Don't Call Me Angel [Book 4]...

By Alexander226

125K 8K 471

Olivia Moore returned home to pay her mother respect. To her amazement Olivia's home was still there. Letting... More

Copyright/ Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Message/Bonus?/Family Tree Problems Fixed?
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Big News!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 29

1.5K 125 1
By Alexander226

It was three hours ago since Tony and I had gotten off the plane. It was almost nice. It was offsetting to be around so many humans. I was always in hiding because of my wings and now I was walking alongside the very people I feard. But time has changed. A lot. Nothing is what it used to be and I was grateful for that.

The plane ride was not to my liking. I couldn't feel the wind, smell the fresh air above the clouds, and I had a ten-year-old child kick the back of my seat the whole ride. I had thought to bite him and take enough blood where he would sleep most of the way but Tony said if I did it, it would be a crime.

The real crime was the child kick my seat and pulled my hair every time he got up to use the bathroom. I even caught him trying to stick gum in my hair. And all while the mother ignored the child's actions and even scolded me for asking the child to stop kicking my seat. The child was getting away with murder here.

I sighed in my seat in the rental Tony bought. We had driven out of the city an hour ago and was now surrounded by trees. Rolling my window down I took a deep breath. It still smelled the same. Even over a hundred years the forest never changed. It was the many things I like about this journey was something never change no matter how long it has been.

"Are you sure your okay? After what happened to you-"

"I'm alright, " I told her. I could tell she has been worried about this whole trip just like Edea was but I felt like it was what needed to be done.

I have been feeling this pull to return home where I grow up and I knew that if I did I would find something of worth. I don't know what that something was but I was determined to find out what it was.

While recovering from my wounds I needed something to distract me from my mates rejecting. The only answer I had was to return to my childhood home and restart a new. Maybe I'll start working as a medic and work alongside enforcers like Tony. I could work in this region and help WDA as well.

Or like my twin sibling, I should travel the world and see what changes were made in the past few hundred years. Maybe I'll find my second lifemate fast if I did so.

But. . . do I really what such a thing. A second lifemate. That man, Joel, there was something about him that I couldn't shack off. Even though I only knew him for a second I knew few well we spent more time than that.

I sometimes wonder what our time together was like. Did we ever kiss? Did we ever hold hands? Or did he ever talk sweetly to me like Victor does towards Edea? Did we ever. . . no, surely I wouldn't have gotten that far with him. . . I don't think. What would it be like to be held by a man like Joel?

"Why is your face red, " Tony asked taking peeks towards me. "Do you feel sick? What me to stop the car?"

"No, " I laughed. "I was just wondering what it would be like."

"Be like what?"

"To be held by your lifemate."

The car swerved to the side and hit into a dead stop. "Are you okay?" I had asked Tony and the moment I looked her way she was starting out in the road. Her tan skin turned pinkish and I would smell that she was aroused. "Tony?"

She shook her and looked at me or more like throw me. "Yeah?" She said in a dream-like state.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay. I.. umm was just thinking."


"Nothing. You hear, nothing, " she shouts. "The grave site is down that way, " Tony said weakly while unbuckling her seat belt.

I quickly placed my on her shoulder, "its okay. I'll go by myself."


"I will be fine, " I smiled, "I will be a while so why don't you go back to town and get us a hotel room."

"I'm not letting you go anywhere alone and besides I already have a room for us."

"Then why don't you go to town and do some shopping."

"I don't do shopping."

"I really like to be alone, " I snapped which was something I never really did until I started therapy for my legs. "I like to be alone, " I said once more but calmly.

Tony didn't move even when I opened my side of the door and let myself out. I then took a couple of steps forward and turned to make sure that she wasn't leaving the car.

"Hey dumbass, " Tony yelled through the open window, that I never rolled back up, "make sure to call me if something happens."

"Okay," I yelled waving my hand in the air while walking.

"You remember to click the number one and I will get your call."


"Are you listening, " she yelled as I walked passed a couple trees.

"Click one, I got it, " I yelled back pulling out a 'flip phone' she called it or a 'burner phone' well whatever the bug like thing was all I knew how to do was push the buttons.

I shoved the 'flip phone' back into my pocket and ran.

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