Vanished || l.h. au

By MandyVera

24.3K 1K 558

"Tick tock Your clock is almost out That's bad for you, but good for me Because two can keep a secret, if one... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five


503 32 19
By MandyVera

GUYS VANISHED GOT RANKED!! It's only #775 in Mystery/Thriller but it's still something, and I'm excited so I decided to write this update for you guys.

VERY IMPORTANT CHAPTER, so make sure you're reading closely. Please read the author's note at the end, thanks babes


“So are you going to explain where you have been all this time?” I asked Luke as he sat down across from me. I grabbed a cereal bowl from the cabinet, taking down the cereal box from the top of the fridge and pouring some of the Cheerios into the bowl. I grabbed the milk from the fridge, pouring the milk into the bowl until it was filled about halfway.

“Where do you want me to start?” He asked, looking at me as I turned back around to face him.

“I want you to start from the second you disappeared on me.” I requested, taking in a spoonful of my cereal. He nodded his head, intertwining his fingers in front of him as he stared down at them.

“Well, I’m not sure how long of a time period there was between when I disappeared and when I woke up but-”

“Wait, you woke up?” I paused, interrupting him. This was huge news, how could he just brush past it like it was nothing?

“Yeah, I did. Like woke up to this world, not just some stuck in the in-between here.”

My eyes widened and my spoon dropped from my hand, splashing some milk onto my pajama shirt. “Luke, that’s huge! That means… that means you’re actually alive.” I gaped, not being able to process this news without all the excitement building up in me.

Luke nodded his head at me, looking completely unphased.

“Yes, I’m alive. I thought we established this long ago? Like when we discovered my body wasn’t in the coffin or when we both heard my heartbeat down in the morgue?” He reminded me, looking at me in confusion. I rolled my eyes at him, since it seemed we were on completely different pages here.

“But you waking up actually confirms it. Now we know it’s definite.” I pointed out to him, using my spoon. He still looked at me perplexed but shook his head.

“I still don’t get it but okay, whatever. Anyways, as I was saying before, I woke up and it took a few minutes for all my senses to regulate since they were unused for so long, but when I did there were these two guys in the room.”

“Did you recognize them?” I asked, cutting him off again. He held up a finger to me, letting me know he was getting there.

“I seemed to have awoken in the midst of chaos and they were yelling stuff at each other but I caught some of their words. I think they have me on some serious anesthetics. From what I understood, I only awoke because they ran out.”

“That sort of explains why you’re here.” I nodded, some of this finally making sense. Well as much as this situation could make sense.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows at me, tilting his head to the side.

“What do you mean?” he asked, searching for an explanation.

I sighed, putting down my spoon since I knew I wouldn’t be able to eat while explaining this. Knowing my luck the cereal would fall from my mouth as I was talking and that would just be disgusting and completely unattractive.

“When a person is under anesthesia, their body is unconscious and immobile so that the doctors can work on the person’s body, right? Your body’s senses are technically deactivated during this time period which explains why most people don’t really remember anything after they were put under and the drug started effecting their system. Hence, why you don’t remember being put under anesthesia. There’s two things that I can’t figure out though. One, why you’re here. The only reason I can think of is that you were put under so quickly without any preparation and your brain activity was still too excited that you’re unconscious state managed to drift off somehow. How you ended up here with me and how we are able to physically touch is beyond my level of understanding. The other thing is, how are you not dead from an overdose?”

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Well, anesthesia is a drug. Too much of it in your system can result in an overdose. Unless the person who is keeping you under is keeping a close eye on you to regulate when you’re waning off of the drug and acting on the precise moment to inject you again before your mind starts to wake up.”

Luke blinked at me, eyes wide and sort of in… awe?

“How do you know all of this?” He asked, his voice surprised.

I shrugged my shoulders, picking up my spoon again so I could finally resume eating my cereal which was sadly probably soggy by now.

“When I get bored I google things.”

Luke stared down at his hands, and I could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he processed all the information. I knew it was a lot to take in, but now that Luke has more insight on what we’re dealing with since he woke up, maybe, just maybe, we could get closer to solving his case and finding Luke. Well his actual physical body.

“So you said this person had to be analyzing me, waiting for the precise moment to reinject me with the anesthesia?”

I nodded my head, taking another bite of my cereal.

“That makes sense then.” he said, his eyes looking away from me as if he was trying to focus on something else. My eyebrows scrunched together, and I pursed my lips.

“What makes sense?”

He flicked his gaze to me, leaning forward as he kept steady eye contact with me.

“Remember that day at the diner, the day this all happened?” he asked. I looked at him in disbelief.

“Luke, how could you think I would forget that day? It’s when everything turned to straight up hell.”

“Well the old guy, the one we were running away from and I told you was bad news?” I nodded my head, pressing for him to continue. “I know him.”

I let out a breath of air, just about done with Luke. I wasn’t clueless to everything. “Well I figured when you told me he was bad news, Luke.” I rolled my eyes at him.

He shook his head, cradling it in his hands as he looked down for a brief moment before looking back up at me. “No, no I mean I know him. I’ve known him since I was a little boy.” He told me.

Now that was news.

“You kind of failed to mention that tiny detail, babe.” I told him sarcastically. Not that I could do much with that information but it was still something. “So who is he?”

“He’s a doctor like my dad. They used to work on the same floor and everything. My dad had known him long before I was born, too. But he’s always been a little off according to my dad. He would never let me near the guy, telling me he was mentally unstable.”

“So why would they allow him to be a doctor?” I asked in shock. I definitely wouldn’t want this doctor operating on me and I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one if everyone else knew the same as me.

Luke shrugged his shoulders. “He may be mentally unstable but he’s a hell of a good doctor; steady hand and everything. I guess the hospital was willing to overlook all his mental issues if it meant having a good doctor. Besides this is a small town, Beth, many of our doctors just go to Tulsa or Oklahoma City to work.”

I had to agree, it made sense no matter how wrong it really was.

I got up from my stool, bringing the cereal bowl with me to the kitchen sink and placing it down, filling it up with some water so that the leftover Cheerios wouldn’t harden and stick to the walls of the bowl. That would be just fantastic to try and scrub with a sponge later.

“Where are you going?” Luke asked, following me as I walked out of the kitchen and towards the front hallway.

“I’m going to go to your dad’s job and confront this guy.” I told him, reaching down by the front door to grab my shoes and slip them on. Luke’s hand reached out for my arm, maintaining a light grip to stop me.

“One, that’s an incredibly stupid idea did you forget this guy tried to murder us? And two,” he sighed, scratching the back of his neck, “I kind of already may have done that.”

Now that stopped me.

“So it’s okay for you to go and confront him, but not me?” I questioned him with a slight attitude, turning to face him with my hands on my hips. He held his hands out in front of him, waving them as if to stop any thought that may be possibly formulating in my mind.

“No, that’s not what I meant by it. I’m just not really here remember? He can’t harm me. But I got nothing out of it anyways, turns out he isn’t even there anymore.”

I dropped my hands from my hips, letting them fall limp to my sides.

“What?” I asked, perplexed. Today was just an influx of new information it seemed. "When did you even do this?"

“One time that you went out with Michael and Ashton. And since I’m invisible and no one can see me, I thought it couldn’t hurt to check out the log books and he hasn’t been marked in since the day of the incident.”

“You mean…” I started, putting the pieces together.

“He went missing the day we did.”

I grabbed my head, my mind starting to hurt a little as I tried to sort all the information.

“So you mean to tell me we don’t have a lead with him. We don’t even know where he is?” I asked Luke.

“Well we know he’s with me, physical me, because I heard them and I recognized his voice.”

I lifted my head up quickly, something clicking as soon as he said it.

“Wait, that’s right you mentioned there was another guy?” I questioned him, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, he sounded younger, too. An assistant of some sort. He was the one who injected me with the anesthesia that put me down this time. Which is why I’m here again.”

“How long ago was that?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “How long did I disappear for?” he asked.

“Two days.”

He tilted his head up, his lips moving as he silently mouthed whatever calculations he was doing in his head.

“Well, let’s see, I disappeared when I woke up, then the doctor knocked me out with a punch and so I was out from that for who knows how long. Then I woke up again, and the person helping him had come back with a new batch of anesthesia which he quickly injected me with. I assume it took a few minutes for me to go under, and then even longer for my unconscious mind to drift back to you so… Yeah, I don’t really know where I’m going with this, Beth.” He quickly ended, looking back at me hopeless. I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

“I think I know what we need to do next.” I nodded to myself reassuringly, knowing in fact that it was indeed the next step.

“Which is?” He pressed, stepping closer to me.

“We need to find out who that other guy who he's working with is.”

“And how are you going to do that?” Luke asked with a slight attitude. Now it was him staring at me with one hand on his hip.

“I’m going to go and take Holden up on his offer.”

Luke didn’t look too crazy about that idea.



well it's about time they figured something out am i right

writing anesthesia over and over again is actually kind of tiring ugh lol and yes i did my research aren't you proud haha

anyways for the importance of this author note, it's actually not important at all, just to me.

I published a new book for you guys called Self-titled. Now if you're lazy like me you're probs not going to go to my profile to check out what it's about so I'll just tell you. Basically I took their self-titled album (see what i did there) and made a story chapter for each song. But I matched a song to each one of the 5sos boys and linked their songs together to make a small coherent story. So right now book one:Luke of the self-titled series is up and in the process of being completed so it would mean a lot to me if you checked it out and voted for it with some feedback. I think it's actually a pretty neat idea and I'm excited for it so I would love if you supported me on that book like you do with this one.

Love you guys <3


the media pic is in dedication to the cheerios mentioned in this chapter lol

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