Female SCP-1471 x Male Reader

By 1direxon1

724K 4K 2K

Just a very long story I wanted to make that actually came out great. Art by Walter Sache More

VI: Malo ver2.0.0 would like to know your location
VII: Back Off
IX: Lil' Hot Thing
X: Love/Bug
XI: Minut-Hour'
XII: Mend
XIV: c80
XV: Close Encounters
XXI: Timeline I/II
XXII: Timeline II/II
🍋 XXIV: Bounded
XXVI: Ḩ͘ÁL̕LO̧WE̸͟E͘N S̡̀P͡E̷C̡̕I̵A̕͟L̡̨͞


13.8K 74 11
By 1direxon1

Light crawls through the spaces of the window blinds,making the dark room bright up just a little. You and Malo were in the same exact position from last night. You guys didn't have any covers on,but it was warm in the room so there was no worry. You calmly wake up to the dark room with the weight of Malo already making you remember last night. It was like the day after the storm. You look over at your alarm clock,8:42.

A good sleep,seeing you actually woke up early.

You look down at Malo,her hands now on your chest. You look back up at the clock. You have an alarm coming up.

You look back down at Malo to get a final look at her and you together like this. Then,you click off the alarm.


It was strange,not that much traffic at work today. The sound of talking was like that of a breeze,and with the addition of the cloudy day,the restaurant was very relaxed. You just got done making a dish and checking around for anything to do,and with nothing you sat and waited. You had your head rested on your palm,arm rested on the table. Your mind on last night,half of you happy for the future after this advancement in your relationship,and the other half surprised and in doubt it even happened.

Of course it did,you know that. But it just feels surreal to have knowledge that you did it. Like you don't deserve it. You tried to clear your mind and tell yourself it was alright,you made it to that point with Malo so that's your trophy. Now just to keep it going. Though as you were thinking,your mind started to nudge to the climax. You could feel that something was wrong with the picture but just couldn't see it. You kept thinking of it more and more until you could come up with the- Oh.

The place you came,it was her vagina. Your heart dropped about 5 feet,but your cool still blew on the outside. You calmed yourself down with the thankful revelation that Malo and you are interspecies,so you most likely didn't make her pregnant. But the thought still glared at you from the corner of your mind.

So you made sure that you were clear off of any work,and went out back to call Malo. You bring out your phone and called her from your contacts.

Malo was making breakfast when you called. She had on a white shirt and black pants,enjoying herself. Her phone rang from her pocket,so she lowered the heat on the stove a little and took it out. Malo answers.


You rub your arm,"Hey.. How's everything going?",You calmly ask.

Malo flips her eggs with a black plastic spatula,"G̕o͠o̵d,I'm̷ ̡j͏ust cǫok̴in̛g̶ ̶breakfa͞s̡t̴ r̡igh̛t̸ now̨. ͝What͘'s̸ ͟up?". You swallow.

"I don't wanna freak you out or anything,but it's just been itching me for a little while".

Malo listens curiously while tending to her food. "Last night when we were having sex and we both came.. I couldn't have gotten you pregnant could I?". Malo smiles,raising her shoulder. "Ǹo͠,y̷o̵u c̶ou̕l͝dn̕'t ́h͜av̸e. ͢I can't ̕g͝et ̴pr͘e̛g̨n͡ant̴ ͟like̢ tha͏t".

You sigh a breath of relief,"Ok.. Good,I just wanted to make sure since I got scared when I realized".

Malo chuckles,and moves her phone onto her shoulder to talk so she can prepare her plate,"Įts̶ ok. How̷'s͢ w̢o͢r͢k g̡o̧i̡ng̸?".

"Pretty good,we haven't really been that busy though so i've just been chilling until something comes up".

Malo slides her scrambled eggs onto her plate. "Wel͜l͜ ͠yo͢u ok̷ ov͠e̷r ţhe̡re?,want̴ m̛é ̴to̸ ͢b̶r̷i͜n̶g ͢y͜o̷u a͘ny̡t͏hiņg̢?",she politely asks.

"No its fine,thank you".


It just got done raining,the atmosphere peaceful. Still quiet,not much has continued to come up in the work place. The only change is the population as the customers coming in and out of the restaurant gradually decrease. As it has been a significant amount of time between the call and now with no attraction of customers,and your shifts end nearing,your manager just let you leave early.

You arrive home,the same smell of rain that departed only a while ago following you.

You open the door to the apartment,casually closing it behind you and continuing forwards. Malo walks from out of one of the walls dividing the laundry room,surprised. "Hi!,yo̸u're hom͏e e͡arly".

You slow in front of Malo,"Yea my manager let me leave early". Before you can pass onto the kitchen,Malo holds you back with a hug around  your neck from behind. You smile and stop for it,grasping one of her arms. "How̢ ̢c̨ome?",Malo says as she released you. "The restaurant didn't get much more traction after I called you,and it was already a little bit under an hour before my shift ended".

Malo smiles,"W͜el̀l̶ a̡t̨ leas͡t͘ ͜yòur͜ ̨h̀om̕e͞ ̷ẃi͠th̢ m̴e now". The thought of last night was far from the air flowing through the apartment. Malo wraps her arms around your left arm and tries pulling you out of the kitchen. You grin,now seeing she was pulling you to a couch. "No.. I wanna go play something upstairs!". Malo laughs as you finish,"Noo! ͏Co͜me ͟c͢u͝ddle ̡with͠ m͠e̢! ̷ I mi̶ssed͜ ̢yo̢u ͠al̸l ͟day!". You pull out a playful grunt and go with her pull.

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