•Last Halloween || Jikook•

By KibaNaru-Kun

255K 14.1K 23.7K

Jimin is trapped in his school, with his friends, his ex, his teachers and a bitch he wishes would step out o... More

Chapter 1 - It's Gonna Be A Killer
Chapter 2 - Kung Fu Panda
Chapter 3 - Bye The Fuck
Chapter 4 - Bitch
Chapter 5 - Party
Chapter 6 - Busted
Chapter 7 - Locked In
Chapter 8 - Run
Chapter 9 - About Us
Quick Question💬
Chapter 10 - Take It
Chapter 11 - Surprise
Chapter 12 - Yoongi
Chapter 13 - Expelled
Chapter 14 - Mr. Bang
Chapter 15 - Fight
Chapter 16 - Unnie
Chapter 18 - Cheaters
Chapter 19 - Promise
Chapter 20 - Reunited
Chapter 21 - 2NE1
Chapter 22 - Game
Chapter 23 - Past
Chapter 24 - Hide & Seek
Chapter 25 - Confession
Chapter 26 - Decision
Chapter 27 - Caught In A Lie
💬Q & A💬
Chapter 29 - Drugged
Chapter 30 - Party's Over
Chapter 31- A Car
Chapter 32 - The Plan
Chapter 33 - Trust
Chapter 34 - Unmasked
Chapter 35 - Last Halloween

Chapter 28 - E'dawn

4.7K 299 164
By KibaNaru-Kun


Hope you're still enjoying the story. Don't forget to vote, comment and share😩✨


Author P.O.V

"Hyuna..." Hyuna heard before taking another step.

She froze in her steps, trying to wrap her head around who said her name. She stood still and made not even the slightest sound, hitching her breath as she listen carefully for the voice again.

"Hyuna..." The voice repeated. She snapped her head in the direction that she heard it from.

"Ed?..." She gasped look towards the wounded man slowly trying to stand up before stumbling back on the ground.

"E'dawn!" She cried, running by his side and looking over his feeble body, her tears clouding her vision.

"You-Ahh!" E'dawn groaned and attempting to stand once more.

"No Ed, stop!" Hyuna begged, gently holding him down by his shoulders.

"You've lost too much blood. If you continue you'll..." she tried, not wanting to remember what she thought he was.

"You... shouldn't have come out here... Hyuna..." He struggled to say between breaths.

"Yes yes I should've. If I hadn't then I wouldn't have known you were ali-huh?" She paused feeling the wet spot on her hands. Looking down she saw they were covered in blood, E'dawn's blood.

"I can fix this. Just hold on, I'll find something in the nurse's office and stop the bleeding. Just wait I'll be..." She paused, as she tried to stand, but E'dawn had held her wrist to stop her.

E'dawn looked up into her eyes, the way her tears threatened to fall, the way she was going to try and do everything in her power to treat him and attempt to save his life. E'dawn knew one thing at that moment, she cares about him.

"It's too late for that Hyuna..." He said softly, caressing her hand.

"No! What are you... What do mean?" She cried, not wanting to hear it.

"I wasn't just stabbed Hyuna in my arms... I was stabbed in my stomach too." He struggled through breaths.

"No no no E'dawn don't say that. We we we can ah... There's gotta be" Hyuna struggled.

"Hyuna... I think... We both... Know that getting stabbed... In the stomach... Is fatal-"

"Unless it misses an vital organs..." She finished for him, feeling utterly useless as there was nothing she could do.

E'dawn stared into her face as his vision was slowly getting blurry. He knew death would consume him shortly, but before he could he wanted to say one thing to her again.

"Hyuna... don't cry... I'm dying an honorable man." He said softly, placing his hand on the center of his chest.

"What is honour, if you don't live to see it?" Hyuna sulked. She could feel his heart bumping blood slowly through his body, too slowly.

Hyuna held her head down, her bangs shielding her eyes as she wept. She had finally realised her love for him, but it hurt her that at the time she found out, it was too late.

Her teardrops pattering gently on his E'dawn's cheek. He slowly raised his hand and placed it against her flushed rosey cheek, making her look into his eyes.

"Because I saved the one I love." He said with no hesitation.

"Even if... She doesn't feel the same way towards me." He finished, not breaking eye contact with her.

Hyuna stared into his eyes and knew the love he felt for her, was so real. She glided her hand with his still on top of her and placed it over his slow beating heart.

"She does feel the same. I love you as well Ed." She confessed, feeling quite bittersweet to the situation.

E'dawn looked shocked at her first at her confession, but shortly after started to shed tears with a small smile. He has wanted to hear those words for so long, and even though he isn't going to be able to go further with her in life. He's happy he at least got to hear it.

"I've wanted to hear that from you for so...long." He struggled. His eyes feeling heavy.

"I'm sorry I took so long to notice. I'm so blind. If only I had- Ed?" She paused, looking at him as he wasn't responding, his eyes were closed, only a small smile plastered on his face.

Hyuna's tears began to flow. She bit her bottom lip in order to restrain herself from crying out. The reason being, she no longer felt E'dawn's heartbeat under her touch. And also right on top of her hand where his laid, his thumb and index finger formed a heart.

(A/N: I'm trying to laugh of the tears that are threatening to fall because of this whole scene😭😭😭)

Hyuna smiled softly and mourned quietly for E'dawn. She didn't want to let go, but she knew she had too. But before she did, she wanted to thank him.

She leaned over his lifeless body and slowly gave him a peck on his smiling lips. After that she leaned back and looked at him once more. At the moment part of her wished he'd open his eyes and the other part wished they could be together, but she knew she had something to do before that.

"Thank you for everything Ed." She whispered respectively. But before carefully removing her hand from his and standing up.

"I've got to get these kids out of here. No matter what it takes!" She said with determination. She walked back to her position at the stairs and took one last look at E'dawn before taking a step forward up.

"YOU FUCKER!" She heard after the sound of broken glass.

Honk Honk Honk

Sorry it's so short, but the next chapter will be more action so I felt I should separate them. Anyways I have really nothing else to say, other than this chapter is so sad and touchy😭😭😭

• What did you think of the chapter?

• Favorite Part:

• Least Favorite Part:

• Who yelled?

• What was that honking sound?

• What do you think will happen next?

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you next time, bye💛✨


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