•Last Halloween || Jikook•

By KibaNaru-Kun

255K 14.1K 23.7K

Jimin is trapped in his school, with his friends, his ex, his teachers and a bitch he wishes would step out o... More

Chapter 1 - It's Gonna Be A Killer
Chapter 2 - Kung Fu Panda
Chapter 3 - Bye The Fuck
Chapter 4 - Bitch
Chapter 5 - Party
Chapter 6 - Busted
Chapter 7 - Locked In
Chapter 8 - Run
Chapter 9 - About Us
Quick Question💬
Chapter 10 - Take It
Chapter 11 - Surprise
Chapter 12 - Yoongi
Chapter 13 - Expelled
Chapter 14 - Mr. Bang
Chapter 15 - Fight
Chapter 16 - Unnie
Chapter 18 - Cheaters
Chapter 19 - Promise
Chapter 20 - Reunited
Chapter 21 - 2NE1
Chapter 22 - Game
Chapter 23 - Past
Chapter 24 - Hide & Seek
Chapter 25 - Confession
Chapter 27 - Caught In A Lie
Chapter 28 - E'dawn
💬Q & A💬
Chapter 29 - Drugged
Chapter 30 - Party's Over
Chapter 31- A Car
Chapter 32 - The Plan
Chapter 33 - Trust
Chapter 34 - Unmasked
Chapter 35 - Last Halloween

Chapter 26 - Decision

4.9K 305 400
By KibaNaru-Kun


So I did an English assignment, and failed cause I sounded like a robot, my article didn't have "emotion" btw I had to project my voice and since the day I was born I've never been a boy who needed to shout, and if I do shout how tf am I gonna sound sympathetic? Huh? Just how? But anyway it kinda bummed me out, I wanted to give up on writing but in all honesty, that article was about something that I didn't even understand fully and when I write me stories I do read them while writing so I know should sound emotional, and what shouldn't. I accept critisizim but only when it's fair for both of us. Moral of the story is, I'm THAT GUY and unless I say otherwise I'm the shit and my writing is okay.

I hope you continue to enjoy the story and don't forget to vote, comment and share, if you do.💯✨


Author P.O.V

"Jungkook, you can't do that!" Jimin cautioned.

"Why can't I?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes Jimin, why can't he?" The killer asked teasingly.

Jimin bit his lips whilst holding his head down.

"Just what the fuck is he trying to do?" He thought to himself.

"Jimin?" Jungkook said gaining Jimin's attention.

"I'll save them, don't worry and I know you're probably still upset about it so, again I apologize." Jungkook reassured him with a small smile.

"That's not what I'm afraid of..." Jimin thought to himself.

"I'm ready! Everyone please listen as I'll be telling you about why Jimin and I broke up." Jungkook declared.

"Before I start, I wanna say I'm sorry to Tae who I lied too about it. He's my best friend, I should've told him. I'm sorry Tae. But please listen to this and I completely understand if any of you feel indifferent towards me afterwards. Even you, Hyung." Jungkook said with a heavy heart, not even having the courage to face Taehyung or Yoongi.

"That's cute. You should start, before I get emotional and start cutting someone." The killer teased.

"Leave him alo-" Hobi tried.

"No Hoseok it's fine. He's right. I should start." Jungkook sighed.

Little did he know how nervous Hoseok was feeling.

"It started in 7 grade. As most of you may know, Jimin and I started dating during that year. Things were great, we were happy, we were in love. I still love him but I don't think the feelings are mutual or will be returned at this point. No matter how much I pray it would." Jungkook said mumbling the last part, which did not go unnoticed by Jimin, who averted his eyes from him and bit his lip.

"But one day I did something stupid and completely fucked up. I got into a stupid, unnecessary argument with him over his bond with one of his best friends, accusing him of having feelings towards him and wanting him to stop seeing him, even saying they were together and that he was cheating on me. I'm sorry Hoseok." Jungkook said genuinely.

Hoseok nodded with a gulp and back away slightly. Jimin glanced at him for a quick second before looking away.

"Anyway, that same day I was so upset that I wanted to clear my head with a drink, I was underaged so I dragged, Jae with me to keep watch over me and somehow w both ended up drinking and got drunk and..." Jungkook paused looking over at Jae and Rosé.

Jae was tearing up but held it back with Rosé gently caressing his hand as she was also tearing up, but Jae gave him the nod of approval and a small smile to continue.

"And we slept together." Jungkook said.

Yoongi was shocked but didn't make it obvious. He would have never thought Jungkook would've done such a thing, especially something like that, and Jae most definitely wouldn't either. Something wasn't adding up to him.

"I cheated on Jimin, after accusing him of doing the same. I couldn't face him after that, it was too much to confess to him... I-" Jungkook paused as he tried to rub the oncoming tears away.

He has spoken about this time and time again before, but the difference this time was that the one he cheated on, the one who's heart he broke more than his own for his actions, was standing right there in the room with him. He wanted to talk to him about it, but not like this.

"Poor kid. He made a mistake and now is being humiliated for it." Hyuna thought to herself.

"But wait, that sound I heard earlier. It must've been the killer's scream. If I can get out through the door I'll be able to find them and help the two girls." She planned. She slowly turned to the screen to ensure everyone's attention was on Jungkook, which they indeed were.

Hyuna backed up nearer to the door, but heard a faint grunt from behind her. She turned and remembered Tae. She silently walked up to him so not to gain the attention of the others.

"Taehyung?" Hyuna hesitated, as he had been very quiet since recently. She placed her hand on his shoulder whilst he was still crouching down.

"Hmm?" He turned around squinting his eyes as if he had just woken up.

"Are you okay? You have been quiet for a while now." She wondered.

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired I guess..." Tae replied, a bit awkwardly, even for him.

"Oh I see. Get rest then. We will be out of here in no time." She hopes.

"No that's fine. I want to listen to Jungkook's story." Tae said before standing up and walking away to where the others were and standing directly behind Jungkook.

Hyuna only hoped he was feeling better. She didn't know Tae well enough to notice his change in behavior. Although, she could've sworn he had not blinked once during the conversation.

She looked back at the group and saw that were all still focusing on Jungkook, including the killer. She took this opportunity to silently walk over to the door at the back of the class instead of the one that was barricaded and cautiously turned the knob.

"Jimin, he messed up, but I can't help but feel something just isn't right. Take care while I'm gone, everyone. I'll be right back." Hyuna said to herself before locking the door from the inside and slipping through it before closing it back undetected, or so she thought.

"It's okay Jae. I'm fine, but thank you." Jungkook sucked it up and fought his tears back.

"I can't cry now. I have to be strong for them, for you too Jimin." He thought himself.

"There. I confessed. Everyone knows now, let the girls go." Jungkook demanded.

"Ohhh Jungkook, don't be stupid. You know more than anyone else that the story doesn't end there." The killer jeered through the TV screen.

Everyone's head snapped back towards Jungkook at the killers reply.

"What is he talking about?" Jimin asked feeling himself starting to get ticked off instantly.

"Nothing. You all already know I cheated on him with Jennie." Jungkook grumbled.

"You did what?" Yoongi asked in disbelief.

"Why would you fucking cheat twice?" Yoongi insisted on him telling him why he would do it again if he regretted the first time.

"Hyung, it's not what you think!" Jungkook pleaded.

"Then what is it then? You know what I don't even wanna hear it again. You almost had me the first time but I came to my senses again, you're nothing but a cheating bastard!" Jimin spat.

"Jimin you don't fucking understand. I did it for you!" Jungkook retorted, causing silence to fall in the room.

"Mmmm, what was that Jungkook?" The killer smirked.

"I did it for him." Jungkook repeated, with his head hung low.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jimin insisted.

"It means exactly what I said. I didn't sleep with Jennie because I like her, nor because I'm a 'fuckboy' ." Jungkook sighed.

"Tell him why then Jungkook. Spill the tea, wait till you hear this one feisty." The killer teased. Jimin glared at the TV.

"I did it to protect you and your family, Jimin." Jungkook revealed.

"Protect us from what? What does me and my family have to do with the two of you?" Jimin retorted.

"Jennie." Jungkook mumbled, hating the feel of her name leaving his mouth.

"What?" Jimin asked.

"Okay listen... When I cheated I wanted to tell you, I really did, but... There was this girl Nayeon, she knew about it and used it to blackmail me into sleeping with her I-" Jungkook tried.

"You fucking did what! There's another one? Did you fuck the whole student body as well?!" Jimin yelled.

"Jimin stop!" Yoongi demanded.

"Yoongi did you hear what the fu-" Jimin tried.

"Before you ask, yes I heard. But I also heard he was blackmailed. I expect you to be quiet and listen." Yoongi scolded him. Jimin folded his arms and stayed quiet.

"Go ahead Jungkook." Yoongi said, folding his arms as well.

"Thank you, Jimin you have all right to be mad but please, just listen. I would never intentionally cheat on you, I only slept with Jae cause we were drunk and it just happened somehow, I only slept with Nayeon to protect your reputation, I didn't want the whole school talking bad about you, you know how rumors can spread. I didn't want any of them to be about you. And I only slept with Jennie for the same reason, to protect you and also your father's job." Jungkook explained. Jimin looked at him in shock.

"My dad?" Jimin asked.

"Yea, I remembered he works for Jennie dad's company. She told me she'd get him fired if I didn't sleep with her." Jungkook confessed, this was the hardest thing he ever had to reveal, but he knew he had too.

"Jungkook why would you do that?" Jimin yelled.

"What?" Jungkook asked in confusion.

"That was a stupid decision Jungkook! I'm strong enough to take anything that the other students have to say and my dad could find a new job. What kind of selfish thinking was that?!" Jimin spat.

"I wasn't being selfish I was thinking of you the whole time, protecting you and your reputation. I know it was stupid b-" Jungkook tried.

"Yes it was stupid! Meanwhile you're there fucking someone else to protect me, I'm bawling my eyes out heartbroken. Do you know how we could've fixed this if you had told me this earlier? But no, instead you took all that responsibility by yourself. People will always have something to say about anyone Jungkook. You know what it's like to be the guy the fuckboy left? Cause I sure fucking do!" Jimin spat.

"Jimin I'm sorry. Please I-" Jungkook tried, reaching his hand forward to Jimin.

"Don't touch me. You were better off with me thinking you were a cheating fuckboy..." Jimin snarled.

Jungkook was defeated. He held his low, his bangs shielding his eyes from the other's view, as he wept silently.

"That's all you'll ever be, a cheater." He spat at himself.

"Jimin that's enough!" Yoongi commanded.

"It's not Yoongi. With or without a reason cheating is wrong and just because he did all that thinking he was doing what was best for me, he cheated. It's wrong and I don't deserve him." Jimin snapped.

The room fell silent. As all eyes were now on Jimin, except Jungkook who couldn't take his eyes of the floor.

"What did you say?" Yoongi asked, not believing what he just heard.

Hyuna managed to exit the classroom and silently stood still to get better hearing of her surrounding.

She could almost barely hear any noise besides the voices from inside the classroom. Silently she began to walk down the hallway back to where the group was before their last encounter with the killer.

Before she turned the corner she stopped and took a peek out to ensure it was empty. All she saw was E'dawn's lifeless body at the end of the hall.

Hyuna backed up behind the wall, covering her mouth and closing her eyes to compose herself from bursting into tears.

"The killer lied. E'dawn really is gone..." She mumbled to herself feeling guilty. Guilty for not helping him and more guilty for not realizing her feelings for him until it was too late.

Hyuna walked cautiously from behind the wall and out into the opening, all the while diverting her eyes from E'dawn's body. When she neared the stairs for the upper floor, she turned and looked up.

"I'm sorry E'dawn. I love you." She said before beginning to take silent steps up the stairs.

"Hyuna..." She heard a faint voice call out.

Hey, I feel so bad about the cliffhanger but I didn't wanna deprive you guys of the update any longer, and since it's 2.1k anyway, I just had to give you guys something. Also, thank you sooooooo much for getting this story to 21k views💯✨ that's amazing and I'm so proud that a story I didn't even prepare for has gotten this much recognition.

Again sorry for taking so long with the update and leaving another cliffhanger. I'll try to update quickly next time cause honestly school makes me so tired that I can't. Y'all know what I'm talking about.

And lemme just apologize for not replying to certain comments. Especially, theory comments, it's just because some of you guys are so accurate with your theories that I can't answer at all, that goes for if your theory is wrong as well, because if I reply to only what's wrong then someone is gonna notice and I stan people who don't find out till the end. I'm so done😹😹😹

Shoutout to mochikookielove and Beautiful_Tempter just because 💕😉

Off Topic Real Quick:

I'm not a Taekook shipper BUT this whole this thought is so fucking adorable that I almost teared up. Okay I'm done here.

Also am I being blind or are the Jikook moments we used to get like every month last year just stop showing up?

• What do you think of the chapter?

• Favorite Moment:

• Least Favorite Moment:

• What do you think will happen next?

• Is Tae okay?

• Why are Jimin and Hobi acting weird?

• Why do you think Yoongi feels weird by the whole Jungkook and Jae sleeping together affair?

• What is the killer trying to do?

• Who called for Hyuna?

I hope y'all enjoyed the story, see y'all next time, byeeee💛✨


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