you walked towards the glass, front doors of the hospital.

You took a seat outside on a wooden bench, waiting for Tsukauchi to pick you up. Kuro appeared by your side, laying down so he took up a majority of the bench.

"Hey, Kuro?" you ask. He hums in response, resting his hands behind his head as a sort of cushioning.

"Can shadow spirits fall in love?" He opens one eyes and looks over at your hunched over figure.

"Well, yeah. We have emotions like humans do so we can. You saw the way Emi looked at your dad, she obviously likes him a lot. It's the first human she's been around and she's already head over heels," he snickers. You sigh and look over at him, your gaze meeting.

"Have you ever fallen in love?" He seemed to choke when you asked the question, not having expected it.

"No, I don't have time for that kind of stuff. Us shadow spirits can only really spend time around our hosts unless we make another contract. And anyway, I've only had you and your grandmother and I see you as little sisters."

"You don't swing that way?" you tease. His pale cheeks illuminate at the accusation.

"W-what?!" You start laughing, enjoying the moment as you discovered something you could hold over his head.

"After Hitoshi and I are official, I'll help you get a boyfriend if you'd like." He huffs and sits up, crossing his arms in annoyance and embarrassment.

"Shut up, would you?"

Really wanted the dad to have some love cause he needs and deserves it. Also my boy Kuro, sorry if you shipped him with reader, is gay. Cause gay makes it better, I say as a bi boi myself.

Also want to say thank you to lolilofts for this amazing fan art of Lady Angel. Just wanna say, I love fan art so send some and I'll feature it.

Vote And follow me for more. Thank ya xd

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