I Wont Let You Go

By _missti_

375 64 2

"Don't let me go please." I begged as I cried.. because this is how I feel safe right now. "I won't let you g... More



9 2 0
By _missti_


I got to school earlier than usual so I went looking for Jake. I saw his car out in parking so I know he's here. I walked up to the second floor and he was in the hall.. with Lexi.. making out.. I'm no cock block so I walked the other way.

When I showed up to third, I waited for him inside. He came in late so I couldn't question him.. until class ended.

"So is Lexi your girlfriend now?" I asked. "Uhhh no... why would you think that?"

I stopped walking. He turned to me. "What?"

"I saw you guys this morning.." "Shit."

"So are you or are you not?" He sighed. "Yeah.."

"How long?"

"3 weeks..." Three weeks. What's up with everyone closest to me, keeping things from me. First my dad now my best friend. I'm honestly starting to feel unimportant and it hurts. Here I have two of my favorite people who I tell everything to. My dad and Jake. Yet they're keeping things from me.

"You just lied to me... to my face Jakob." The lying is what hurt most. "Lia-"

"Let me guess.. you weren't planning on telling me any time soon?" "Lia.. you were going through things.."

"Bullshit. I've been your number one supporter with all of this with her and you can't even tell me? We never lie to each other Jake.." I took a deep breath. No need to get worked up. Clearly people are keeping things from me for a reason right? So Im clearly doing something wrong that I don't know about..

I turned and walked away. "Lia!" I kept quiet.

I dodged his texts and calls and Lexi's too. You might think I'm being over dramatic but trust me, I'm being the calmest I can be all while trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong to have those closest to me not trust me.

I was supposed to hang out with Jake tonight but I'm at the football game. It was a good game, they won. I stepped down to the track. "Lia? Hey! I didn't expect you here. Weren't you supposed to be with Jake?" He asked hugging me.

"Changed plans. What are you doing tonight?"

"Party. Why? What's up?"

"No nothing. Have fun."

"What's wrong?"


"Lia. I can see it on your face. I can skip the party."

"No its okay." He stared at me. "There's another one tomorrow. I'd rather go to that one. Ima go home and shower then I'll go to your house. It seems like you wanna talk.. something's bothering you."

"Theo you don't have to its fine." "Shut up Lia. I'll be over in half an hour okay?" I nodded.


Someone knocked on my door. "Come in!" I thought it was my dad but its Theo. He closed the door and he sat on my bed next to me. "Okay, what's up?"

I couldn't help but tear up. "What's wrong with me?" I asked as a tear escaped each eye. "What do you mean?"

"What am I doing wrong Theo?" He looked at me puzzled and I stood up and walked over to my balcony and leaned against the railing. He stood next to me and rubbed my back. "First my dad, now Jake."

"What do you mean?"

"Him and Lexi have been official for weeks now and I found out because I caught them making out this morning. When I asked him, he lied to my face Theo."

"Jake lied to you?" I nodded as I looked at him. "Wow.. that's.. shocking really."

"So that means I'm doing something wrong, right?"

"Lia. You're not doing anything wrong. You're amazing."

"It doesn't feel like it if everyone I trust can't be honest with me or trust me." I cried. He pulled me close. "Lia, trust me. You haven't done anything wrong."

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled back. His hands rested on my cheeks wiping my tears with his thumbs.

"Stop crying please. I don't like to see you cry."

"Why because I'm an ugly crier?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"Jerk." I slapped his arm. I couldn't help but smile. "That's what I like to see."

"I still feel like shit."

He sat on one of my chairs. "Come here." He somehow ended up getting me on his lap, straddle position. "This is awkward Theodore."

"Only if you make it awkward Cordelia." I playfully rolled my eyes. He grabbed my face and my heart began to race. "Cordelia. Listen to me. You haven't done anything wrong. Trust me, I'd be the first to tell you.." I leaned forward and hugged him. "Thank you Theo."

"No problem babe." I gulped. "You smell good." He chuckled and I pulled back. "Thanks. So tomorrow's Isaac's party. You going?"

"I am." "What are you dressing as?"

"You'll just have to wait and see."

"Finnneee. Then Im not telling you mine." I smiled. "Okay Theo."

"So.. you still have face masks?" I laughed. "Yeah. Come on."

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