I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Sh...

By Awesomelemonaids

1.1M 54.6K 30.2K

(Y/n) was destined to be the greatest villain of all time. Her father was an evil genius, while her mother wa... More

1. I hate this
2. Freedom
3. Communication
4. Marshmallows
5. Happiness
6. Trust
7. Past
8. You should smile more
9. My Hero
10. Parents
11. Purple cat charm
12. Meow
13. U.A High school
14. The practical test
15. Be careful
16. Results
17. Master?
18. Explain
19. Without
20. Jealousy
21. Memories
22. Protect you
23. U.A
24. Quirk assessment
25. Sensei
26. The music room
27. For her
28. I'm sorry
29. Fly
30. Obtained
31. Out
32. Costume time!
33. Team J
34. I have a plan
35. Congratulations
36. The notebook
37. Shadow quirks
38. Threads
39. Saviour
40. Friendship
41. Wanted
42. Understandings
43. Arrangement
44. Home
45. Cafe
46. Become a hero
47. No control
48. The nurse
49. The USJ
50. Villains
51. Hospital
52. Forgiven
53. Healed
54. Mystery object
55. Guest
56. Brother
57. Friends
58. I am a hero
59. Different
60. Safe
61. Delusional
62. Accidental advancements
63. Thank you for everything
64. Times up
65. Back to me
66. Plummet
67. Revival
68. Countdown
69. Counter-attack
70. Cheer
71. Reunited
72. The game
73. Deal
75. A contract
76. Titan
77. Visitors
78. A happy family
79. Love
80. Press conference
81. Pressure
82. Not enough
83. Confession (Final chapter)
Bonus: Kuro gets a boyfriend
Fan art
More fan art

74. I can't lose

9.3K 484 559
By Awesomelemonaids

I stood before him, watching his masked face intensely. It was hard to read his emotions, mainly because he covered everything up with a "happy" smile. He readied himself, getting into a battle stance, eyeing you as you did the same. Everything you knew was because of him and a few of his colleagues, others who hated heroes as much as he did.

You were lucky that while living in the hell he called a home, you got the opportunity to train under the infamous hero killer. Sure, the time he spent around wasn't long but you paid close attention to his techniques, wanting to one day become stronger than your father and... kill him.

That had been your dream for so long, to permanently free yourself and your mother from the wrath of that horrid man. But now that you were older, you understood more. Perhaps it wasn't your father's fault he was like this, maybe it was his past that drove him. Staring him down, you felt less inclined to stab him. He continued to hold eye contact, adjusting his grasp on his weapon.

"I taught you that the first to strike has the advantage, didn't I? Why is that you wait? I'm your opponent and I'm standing before you, surely you're going to attack." His taunting wasn't going to work, not now not ever. It could be a trap, as soon as you approach he could cut you down. But this reminded you of what happened before. You were the reason he was here, he would never hurt you like this. His daughter was a treasure, something that he valued more than his own life. This battle was between two people who didn't want to hurt the other too badly, one with empathy and the other with greed.

Taking the opportunity, you dashed in his direction, swiping your sword at his legs. You knew he would dodge the attack, otherwise, it would've sliced open or off his leg. He chuckled at the attempt and counter attacked, his blade barely missing your neck. You ducked and rolled out of his path, running up and going in for another strike. He leapt back, skidding across the ground as he lands.

"You're a lot faster than I expected," he laughs. Clicking your tongue, you glared at him. This was no laughing matter, he didn't see the seriousness in this. Either one of you would die or get severely injured, his plan may have seemed like it but it wasn't smart. Giving you a weapon was the worst decision her ever made, scratch that, having you was.

Someone with his strength, intelligence and quirk paired with someone with perfect stats like your mother, created a weapon of utter destruction and power. He was smart, too smart for his own good but there was something he wasn't too knowledgeable with. Others emotions, how strong someone becomes when someone they care for is put in danger. How pure emotion can fuel someone to victory even though they are considerably weaker. How determination for loved ones can push even the weakest creature to its goal. Sure, he loved you more than anything but you were what he was fighting for. If he could capture you, it would be his win. But nothing else drove him, or so you thought.

"I found that book under your pillow," he chuckles, charging at you. You dodged his attack, flipping back, landing in a crouched position.

"That book was written by my mother to be passed down to future generations, she wanted our family to understand and embrace our power. Others see us as villains, no one here cares for you except me. Only I understand the burden of this quirk, only I know what it feels like to be ridiculed for my genes." Your glare intenses as you swipe your blade in his direction, barely missing him.

"You're wrong, people accept me for who I am, not the ability I have. My quirk has nothing to do with my personality. Only the ignorant see it that way and those with that mind set are people I don't associate with," you rebuttal. His smile widens as his blade comes down at you, making a loud noise as both blades clash.

"The world is ignorant, (Y/n). Everyone sees it that way, they have a very windowed way of viewing things. It will never change, we'll always be the scum of the earth. Even if you live your life as a so called hero people will still hate you, why not live the hated life like every other villain, huh? You belong in the shadows, the darkness is what fuels us." Pushing back against his blade, his arms began to shake.

Something which you had which he didn't was a second quirk. Accompanied with wings, you had enhanced speed and strength. It didn't make you as strong or fast as someone with solely a speed or strength quirk but it helped. He stumbled back, surprised by what had just happened. Taking the opportunity, you sent a strong kick to his chest, almost knocking him off balance.

"What about my grandmother? Your mother? She believed that all quirks should be celebrated, everyone was equal no matter their quirk. What do you have to say about that?" His flinched at the mention of his mother, his body freezing for a second.

"She died fighting for her useless views of equality, if any point she made was valid she would still be here!" he yelled. This was the first time he had ever yelled at you, usually his tone was sickly sweet and loving.

"They killed her because they were afraid of the truth! They were cowardly and got rid of her because they saw her as a threat to their society. She may not have been a pro but she was a hero, people looked up to her and followed her ways because she was right. Quirks don't dictate who you are!" you yelled back. He glared at you, baring his teeth.

"Shut up!" He charged at you, his blade slicing your arm. You gritted your teeth, trying to hold back any audible pained sounds. Holding your hand over the wound, you tried to keep bleeding to the minimum. Moving your fingers slowly, black threads extended from the tips and entered the skin. Pulling the pieces of flesh back into place. It hurt a lot, this was something you had never done before. But now wasn't the time to give in to a little pain, you overcame it easily before refocusing on your opponent.

"For someone with little emotion, you sure do get angry. Throwing a tantrum like an infant, acting like a child because you never got to be one." You paused, disgusted by the words that had come out of your own mouth.

"N-no," his voice cracked.

"I-I can't lose, I can't. I won't lose, I never will! I'll never lose you." Scanning his face, you noticed the lack of happiness and the expression of dread.

"Then give yourself up, let me win." His stance weakens as his body visibly shakes, his sweet smile replaced by a quivering frown.

"But if I lose, I'll never get to see my princess again." His own words seemed to awaken him, determination and strength replacing all sadness. He stood up straight and smiled again, pointing his blade at you. But something had you more occupied. Outside, the paramedics seemed to have trouble with your mother. The back of her dress was unzipped to reveal pockets on her shoulder blade much like your own except they were sewn shut with black threads. Your father chuckled at the pained expression on your face, watching as she cried for you as the paramedics tried to help her.

"What did you do to her?" you growl, returning your attention to the man before you. He snickered, dragging his gloved finger over the blade of his sword, darkening the white material with the red of your blood.

"When you have a bird and you don't want it to run away you have to clip its wings. I tried many methods, clipping them in certain places to see whether she could fly or not, cutting them off all together. In the end, I discovered that they regenerate. But the skin which holds them doesn't, so I sewed them up. I hate when my pets run away from me, it's quite annoying." Your glare intensified as fire lit beneath you, now you really did have a reason to pummel him.

Rushing at him, you sliced in his direction, all attacks missing. He jumped back and tried to counter only to have his weapon kicked out of his hand. Taking the opportunity, you attacked again. Dealing him a strong kick which sent him flying toward the wall. He crashed into it, his mask cracked and his clothing dirty and ripped. The attack was strong, it was evident in the damage that had been dealt to him. He looked up at you, dizzy, as you pointed your weapon at his throat.

"Do it, kill me, I've lost anyway. This was my only chance at getting you back, my precious marionette. So beautiful and strong like her mother, Akuma said that our quirks would pair nicely for a perfect child. I didn't expect to get so attached, you were the only one who was able to capture my cold heart." You stared down at him, not faltering. His eyes then drifted to your arm where the stitches were visible.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, darling. Seeing that you had your abilities meant that someone broke your heart, that made me really mad. It makes me upset that I hurt you because of my own messed up emotions and someone else did too. Who was it? Who broke my marionette's heart?" he asked. Your expression softened.

"I fell in love with someone. At first it didn't work out and we were separated but we're together now. Everything in my life is coming together, that's why I can't lose to you. I love Hitoshi and care for my friends, if I left with you I would have nothing." His lip quivers as his (e/c) eyes fill with tears.

"You hate me, don't you?" You frown, shaking your head as you drop your weapon and crouch beside him.

"I don't hate you, dad. You're still hurt and you need some help, just give in now."

"Kill me, (Y/n). I can't live in a world where I can't watch over and protect you. The reason why I never do much is because I want to be around you. When you were five years old you told me that you didn't want me to work so much, you asked me to stay with you. That's why I disappeared for ten years and barely did anything, all I wanted was to be with my precious princess, the only one that means something to me." His eyes drifted to the weapon you dropped, he was too injured from the force of the kick and his impact with the fence to move and get it  but you knew he wouldn't try.

"Do it, (Y/n). You're all that matters to me, not even my own life can compare to how much you mean to me. I had nothing until you, I felt empty and alone. Having you in my life gave me reason, I finally felt happy and loved." Tears streamed down his cheeks, dripping down onto his suit.

"No, dad. If I killed you then it would just show that I am a villain and I'm not. I'm not a villain, you don't have to be either. Just take the walls down and accept this, I promise that I'll come and visit you. I'll stop at nothing until they let me see you."

"Jail?" he questions. You shake your head.

"You need help, they'll take you somewhere where they can help to feel love again. Then maybe, if they believe you're better, they'll let you out. By then I'll probably be a pro hero, but even if I become super famous, I'll always come and visit you. No matter what, you'll always be my dad." He sniffles, taking off his mask to wipe his face. Now it visibly showed how distorted the other side of his face was, burn marks reminding you of the fire which which took everything he loved away from him. Reaching forward, you touched the damaged flesh, noticing how oddly bumpy yet smooth it was.

"I love you with every inch of my being, (Y/n). I gave you that name, a pretty name for my perfect marionette." He then lifted his hand, placing it on top of your head.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" he asks. You nod, curious as to what he wanted. He cupped your cheek, his eyes fixed on yours.

"Smile for me?" Instead of a demand like every other time, he asked. With a look of desperation on his face, there was no way you could say no. You nodded and smiled for him, this time a real, genuine one. A small shaking one of his own also appeared which surprised you, but showed you just how closed up and broken he actually was. In the heat of the moment, you hugged him.

"I can't forgive you for the things you have done but I do care for you. Please, give up and let me be with the people I love. I want to be a hero and I want to be with those who have stood by my side all this way, please," you begged. He smiled again, having to wipe away the fresh tears.

"Of course, anything for my marionette." Raising his hand, he clicked his fingers. You expected the fence to come down but it didn't. Turning back to your father, you noticed how he continued to click his fingers, confused as to why it wasn't working. Then the sound of a new voice appeared, the dark and mysterious chuckle of a woman. Appearing in the corner was a young woman dressed in a Victorian style dress, an umbrella in her perfectly manicured hand.

"You think you're the one in charge here. Calling yourself the puppet master when you're a mere puppet yourself is stupid," she snickered, raising her nose. She then turned to you, glaring. Pointing her umbrella, four shadow spirits rushed you, knocking you back into the fence.

"You may have the heart of my puppet but that is useless when I'm in control." You hissed in pain from the impact against  the fence but got up anyway, trying to stay strong.

"Who are you?!" you demand. She chuckles, opening her umbrella and resting it over her shoulder.

"Me? Well I am the puppet that took control, the shadow without a master and like yourself, a marionette who has cut her strings. I switched the roles and became the master rather than answering to a naive child, I manipulated and controlled just as a puppet master would. I am Akuma, the shadow spirit and master of your pathetic mess of a father."

This is a longer one, really wanted to get Akuma in there. Had her mentioned once earlier on, hope you remembered :) Didn't really have any other stories ready to publish so I just edited what I wrote yesterday. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Vote and follow me for more, thank ya XD

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