But Who's Counting?

By wowdaisy

330K 13.1K 3K

"I'm pregnant with your child, Alex." Sophia was determined on convincing Alexander that besides her being pr... More

Chapter One: "Happy Birthday!"
Chapter Two: "Hell yes!"
Chapter Three: "Deal!"
Chapter Four: "Abortion."
Chapter Five: "Baby."
Chapter Six: "Control."
Chapter Seven: "Mamas,"
Chapter Eight: "Nicole."
Chapter Nine: "The Grinch."
Chapter Ten: "Merry Christmas!"
Chapter Eleven: "Pack your shit."
Chapter Twelve: "I'm jealous."
Chapter Thirteen: "Who is that?"
Chapter Fourteen: "Hold me."
Chapter sixteen: "They're kicking!"
Chapter Seventeen: "Just friends."
Chapter Eighteen: "Family dinner."
Chapter Nineteen: "Family Dinner cont."
Chapter Twenty: "Are you drunk?"
Chapter Twenty-One: "She's mine."
Chapter Twenty-two: "Just like you."
Chapter Twenty-three: "Basketball and Ice Cream."
Chapter Twenty-Four: "Vodka."
Chapter Twenty-Five: "Cravings."
Chapter Twenty-Six: "I'm calling the police."
Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Bash your skull in."
Chapter Twenty-Eight: "Who's is this?"
Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Relationship status."
Chapter Thirty: "Change your outfit."
Chapter Thirty-One: "Cinnabon."
Chapter Thirty-Two: "Sophia's Family."
Chapter Thirty-three: "Buddy System."
Chapter Thirty-Four: "Pool."
Chapter Thirty-Five: "Dumbo."
Chapter Thirty-Six: "Surprise!"
Chapter Thirty-Seven: "Shorty."
Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Wedding Bells."
Chapter Thirty-Nine: "Thor."
Chapter Forty: "Welcome home!"
Chapter Forty-One: "Five weeks."
Chapter Forty-Two: "You deserve to be happy."
Chapter Forty-Three: "Call Daddy."
Chapter Forty-Four: "Mommy's not happy."
Chapter Forty-Five: "Being loved."
Chapter Forty-Six: "She said what?"
Chapter Forty-Seven: "Here goes nothing."
Chapter Forty-Eight: "Unbelievable."
Chapter Forty-Nine: "You're stupid."
Chapter Fifty: "Alexander the Maniac."
Chapter Fifty-One: "Nose rings."
Chapter Fifty-One 1/2: "Jaisiah and Jalen."
Chapter Fifty-Two: "Moving like a sloth."
Chapter Fifty-Three: "Adult Brownies."
Chapter Fifty-Four: "That's not his pacifier."
Chapter Fifty-Five: "Water balloons."
Chapter Fifty-Six: "Baby gravy."
Chapter Fifty-Seven: "Happy Birthday!"
plan b(aby)
Bonus Chapter
Chapter Fifty-Eight: "August 23rd."
Official Sequel #1 Sneakpeek
Official Sequel #2 Sneakpeek

Chapter Fifteen: "Your face."

6.5K 287 58
By wowdaisy

Whew, mature content. I used multiple words in here that make me cringe so... just know you've been warned.
For the duration that I have been pregnant, majority of things have went over smoothly.

Pregnancy cravings? Very little and rare.

Morning sickness? I hated it but it wasn't nothing I couldn't handle.

The weight? Okay, maybe this was a little rough. My doctors expected me to gain almost 55 pounds and although I have been a little on the thicker side my whole life, I wasn't thrilled about becoming even bigger.

But the sexual hormones? That was a different story. Up until today I experienced little to no sexual desire. My bulging stomach automatically cut any wants from my mind.

But, this, was a need.

It was almost as if my body was on fire and the only thing that could extinguish it was... sex. I felt as if I was in actual heat.

I woke up, immediately feeling off. I carried myself into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I put my wash rag onto the rack and stared back at myself into the mirror.

My grey tank top clung to my body like a second skin. It was rising up slightly, sense I had been bending at the sink before. I pull the shirt down before looking back up towards my face.

My face was, indeed, puffy. I can tell how Quincy could tell I was pregnant two days ago. Although I had just waken up, I could tell that this wasn't just the puffiness from me being asleep. This was actual pregnancy weight. I smile, just to see how high up my cheeks go. Then I manage a straight face, observing.

Something else was off.

My body gazed down and I noticed how warm I was.

And how much my boobs had grown.

As if they grew over night, my boobs had grow at least two sizes, if not, three. The threatened to spill out of my bra and tank top. I touch my chest, my hand trailing down to where I slightly slipped from my bra. I pull my bra up, only for my boob to slip out from the bottom. I let out a cry and left the bathroom in frustration.

Just as I exited, the doorbell rang. I grab my phone, glancing at the time.


Wow, I awoke late!

I make my way to he door, pulling it open.

Immediately, I could feel blood rush between my thighs and spread across my cheeks. My mouth drained it self of all lubricant and partially fell open. I don't know what it was, like I mentioned early. Perhaps it was the pregnancy hormones. Maybe it was his attire and all I could think about was that night. All I could even think about was how big his d-

"Are you okay? You're flushed." His smooth, deep voice rang, making my eyes look up towards his eyes.

His hair was placed up, a dark and messy bun sat on his head. A thin pink headband, that I recognized as Maya's, kept his hair out his face. His face was clear of any facial hair and his eyes were vibrant. His face was, slightly red? Perhaps it was cold out side, but he wore a pair of grey Nike sweatpants and a matching hoodie. My eyes gaze down his body, all the way down to his feet.

Okay, wasn't expecting that.

"Crocs." Was all I could mutter, which let out a beautiful laugh from Alexander. He step back, throwing his head back slightly and attempting to laugh quietly.

"Yes, mama. Can I come in? I bought you lunch but by the way it's looking.. breakfast." He asked. I had only then realized the rolled up white and red bag in his hand. He carried a drink carton with the other.

He could be my breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner. Anytime.

I nodded, sheepishly stepping back so Alex can walk through the door. As he stepped passed me, I nearly moaned. His body being in such close proximity to me sent my nerves into overdrive, surely making even more red. It definitely made me hotter.

I turn around, closing the door and quickly do a silent prayer. Standing still, I prayed to whatever Gods above that the moment I turn around I am able to ignore my sexual desire and leave that fine, delectable human begin back there alone.


I slowly turn around, only to see Alexander staring back at me, confusion obviously written across his face. One of his perfectly arched eyebrows, that I was starting to wonder if he got them waxed, was risen above the other while he slightly squinted.

"Sophia, what's wrong?" His voice demanded to be answered but it went straight in my ear and down to my core. I could feel myself squirm in my spot. I involuntarily let out a bundle of words before attempting to smile.

Wow. I really am a complete horny mess today.

"I hope you know I didn't understand a word you said. Are you okay?" He said, concerned. I nodded before walking towards him, attempting at a shot of conversation.

"What'd you get?"

"Chick-fil-A. I remember you said you enjoyed it. I didn't know what to get you, so I got you chicken minis as well as a chicken sandwich, also didn't know what you enjoyed in it so I got them to put the lettuce and whatever else they put on it inside of a separate bag. There's waffles fries on the inside. Sprite, no ice. Just the way you like it." Alexander said, sitting on the couch and unpacking the food as he went. He finished off with a wide smile and winking at me, making my nerves go into overdrive.. again.

"Did you get anything for yourself?" I asked, graciously taking the chicken minis he passed to me. He nodded before unpacking the smaller second bag.

"Yeah. I'm not really hungry though. I just came back from the gym and I had a smoothie earlier. I got a chicken sandwich. Oh! I got you Chick-fil-A sauce too. Didn't know what you liked but everybody likes Chick-fil-A sauce, right?" He said, showing me the bag that his chicken sandwich stayed in. I offered him a smile before taking a bite into my food. I moaned in delight, sexual desires decreasing by four.

"Thank you so much. Why didn't you go to work? Where's Maya?"

"I was going to go but I wanted to come see you. I haven't seen you in two days and just wanted to check up on you. Maya is at daycare. She said they had a party that she wanted to go to."

"She's probably the life of the party." I said, taking a sip of my sprite. He chuckled before unwrapping his sandwich.

"Can't imagine anything but," he said, eyes twinkling. As he spoke, I was suddenly reminded of why I was attracted to him in the first place. He carried himself with such gusto and spoke in ways that just made me feel like jelly.

"Speaking of parties," he started, causing me to look back up at him as he straightened himself out, "Maya said you made brownies?"

"Yeah.. sorry. She said you were supposed to but didn't so I just made some and bought them to the daycare."

"It's no problem, thank you actually. The kids loved it and told Maya they wish you were their mother." He said, taking a bite while staring at me intently. My face flushed and I automatically thought about our two children. There was no movement from them yet but Doctor said they were perfectly happy, probably a little shy.


"I think you're a great mother."

"I'm not even a mom yet."

"Yes, you are. You're pregnant and have two people that depend on you. You're a mother." He said, rolling his eyes playfully. He picked up a drink, obviously darker than mine, that was probably tea.

I blushed, seeing is hands grip the cup. It brought back some sinful memories.

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to shut the memories out.

"What's wrong?" He pressed, looking like he was done. "I'm not asking again, Sophia. What's the problem?"

I unclench my eyes slowly, afaird to admit that the reason I seem so off and unfocused is because I can't stop thinking about (a) Alexander's hand wrapped around my throat while the other one is pumping in and out of me or (b) Alexander's hand wrapped around me while he meets his hips with my own, pounding in and out of me.

What I also couldn't seem to do was look into Alexander's piercing green gaze. It was filled with such intensity that I knew if I looked into it for a second longer I would either jump his bones or spill everything.

Neither having a good ending to it, for me.

Alexander put down his food and drink, standing swiftly. He marches over to me and since I'm looking down, all I can see is his feet... well.. Crocs. My breathing hitches when I see Alexander's knees bend and he's becoming nearly face level with me. I continue to look down, my breathing most likely sounds harsh by now. I look between his legs, unconsciously, but my breathing hitches when I see his very obvious friend being pressed against he stretched pant leg and thigh.

Alexander's cold hands find their way to my chin, pushing my head up and forcing me to look into his piercing gaze. He held my chin and then cleared his throat, causing my gaze to snap to his.

"You've looked flushed since I got here. You're body is extremely warm. Are you sick?"

I shake my head.

"Then what's the problem?"

He looks at me expectantly as he waits for a answer before urging to me go on.

"Your face." I said.

Look, you've had sex with him one time. Why are you so shy now?

You're right, Sophia's conscious.

"What about it?" He asked, his grip still holding my face in place. I attempted to close my eyes, only to have him growl at me to keep them open.

Fuck. It.

"Its making me horny." I spit out, completely flustered. Alexander grip remains on my chin as a smirk appears on his pink lips. He doesn't miss a beat when he speaks his next sentence.

"My face is making you horny?"

I shut my eyes, nodding profusely.

"It's just the pregnancy." I added, looking at him. He smiled and rolled his eyes, reminding me much of Maya in this instance.

"Or is it me? Because it was me before you were pregnant."

"Alex." I said, moving my hands to his, prying them. It was no use. His hands were like iron. Or maybe it was the fact that my body didn't really want him to let go of me. His hand provided a cool relief to my body.

"I could.. relieve you." He said, smirking as he pulled himself to his feet. I stared in front of me where I was now level with Junior. The slight tent was beginning to form. Out of my peripheral vision, I could see him beginning to reach for me.

"I- I'm okay." I said as he pulled me to my feet. He still towered over me and I looked straight, at his chest.

"What should I do? Just eat you out? Finger you?" He paused before bringing his hand to my chin and forcing me to look at him. He looked me dead in my eye before saying, almost harshly, "or should I fuck you? Is that it? Do you want me to fuck you until you can't remember your name?"

My mouth betrayed me by saying yes. The look on Alex's face was wide. I let out a moan, feelings his hands slip underneath my shorts and find their way between them. He rubbed one finger along before commenting.

"You're already so wet for me, baby." He smilled before pushing a finger into me, making me want more right there. He pushed another finger into me, slowly, torturing me.

"Alex, w- we can't do this ag- oh my gosh!" I panted out as he viciously thrusted his finger in and out of me and then his other hand going to toy with my sensitive breasts. He toyed with my nipple between his forefinger and thumb before bringing his warm mouth onto my nipple. My bra only help, since I was bulging out already. I let out a cry as he removed it and moved to the skin next to it, sucking hard. That was definitely going to leave a mark.

"What are you saying mamas?" He said again, just as I was on the verge of orgasming, he pulled out. He pulled away from me in all, leaving my breast out and leaving me insanely needy, more than I was before.

I looked at him anger probably filling my eyes as he liked his fingers that had been inside of me before turning around.

"You're such a asshole." I muttered, tucking my overly sensitive boob back into my bra and sticking out my bottom lip. Now, every nerve on my body was on fire, wanting more.

"Want to repeat that?" He immediately said, turning around. I poured and I muttered the answer before crossing my arms.

He sat back down and continued eating while I glared at the wall, much like a child. I sat back down as well, lazily bring the mini chicken sandwich to my mouth. I chewed, thinking how Alexander could go back to normal after what happened moments before.

"Your boobs have grown remarkably since the last time I had an opportunity to suck on them. Your boobs have gotten bigger. It's probably the pregnancy. Most likely." Alexander said randomly, causing me to turn towards him. I mustered the best glare I could as he smiled at me.

He took another bite of his sandwich before slowly dipping it into the small container of sauce. Alexander's eyes stayed on mine as he did this tenuously slow action, making me squirm in my seat. He dropped a seductive smile in my direction before biting again.

"You don't just say that."

"You also don't just say my face makes you horny."

"You forced that out of me!" I exclaimed. He was unbelievable. Can you believe him? After he asked me nearly sixteen times and forced me to look into his intimidating ass eyes I had no choice but to spill.

"Your boobs forced that out of me." He retorted.
Not wanting to even have anything to do with him since I was cranky because I was extremely hornier and being near him didn't help that and also between him being a ass, I stood abueptly.

Alex took another bite as I gathered my food, because, fuck, I was hungry, and my phone before walking away. I sighed before saying 'you can see yourself out,'

I nearly made it to the steps before I was whirled around, dropping my food in the process. I barely had time to understand what was happening, I was being thrown into his arms as he adjust my weight. I let out a yelp as he grunted, climbing each stair like I was nothing. He was mumbling something, but I could barely focus on that and his hand that gripped my thigh.

Alexander continued to mumble under his breath before throwing me onto my own bed.

Glad I cleaned up.

"Do you want to fuck me?"

I nodded my head, wincing when I realized how desperate I must have looked. I was beginning to pant slightly when Alexander replied.

His eyes trailed my body while his hands roamed down to his pockets. My breathing hitched while I looked at how sexy Alexander looked in this moment. His slightly messy hair only made me want to make it messier. His green irises made the moment intense and filled with sexual tension. "Tell me how hard I should do you," he began, licking his lips as he threw his phone onto my floor. He looked me directly in my eyes before speaking again, "and I'll do you three times harder."

As if the cat got my tongue, I stared back at him with a expression I couldn't even name. I nodded my head, slowly, before nodding faster. I probably looked ridiculous to him because all I could do was nod.

Alexander nodded curtly at me before turning around. He flipped off his hoodie, leaving him in a black fitted shirt. It clung to his body like a second skin, his abs becoming clear through the skin. I licked my lips before drawing one into my mouth.

"Drop the shorts and take the tank top off." He demanded, my hands working fast.

Only now have I realized what's about to go down. I'm about to have sex with Alex. Alexander Parker. For the second time! Then, I would be forced to return as if nothing had happened. Like he didn't just rock the life out of me.

Was this worth the building relationship we had going on?

Did I want to ruin all of that because I couldn't, metaphorically, keep it in my pants?

Hopefully, since we were both mature adults, we could move past this and treat it like a fling.

But I wasn't worried about Alexander. I'm sure he has hooked up with plenty of girls and went back to normal, or even didn't speak a word to them again.

Would that happen to us?


He would have no choice but to see me again. I'm pregnant with his children.

"Nice bra, mama." Alexander remarked, coming dangerously close to me. I was wearing a red push up bra, one that I realized I wore the night I met him. He pulls me to my feet, pressing his now shirtless body against mine.

"I'm going to give you the opportunity," he spoke dangerous low into my ear, "to say no. You want this?"

"Yes." I said, almost begging.

"What do you want?"


"Ahem." He clear his throat, signaling that he wanted me to say exactly it was that I wanted.

"I want you to fuck me, Alex! You know this." I exclaimed, starting to get hot and bothered from his hands. They had been roaming my back the whole time he talked to me.

"Good," he murmurs before tossing my bra to the side and exposing my breast. The immediately bounce and I gasp. That was what he was doing? Unbuckling my bra?

A+ for experience and sneakiness.

Alexander pushes me back onto the bed, pushing my so that I am laying flat on my bed and my feet touch the ground.

A finger hooks around my panties as Alexander drags them down, slowly. He takes a hand and trails it up and down my bare legs, causing the inside of my thighs to twitch. He uses this to his advantage, another hand beginning to play with my sensitive bud while the other lightly grazes my thighs like a feather. He mumbles something as I become a jittery mess.

"Huh?" I hitch as he sticks a finger inside of me. It pumps insanely fast as he adds another finger, and another, resulting in me having 3 fingers inside of me while his thumb, assumingly, plays with my bud. Alexander blows his cool breath against my hot core, adding to the stimulation.

"I said," he stated, briefly as he pulled his hands out and stopped all actions, much like he did earlier, "since you wanted to act like a brat and not let me finish eating, a mans got to eat."

I didn't realize what he said until I felt it.

Alexander's mouth attacked me as he harshly sucked on my folds. A moan automatically release from my throat from the ferociousness that Alexander works with while eating me out. He expertly moves his tongue before nipping at it with his teeth. My hands find their way to his hair, locking to the roots and loosening his bun. I moan as he does his next actions.

He dips his tongue inside, deep, making my stomach tighten as he does so. His fingers pinch's my small ball of nerves and tortured me. Alexander says nothing as he slurps onto me. He pulls away for a quick second, sticking three fingers inside of me and pumping quickly. His mouth returns, working around his hand. My back begins to lift itself, but Alex uses his other hand to hold me down.

I begin to buck, feeling myself on the verge of the edge and I let out a cry. Alexander sucks and pulls back before letting go with a big pop. He goes back down blowing slightly before slowly licking from my thigh back to my center.

"Alex!" I let out a moan as he smiles against me, the light chuckle he lets out making me hiss. The vibration from the chuckle runs from my core to every single inch of my body. I let out another cry as he harshly rubs, sucks, and fucks me.

"Shi..t!" I feel myself buck again, this time with my legs shaking uncontrollable. My release is coming, rapidly. Alexander sucks harder at this, causing me to grunt and whine, unable to take the shaking legs. I hear and feel as Alexander speed up, impossibly faster.

"I'm coming!" I moan, my legs shaking unbelievably and my core aching as Alexander straight sucks the juices from me. I let out a cry as my high hits and I feel my sore vagina still being attacked on. Alexander still sucks and fucks as my hand pulls at his hair. I got no type of grip since it was in a bun, but he still let out a moan against me. I squirmed against his mouth, both of his hands now holding my down by my hips as I unconsciously attempt to push him away.

The stimulation against my sensitive buds after I came was too much but enough to make my second orgasm come, fast. Just as I began to buck again, Alexander pulled back. I let out a unhappy pant before attempting - keyword, attempting - to sit up. Alexander was speaking but I was so busy on what he was doing that I couldn't even understand what he was saying.

He dropped his pants and underwear at an alarming pace, allowing his best friend to pop out. He slapped against his stomach before looking at me.

"You heard me right? Stand up." He demanded, voice low and demanding. The tone of his voice could get any girl dripping I'm sure.

My legs were weak and felt like jelly but I attempted to do what he told me to do anyways. I stand, knees almost bucking but I look at the man standing across from me.

His eyes were unreadable. All I know is that they looked filled with determination and lust but there was a hidden emotion. Perhaps it was the hatred beginning to burn up for me putting him in this position. His gaze was on fire, trailing on every inch of my naked body before falling upon my lips.

"I want you to taste yourself," he really didn't give me much of a choice.

And I want him to kiss me.

He immediately pushes his wet lips against mine and slips his tongue into my mouth. The taste of my juices was evident against my tongue and Alexander's mouth tasted as if he just had a mint, despite the food that sat downstairs.

"Now, lay down." He says once he pulls away. His demanding voice was everything to me at this moment, which is why I immediately went to lay down.

"Yes, yes." I said, nerves going into a frenzy as I laid on my bed. Alexander was right behind me, positioning himself at my entrance just as I got myself down. Without a second thought, Alexander slams into my slick folds. He lifts my leg up while place a hand on my breast, rolling my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

My headboard slammed against the wall, harshly, with the first thrust. I'm sure if you were on David's side of the wall, you would know exactly what was going on over here.

"Fuck! I forgot how tight this thing is." Alexander mumbles, pulling himself out just a inch before replacing it and repeating the process.

I let out a whine, Alexander's means to torture me obviously apparent.

"Alex! C'mon." I demanded, reaching up to pull him against me. He holds himself back before pulling out all the way and taping himself against me. He pushes in and out slowly before taking it out again, much like a child playing with a door bell and then running in and out the house.

"I don't think you're in any position to be barking out orders like that, don't you think?"

"I can very well find a release somewhere else!" I snap as he slowly strokes into me. Alexander's movements halt as he looks at me with a dead expression, straight into my eyes. "Like what? Your fingers won't stimulate anything like I can." He says, almost cockily. Alexander is still inside me and I could feel him twitch when I say what I say next.

"Chance or David will be happy to." I frown, not thinking about any of Alexander and I's previous conversations about these two men. I admit, immediately after saying that, it was a stupid and impulsive remark on my part.

Alexander stares at me for a hard moment, maybe to see if I'm serious or not, before speaking.

"I'm good." He speaks, confusing me. He pumps into me harshly before pulling back. "Chance is good." He says, pounding into me again before pulling out. "and David is definitely good." He says again confusing me.

"What isn't good is your impulsive ass words." He growls as his hand harshly squeezes my breast. He begins pumping in and out of me at a high speed before speaking again, but I could barely listen. Believe me when I say I was being thoroughly fucked, over, under , and between.

"Do you really think I'll let someone else take care of you? Or let you walk away with that bratty attitude?"


"You better not make a damn noise, Sophia." He threatens, a hand wrapping around my throat, pressure was slightly applied at the sides. His hips expertly continue to meet mine as his member goes in and out of me. "I told you I would take care of you and this is included, but don't think for a second hat just because we are not together I'm going to let you even think about being satisfied by another man. Don't ever dismiss me the way you did earlier, either, because I guarantee you that it won't end pretty for you, understood? If I even hear you mention David or Chance's name in any context relating to this, I will invite them over so they can watch me properly fuck you in a way no one else can. I will let them watch as I fuck you into your place. Got it?"

My eyes were beginning to flutter close as he finished his speech and all I could do was nod. "Say it." He said as I reached my edge. I could feel him beginning to twitch, so I only assumed the same about him.

"Yes, I understand." I let out with a moan.

"I'm glad we had this talk, Princess." He growls before pumping into me three last times and exclaiming how close he was.

My legs shake uncontrollably as I'm on the literally edge of the big 'O'. "I have to-"

"Cmon baby, come." Alexander coaxed me, his deep voice going straight to my core and causing me to go into overload. As if my body was spasming as Alexander stilled inside of me, his spurts of come filling me up as I unraveled on my own.

I let out another whine as I felt Alexander pushing himself deeper with each grunt. "Fuck." He growled. He supported himself with my stomach and my eyes fluttered shut as his last spurt fills me up to the rim. Alexander mutters another curse before latching his lips upon my neck, sucking harshly in different areas. I let out a weak moan as he does so; our previous activities have drained me of every ounce of energy.

Alexander places a kiss right under my ear before whispering into my ear: "I'm going to go downstairs and finish eating. By the time I am done, you better have finished a shower and be dressed by then. Got it?"

"Where are we going?" I ask, weakly. My eyes open partially but I was still on a euphoric high so I could barely concentrate.

"Tick tock, mama." He says before pulling away from me. He quickly dresses before leaving me alone and filled with his seed.

Lol, cute... right?

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