Don't Call Me Angel [Book 4]...

By Alexander226

125K 8K 471

Olivia Moore returned home to pay her mother respect. To her amazement Olivia's home was still there. Letting... More

Copyright/ Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Message/Bonus?/Family Tree Problems Fixed?
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Big News!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 27

1.6K 123 1
By Alexander226


My hands were shaking, my arms moved like cooked noodles as well as my legs.

"You're doing good Olivia, " my doctor said keeping his one arm around my waist and his other hand on the bar.

"I fell again, " I said weakly.

"Not all the way, " he smiled. "You did well this time, ten full steps."

"I can't do it, " I frowned letting my body become limp. I almost wished Mr. Davis dropped me on the floor but with his strength, he was able to keep me upright as well as lift me up in a bridal style and take me to my wheelchair.

"I know it's hard now, " Mr. Davis said while sitting me down into my chair. "But it will get better. You just have to keep your chin up."

"You say that but I'm the one who lost everything. My memory, my wings, my mate. And now I have lost my legs and convinced in this forsaken wheelchair."

Mr. Davis laughed at my words. He was a vampire like myself. He has been working with me for about two months to help me walk.

Even with the blood, I drink it is almost like it isn't enough. My body wasn't healing in a normal way.

Some of my doctors have said it could be due to my rejection from my mate others say it could be from the torture I had gone through while I was in the care of Dr. Stian.

So much has happened in the last two months, River found her mate or mates. Edea was weeks away from having her baby. My brother Edward and my sister Elisabeth are coming back from their trip from Italy. I think the last time I say them was last month after their trip from China. Marcus woke and from what Dawn has told me, Marcus and Rachelle maybe be a thing, whatever that means.

"You shouldn't be hard on yourself. Your starting to use your legs again, your memory will come back some day, and you'll have a second chance with a life mate."

"You only get one life mate, " I interrupted him with a grunt.

"That's not all true. I found my second mate."

I found myself staring at the man before me. His black hair was pulled back with a few locks that were loose. His dark brown eyes stared into mine and for a moment I believed the male.

"You found another mate?" I asked. He nodded his head, "how"?

"When I lost my first mate, I was a lot like you. With good friends and family, I lived long enough to meet my second mate. I have once heard that some of our kind is lucky enough to have three lifemates. But I'm happy with my mate now, " he smiled with pride.

"Is she like your first mate?"

He smiled, "No, she is very different but it's doesn't mean I miss I first mate. I do but I know she would have wanted me to be happy. Just like how I want you to be happy."

"Thank you, Mr. Davis, " I smiled.

"Now, " he said proudly, " I think it's time for a reward for those ten steps, " he places his hands over his hips, "how about some ice cream, " he smiled.

"I would like that, " I smile back.

After shared some ice cream with Mr. Davis I found myself much more cheerful then I was before.

A second chance didn't sound so bad. Joel wasn't mine and what if he was my life mate. I'll have a second chance like Mr. Davis.

Sitting in my hospital bed there was a knock on the door. When the door opened I found a very pregnant Edea. "Are you allowing visitors today, " she asked.

"Yes, " with a cheerful smile Edea walked into the room with a young woman who couldn't have been eighteen, nineteen years old.

"So, I heard that my big girl has token ten steps today, " Edea grinned from ear to ear while clapping her hands.

"I see you spoke to Mr. Davis, " I frowned not really liking the way she was treating me like a child.

"You know I have, " Edea sat by the chair next to me as her friend stood behind her.

The young woman was like a black cat. Long black hair, cat-like green eye, red lips, and pale skin.

"Oh before I forget, this emo kid is Amy Foster. Her family was recently attacked by a vampire about two years ago. When we found her we treated her wounds but, " Edea looked at the young woman with sad eyes, "some wounds are harder to heal than most."

I found myself studying the girl. She didn't seem like a vampire, just, lost. "Should you be talking about her like that while she is standing right next to you?"

"Until she tells me to stop, I won't. She is like a brick wall, says nothing, feels nothing, " Edea paused for a moment, "well that not true."

"I see, " I gave the girl a gentle smile. "It's very nice to meet you, Miss. Foster."

Miss. Foster nodded her head to let me know she was listening to me. Poor girl, was she a mute.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Edea turning her head towards me and then the Miss. Foster much time. "Well, " she huffed while getting up, "I only came for a short visit. I have a meeting with this little guy and the doctor, " she laughed, rubbing her belly. "Got to make sure he's cooking just right before he comes out."

I couldn't help but laugh at the woman. She was weeks away from birthing and she still needed a checkup. With how big she was, she looked like she was ready to give birth to the new member of the family.

Miss. Foster followed Edea closely. Once at the door, Edea turned and looked at Miss. Foster with a small grin, "why don't you stay here, for a few? I'll be back to get you after my checkup. Okay?" she said tilting her head. Miss. Foster only nodded her head. "Good, " Edea patted the young woman on the shoulder, "you may learn something today kid."

Thank you for reading, look up my main page for the next time I will be updating this book this month, including my books 'The King' and 'The Devils Bride'.

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