My Vampire Kidnapper (Vkook)

By VkookYasss

535K 18.8K 5.1K

Taehyung has gone missing. His kidnapper isn't human. Will be survive this monsters torcher? Or even worse... More

Chapter 1
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Thank you!
New cover?
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
đź’™THANK YOUđź’™
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 38
Q and A?

Chapter 31

8.5K 343 75
By VkookYasss

Taehyung's pov.

I walked up to the mansions door, Namjoon following me close behind. I stopped once we got to the large oak structure, waiting to be let in, still unsure of I would be welcome or not.

The door opened and a large hand on my back guided me inside. Nothing had changed, except a few vases had been smashed, a couple of paintings had been torn and blood was smeared up the wall. Other then that it all looked the same.

"Boss, we have a visitor! " Namjoon shouts at the top of his lungs, nearly deafening me. 

"Who the fuck has decided now is a good time to visit?" I heard. His voice was raspy, from days of crying. 

Then he appeared , strolling out of the door at the top of the stairs, looking nonchalantly down to see who dared visit, only for his face to brighten, a smile to spread upon his face and a tear to roll down his cheek.

"Sugar is that you?" He asked , shearing more tears as he did.

 "Yes Jungkookie, it's me. I think we need to talk." I replied , not wanting to give him too much hope incase I don't like his explanation.

 "Anything sugar, what would you want to talk about?" He asked while racing down the stairs to come face to face with me at the bottom.

 " I want to know everything about Jisoo and your tie to her. " I said, still staying strong.

He nodded and carefully took my hand, holding it as if it was made of ash, and with the slightest movement it would crumble and fall. He led me to a sofa, slowly pulling me to sit on it so he could turn and begin.

 "Ok, well I just want to say firstly that yes she was a toy, but not for me, not in the way you are thinking." His voice cracked every so often as he spoke.

 "It all started when I found out you were my mate, I watched you for days, wondering how I could go and start a conversation, but then when I finally built up the courage to do so Hoseok came and told me that you two were mates and I should back off. I couldn't do that sugar, I had fallen for you already." 

I listened intensely , waiting for him to get to the point.

"So after that I went home and tried to think of a way to get rid of him, that's where Jisoo comes in. You see she has always had eyes for Hoseok, ever since her mate rejected her." 

" Then why was she saying all those things to you? " I asked folding my arms and leaning back.

"Getting there sugar, so after I couldn't think of anything I decided to just kidnap you. I thought kidnapping you would be enough but obviously not, so Jisoo came to me, she had heard that I wanted Hoseok out of the way and she wanted him so we made a plan. " 

 "And that plan was?" So far I believe him, all his words help serenity like he was sorry for how everything turned out.

 "Well she would make Hoseok fall for her, and I could keep you and the conversation I'm guessing you heard was us practising what she would say if he said that he couldn't mate her. We had to use my name as she kept getting emotional when we used Hoseok's so we practised with my name."

He shuffled closer to me , picking up my hands again "I promise sugar me and Jisoo have nothing going on, I just felt guilty I was keeping the fact that you have two mates from you, but I need you sugar, I love you." 

" I love you too Jungkookie. "

AN: hey I hope this cleared some things up. NOT proof read! Please vote and comment. Surprised?

have a wonderful day


Cass xx

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