Tom Holland Imagines

By irlcatheravery

676K 10.4K 2.1K

Tom Holland, you know you love him Highest Ranking: #1 in PeterParkerImagines #5 in Fan German Translation o... More

Dog Park (T.H.)
Osterfield Twins (T.H.) p1
Osterfield Twins (T.H.) p2
Mini America (P.P.)
New Year's Eve (P.P.)
Happiest Place on Earth (T.H.)
Next Door Neighbor (T.H.)
Stars (T.H.)
Giggles (P.P.)
Drunk (P.P.)
Tourist (T.H.)
Red Carpet (T.H.)
Chipmunk (P.P.)
Punish (T.H.)
Holland Family Christmas (T.H.)
YouTuber (T.H.)
The Barton Kids (P.P.)
Valentines Day (P.P.)
Snatch (T.H.)
Little Surprises (T.H.)
"Fun" (T.H.)
Keep Calm (T.H.)
I'm Back, Baby (T.H.)
What's My Name (T.H.)
Metal Hand Who? (P.P.)
Nephew (T.H.)
Obedient Servant (T.H.)
These Three Teen Legends (P.P.)
Partners in Crime (P.P.)
Matching Tattoos (T.H.)
Finals (P.P.)
Birthday Boy (T.H.)
What's There to Hear? (T.H.)
Big Brother Moment (T.H.)
Pool Time (T.H.)
Soulmate-hate (P.P.)
Comic Con (T.H.)
Welcome to Tokyo (T.H.) p1
Welcome to Tokyo (T.H) p2
Welcome to Tokyo (T.H.) p3
T.O.M. (T.H.)
Repeat. (T.H.)
One Day Trips (T.H.)
Birthday Celebrations (P.P.)
Finding Neverland (T.H.)
FaceTime Calls (T.H.)
Strangers (P.P.)
Early Mornings (T.H.)
Perks of a Best Friend (P.P.)
Missing You (T.H.)
The Maid in the Prince's Tale (T.H.) p1
The Maid in the Prince's Tale (T.H.) p2
The Maid in the Prince's Tale (T.H.) p3
Hand Kisses (T.H.)
Ti Amo (P.P.)
A True Fan (T.H.)
Shoot (P.P.)
Just a Family Friend (T.H.)
Lil' Tommy Jr. (T.H.)
Stupid Vampire Boyfriend (T.H.)
Swimming is a No From Me (T.H.)
YOU (P.P.)
Jurassic Relationships (T.H.) p1
Sensory Overload (P.P.)
Stupid Boys (T.H.)
Little Elf (T.H.)
Spider-Man is Afraid of Spiders (T.H.)
Stan Siblings (T.H.)
Who's That? (T.H.) p1
Who's That? (T.H.) p2
Who's That? (T.H.) p3
Disneyland (P.P.)
The Hair (T.H.)
Far From Home (P.P.)
Rain and Thunder and Kids (T.H.)
Dyslexia (T.H.)
Needy (T.H.)
Hospitalized (T.H.)
"We switched bodies?" (P.P.)
First Day of Summer (T.H.)
Endgame (P.P.)
My King (T.H.)
Little Sister Morgan (P.P.)
Sleepy Boys (T.H.)
Bi-smuth (P.P.)
Jurassic Relationships (T.H.) p2
Thirst Tweets (T.H.)
Ear Kink (T.H.) p1
Ear Kink (T.H.) p2
Head Concussions (P.P.)
"That bitch" (P.P.)
Glasses Boy (P.P.)
Dead Girl Walking (T.H. H.O.)
Singles will be Paired (T.H.)
You are Perfect (T.H.)
Homecoming Shopping (P.P.)
Spaghetti Spills (T.H.)
Area 51 (P.P.)
Fangirl (T.H.)
#Exposed (T.H.)
Bedtime (P.P.)
ClichΓ© Carol Singers (T.H.)
"Ellen, you didn't" (T.H.)
"How Can You Sit Like That?" (T.H.)
Oysters (T.H.)
The AI (P.P.)
Spies in Disguise (T.H.)

A Little Too Hot (T.H.)

4.8K 55 11
By irlcatheravery

2nd Person POV (requested)

The one time you don't have money for gas in your car, it is the hottest day of the year. Luckily, your job is only a couple blocks away from your apartment. More like two miles away. Everything is fine. It is only eleven thirty at night, over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit, and you still have half a mile to go.

For a Friday night, there is not many people out. Every time a car passes, you debate on putting your thumb up to ask to hitchhike. Then, you second guess yourself if there is a serial killer driving and by the time they pass, it is too late.

"Oh shit," you mumble to yourself as stars come into your vision. This can't be good. Why didn't you grab water before leaving work? Where is this new light coming from? This can't be the sun, the sun isn't this bright. The sun is very bright. Everything looks really dark.

"Oh shit," the car stops with a screech and Tom jumps out to help you. He saw everything happen with you pointing at his car, waving, and falling on the cement floor.

The first thing he does it check your pulse. He sighs with satisfaction when he finds it, then looks down at you. Your face is average looking, he loves how it looks. Your outfit is normal, he thinks you look stunning. Your hair is greasy, he can tell you need a shower, which isn't a bad thing.

At this given moment, Tom decides to pick you up off the ground and carry you to his car.

Thanks to his muscles, he could easily lift you. Just to be safe, he places you in the back seat and attempts to buckle you up. Your body kept flopping to the side, so he eventually gets the buckle against your body and leaves you back there with your limp body.

Tom's flat is only three minutes away by now. The worst part, his flat is on the fourth floor. You can't walk. This is going to be interring to pull off.

No need to worry, Tom has a plan. He is going to pick you up out of his car and act like everything is fine. If someone questions it, he is going to tell them you, his best friend, got drunk and passed out. Only have of that is true, you are passed out, but not drunk.

Tom brings you inside and out of the fear of everyone staring at him, he annoyed to everyone around him that his girlfriend drank too much at the pub. Completely different than what he planned earlier.

In his apartment, he lays you down on his couch and starts to fan your head. After a couple seconds of that, he feels your actual forehead and panics. You feel really warm, like too warm.

Tom is quick to grab some cloths and run them under cold water to place on your face. He wraps one towel on top of your forehead and another one around your cheeks.

"Tess, no," Tom does his best to pull her away from you, because Tessa keeps on trying to lick your hand. She got a few good licks in there, but stopped when Tom said so.

Very slowly, you begin to wiggle your fingers. Tom notices and gets very excited. Finally, the girl he kidnapped would wake up.

You let out a loud gasp after becoming aware of your new surroundings. It is cold, comforting, and your mouth is really dry. There is also a dude staring down at you with a dog by his legs.

"Wah-wah-wah," you attempt to ask for water, but it doesn't work out very well. Tom's eyes widen and he rushes off into another room. Just a few seconds later, he returns with a glass cup with water inside of it. There is no surprise that the water is gone in ten seconds. You were thirsty. "Thanks for the water."

"No problem," he awkwardly rubs the palm of his hands on the front of his jeans, there smiles kindly down at you. "My name is Tom by the way. I was driving home and I literally saw you pass out on the street. I-I hope you don't mind that I brought you here."

"I'm glad it was you and not some creepy old guy, I mean, you are not creepy or old, so that is a good sign." You and Tom quietly laugh together, even though the thought of an old man taking you to his home is quite terrifying.

"Anyways," Tom says, trying to move on from the disturbing conversation you and him were about to have. "If you want to, you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep in the couch. It is really late out and I don't want you by yourself if something else happens to you. And—"

"—It's okay, Tom!" you laugh again, interrupting his train of thoughts. Even though it is dark in his home, you can still tell his cheeks are flushed. "I can sleep on the couch, but I could use some more water and hopefully some medicine for my head?"

"Oh shit, yeah, I'll get you some medication and more water," Tom grabs the glass from your hand and quickly walks into the nearby room again. He takes a little bit longer to get back this time, only because he grabbed meds for your head and water. "So, the room I was just in is the kitchen, in case you need more water. The bathroom is the door on the left and if you need me at any point, I will be in the second room on the right."

Tom leaves the room with a little wave, nearly tripping on his dog on the way there. At least this nice man is hot.

You probably drink three more cups of water before going to bed for the night. Walking into the kitchen was a little tricky with it being so dark, not knowing where anything is in the flat, and moving slowly around the room trying not to wake up Tom.

The next morning, you woke up to the smell of hash browns and toasted bread. It takes you a couple seconds to remember where you are at, Tom's flat, and that you basically passed out on the street last night.

"Oh good, you are awake!" Tom says cheerfully from the kitchen entrance. You turn around to face him and nod your head with a smile on your face. "I hope you like hash browns and French toast, I made some for breakfast."

"Yeah, that sounds good," you slowly get up off the couch and make your way towards the kitchen. There is already two plates full of food on the counter with tea in his cup and an empty one for you.

"I didn't know if you drink tea, so I left a cup out for you. I also have coffee, juice, and more water." Tom does a little laugh after talking, making you want to laugh too. You ask Tom to get you juice this time.

The two of you sit in silence while eating breakfast. It is kind of awkward, but not that much awkward. You and Tom keep stealing glances at each other, and usually, you two can get away with it. There are some times when you two catch each other staring and both of you faces blush red.

Tom picks up everything from the table when you two are done eating. "So, I'm guessing I have to take you home?" He asks awkwardly with his face towards the dishes in the sink. You could tell he was stalling by rinsing off dishes and small talk.

"That would be great if you could. The only reason I walked to work today was the fact I don't have enough gas money to drive my own car and get me places." You say a little sheepishly. "I'm ready to leave when you are."

Tom takes his hands out of the sink and dries them on a tea towel. "Let me go find some shoes and we can head out."

You decide to stay in the kitchen a little longer while Tom finds his shoes. It is a really cute kitchen. Then, his dog comes running from around the corner and crashes into your legs. She rubs her head against your legs, licks your hands, and barks happily.

"Tessa, what have I told you about attacking our guest with cuddles? She does this all the time with new people, old people, my parents." Tom laughs again, which causes Tessa to run away from you and jump onto Tom's body. He gives her a couple rubs on the head before looking at you again. "Ready to go?"

"I guess."


In the car, Tom connects his phone to google maps and has you put your flat address into his phone. On the plus side, he let you choose music to play in his car.

"So, I hope to see you around," Tom says as he puts his car in park outside of your building.

"I do too," you say back with a little smile on your face. Deep down, this is making you sad. How are you even going to find Tom again. You don't have his number, his snapchat, or even an Instagram! You can't ask him now, you're halfway out of his car.

As you enter the building, you turn around to give Tom one last wave. He returns it, then drives off into London.

On your way up to your flat in the elevator, you begin to dig through your bag for your key to your home. Instead, you find an envelope with your name on it.

Inside, there is at least one hundred euros and a note from the one and only, Tom. It says that he had extra money lying around his flat that he wanted to give to you for gas and his number is attached at the bottom next to his name.

So maybe you will see him around.

I would like to apologize for my disappearance. I got a seasonal job at my local pumpkin patch and it kind of took over my life. At the moment, I have a musical at my school coming up, so things might still be slow.

But,, low key,, tom with a shaved head is still kind of hot.

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