But Who's Counting?

Da wowdaisy

316K 12.6K 3K

"I'm pregnant with your child, Alex." Sophia was determined on convincing Alexander that besides her being pr... Altro

Chapter One: "Happy Birthday!"
Chapter Two: "Hell yes!"
Chapter Three: "Deal!"
Chapter Four: "Abortion."
Chapter Five: "Baby."
Chapter Seven: "Mamas,"
Chapter Eight: "Nicole."
Chapter Nine: "The Grinch."
Chapter Ten: "Merry Christmas!"
Chapter Eleven: "Pack your shit."
Chapter Twelve: "I'm jealous."
Chapter Thirteen: "Who is that?"
Chapter Fourteen: "Hold me."
Chapter Fifteen: "Your face."
Chapter sixteen: "They're kicking!"
Chapter Seventeen: "Just friends."
Chapter Eighteen: "Family dinner."
Chapter Nineteen: "Family Dinner cont."
Chapter Twenty: "Are you drunk?"
Chapter Twenty-One: "She's mine."
Chapter Twenty-two: "Just like you."
Chapter Twenty-three: "Basketball and Ice Cream."
Chapter Twenty-Four: "Vodka."
Chapter Twenty-Five: "Cravings."
Chapter Twenty-Six: "I'm calling the police."
Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Bash your skull in."
Chapter Twenty-Eight: "Who's is this?"
Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Relationship status."
Chapter Thirty: "Change your outfit."
Chapter Thirty-One: "Cinnabon."
Chapter Thirty-Two: "Sophia's Family."
Chapter Thirty-three: "Buddy System."
Chapter Thirty-Four: "Pool."
Chapter Thirty-Five: "Dumbo."
Chapter Thirty-Six: "Surprise!"
Chapter Thirty-Seven: "Shorty."
Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Wedding Bells."
Chapter Thirty-Nine: "Thor."
Chapter Forty: "Welcome home!"
Chapter Forty-One: "Five weeks."
Chapter Forty-Two: "You deserve to be happy."
Chapter Forty-Three: "Call Daddy."
Chapter Forty-Four: "Mommy's not happy."
Chapter Forty-Five: "Being loved."
Chapter Forty-Six: "She said what?"
Chapter Forty-Seven: "Here goes nothing."
Chapter Forty-Eight: "Unbelievable."
Chapter Forty-Nine: "You're stupid."
Chapter Fifty: "Alexander the Maniac."
Chapter Fifty-One: "Nose rings."
Chapter Fifty-One 1/2: "Jaisiah and Jalen."
Chapter Fifty-Two: "Moving like a sloth."
Chapter Fifty-Three: "Adult Brownies."
Chapter Fifty-Four: "That's not his pacifier."
Chapter Fifty-Five: "Water balloons."
Chapter Fifty-Six: "Baby gravy."
Chapter Fifty-Seven: "Happy Birthday!"
plan b(aby)
Bonus Chapter
Chapter Fifty-Eight: "August 23rd."
Official Sequel #1 Sneakpeek
Official Sequel #2 Sneakpeek

Chapter Six: "Control."

7.1K 304 162
Da wowdaisy

"Sooo, where's Maya? She stayed home by herself?" I asked as Alexander closed the door to his home. I heard the lock click and Alexander clicking off his shoes.

After Panera Bread, Alexander instructed me to come over to his place. Of course, at first I went to deny, but then he mentioned Maya again and I just couldn't refuse. So, he got in his car and I got in mine, and I followed him back to his house. It was about 5:30 but because of daylight savings, it looked like it was 9:30.

I really just wanted to come in to see Maya but it appears as if she's not here. If she was, was she alone? Why would Alexander leave her home alone? She's four years old.

I looked back at Alex who was looking down at his phone with a lazy smile. As if he felt my eyes on him, he looked up.

"She'll be here in a hour. Andrew has her and they are in traffic."

"Andrew?" I asked. Alexander.. Andrew.. was that his brother? Was he one of the triplets?

"Her uncle." He stated simply, pulling off his coat and putting it on the rack next to his door. He placed his car keys in a small bowl that was on the shelf, above the rack, that contained almost 4 other sets of keys.

I decided to ask if Andrew was his brother to which replied with yes. He informed me that Andrew was the oldest out of the three of them, Alexander being the youngest.

"Why don't I come back tomorrow then? It's getting late." I said, turning towards the window that gave a great view of the surrounding neighborhood. Alexander grunted before turning the lights on, finally. When the light came on, I could see how clean his living room was, except for the brown baby doll that laid under the glass coffee table with diapers, bottles, and baby food sprawled near it. Besides that, it looked like nobody even lived here. The white walls were as clean as the color itself.

"It's only an hour, plus we can talk, baby." The way he said it, made it seem like he was calling me baby. Either way, I knew he was saying it as 'talk baby' as I'm referring to the bun in the oven. Alexander removed his button down shirt, leaving him in a plain white-T and his dress pants. He sat on the black chair closest to the door while I stood by the main black couch and glass coffee table.

"I already told you about me wanting you to move in-" he started while picking at his nails.

"And I already told you that there's no way in hell I'd move in with you, idiot."

"Anyways, besides that, I expect you to attend all appointments, take any medicines prescribed and make sure you tell me of any complications AND milestones." He proceeded to tell me, finally looking up to me. His eyes showed that he was serious but his tone made it seem like this was nothing but a business deal to him.

"What do you think I'm going to do? Ignore all my medications and newly found responsibilities?"

"I wouldn't put it past you." He said, sharply, as if he was expecting me to respond that way. I stood, enraged as his remark registered in my head.

"Wouldn't put it past me? You have some serious issues."

"Trust issues and anger issues? Yes. Now, can I continue?" He didn't wait for me to respond. "You cannot, I repeat, cannot, be with anybody else during the time of the pregnancy. Until the baby comes out, you can't have sex not perform oral sex on anybody until my child comes out perfectly healthy. After birth, you can already assume that we will take the appropriate actions to make a schedule to determine any rules or schedules for the child. I mean, which days you will be allowed to see them. Also, should you find a boyfriend or any other type of person you plan to keep in your life, you have to run it by me. I will not endanger my child with your untrustworthy friends; like Crissy. I do not trust her. I know she is not a threat, so I will allow her to stay, but even today when she blindsided you with the invitation of I, should show you that all her intentions are not pure. So, if you plan to have a boyfriend, be careful. I also will not accept a stepfather or a 'substitute' for my place. This is our child and I am alive and well enough to be in my child's life. Should it come to this, I'll take you to court."

What? Who is he to tell me who I can and can't date? No stepfather? What type of BULL is this? It wasn't like the child wouldn't know that said person wasn't there dad. Alexander would obviously hold that place. But while I understood his concern for endangering our child, did he think that I wasn't capable of spotting the same intentions as he thought he could?

"You cannot control who I date. The Crissy line, that's just how she is. She lives for drama."

"Which is something I don't approve of. But it's whatever as of now. Now the dating part, I can and I will."

"You can't! Especially if I can't do the same to you!"

"I will allow you to make your set of rules, only, and only if you agree to the ones I have set. I am serious as fuck about this dating and stepfather shit though. My main concern in life is the safety of my child- children. Just like how I wouldn't allow you to see Maya if I thought you were dangerous, I wouldn't allow anybody else to see this child either."

"Alexander, I see where you're coming from, but you're not going to be able to tell me who I can and can't date. It's my life and I trust my judgment is well enough to be able to tell when somebody's intentions are not well. If I have a man in my life and they aid in raising him, he will essentially be his stepfather." I snapped back, watching as Alex jumped to his feet. He was mad.

"Sophia, I'm not having another guy raise my child. I am letting you know that now. This child will NOT call another guy 'dad', 'father', 'Daddy', or even 'padre'. Is that understood? You're not going anywhere. I am serious as hell about this. I will take your ass to court! Don't fuck with me! Now go sit your stuck up ass down on my fucking couch, or so help me God."

"Don't talk to me like that!" I retorted, looking at him in his eyes. This is exactly why I didn't want to come over here. There's always a argument between us when we are near each other.

Alexander's hair was messy, even though he had it gelled perfectly earlier. He was running his hand through it in anger and frustration as he glared at me. His jaw was sharp and his eyes were wild. The usual vibrant and bright green eyes were now darkened with anger and were consuming me. I swallowed, thinking of my next comeback.

Who they hell did he think he was?

Certainly not my father and definitely not my boyfriend. Although he is a CEO of his company, I am not apart of that company and I am not going to allow him to boss me around. I grabbed my car keys, abruptly turning around before walking down the hall.

"Where the fuck are you going? Don't walk away when I'm talking to you!" He said, as if he was my father. He caught up to me and grabbed my wrist, turning me around.

"First of all, you're not talking to me, you're talking at me. Second of all, get the fuck off me! Third of all, you don't get to boss me around! I don't give a damn who you are!" I retorted, attempting to pull my wrist from his hands.

"I'm the father of your child! Of our child! Now, stop fucking acting like one!" He said, pushing me into the wall. My back firmly hit while Alex push my shoulders against the wall with his palms before staring into my eyes.

"I'm leaving, Alex! You can't make me stay here! I'm tired of not being allowed to fucking do anything! I will go get on the next plane to California if you continue to do this shit!" I yelled in his face while he gripped harder on my shoulders.

"Like hell you are. Not with my child, you're not!" He said, slightly shaking me like he was trying to shake some sense into me. His eyes dilated while he breathed heavily. Angrily.

"Watch me." I said, attempting to push him off of me. He only staggered a little bit before regaining grip onto me again. Alexander let out a breath through his mouth before nodding.

"Since you clearly don't seem to understand when I speak nicely to you, I'm going to have to take another approach; if you so much as take a step out of the state of New fucking York, I will sue you for fucking kidnapping and for full custody of this baby, right here," he rubbed my stomach for emphasis, "If you even so much as look at any type of fucking flight ticket costs from here to fucking LAX, I will have you deemed as a unfit mother and make sure that you never get to see this baby right here after birth. Now, do you, Sophia-fucking-Matthews understand? Or do I need to get it typed up into a contract? I will have my lawyers draw one up if you think verbal communication isn't enough for my point to get across this fucking brain right here." Alexander finished, tapping my forehead with his forefinger.

He stared into my eyes with such intensity that I could only match it and think about what he just said to me. Deem me as a unfit mother? How? Kidnap charges? As a lawyer, I already know tha-

"You can't charge me with kidnap charges if it's my child that I have custody with. Shared custody as well. Only way I could actually get charged was if we were in the middle of a custody battle or the court put our child in your custody. Besides that, I would just be seen as a mother visiting my family in California with my child. Or if I didn't communicate it with you and had reasons for wanting to leave you." I whispered back, accidentally. I didn't mean to speak, at all. I was just thinking but I ended up thinking out loud.

Alexander stepped back and released a throaty laugh. He bellowed as he hugged his stomach and threw his head back.

What was so funny? Was it something I said or was he just laughing at me in general?

I don't know.

"Do you think that I fucking care? I don't give a single fuck, Sophia! I will tell my lawyer that I will triple his paycheck as long as he finds a way to fucking get any charges he can to put on you so I can have my child." He said, pulling at his hair.

"Do you think I care? I can get the court to deem you as a unfit father! You already have one child you don't take care of, so why do you need two?" I suddenly snapped, causing Alexander to stiffen. He clenched his jaw and hands before looking at me dangerously.

"Repeat that shit again. I dare you." He said, gritting his teeth when he finished speaking. I pushed my self off the wall, staring back at him. There was no point in backing down now. I might as well just repeat what I said.

"Why do you need to have another child, when Maya is with the nanny twenty-four fucking seven? The girl orders herself food every mornin and has learned to not become dependent on her terrible excuse for a f-" I was cut off by Alexander whirling his fist at the wall that stood right behind me. The crack of the wood echoed through the mostly empty apartment like thunder on a rainy night.

His chest bumped with mine, backing my into the wall once again as Alexander took another brutal punch to it before pulling back with a snarl. "Don't speak on things that you don't fucking know about, you.. you fucking bitch!" He snarled, dangerously getting back in my space. Alexander spewed at me. He was mad.

Very mad.

This, fatherhood, was obviously a sensitive topic for him. But why wouldn't motherhood be one for me?

He practically insulted my mother skills and the got mad when I did the same thing to him. How does that work? In my mind, that was very hypocritical. He could talk about how I would be as a mother but the second I say anything about how he was, currently, as a father, all hell had broke loose and now we are being chased my demon dogs.

I looked to the ground, because I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't think he would be this mad, even though I only said it to knock him off his high horse.

Well, I thought about it. I just couldn't see any possible outcome where he cared this much about what my little ol' opinion was. What I said was t even true, I thought he was a great father but Maya just knows what she wants when she wants it. She's just like Alexander in that way. But here he was, spewing words, that I began to tune out, at me because I wanted to swoop down and act as low as he was acting as well.

I was just gonna leave instead of dragging this out. I decided to cut off his little speech with a very short one of me own.

"Alex, we aren't together. The only thing that is keeping us in the same vicinity as each other is me being pregnant with your child. I'll call you when I go into labor. How bout that?" I said, walking towards his front door. I heard him screaming before quickly slipping out his penthouse, hearing his scream from all the way down the hall.

This is going to be a long six months.

This is about to start moving very fast 😭

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