Just Cori (Ambitious Girl Seq...

Por lush_rush

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If you love something, set it free; If it comes back its yours, if it doesn't, it never was. ~ Richard Bach I... Más

Just Cori (Ambitious Girl Sequel)
Chapter 1: Jealous
Chapter 2 : The Wedding
Chapter 3 : Find A Way
Chapter 4: Pieces
Chapter 5 : Bad Day
Chapter 6: Confessions
Chapter 7: Can I
Chapter 8: Alone Together
Chapter 9: Desire
Desire (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Hot & Cold
Chapter 11: Plans
Chapter 12: Blame Game
Chapter 13: For You
Chapter 14: Anticipation
Chapter 15 : Passive Aggres-Her
Chapter 16: Forevers
Chapter 17: Spoiled
Chapter 18: Failure
Chapter 19 : Situationships
Chapter 20: Guns & Roses
Chapter 21: Please Don't Go
Chapter 22: Consideration
Chapter 23: Epiphany
Chapter 24: Enlightment
Chapter 25: New Beginnings
Chapter 26: The Fact Is ( I Need You)
Chapter 27: The Bachelor
Chapter 28: The Big Day
Chapter 29: The Big Night (The Irony)
Chapter 30: Fortunate
Chapter 31: Skeptical
Chapter 32 : SMH
Chapter 33: Stressed Out
Chapter 34: Let Go
Chapter 35: The Pact
Chapter 36: Foolish
Chapter 37: Slow Down
Chapter 38: Love Is Blind
Chapter 39: Paranoid
Chapter 40: Love Don't Change
Chapter 41: Panic Mode
Chapter 42: Do We Have To
Chapter 43: Couples Therapy
Chapter 44:Hate That I Love You
Chapter 45: Mishap
Chapter 46: Pre-Parenting
Chapter 47: Options
Chapter 48: Replica
Chapter 50: Opportunity Awaits !
Chapter 51: Meant To Be (Interview)
Chapter 52: Good News !
Chapter 53: Nervous Wreck!
Chapter 53: Glory
Chapter 54: Incomplete
Chapter 55: 24 Hours
Chapter 56: Homecoming
Chapter 57: Don't Be Afraid
Chapter 58: Parenthood
Chapter 59: Just Yesterday
Chapter 60: Thankful
Chapter 61: Finale

Chapter 49: Secrets

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Por lush_rush


I woke up with the meanest headache ever I don’t really remember last night all I know was I was turnt up. I looked over at my phone to see a couple of text messages. One was from Candice, it read.

“Hey Chres, just checkin on ya! You were really turnt last night lol” I squinted my eyes not remembering anything all I know was that we went to the bar. I then read Jacob's text message.

“Hey bro, you good? I quickly replied.

“Yeah why does everyone keep asking me that?

“Jacob and I had to walk you in the house last night around 3 and Cori had to answer the door”. He replied. I placed my head back in frustration; I knew this wouldn’t be good. I knew she's going to be upset or already upset. Especially because I never told her where I was going. I looked over at her and watched her silently stretch to do her yoga. I felt so bad and today wasn’t a good day for any commotion. She placed her hands on the wall and pushed her feet out leaning forward.

“Come on twins turn around” She sighed. I chuckled because in every sonogram picture Chance is blocking Carmelo and is in his way. We can already tell he's going to be the bad one.

“Hey Baby” I yawned greeting her. She turned around “H-hey” She said turning back around. This was kind of awkward I didn’t know what to say or do. She got up pulling my t-shirt back down and sat on the edge of the bed. “So Chres did you have fun last night at the bar with friends? She asked.

“How did you know? I asked

“Come on, it's obvious that you went to the Spot you always go there and I know Candice was there too so don’t even lie” She said. I didn’t say anything because it was no use I got caught.

“Like damn you could have at least told me where you were going. Who wants to be worried where there husband is on a Friday night” She said going in the closet pulling out balloons and a couple and a gift.  “You're right it was dumb of me I should of at least told you were I was going” I agreed. She didn’t say anything else. “Come on lets wake up Trevon” She said. I got out of the bed and through on a shirt she placed on some sweat pants and we both walked to Tre's room. I could tell she was still upset but I guess we’ll talk about it later. I started flicking the lights up and down trying to wake him up.

“TREEEEEEE” I yelled. He slowly got up “Huh? He asked.

“Happy Birthday Trevon” Cori yelled leaning on his bed and gave him kisses. He started laughing really hard I joined in I took his pillow and playfully smothered him with the pillow.

“Stoppp” he laughed. We finally stopped. “What a nice awakening” he said. “Yeah we're very playful” I said. She picked up a bag and placed it on his bed. His eyes widened “What's this? He asked looking through the bad. “Yesss you bought me the art kit I wanted” he smiled.

“Yeah it was time for an upgrade my friend” She joked. He hugged her tightly “Thanks Ma” he smiled. I looked at her giving her that look and she got up. “You're welcome baby, I'll be back” She said getting up. I watched her get up and she left. I sat on the edge of his bed “Hey Coach” he said.

“Happy Birthday Tre” I cheered handing him his gift. He looked confused “A Gift? He joked.

“Of course I'm gonna give you a gift, Cori told me how the fight started and I applaud you because if that was me I would do the same thing.

“Really? He asked

“Yeah I do, and the only reason I'm hard on you is because I don’t want you to make any more wrong decisions. But that doesn’t mean I have to be too hard on you because my dad was hard on me and I didn’t like him for a while and I don’t want you to feel the same.” I explained.

“Yeah at times I feel like you're through with me so I don’t even bother telling you things anymore especially since my fuck ups” he said.

“Of course you can talk to me I may not always like what it is or your actions but that’s a part of being a parent I'm suppose to love you unconditionally” I said.

“You love me coach? He asked and I was kind of caught off guard. “Yeah I do just like a son and I want you to be the best because I see a lot of you in me” he said.

“I love you too coach, Dad. I don’t care if you aren’t my biological father you've done so much for me that you didn’t have to” He said hugging me I hugged him back. “Now open your gift” I said, He ripped the paper off of the box. “Oh shi-shoot you got my retro 4's” he cheered trying them on.

“Yeah I got me a pair too” I laughed. “Hell yeah these are the shoes” he smiled.

“See I told you if you get yourself together I'd buy you some” I said.

“Thanks Dad” he cheered. I felt so weird inside but it felt so right at the same time. “You're welcome son” I said leaving his room to find my wife watching the baby channel “You talked to him? She asked eating her donut. “Yeah I talked to him and it went fine he loved his gift” I explained. “That's good, Candice texted you saying she had fun last night” She said.

Later That Night

We were all having a good time so far, Even though my wife wasn’t saying much to me at least we didn’t show our tension this time.  We just finished wishing Tre a happy birthday I was upstairs playing spades with my friends. While Cori was downstairs with Tre and his friends I felt like she was only down there to avoid me. I went down there to check on them and I saw her playing just dance with a group of girls. Everyone was laughing and I started to laugh with them. I looked over at Trevon playing Uno with his friends his little Puerto Rican crush was sitting next to him playing. I looked over at him and gave him that look.

“Chres were about to play karaoke upstairs come upstairs” Lisa yelled. I feel like this is so corny of us but Toni thought it would be fun I guess this is what married couples do instead of going to the club. I guess it’s time to retire from the late night life. I went back upstairs to see Jacob and Toni singing fire and desire they sounded horrible and I busted out laughing. “Guys please stop” I shouted grabbing a beer from the cooler I swore I wouldn’t get fucked up tonight but I needed a little buzz to make me feel good. I took a sip and grabbed the mic from Toni. “Come on Jacob you want to do around the way girl like we used to” I asked. He scrolled up the options and found around the way girl. It started playing and Jacob and I started laughing while dancing and getting ready. I saw Cori make her way over watching us she started clapping for us. “Just go” She said.

Jacob started rapping the first part

I want a girl with extensions in her hair

Bamboo earrings, at least two pair

A Fendi bag and a bad attitude

That's all I need to get me in a good mood

She can walk with her switch and talk with street slang

I love when I woman ain't afraid to do her thang

Standin' at the bus stop, suckin' on a lollipop

When she gets pumpin', it's hard to make the hotty stop

She likes to dance to the rap jam

She's sweet as brown sugar with candied yams

Honey-coated complexion

Music camay

Let's hear it for the girl

She's from around the way

Toni was clapping him on “Go baby you better rap your heart out” She laughed.

Then it was my part and I went in I always wanted to be a rapper when I was a teenager.

Silky, bilky 

Your smiles' like sunshine

That's why I had to dedicate at least one rhyme

To all the cuties in the neighborhood

'Cause if I didn't tell you, then another brother would

You're sweet like sugar with your gangsta talk

Wanna eat you like a cookie when I see you walk

With your rayon, silk, or maybe even denim

It really doesn't matter as long as your in 'em

You can break hearts and manipulate minds

Or surrender, act tender

Be gentle and kind

You always know what to say and do

Go flip when you think your man is playing

No cheap or petty

You're ready for loving

You're real independent, so your parents be buggin'

But if you ever need a place to stay

Come around my way.

We finished dancing kicking out the old school moves like the running man as we rapped. Once we were finished we were out of breath. “I think we need to hit the gym again” I said out of breathe.

“Who's next? Lisa asked. “I don’t know who's going next? Jacob asked looking around. “Cori you go” he said. Her eyes widened “I can’t sing what you are talking about? She asked getting mad. “Come on girl you know you can sing just do it” Toni said. “Yeah just do it” Trevon said coming up the stairs everyone was cheering her on to go. “Come on baby you can do it” I said encouraging her.

“Fine guys” She mumbled walking up to the stool. I chose And I by Ciara and I started singing the lyrics slowly on the screen.

I don't need me a basketball player

All I need is somebody that's down for me

And he don't have to have money

His love is just like honey

It's so sweet to me

He can have everythin' in this world

But he'll sacrifice it all for me

And I made up my mind

I'm in love this time

And it feels so real

And I know that he won't break my heart

And I know that we won't ever part

It's time, time for us to settle down

And I wanna be with him forever

I saw everyone's expression change while I was singing even my husband’s for some reason it felt like no one else was in the room and I was just singing to him. “YASSSS, Oh my fucking gosh Cori you better sing” Toni cheered making me laugh a little.

“We all could have been extra rich with Beyonce in the building” Jacob joked leaving.


I was staring in Cori's eyes while she was singing and I was amazed I never knew how talented she was or how much soul she had in her voice she was absolutely beautiful sitting up there. I did start to feel a little bit guilty so I stopped making eye contact with her and walked over towards Jacob. Her eyes followed me and she turned around finishing her song. Everyone was clapping including me.

“Awww spice cakes” Jacob laughed hugging her. “Eww don’t call me that I hate that name you gave me” She laughed. I heard Trevon called me and I quickly went downstairs removing myself from the uncomfortable situation upstairs. “Wassup? I asked.

“Uhh we need more soda” he said. “Are ya'll having fun? I asked. No one answered they were so distracted by all the entertainment systems we had down here. I went back upstairs in the kitchen and grabbed a pack of soda. I saw Brian going downstairs. “Ayee Brian” I called. He came back up “Yeah coach? “Here catch” I said throwing it at his hands. I watched him go downstairs and I looked over to see my friends dancing. I couldn’t find Cori so I walked down the hall to see the bathroom light on. “I knocked on the door, I knew she was in there and it sounded like she was crying. I placed my palm on my face and started hitting myself in the head. It's always me I'm always the bad guy. “You okay in there? I asked. I could her blowing her nose.

“I'm fine Chres just go away” She begged. I opened the door and walked in she didn’t say much. “Just leave I just want my space for a second”

“If it’s about last night I can explain”

“I don’t even care anymore just leave me alone Chres” She shouted.

“Man I'm always the fucking bad guy I can never do anything right with you” I shouted in frustration. She still didn’t anything and I was getting madder and madder. “Yo, just talk to me? He begged holding her wrists.

“Get off of my hands Chres and have you been drinking? She asked.

“Now you're accusing me of being drunk I'm not even drunk I'm just trying to get my damn wife to talk to me” he shouted.

Jacob and Lisa were knocking on the door. “Ya'll good in there? They asked.

“Yeah I'm fucking fine just let me talk to my wife” he spat

“Chres, just calm down give her some space she's upset” Jacob said opening the door.

“Man she always upset everything I fucking do is a problem” he snapped. Jacob pulled his arm and he finally agreed to give her some space. Lisa came in the bathroom and shut the door. “Wanna talk about it? She asked rubbing her back. She shook her head not saying anything just crying.

Later that Night

Everyone left Lisa was nice enough to clean up for me since I couldn’t do much. Once she left I went upstairs and talked to Trevon for a few before he went to sleep. He told me how he and his friends on enjoyed his party and how they felt like adults. I was happy to hear that from him Chres and I was worried he wouldn’t enjoy himself. Speaking of Chres last time I checked he was outside talking to Jacob. I placed on my jacket and walked back down stairs I wanted to find him so we could talk. I opened the door and there he was sitting on the step. I closed the door behind me and sat next to him. It was an awkward pause and we both just stared at the trees blowing back and forth.

“Chres I'm sorry for earlier I was just-

“Don’t apologize for how you feel, I know I hurt your feelings and you probably think that I'm having an affair with Candice but that's not the case”

“Yeah but how do you expect me to feel when you just leave not telling me where you're going then you come home wasted and then I find out Candice was there”

“It wasn’t just her she bought her friends. She just needed some moves for the night and me and the boys weren’t doing anything so I just invited them” he explained.

“OHH” She said. “I know that she’s your friend but sometimes I feel like I'm in this alone. Ever since I've gotten pregnant it feels like our relationship is going back how it used to be. Chres I just need you okay, I don’t like being alone especially like this. And I just want you to be there. I'm just tired of this drama and these women and Now you have me super stressed because I don’t want you to be an alcoholic. What's going on Chres why have you been drinking lately? I asked.

He didn’t say anything he just stared at the sky.

“You know my mother would be tickled pink if she knew I'm having children. She always told me that I would be a great father and I just miss her so much and I'm just hurt that my sons will never meet their grandmother. And that she’ll never be able to witness what’s about to happen. But even though I always talked well about my mother and father there were some things I didn’t agree on.” He explained. I held my arms around him tighter scared of what they have done to make him feel like this.

“Remember how you told me that if I don’t stop acting like a drill sergeant they'd grow up to hate me? He asked me.

“Y-yeah” I said remembering what I told him.

He sighed “I rarely talk about this or tell anyone but my father used to be very hard on me. When I was about 6 or 7 my dad taught me how to fight but not in a good way. I would be up for late nights learning boxing and how to use weapons it was so intense that I would fall asleep in all of my classes. My mother would never say or do anything about it. Even if she would try she would get cursed at.

“So he was abusive”? I asked.

“A little, he wasn’t like Ike and Tina abusive but she was scared of him and that made me mad because she would never stick up for me. I was even scared of him and then” I could hear Chres tearing up.

“He used to make me fight boys for no reason, like he would have matches outside and if I didn’t win the fight I would get in trouble. And you know I was just a little boy I didn’t want to fight .I just wanted to have fun and be free and she never said anything she knew begging wouldn’t make him stop. And then once my mother started to get sick it stopped, Once she died. He started becoming bitter and nasty and became an alcoholic and when he was drunk he would tell me how I wouldn’t be this and how I wouldn’t be that.” He cried. I started rubbing his back continuing to listen to him

I felt so bad listening to his story Chres never in my life told me about this and I know I kind of understand him even more.

“Then when he re-married Patrice things were going well and I started to like him again but then once that liquor hit his body he became another person. Senior year in high school I was going through the same shit down the basement I had to exercise to the best of my abilities because he wanted me to enlist in the military, since he didn’t.  And then one night he was super drunk and was working me too hard, I got mad and told him I wasn’t doing it. Seconds later he tries to strangle me to death. I told him I wasn’t doing it so he kicked me out of his house and I lived back to back with my friends.

“Eventually we became on some type of good terms and he paid my way through college but then it felt like I wasn’t good enough for him so that's how I started selling for a while. This dudes I was selling for made me feel welcomed I felt like I was in a real family I knew that head my back and they always did.

I didn’t know what to say all of this finally made sense to me. “Why didn’t you tell him how you felt? I asked.

“I just figured it's best to let it go since were fine now” he explained.

“Yeah but that was borderline child abuse I understand that he was trying to discipline you but he didn’t have to take it to the extreme” I shouted I became angry if I would of knew this sooner I would have been said something.

“IM NOT TELLING HIM” he yelled he got up and started pacing back and forth.

“Chres, why are you so angry all of the time? I sobbed.

“Baby come here” I said calmly. He shook his head and I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug and he broke down. “I don’t want to be like him Cori” he sobbed.

“And you won't, look at me” I said he looked up at me.

“You're not him”

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All the answers on his behavior lol

This is like his 1st break down I thing awwwww :(

Should he tell his father how he feels?

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