Me and You Against the World...

By BangTheDoldrums21

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Me and You Against the World; simple as that. Emily and Jack tie the knot and live their wonderful life, but... More

Me and You Against the World (Book Five in the Peterick Mpreg Series)
The Dragon of the Game (Jack's POV)
The Touch's Spark (Emily's POV)
Rhythm of the Night (Emily's POV)
Damned If I Do Ya (Jack's POV)
Hawaii Bound! (Emily's POV)
And Here We Are! (Jack's POV)
Believe What You Want (Emily's POV)
I Was Going To Tell You ... (Emily's POV)
Another Bad Poem (Jack's POV)
Don't Get Me Started (Emily's POV)
Don't Blame Yourself (Pete's POV)
You Can't Be Serious (Patrick's POV)
Me, Myself, And I (Emily's POV)
We Don't Fight Fair (Jaimee's POV)
We're Here For One Reason (Pete's POV)
And One Reason Alone ... Maybe (Jack's POV)
Every Breath You Take (Pete's POV)
They Don't Need To Understand (Emily's POV)
Let's Go Home (Jack's POV)
Date Night (Patrick's POV)
Date Night (Part Two) (Pete's POV)
The Gospel Tour!
Dance, Fucker Dance (Emily's POV)
We're Electric (Pete's POV)
Sleeping With A Friend (Jack's POV)
Just Keep Your Eyes On Me (Emily's POV)
You're Holding Back (Patrick's POV)
This Woman Is My Destiny (Jack's POV)
We're Destined To Explode (Emily's POV)
Follow Me Down (Jack's POV)
Vans Warped Tour!
Hand Out (Part One) (Pete's POV)
Hand Out (Part Two) (Jaimee's POV)
What Happened? (Pete's POV)
I Need Your Help (Emily's POV)
And So It Begins (Jack's POV)
I Know This Hurts (Jaimee's POV)
It Was Meant To (Patrick's POV)
Your Secret's Out (Patrick's POV)
And The Best Part Is (Emily's POV)
... It Really Is A Good One - Or Two - Or Maybe Three (Pete's POV)
I Wanna Get Better (Jack's POV)
Author's Note
Take Me Home (Patrick's POV)
Lullabye (Emily's POV)
Yule Shoot Your Eye Out (Varying POVs)

We Walk The Plank On A Sinking Ship (Patrick's POV)

856 49 75
By BangTheDoldrums21

Well, I just got sent out of Pete's room. I have no idea what's going on with him. He started looking a little out of it when Jackson was born, then it just went downhill after that. His eyes closed and he went limp. They wouldn't tell me what was happening. I don't know if he's okay, I don't know if Jackson's okay, but all I do know is that I'm not okay. And I won't be until I can know what's going on with my husband. 

"Patrick?" I heard Jack's voice along with footsteps approaching me. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I-I don't know," I said, picking my head out of my hands. "P-Pete, there's som-something wrong with h-him."

"What happened?" Jack asked, pulling me into his arms.

"I-I don't ev-even know," I said. "O-One minute he's fine, b-but the n-next minute, his e-eyes are closing an-and he go-goes limp in my h-hand."

"Geez, man," Jack said, rubbing my back, allowing my to cry into his shirt. 

"I don't know what's going on!" I cried. "They wouldn't tell me and they just shoved me out of the room!"

"Patrick, he'll be okay," Jack said. "He just had a baby. He'll be okay for little Jackson, and definitely for you."

Jack and I just sat there out in the hallway, on the floor and against the wall. Hours seem to pass by, but in reality, it was probably a half hour at the least. A short while later, I heard Pete's room door open, then I turned to see who was coming out. It was our doctor. I stood up, as did Jack, then I asked him what happened. He said that Pete had lost a lot of blood, and that he had eventually stopped the bleeding. He told me that Pete was in a lot of pain, but he had given him pain medication. I asked if I was allowed to see him, and he nodded. I thanked him, then rushed straight in to see Pete.

"Baby," I said as I got to his side, grabbing his hand. 

"Hey," he gave me a small, weakened smile. 

"I'm so glad you're okay," I breathed a sigh of relief. "You had me so worried," I said, wiping a tear falling down my cheek.

"Don't cry baby," Pete said, gripping my hand with his other hand as well. 

"I was so scared," I said. "They didn't tell me what was going on, they just rushed me out of the room, leaving me there wondering if I was still going to have a husband after this."

"I couldn't just leave all of you," Pete chuckled weakly. 

"God, I love you so much," I said, kissing him gently.

"I love you too," Pete smiled at me. "Where's our little baby?"

"Right here," a nurse said, smiling as she carried our little bundle of joy towards us. 

Pete looked at me and smiled, then smiled at the nurse. She gently set our little baby boy in Pete's arms, then smiled and left the room. Pete and I both looked down at the sweet, little baby we had created, then looked at one another. Pete had started crying, which inevitably made me cry. I returned my gaze to little Jackson, then sat on the edge of Pete's hospital bed. I took Jackson's little hand in mine, then he looked at me with his big, brown eyes. 

"Pete, he's beautiful," I said, still smiling at Jackson. 

"I couldn't agree more, really," Pete said. "He looks just like you."

"Whatever," I laughed. 

"Here, hold your son for the first time," Pete smiled at me, allowing me to take little Jackson in my arms.

I stood back up, walking around the room while I smiled at our baby in my arms. I started talking to him, telling him how much I loved him already, which was making Pete chuckle, but also smile. I ran my finger against his little cheek, then he smiled at me. A big smile grew on my face, then I returned to Pete's bed, sitting back on the edge of it. Jackson gave me a little smile again, then he held my finger with his little hand. I allowed more tears to escape my eyes, which Pete sat up and gently wiped away. 

"We did it," I said. "We have the perfect family."

"I could not agree more," Pete smiled. "Jackson is absolutely perfect."

"Everyone of our kids is," I smiled. "Now, while we're at it, we should fill out all the stuff about Jackson."

"Good idea," Pete said.

I handed Jackson back to Pete, then went over to the table where the doctor had set the paperwork. It was just typical things, like: date of birth, time, name, and things like that. I grabbed the papers, then a pen, and went and sat back down on Pete's bed. He had scooted over, so now both of us could sit/lay together on the bed. I took my place next to him, kissing his cheek, then getting started on all the paperwork.

"Date of birth," I said.

"Easy," Pete smirked. "August eighth, two thousand and fourteen." (that works, kay? I don't know xD) I knew the answer to every question, but it's more fun when Pete and I are doing it together.

"Time of birth," I said. 

"That, I don't know. I was a little out of it," Pete chuckled. 

"Jackson was born at 4:35," I smiled. 

"4:35," Pete smiled back. 

"Name," I said. 

"Hm, I don't know about that one," Pete smirked. "That's a hard one."

"I don't know about you, but I'm liking the name Jackson Lucas," I said. 

"Hm, I think I can live with it," Pete laughed, stopping a few seconds afterward and groaning.

"Be careful, babe," I said. "Okay, weight."

"I don't know that either," he said. 

"The nurse told me when he was born," I said. "He's eight pounds, two ounces."

"He's still perfect," Pete smiled, kissing Jackson's forehead.

"And lastly, height," I smiled. "and before you say you don't know, I'll just tell you. He was twenty-one inches."

Pete smiled at me as I put the paperwork back on the table, then I turned back and faced Pete and Jackson. I put my arms around Pete, then held Jackson's little hand in mine again. We stayed that way for a little while, then Pete eventually let me hold Jackson again. A few more minutes after that, Pete dozed off, which didn't surprise me at all. He needed his rest anyway, especially after the long day we've had.


 After an hour or so, there was a small knock at the door - just loud enough to wake Pete up. I felt bad, but then I got up and opened the door, Jackson still in my arms. Joe, Andy, Jaimee, and Ethan stood there, smiling at me, then the little baby in my arms. Pete was the first to say something when I let them all in.

"Hey guys!" he smiled. "Come here!" he said, motioning to Jaimee and Ethan. He wrapped his arms around them, then let them go. 

"How ya feelin', man?" Joe asked. 

"Sore, but good enough," Pete joked. 

"Well, judging by the looks of this kid, you did good," Andy smiled, motioning to Jackson in my arms. 

"Speaking of which, do Jaimee and Ethan want to meet their little brother?" Pete smiled. 

"Yes!" Jaimee said as she smiled.

"Can I?" Ethan asked. 

"Of course!" I smiled, sitting down on the edge of Pete's bed again. Jaimee and Ethan sat on either side of me and took hold of Jackson's little hands.

"He's so cute," Jaimee smiled at him, making Pete and I smile. 

"I can't wait to teach him how to play Legos!" Ethan said, making everyone in the room laugh. I didn't know there was a specific way to play Legos, but hey, seven year old logic is great. 

"Can I hold him?" Jaimee asked.

"Of course," I smiled again, gently putting Jackson in Jaim's arms. She smiled at him, playing with his little hand. I looked over at Pete, who smiled at me, then returned his glance to Jaimee and Jackson. 

 "Can I hold him too?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, little man," I smiled, picking him back up and setting him back on the bed, then Jaimee gently handed Jackson to me. I explained to Ethan that he needed to support the baby's head, then I gently put Jackson in his arms. 

"He really is cute," Ethan said, making us smile. 

It really just warmed my heart, you know? I mean, seeing your other kids - well, two of your other kids - holding the newest addition to the family just makes me smile. I couldn't be happier right now. I'm so glad that Pete's okay, that Jackson's okay, and that just about everyone else is here to see all of us. Definitely the perfect family now. 

Everything feels complete

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