Dominating The Troublemaker

By DangerouslyShady

1M 31.7K 6.1K

"Troublemaker" : a person who causes difficulties, distress, worry, etc., for others, especially one who does... More

When The Controlling Heartbreaker Meets The Uncontrollable Troublemaker
Kissing The Troublemaker, A Mistake That Tasted So Good
The "1 Week" Behavior Gift
Date Night, And Early Morning Encounter
Dark Desires Suddenly Surfacing
The Locked Box Of Dark-Secrets
He Even Controls Me In My Dreams
Almost Is Never Enough
Bad-Girl Meet's Bad-Boy
My Guilty Pleasure
Being Claimed By His Box
Wanting What You Can't Have
The Troublemakers Making A Slow Comeback
Dinner With The Greys
One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards
Ticking Time Bomb
Heart Shaped Necklace
Visiting The Family
The Letter
First Date, Feeling Like A Teenage Boy In Love
Stress Kills
Taken By Adonis
Where Is Roxanne?
Déjà Vu And The Ultimate Betrayal
Unexpected Visitors
Mirror, Mirror, On His Wall...Who Is The Ugliest Of Them All?
Unexpected Assistance
Troublemaker's Back, Safe and Sound
Announcements And Confessions
The Truth Can Be A Bitch
Jailhouse Blues
A Sad Ending, But New Beginning
Here We Go Again
An Old Problem, Suddenly Begins A New One
The Video
Missed Call
Unexpected Visitor
The Emotional Decision
Goodbye My Love
Letting Go
Not The One
Last Wishes
Through The Eyes Of Young Boy


11.9K 428 69
By DangerouslyShady

- Roxanne Grey - 

There's a line no one should cross—even your family.

You can yell at me.

You can slap me.

You can ground me.

But you cannot under any circumstances, arrest my boyfriend! No matter how bad you want me home, no matter how disrespected you feel. To call the cops for some childish fued is fucking ridiculous. Damien will not only be sent to jail if they press charges, he will lose his job, and will be registered as a sex offender.

My Damien Black, will have such a gruesome title following him, this will ruin his life! 

"What the fuck!" I hissed at my so-called-parents, who were watching outside as the police car drove away with my boyfriend. 

Dad glared at me. "What'd you say young lady?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll be happy to repeat myself to you, Louis." I scoffed, then walked towards the two and yelled. "What. The. Fuck!?"


Veronica raised her hand at me, her eyes filled with tears—why the hell is she crying? At least her man is walking around freely without the worry of being a registered SEX OFFENDER!

"Fuck you Veronica, and you too Louis." I said, my cheek burning. "You guys got what you wanted, an unhappy daughter without her boyfriend, the only person who fucking CARED about me while you two were like bunnies in heat in your bedroom!"

Dad sighed. "You ungrateful child! I've provided nothing but attention to you since you were born. So much that I willingly moved to a town I'm not greatly fond of, just so you not only get an education but have a chance to leave all that bad stuff behind."

"When are you going to understand? You're not what I needed, I needed a mother." My gaze flew to Veronica's. "But after this, I'd rather not have any parents if this is what I'll end up with."

At that, I walked away from the two and into the place I called my home. The place where those two idiots have easy access to me and are able to control me—.

I cringed.

Control me.

When the context doesn't involve Damien, the thought to be controlled is disgusting. But nothing will compare to the disgust I feel from hearing that he was with another woman. I've not forgiven him yet, but in truth I do trust him, he did it for some illogical reason and it involved saving me. 

I've also realized that this has been eating him up, that as soon as he told me relief flew into those jade eyes of his. He didn't want to, but he felt he had to, and even though it hurts like a fucker. At least I'm safe and at home.

Once I entered my room, I slammed the door shut behind me and fell on to my bed.

After crying for an hour, I dozed off.


"It's okay to tell me if he's hurt you." Detective Amy said, her voice soothing and calm. "He won't ever hurt you again."

I rolled my eyes. "What makes you so sure he hurt me? Do I look hurt?"

"Roxanne you don't understand the seriousness of this situation, a man who is supposed to be your educator has harmed you. A grown man who is about to be 26 years old, that's nine years older than you has touched you in an inappropriate way."

I scoffed. "Are you trying to say he fucked me, or had sex with me?"


This lady the police department sent is a total annoyance in my life right now, the fact that I have to be interviewed like this so they'll get some answers from me is terrible. I'll never crack, I'll lie my way through this until I see Damien free.

Luckily in a month I'll be eighteen years old and if I hold off long enough, we can be together openly without the worries of people like Louis, Veronica and Detective Amy. Those are the ones who will test this relationship.

Well to bad for them, I am in love with Damien and I'd rather jump into a pit full of lava then to lose him.

Louis and Veronica stared at me, waiting for an answer, so I gave them one. "Even if I did answer I'm sure you wouldn't believe me, given that those people I call parents would deny anything I say."

"Well I'm interviewing you."

I huffed. "Keep your word, I hate hypocrites. The answer to your question is no, we have never gone that far."

"This might be a touchy subject Ms. Grey, this man could have stolen your innocence—"

I laughed, loudly. "I lost this innocence when I was fifteen, to a eighteen year old who got me drunk."

Louis's eyes widened, shock filling his expression and the same for Veronica. Both were terrified by this random set of news and I was amazed that I even said it out loud. I haven't thought about Erick Foster in forever, the man I lost my virginity to, who happened to be a college student when I was a sophomore in high school.

"So you were raped?"

I scowled. "Listen lady, I have no reason to explain anything to you. All I'm here for is to release an innocent man because he was falsely accused for something he did not do."

"Both topics are extremely serious Roxanne, you've not only been touched immorally once, but twice."

This lady was irritating the hell out of me. "You mean raped?"

"In actuality yes, raped."

A laugh escaped my mouth. "Listen up," I hissed. "You have no reason to be in my business. I'll repeat myself, Damien did not harm me emotionally or physically. I'm here to tell you all that he's innocent."

"Then why are you defending him?"

I stood up. "Because, whether you believe me or not. There is an innocent man in that jail cell and he's done nothing but help me."

"How has he helped you Roxanne?"

My nose began to sting. "I could be broken right now...he risked all his morals to save me for Pierce...and when I finally got back..." I sniffled. "I thought this would bring my family closer, that I'd finally have a mother..." My gaze went to Veronica's. "But I was wrong, and realized the only person who cared about me, even as a student was Damien. He comforted me while those two decided what names to pick for the newest member of their family."

At that, I walked out of the room to emotional to stay with them. This is to much, I'm like a magnet for bad stuff and all I want to do is escape it. I want to run away from it, to never look back again. Maybe if I left everything for good my life would be easier and more livable. Although that means I'd have to leave Damien as well...

An escape from everything sounds tempting, but I know that once I leave, my heart will forever belong to Damien. And that is a fate I cannot escape.


* A Week Later * 

An entire week has passed and finally I'll be able to speak with Damien. Unfortunately I have to be supervised by Detective Amy since I'm not allowed to meet with the man who "touched" me alone. Another bad part is that he'll be speaking to me through a glass window and all I want to do is be in front of him.

I want to touch him.

To kiss him and have him tell me everything is going to be alright.

All of a sudden I see him being escorted towards the window by a large man in blue uniform. In a week his facial hair is more than visible and although the scruffy look isn't his style, I found it kind of hot. Even so he looked like a disaster and I'm the reason.

Damien glances at Detective Amy, then looks at me, a professional smile on his face. "Good afternoon Ms. Grey, to what do I owe your visit today?"

"I...I just needed to make sure you were okay...Mr. Black." Saying his name, left a bitter taste in my mouth.

He frowns. "I'm doing perfectly fine in here, you don't need to worry about such things, you should be worrying about school and teenage girl stuff. Like boys."

"Yeah..boys..." I frown now, and it hurts to have to talk to him like this. "I met this guy named Chase—"

Damien growled, but luckily Detective Amy didn't hear. "I'd rather not know Ms. Grey." 

Obviously the topic about Chase makes him uneasy, honestly I'm just saying it so that the bitch behind me thinks I'm with guys my age. However, she doesn't know Chase and probably assumes he's over forty.

Suddenly a loud beeps goes off and I hear Amy behind me go "Shoot". Then she leaves the room leaving me and Damien only seconds to ourselves.

"Damien, I...miss you." I said, quietly just in case.

He shook his head. "Not as bad as I miss you Rox."

"I'm sorry my parents did this to you." 

Damien smiled, comfortably. "Not an obstacle we can't overcome baby. I just need to figure out how to get out and quickly too. This place is a fucking hell hole."

"Are they hurting you? Bullying you in there."

He chuckled. "This isn't high school Roxanne, but it's far worse, I can handle myself since I've made some accomplices who make it easier. But let me tell you, there's only one person I want to see me stark and it is not a group of men."

"I'm denying everything, but if your able to get out without being charged, there going to watch us. We're going to need to be extra...careful."

He sighed. "Lucky for us, you've graduated, all we need to do is get through the summer and we're good."

Without any warning the door opened and Amy came through the door way. She sighed and said. "Time to go Roxanne, I have to be somewhere else."

"Alright." I frowned, unhappy to only have five minutes with him.

Amy looked at Damien, her eyes full of judgment. "Mr. Black, I hope that if you're really telling the truth that justice will serve you. But keep in mind, I don't support men who prey on younger girls for their sick fantasies. Good day."

And at that we left.


As if seeing my boyfriend for only five minutes ruined my day, I have to come home to two giggling adults. Both who were next to each other on the computer, and from the large grins on their faces it had something to do with the baby. 

I'm not angry at the news per say, I'm angry at the timing of it. I've always wanted a sibling, someone to play with and call adorable. Although it was hard to have such a dream when your dad was single for ten years and continued to wait for his long lost love. 

I've wanted nothing more than to have a relationship with my mother, but seeing the kind of woman she is first hand, I can tell I want nothing to do with her. God knows I don't want her habits when I grow up. I already inherited my fair share of bad traits from her.

Dad glanced at me, his expression instantly stilled. "How'd it go?"

"You're asking me how it went?" I scoffed. "Fuck you, the more I speak to you about him, the more I realize how much of an ass you are."

Mom slammed the computer close. "Enough!"

"Shut up, I'd keep my mouth closed since you obviously can't do that with your legs." I replied, venom spewing out of my mouth.

Dad sighed. "Roxanne! When are you going to give this childish act up!?"

"When you both learn how to be parents, oh wait, that'll be NEVER."

Mom stood up, tears falling down her eyes. "Is my pregnancy really so hard for you to get over? The fact that there is a child inside of me, your blood."

"Fine, you want to know why? Because you weren't there for me." I hissed. "For nothing!"

She sighed. "I know what I've done Roxanne, I know more than anything—"

"Then fucking act like it! I've done everything to forget about you, to forget that you left me, motherless. I felt so unimportant, like I was the reason you left us." I poured everything out, hoping she would finally understand. "I get in trouble so that someone will show me some attention, since dad can't pry himself from work for his only daughter."

I looked at them, both listening to me whole-heartily, so I continued. "So I made bad friends, drank alcohol and tainted every innocent thing about me. I even got an eighteen year old to sleep with me, drunk. I didn't even get to experience it, let alone have someone take who loved me instead of someone who just wanted to get off."

"Roxanne..." Mom gasped.

I shook my head. "I'm so lucky he even wore a condom, but it didn't take long for rumors to get out that I was some slut. So instead of being bullied, I had to be the bully, I had to fuck with anyone and everyone who had something against me. Even teachers. So not only was I a slut, or a troublemaker, but I was hurt."

"Why didn't you tell me any of this?" Dad said, standing up too.

I smiled weakly, sadly. "Because, even though I love you more than anything, she was the one who was on my mind. After she left I felt imperfect, like in some way shape or form I was un-wanted. So I just had to live up to the title and accept that I'm no ones perfect little angel."

"Roxanne you are my little girl, and always will be." Dad replied, walking towards me.

I averted my eyes. "Well that little girl doesn't want to be around either of you, because you've not only fucked with me, but Damien. I thought you'd at least let me have one happy thing, but unfortunately, your both assholes. I'll never, ever, forgive you for this."

Once I finished, I didn't bother to stay so I can hear what they would say. Instead I went upstairs into my room and slammed the door shut. 


* A Few Days Later * 

"So I told them I'd never forgive them for doing this to you." I said, sighing.

Damien gazed at me, listening to the heartbreaking tale I call Family. Detective Amy is outside again but this time getting me food from one of the vending machines that just so happened to be broken. While their fixing it for my snack, I was able to tell Damien what happened with my parents a few days ago.

His expression wasn't I had expected though, it was remorseful as if he'd done something bad. Maybe I'm just mistaken, it could be empathy. However, even he shouldn't feel sorry for me if this was my choice. I have no regrets on this grudge, it's not silly either, I've lost all trust in them and I don't want it back.

"Roxanne I know they've done some selfish things—"

I interrupted. "Don't forget they put you in jail."

"I know, but don't use this situation as an excuse or even a reason to distrust your family. They're your family, they'll make mistakes and big ones at times but I don't think that's a reason to distance yourself from them."

I hissed. "Are you taking their side?"

"No—well sort of. I know what it's like to distance yourself from family and trust me you'll regret it in the future." He was being truthful, you can the pain from the past in his eyes.

I shook my head. "They put you in jail, I have no reason to trust them if they put you in jail because they're angry at me."

"Roxanne I don't want to be a reason why you'll end up estranged from them."

I snapped. "They put you in jail, they knew your importance to me, they knew you were my—" I whispered. "boyfriend."

"Well maybe I don't need to be anymore."

I froze.

Then blinked.

Then blinked again.


"What?" I breathed.

His gaze averted from mine. "I don't want to be the reason why another family is ruined Roxanne, I've ruined far to many. And I care about you to much to see you years later regret this decision and missing out on meeting a really cool kid in nine months."

"If you cared about me you wouldn't be saying this." I bit my lip, anxiously.

He sighed. "This is the only way you'll listen Roxanne, I can't have you end up like me, Lord knows how much of a jerk I've been to my family."

"Damien take it back, I refuse to leave here and have those words burned into my memory."

Damien stood up. "I'm sorry Roxanne, but I care to much about you to see you miss out on life's greatest moments. No—not for me. I've destroyed one family, and almost my own, but I refuse to do it to yours."

"Damien." I stood up too, my voice low.

He turned around, saying something low, but loud enough to smash everything inside of me including my heart.

"We're through."


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