Hawk eye and Sharp Shooter.

By AshleyBlack42

97.8K 1.6K 365

Most people carry things like guns and knife or weapons during a zombie apocalypse, but travailing with bin... More

Hitting a rough patch
Save the old guy
Fracking zombies
Philly Feast.
Part One of Full Metal Zombie.
Part 2
Home Sweet Zombie
Resurrection Z
Welcome to The Fu-Bar
Break from the show.
Going Nuclear.
Sisters of Mercy
Murphy's Law
Doctor of The Dead
The Past
The Murphy
White Light
Zombie Road
Batch 47
No Mercy Part 1
No Mercy Part 2
No Mercy Part 3
Zombie Baby Daddy.
Down The Mississippi
Anther Break From The Show
We Were Nowhere Near The Grand Canyon.
Corporate Retreat
Party With The Zeros
Adios, Muchachos
Day One
All Good Things Must Come to an End
A New Mission.
Murphy's Miracle.
Red Hands
The King and Queen of Lies and Evil Queen of Treachery.
The Capturing of Death
One Doc Flow The Cuckoo Nest
Welcome to Murphytown
Jean and Lucy
The Big Picture or...
Or The End Of Your Era.
Everybody Dies in the End.
Two Years? Really?
Warren's Dream
Are You Kidding Me?
The Vanishing
A New Mission: Keep Moving
In Memory of J-
The Unknowns.
Back from the Undead
Powerless part 1
Powerless part 2
Crisis of Faith
We Interrupt This Program
Return to Mercy Labs
Mt. Weather
Black Rainbow
Welcome to the Newpocalypese
A New Live
Escape from Altura
Father or Murphy
Doc's Stoned History
Water Keepers
State Of Mine
It is all in my head?
Miss President
Rough Night?
Same Dreams
I Can't part 1
I Can't Part 2
The Fight for Jean
The Calm
The Storm
Don't Tell Her
Hey Guys

The Collector

978 16 4
By AshleyBlack42

"Flashlight. No batteries. Half a bottle of aspirin. Well I got no ammo. Found this." Doc said and pulled out a crowbar. "I got two batteries and four bullets." Warren said and set them on the hood. "I got two in my gun and two randoms in those." Addy said and I looked up at her. "You got gum?" Warren asked her. "For repair purposes only." Addy said to her. "Remember fresh breath." Doc said into Addy's face. "Oh." She sounded. "Couple of bullets. Road flares." Vasquez said. "I got one empty clip." 10k said and I stared down at the clip. "You know what. See if these fit." Warren said. I set my bag on the edge of the car. "I got two classics." I started to pull out of my bag. "That's not going to help." Vasquez said. I dug in again. "Lets see. I got a bullet, oh and a-" "No." 10k said to me, pulling my hand down. " I was going to say, that I two bullet in my clip." I said calmly to him. "Oh." he sounded. "What did you think she was going to say?" Vasquez asked. "Nothing." 10k said as his face flushed up.

"I know this looks shaky, but we will find a way to get Murphy to California." Warren said. "Well I'm hungry." Doc said as he walked away from us. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty." Doc said to Murphy, but he didn't wake up. "Murphy! Wake up man." Doc said to him, but nothing. I walked over and stood next to Doc. I hit Murphy's feet and shook awake. "What?" Murphy asked. "Help me find some lunch. Nuts, fruit, edible tree bark." Doc said to him as I walked away from them. "Edible tree bark, huh?" Murphy asked and they walked away. I took Murphy's spot and pulled out my book. I started to read before Vasquez started to cheek our gas as 10k flatten the map and stared down at it. "Well?" Addy asked and I looked up. "Two gallons, maybe three." Vasquez said to her. "If we get ten miles a gallon." Warren said and I looked over to 10k. "It'll get us halfway to Plainview." he said to her. I looked over to see Doc walking back, be himself. "Hey, where's Murphy?" Warren asked him. "He's right behind me." Doc said as he slowly turned around. "Damnit Murphy!" he yelled.

"How do you just lose Murphy? What do you mean, he was just behind you? Really?! " Warren asked. We walked into woods and I sighed. "Some guys better not jump out and scare us." I muttered. "Murphy!" Warren yelled. "Murphy." Vasquez said loudly. "I'm gonna be really pissed if my last words are "Murphy, where are you?"" Addy said and I nodded. "We might as well be saying, "Here we are, zombies. Come and get us."" Doc said. "Murphy better hope he's not around when I reach 9,999." 10k said and I turned to stare at him. "Easy, kid. We got to find him first." Vasquez said. "Well I think it's somewhere around." Doc said as we stopped. I started to look around and try to figure this out. "Oh and don't eat the bark off them skinny trees. Starts out tangy then goes south in a hurry." Doc said to us and I was pulled back to the group. "Oh maybe it was over here." Doc said and we followed him.

We started to walk back to the car as I started to turn my eyes back to the woods. "Oh,Damn. I was hoping we'd find him here napping." Doc said as I slowly watched the woods. "That slippery bastard's gonna spend the rest of his day in shackles if I have anything to say about it. And I do." Vazquez said as I traced ever tree. "Something's off." I muttered. "Good one Legolas." I turned to Doc and stared at him. "Well look again." Warren said. 10k pulled out the map and looked down at it. "There's a few house, a small town." he said and I looked down at the map. "Well, that was down the path we were on. If he was taking it, he could be hiding in any of them." I said to him. "Bounty hunters." 10k reminded me. "Right." I said to them. "Warren, what do we do about them?" I asked her. "We'll stop anyone who gets in our way." she said to me and I nodded. "The faster we find him." I muttered.

We walked through the woods, down the path as someone calling out for Murphy was always loud. The path just kept going as I kept my eyes on the ground. "There's nothing." I muttered. "What?" Vasquez asked me. "Will, if Murphy was walking on this path, wouldn't there be prints." I said to him. He slowly nodded and look up at the woods. "He could have walked along the path." Vasquez said. "And that would cover the fact there's no prints around."I said to him. "Murphy." Doc yelled again and I sighed. I looked up the trees, waiting for movement that never came. We kept walking as I got angry at everything. "This makes no sense." I muttered. "Oh, hows that?" Vasquez asked me. "Why leave? I mean, we keep him safe for others- mostly." I said as I watched trees again. "He's a bastard." Vasquez said to me. I watched the trees as I sighed again. "With our luck someone kidnapped him."I muttered. "Ya and who took him, cause there's no one out here." Vasquez said to me. "Things aren't as things seem. People could be watching us right now, waiting to jump us." I muttered.

"Murphy!" Doc yelled as I turned to face him. "Ghost town." Addy said. "Nothing but quiet." 10k said to her. "Nothing. No one here." Vasquez said as rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Without Murphy, there's no mission. Keep moving." Warren said to us before we walking off. "For as important as this guy is, we sure lose him a lot." Vasquez said. "Still think he's taken." I said as doc yelled Murphy. Vasquez looked down at me as I slowly stared up at him. "Anyone could have, that borcast was heard by porably everyone." I said to him and he nodded his head. I kept up with them as we walked on. "Murphy, better be taken" 10k muttered and I turned to face him. I watched him as we walked. He was done with all of this, his pissed off face and anger stern eyes. He turned to face me before his face soften and his eyes became calm. I smiled at him before he took my hand, pulling me with him.

I looked throw the tiny window in the door and sighed. I moved out of the way as 10k kicked the door. I stared in, watching for anything, even taking a step in to see more of the house. "Nothing." I muttered and pulled myself out of the house. 10k stared at me before nodding. We walking to the next house and the next. Got jumped a few Z's, but nothing big. Sad that that is nothing big. "Geneva, you ready?" I looked up at 10k and slowly nodded at him. He opened the door and there was a Z. I watched as it went right after 10k. I sighed and stabbed it before he could. He stared at me than at the Z, before looking back at me. "Take the ki-" I was cut off by a Z coming out of the house and at me. I pulled my knife out only for 10k stab the Z before me. I stared at him and smiled at him. I put my hand up at him and he high fived me.

"Murphy! Murphy!" Doc yelled as we climbed the hill. "Come on, man." he said as he dropped his arm and sighed. "All right. We need to fan out or we won't find Murphy by nightfall." Warren said to us. I sighed at I pulled out my gun, rolling my eyes yet again. "Well why we got to split up? I hate that." Doc said. I patted him on the back and started to walk off. I took a few steps down the street, watching all angles, but what's the point, there's nothing around here. I sighed and took out my water, leaning on a building as I slowly took a few sips. I throw it back in my bag and wiped the last in my mouth. I pushed myself off the building and started to walk again.

I walked over to a building and saw something resting on the side. I stared at it and my eyes whined. I walked to the door and grabbed it. "Locked." I muttered and took a step back. There was a Z on the ground as I looked around the building. I tapped on the glass and waited for a moment, waiting for a Z to come out of nowhere, but nothing. I walked over to his stuff and sighed. "Someone's hiding something in here." I said as I dropped his stuff carefully. I looked around and opened at window as quietly as I could. I slowly pulled myself in and looked around. I pointed my gun and looked around every corner. I walked up the stairs, making my step silent as a mouse."Murphy." I whipstered. "10k" I whipstered. I came to the corner and slowly looked up the stairs. I slowly nodded to myself and turned before walking up the steps. Hitting the top I looked around before looking around the corner. I took a step or two and saw the Z's standing there.

I watched them as the walk over, only to stop. They were getting zapped and I nodded at them. I pushed myself to the shaded corner and watched the Z's. They stopped seeing me with their bad eyes as the stood there. I lowered my gun and looked around. I saw Murphy in a chair, his eyes had to me closed as he sat there. Whoever tied him there had to have done something to knock him out. They were draining his blood as he began to steir. I looked over and saw someone on the ground next to him. My eyes whened as I realized who it was. I kept my eyes on them as a guy came up the stairs. I stared at him, keeping my head straight as I did so. He walked over to them before I covered my mouth. If I had gotten in here any slower he could have seen me. I moved quickly and ran behind the Z stands. They watched me for a moment, before going back to him. I keep quiet as I stood there, he stared at them for a moment, before he had to get bored.

He walked off as I watched him throw the gap. He stopped and I pushed myself back to hiding. I listened for a moment before he walked off. I listened before I heard a new sound. I saw him coming back as I pushed myself back again. He wheeled himself back to them and I rolled my eyes. "You bleed slowly. Anybody ever tell you that?" he asked Murphy. "Yes." Murphy said to him. "Look who's Mr. Agreeable all of the sudden." he said as he slowly got up for the chair. " Mr. Murphy and his amazing zombie boy." he said, holding up I sign to them. No, no. "I want to see what happens when you bite a human. Quit lying to me and show me." this guy said to them. Not happening. "Murphy, you don't have to do this." 10k said to him. "Yeah, he does." this guy said as I rolled my eyes. "Do not let him turn me into one of those things." 10k siad up to Murphy. "One of what things?" this guy asked. "I dunno what he's talking about."Murphy said to him. His hand came up and pressed something.

There was a small sound before I heard 10k gasping in pain. Anger bolded up as I pointed my gun as took quiet step over to them. "Patronize me again and you will limp for the rest of your undead life." this guy said to Murphy. "I'm too weak." Murphy said to him. I pushed my gun at his head as I stood there. "That's not going to happen." I said to this guy. "Oh, overprotective are we?" this guy asked me. "Have a promise to keep, you understand." I said to him. I stood a step so I could get a better shoot if it came to that. Both Murphy and 10k stared at me as I pushed my gun harder in this guys head. "Jean/ Geneva" they both said as I glanced over at them, before staring at this guy. This guy had to look at both of them before he said anything. "Ah, the daughter and the girlfriend." he said to me. "Murphy what the hell did you tell this guy?" I asked Murphy. "The truth, I had a daughter." he said to me.

I sighed as I pushed my gun in his head again. "I would stop that that if I was you." this guy said to me. "Why?" I asked staring at him. "Cause I have this." he said to me. He pressed the button and both of them gasped in pain. I stared at them and watching in horror at this scene. I felt weight on my gun and pulled the triggered. "You bitch." this guy said to me as his hand came around me and forced my gun out of my hand. His one arm was around my waist, holding me to face Murphy and 10k. His other hand grabbed my neck and had a tight grip. God damnit. "Now that I have your attention, do what I ask." he said to them. "I want to see what happens when Mr. half-zombie man bites a living breathing human being." this guy said to us. I stepped on his foot and he groaned in pain before his grip around my neck tightened. His hand around my waist let go and moved away. "And it's gonna happen now or I'm gonna start putting holes in people!" he said as his gun pointed at my head. "Starting with princess here." he said as I started to gasp.

"Stop, just stop. I'll do it, just stop." Murphy said loudly. The grip around my neck loosened and I took in air, coughing. "Now, princess, untie him." this guy said to me. He pushed me with his as his one hand untied Murphy. I stared at Murphy for a moment before locking eyes with 10k. He was going to rush at this guy as I stared at him. "Don't." I mouthed to him. He was fighting himself as I was pulled up with this guy. His hand tightened around my throat again and I found it hard to breath. "There's nothing to fear." Murphy sid to 10k. "I don't fear you. I hate you." 10k said to him, before locking eyes with me. "Look what the hell you did to Jean. She's put herself in danger again for you. If you're the key to mankind's survival, we should all just go to hell." 10k said to Murphy. "Finally, something we agree on." Murphy said to him. This guy put his gun away and pulled out the zapper as they were talking and zapped them. They gasped in pain as I tried to pull away from this guy. I could see my gun just a few feet away from me.

"I'm working here!" Murphy yelled at this guy. "Don't you dare do it Murphy." I yelled before air was taken away again. "It won't be that bad." Murphy said to 10k. "What you did to Cassandra was worse than death." 10k said. "Just let it happen, kid. You won't be afraid anymore." Murphy said to 10k. 10k backed up into the fence and fell to ground in pain. I stepped on his foot as I fought to get his hand off my neck. "No! Please, Murphy!" 10k pleaded as I turned to this guy and stared at him. "No! Don't bite him on the face. Don't bite him on the face." this guy said. "I'm tired. You took all my blood." Murphy said to him. "Bite him on the chest, just like yours." this guy said, before his grip tighten around me. I gasped for air, grabbed at his hand, trying to pull it off. "Okay. Okay." Murphy said.

"It'll all be over in a second." he said to 10k. "Stop, stop. Just stop." I mouthed and he let his grip lossen. "No, no, no!" 10k said, trying to fight Murphy. "Stop. I'll take his place. Just please stop." I bagged and stared at Murphy and 10k. "No Jean." 10k said weakly. I stared at 10k then back up at Murphy as he stood there, before looking back at 10k. "I won't let it happen." I said to him. He stared right at me as I watched him. "Love in the apocalypse." this guy said as I turned to him and saw them behind me. This guy's grip was lossen enough, I pushed my finger under him and ripped his hand off me. I kicked him and grabbed my gun, before running behind the stands, caughting for air. I heard a shot and covered my mouth. "Smart kid." the guy said.

"Now, bit him." he yelled before I heard 10k and Murphy groan and gasp in pain again. "Is this what you want?" Murphy asked him. "Yes. Show me what it feels like to be a zombie." he said back. "Done." Murphy and I said as I took the shot at him. It hit his leg before he turned to face me. He stared at me as I waved at him before the Z's got at him. He started screaming in pain as the Z's dug into him. I walked over to Murphy and 10k or started to. I stared down at him before I started to cough. Running around without a lot of air to begin with and then to talk and keep myself quiet. I thinks it makes sense I'm coughing now, maybe even that my sight is tunneling a bit. "Look at me. Look at me!" Murphy yelled at this guy. "Bite me!" he cried to Murphy as I fell to the ground. "Now you know what it feels like to be me. There's no mercy in my world." Murphy said to the guy as I kept coughing. "Don't watch this." Murphy said to 10k.

I could hear him screaming and crying out in pain. "I'm glad you found me, kid. Now get me the hell out of here." Murphy said "Murphy? Murphy, you okay? Murphy?" 10k asked as I turned to see the Z's staring at 10k. I pushed myself up and walked around the stands. "Murphy. Murphy, wake up. Hey, I'm with him. Come on, Murphy! Wake up! Murphy wake up! Murphy!" 10k said loudly. I stared up to see the others walking down. "10K! Draw them over this way!" Addy yelled. She took a shot and hit one in the head and hit the blaster in the shoulder. "I'm out!" she said. Vasquez took a shot and hit, but the other missed. "Dammit." he said loudly. I pointed my gun, leaning on the one stand. I pulled the trigger and watched it fall. I let out sigh as I wrapped my hand around my waist.

I blinked harder and fell into the stand. "Jean." I heard 10k yelled and ran over to me. His hands were helping me before I put my on him. "I'm fine. I'm fine." I said as I stood for a moment, before I fell into him and coughed. My hands found the collar and pulled the pin. I took it off him and throw it to the ground. "You didn't need that." I said to him and saw were the collar was shooking him and frowned. I lightly touched it as his one hand grazed when the guy's hand was. From his eyes it had to be worse than I thought. His fingers touched the side as a part of my was pushing away, my brain recreating that thought in my head. His hand dropped and when for my knees. I stared at him as was going to stop him. "Don't fight me." he said before I coughed again. His hand got behind me knees and I fell into him. He straightened himself and walked over to the group. My hands lightly grabbed his vest as he walked.

"Is she alright?" Warren asked as she and Addy stared down at me. "What happened?" Addy asked. "She tried to save us, but he got hold of her." 10k muttered. "I would have been fine if he didn't hit that button." I said. The group was a head of us as we walked out of the crazy place. Warren walking up to Murphy and Addy walking behind Doc. The only one who was behind us was Vasquez. "Well what happened to him? Murphy, can you hear me?" I heard Doc said loudly as he was pushing Murphy. "He's okay. You're gonna be okay. Ah, look who's still alive." Warren said down to Murphy. "That was-" " Reckless? Ya I know, but we risk our lives for the ones we love." I muttered to him as he stared down at me. "If we won't walking and you won't anger at me, I'd kiss you right now." I whispered and he slowly smiled at me. He looked ahead at the group before the sun hit my eyes. I covered my face, before I pulled myself into him.

"Murphy's blood." I muttered as the doors closed. "Wait Doc." 10k said and Doc stopped. 10k moved his head and pointed it at the building. Doc walked over to us and stood there. "Murphy's blood." I said in low tone to Doc. "We'll be right back." Doc yelled and we walked back into the building. Warren started to push Murphy as they went on. Doc held the door open as 10k walked back in. he slowly set me down and stood on my feet. I stared up at him as he stared down at me. "Come on lovebirds." Doc said to us and I turned to look at him. 10k took my hand as we walked down the hall. It was a quick grab and we turned to walk back out of the building. As we turned there he stood, or a Z version of him. I grabbed the knife from my boot and throw it at him. He fell to the ground before Doc pulled it out of his head. Doc wiped it on his shirt and handed it to me. I took it and put in my boot again.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." Doc said as we walked back. "That's why I'm not talking." 10k said to Doc. "Yeah. No, I get it." Doc said to him. "I have half a mind to leave this on." I heard Vasquez say. "How 'bout a cowbell?" Addy asked. "That'll attract Zs." Warren said. "Yeah well what difference does it make? He yawns and they come running." Addy said. "Is that all of it?" Murphy asked as I stared down at him. "You feel like you're missing six pints?" Doc asked him. "I don't know. I've been unconscious a lot today."Murphy said, before I walked around the car. "All right, well hold still." Doc said to him. I got the other side of the car and opened the door. "You should feel better soon." Warren said to him. "What do you care? Bags of blood are here. Take them. They're yours.Go get your cure. " Murphy said to Warren. "Try not to run off again. We're all counting on you to stay alive." Warren said and was going to walk off.

"Warren. Promise me you won't leave me alone if we make it to California." Murphy asked her as he held her hand on the car. "I promise you." she said to him. I turned to him as my breathing was normal now. "Headache?" I asked him. He slowly nodded as I stared at him. "How are you princess?" he asked me. "I'm a Queen." I said to him and he slowly smiled, resting his head on the back of the car before I smiled back. "Thanks Murphy." I muttered before he looked at me. "For not." I stopped and sighed. "Were you serious about-" " If it came to that." I said to him. "Saddle up." Warren said before the car became full and we drove off.  

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