♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Edit...

By Kishize

2.9K 214 92

The story "red riding hood". A childhood classic where the wolf attacks little red riding hood and the huntsm... More

Authors' Note
<Butterfly fly fly to you>
<You Can't Interact>
<I'm not worthy>
<To see you again>
<We meet once again>
<You don't remember me>
<I like him>
<Where are you>
<Out of the oridinary>
<Knock Knock>
Valentine's special:<Under the stars>
<Sakura Bloom>
<Apology Accepted>
<I will>
<Sports Festival>
<Cultural Preparations>
<Cultural festival Part 1>
Halloween Special:<The Woods>
<Cultural festival Part 2>

Christmas Special: <Magic>

41 6 1
By Kishize

Akazuki's POV
"Class dismissed! Enjoy your winter break." Sensei(teacher) then walked out of the class. I began packing my bag as I thought to myself, winter break is here and Christmas is right around the corner. I wonder what I would get for Ōkami. This is my first year that I would probably spend Christmas with more friends than just Hana. I was really excited yet nervous, what should I get for Ōkami-Kun? That question kept running through my mind as I walked out of my class towards Hana's.

When I arrived at her desk she was already packing up, talking to Karasuno at the same time. That was when an idea hit me, I could ask Karasuno! "Karasuno-Kun, what does Ōkami like?" I asked him. He turned his head and begin smoothing his imaginary beard. That made Hana giggle, as he looked like a fool doing so. Then he stopped all of a sudden and begin to speak. "Well for starters, I shouldn't be telling you this but he likes to take pictures. And he is a complete sweet tooth. That should be enough for u to think of something. Gotta go bye!" Then Karasuno kissed Hana on the cheek and zoomed out, he probably went to look for Ōkami. Even after hearing Karasuno's answer, I still could not think of what to give him. I groaned and let my head fall, hitting the table. That was when I felt Hana pet my head. "Daijobu. Daijobu Aka-Chan."(It's ok) I let out a big sigh, before lifting my head back up. Then we walked out of school together towards my house, Hana was sleeping over for tonight.

Ōkami's POV
Karasuno had met me at my class and we headed to the forest. Discussing on what to get the girls for Christmas. I already had a gift in mind. That was if I had earned enough money from my job and if I could afford it which was now the only question. We sat down under a tree, emptying our wallets. Both of us counting out money to see if we had enough. "Yes!" I cried out in triumph. I had enough money to get Akazuki that necklace. Karasuno himself had hooted out loud as he nodded. He too had enough money. We got up and headed to that specific shop in town which sold the particular necklaces with a certain meaning to them.

"Ring." The bell rang as we opened the shop door. Someone came and attended to us, seating us further away from most people. By scent, I could tell that the person was a cat half breed. "Well hello there boys, here to find the necklace to mark your mate?" She asked giving us a sly smile. Cat half breeds were usually up to mischief all the time. We nodded and she continued on. "You smell...unique, perhaps the rare and dying wolf breed?" She said as she pointed to me. I looked at Karasuno, should I nod? He shrugged, I just decided to nod my head in return to her statement. "Interesting." She said, a smile creeping up the sides of her mouth. Then she went to the back and took out two boxes. She opened one for me to see.

There were many different kinds of necklaces. I looked at the carefully, which one was classy but cute for the sweet Akazuki? A silver origami wolf necklace caught my eye. It was a cute and little, however it was very chic too. I checked the price tag, it was also in my budget range. I was definitely going to get it!

^^Akazuki's necklace

I looked up to tell the female attendee, however she was busy helping Karasuno. He had not wanted to get the "marking" necklace, instead he wanted to get a necklace that matched Hana's name. He had gotten a rose-gold sakura pendant necklace. It was delicate yet bold, like his girlfriend. After purchasing it, the female attendee had directed her attention back at me. She took the necklace I wanted and placed it in a tiny ruby box. "Thanks." I said as I walked out of the shop with Karasuno.

^^Hana's necklace

Backstory about this "marking" necklace type.... Well so animals mark their mates by biting them right? In the modern society if a half breed bit their mate(that was not possibly another half breed but a human)would be weird. And if they were teenagers they'd definitely get caught by Teachers or parents etc. So these necklaces are specifically for the different animals. Having the animal as part of the necklace tells other half breeds that it was that animal's mate. Some animals were stronger than others, so these necklaces would tell the weaker half breeds to back off and not mess with the stronger half breads' mates. So Ōkami giving Akazuki the necklace would tell other half breeds that she was his, and not to mess with her as since it is a wolf people would also be intimidated as wolves were one of the most dangerous though dwindling half breeds. Now back to the story....

Akazuki's POV
He liked taking pictures and is a sweet tooth. I kept thinking these two pointers that Karasuno gave me. Hana walked into my room with a plate of cookies in hand. She had changed out of her school uniform and into a comfortable sweater. That's it! The idea for his present hit me like an apple that dropped from a tree. I could knit a sweater for him, make some cookies and get him a Polaroid camera! I jumped out of bed hugging Hana, "You are a genius! Thanks!" Then I took a cookie from the plate and started munching. "Er...you're welcome?" Hana replied while giving me a questioning look.

Immediately I started looking for a camera online. I found a camera which was sky blue like his eyes, it would definitely fit him well. I checked the price and the outlet I could buy it at, it was nearby so maybe I would go get it later on. Then I took out some black and white wool yarn from under my bed and started knitting.

(Time skip to Christmas Eve)

Akazuki's POV
It was already ten in the evening. Santa would be coming soon. I took out the chocolate chip cookies I had made earlier this morning and warmed up a glass of milk. Putting them on the table in the living room. I went up to my room to take a blanket and a pillow as I was freezing downstairs. I arranged it nicely under the tree and got under the big warm blanket. Closing my eyes, awaiting for Santa to come.

Ōkami's POV
It was very late into the night, most people were asleep by now. However instead of being in bed, I was outside Akazuki's house. Snow was flying everywhere, it was a beautiful night. I was going to sneak into a girl's house, late in the night. Why was I doing this? I wanted to be like Santa, I planned to put her present under the tree. It would have been embarrassing giving it to her in front of Hana. As Hana would have teased me mercilessly. I was in my wolf form for now as it was really cold.

I walked towards the window outside the living room, it was dark inside everyone was asleep. That was good, no one would know I was here. With my claws, I picked the lock. It was complicated but I managed to. I shifted into my half form, despite some of my fur sticking with me and my sweater, I was still freezing my tail off. I opened the window, climbing in carefully. Making sure that I did not make a sound. Once I got in I shut the window, I begin to walk but my leg hit something. It was...

Akazuki's POV
It was so noisy, something was walking or shifting around. "Mhn." I shifted slightly, the hard floor was uncomfortable. Then I felt something hit my leg. I whimpered slightly, the slight hit awoke me from my sleep. I turned to lie on my back, looking upwards as I rubbed my eyes. I saw a silhouette of a lean muscular person, really tall with ears sticking out of the head.

Still sleepy I think I am still dreaming. "Ōkami-Kun?" I mumbled as I continued staring. The person got closer to me, squatting down to my level as I begin to sit up. I managed to get a close look at the person face. It was Ōkami! Why was he in my house? It must really be a dream. That meant I could do anything. I giggled as he got closer, then I wrapped my hands around his neck, hugging him close. "Ōkami..." his scent was so familiar as I snuggled my face into his fluffy hair. "Wait a while. Let me get your present." I mumbled, letting go of the embrace. He nodded and sat down on the floor.

Ōkami's POV
Akazuki went up to her room to get presents. She must be sleepy, but she was still so cute. I put my hand into my pocket, fiddling with the velvet box. I will give it to her tonight and mark her as mine, I thought as I waited for her beside the makeshift bed.

Akazuki's POV
As I walked down the stairs, I saw Ōkami sitting there obediently waiting for me. I chuckled to myself. In the box I had, his new Polaroid and sweater were in it. On top was another box with cookies. I reached back to beside the tree, seating myself down.

Ōkami's POV
She stretched her arms out handing me two boxes. "Merry Christmas Ōkami-Kun!" She said. A big smile adorned her face, red eyes twinkling in the dark. After I took the boxes from her she moved in closer so me. Kissing me on the lips. Her lips were so soft, I could not resist but kiss back. However the kiss was short lived, she pulled back and asked me to open the presents. I nodded wanting to know what they were. I lifted the lid of the box open, inside was a blue Polaroid and a black sweater. These gifts made me very happy, a smile appearing on my face almost immediately. "Arigato(thank you) Akazuki." I said, looking up at her. I was so happy, the smile I saw made my heart throb even more.

^^Sweater Akazuki have Ōkami

I took of my sweater then and there. "Eh!" Akazuki squeaked, covering her eyes, her blush visible in the dim lighting of the Christmas lights. I chuckled, even though wearing a shirt underneath it, I was freezing. Quickly taking the new sweater and wearing it. It was so warm. I felt so comfortable, stitched with love and it fit me perfectly. "Akazuki thank you! I love this sweater." I said crushing her in an embrace. "Eh!" She squeaked again snuggling into my chest. "So warm..." I could hear her mumble. Then I took the sweater I was wearing previously and pulled it over her head. That would keep her warm and my eyes from wandering. However it did not help, my sweater was big on her and it covered her shorts, emphasising on her legs. I swallowed some saliva back, she was adorable. I kissed her on the head, then dragged her down into the floor. And there we lay on the floor, I hugged her waist as her head rested at the crook of my arm.

Akazuki's POV
"I've got something for you too." Ōkami whispered softly into my ear. His arms left my waist, his warmth going with it. He sat up and reached one hand into his pocket. Taking out a small velvet box. Opening it, he scooped out a silver necklace. It twinkled in the dim light, made of silver I could see a tiny wolf pendant hanging off it. "It's so pretty..." I said. I sat up for a better position and reached my hand outwards to touch it. "And it's yours." He replied. Then Ōkami unlatched the hook and put it around my neck. I could feel the cool metal against my collarbone. "Click." He then latched the necklace in once more. Slowly I turned to face him.

Ōkami's POV
I looked at her and she looked at me. Both of us staring intently into each other's eyes. Her vermilion eyes were breathtaking. I reached my hand forward and brushed her snowy hair behind her neck. There the necklace hung on her delicate neck. I put my fingers on her neck, playing them down her neck, pressing onto the pendant. I got closer to her and whispered softly. "This shows others that you are mine. Mine and only mine. That is because if I were an alpha, no matter what happened you'll always be my luna." Then I shifted back giving her a small smile.

She took the camera and faced it towards us. "Smile." Akazuki leaned against my shoulder, both of us facing the camera and smiling she clicked the the camera button twice and two pictures slid out. We waited a while for them to appear. I took a marker which so happened to be in my pocket and wrote behind the photo. 'The alpha to my luna' I wrote on hers and gave it to her. Akazuki took it from my and put it in her front pocket. I did the same but wrote something different at the back.

At the same time, we decided to lay our heads on the pillow. Our eyes locked once more. She cuddled closer to me, snuggling into my chest. Falling asleep very quickly. A smile crept up my face once more she was so cute. I shifted slightly, grabbing the blanket and covering us. It was so big! I lay back down and pulled her closer. "Good night princess." I whispered, kissing her on her forehead. Then I lay back down, with her in my arms and a snowy night just outside nothing could be better. It is really a magical night.

(Time skip to next morning)

Akazuki's POV
The sun was streaming through the window, I could hear the birds chirping. As I opened my eyes, the bright light shone making me squint. I was under the Christmas tree, wrapped up in a blanket. Apart from my pyjamas I was wearing a really big sweater. It smelled of Ōkami's scent. That was when I remembered that I had a dream that he had been with me last night. However, if it were a dream I could not possibly be wearing his sweater. I sat up, feeling something fall gently back onto my neck. It was a necklace with a beautiful pendant of an origami wolf. 'If I were and alpha, no matter what happened you'll always be my luna.' I recalled Ōkami's words from last night, it made my face hot. His sweater was warm and comfortable, with his gift resting on my neck.

It was not a dream at all, I did spend the night of Christmas Eve with Ōkami. It felt magical. What a special Christmas this was. As I got up to put the blanket and pillow back onto my bed, a Polaroid photo slipped out of the blanket. In the photo I was leaning on Ōkami's chest, both of us smiling towards the camera. Turning the photo around it seemed that words have been written on it. "The alpha to my luna." I read aloud to myself. It meant he was mine forever, I giggled holding onto it.

When I entered my room, I pinned the photo onto my photo board. Sitting down onto my bed and fiddling with the necklace around my neck. All that happened last night was real. What a magnificent Christmas, I thought as I cupped my palms around my necklace. It definitely was a very special and magical Christmas...

"SPECIAL CHAPTER!! I hope you ppl enjoy! And MERRY CHRISTMAS!!"~Writer
"Oh god the enthusiasm. But Merry Christmas to all."~TribyTypes
"Ok..down from my sugar hype. One thing I gotta mention is that mating necklace thing, it may make its appearance in the actual story. Note: this chapter is completely not related to the story."~Writer
"Then what the hell is this fo-"~TribyTypes
"Well hope you like this chapter and hope you too have a magical Christmas!!"~Writer

**Pictures aren't mine got them of the good old internet

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