City Lights \ Derek Hale

By aIive_

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"I'm sexy and you're not." "Did your mom tell you that?" "Shut up Hale." - Troublesome Shay Finstock moves t... More

City Lights \ Derek Hale
Prologue- Living with Coach
Chapter 1- Bitches be Like Rawr
Chapter 2- Gummy Gummy Gummy Bears
Chapter 3- Hella Fine
Chapter 5- Danny Boy, Hiya.
Chapter 7- But I Wuv Peter's Shirt
Chapter 8- Fine.
Chapter 9- Imaginary Detective Friends
Chapter 10- Werewolf Rescue Team
Chapter 11- Perfect Tragedy.
Chapter 12- Bruuuuuuh
Chapter 13- Answer
Chapter 14- Teenager.
Chpater 15- Take It Back.
Chapter 16- Take Away For Sadness.
Chapter 17- City Lights
Chapter 18- Come Back To Me, Love
Chapter 19- It's Okay
Chapter 20- Zombies Melt in Water
Chapter 21- Noses vs. Shay: 0:2
Chapter 22- Crazy Puppy
Chapter 23- Wisdom Tooth
Chapter 24- Baby in Two Months
Chapter 25- It's Okay Again
Chapter 26- It's Perfect
Chapter 27- First Love
Epilogue: Feels Like Home

Chapter 4- Kurt Cobain? Nah, man, Kurt Finstock.

23.3K 619 290
By aIive_

"It's Halloween in two days!" Mom yelled at me, " meaning- you have twenty four hours to get a costume! Get out, now!"

And so, I was kicked out, with my phone, bag, sweatshirt and wallet with two hundreds bucks.

I went around, searching for the nearest comic shop and was delighted to find 3- in- 1 three first volumes of Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Full Metal Alchemist and Death Note in the low price of only 15 dollars each.

I was left with 110 dollars, and shop full of comics and mangas.

I ended up buying some Shazam and another Teen Titans Go!, but even then I had twenty dollars spare, and I chose to buy dinner with it, but ended up going to a different direction...


Long story short, four hours after my mom threw me away I was sneaking back home, holding a leash on the sweetest six-years-old Rottweiler you'd ever come across.

I peaked to the living room, where my Uncle was snoring, a plate of pasta almost finished, but also decorating the couch, the floor and the table around Bobby.

"Okay, let's go, Kurt," I whispered to the dog. He walked quietly along-side with me up the stairs. I peaked into my parents' room, to see that both of them were fast-asleep.

I opened the door to me room, taking off the collar and leash. He sat by my bed, looking at me.

"I really hope you know not to pee inside houses," I let him sniff my hand again, just in case, and after a moment he rubbed his head against it, his brown eyes staring into mine.

"Aren't you a cutie, Kurt?" I asked him in the tone you usually use with dogs and babies. I planted a kiss on his forehead, between the brown dots he had above his eyes.

I gave him a final pat, standing up to change to my pajamas.

I knew that taking care of a Rottie was hella tough job, and I was going to fight for that one German Sheppard, but he was sitting at the corner with just a guy that worked with the dogs there, holding his leash and patting him as he looked between the passing people.

When I walked to them and offered Kurt a hand, he quickly sniffed it before deciding I was more than enough as a new person to show him some affection, and when the guy that stood by him told me that if no one'd adopt him the next three days he'll be put down, I immediately checked whether Kurt likes me enough to join.

I changed into my Cookie Monster pajamas and snuggled under the covers, "come here, boy." I called Kurt, the jumped to the bed right away and pressed his back against my legs through the cover.

He's such a good dog, I thought to myself as I fell asleep.


"WAKE UP!" Dad screamed, waking me up. As well as Kurt. He jerked up, and a bark started to build up in his throat.

"Shhhh, Kurt," I tried, patting his head in attempt to relax him. He started barking. "Bloody hell."

"What was that?" Mom asked as she opened the door. "Oh." her mouth shaped an O. "Bobby, Ron, you should come here!"

Ten seconds later, dad was staring at me in amazement, Bobby was being a hung-over mess that didn't mind all too much and Mom was patting Kurt along with me after he decided she was all good.

"You brought a Rottweiler." dad tried explaining to me. "Why not a more... gentle dog? Like Labrador, Golden Retriever, Chiuaua."

"He was to be put down in two days, how could I take another dog that had higher chances and more time?" I tried, "Rotties have a bad name, mostly for nothing, and if he likes me enough, of course I'd take him home with me."

"Fine." Dad stated, "but you're taking him to school."


"I'm not sure she's allowed to," Bobby said.

"I don't care. I'm not staying home with... it."

"His name is Kurt." I smiled.

"Its." Dad corrected, "it's a dog, so it's a its."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "Bobs, let him smell ya. You too, dad."

The two brothers walked closer, letting Kurt smell their hands.

"How old is he?" Bobby asked, scratching behind Kurt's ear. Kurt seemed to like it, and licked Bobby's hand.

"Six years old."

"Not the youngest," dad stated, trying to hide the fact he's a huge softie and loves dogs.

"Well, I gotta get ready for school, so..."


"That's a really bad idea," Bobby muttered to me.

"Tell it to your brother!" I hissed back, watching as Kurt pissed near the entrance to school. Bobby waited until the two of us stepped inside and I watched as everyone held in hand things to throw, but froze when they saw Bobby.

Or Kurt.

"Told ya it's a bad idea."

"If he goes crazy and kills someone it's not my fault." Bobby stated.

"You're the worst uncle ever!" I called after him.

"That's why we get along!"

"Nice retort..." I told myself, "let's go, Kurt," I jogged down the hall, arriving to another exit out of school, where Kurt pissed again and left a gift for some flies.

We entered the school again, me having in mind the free class I have before Gym and knowing those two classes will be dedicated to run with Kurt.

"Kurt," I called, "that's Kira! Let's go say hi!" he stuck his tongue out, breathing heavily and sitting down. "What? Thirsty?" he kept doing it, "fine, but first Kira. Come on."

He followed me as I walked to Kira.

"Sup Kira," I smiled.

She looked at the dog, "isn't it supposed to have a mouth cover or something?"

"Oh." I bit my lip, "forgot about it." I took the mouth cover out of my bag, "I'll put it on in a second. Anyway, Death Note, here." I shoved the book I bought a day earlier into her hands. "Read it. Come on Kurt!"

"You're the hot girl every guy wants!" I stopped dead as I walked past Stiles. Isaac eyed his friends strangely.

"You have any idea how gay that sounds?"

"Is that a Rottweiler?" Isaac asked, pointing at him. I nodded. "Do I wanna know why you have a Rottweiler with you at school?"

"Probably not."

"I gotta go," Stiles stated. "Scott, remember, you're the hottest girl."

Scott nodded, a weird smile plastered on his face. "I'm the hot girl." Isaac and I exchanged a look.

"Yes you are," Isaac agreed, nodding with Scott. Scott walked off, still smiling.

"Your friends are weird."

"Tell me about it."


"SON OF A BITCH!" Bobby called from his office.

Kurt started barking. "Chill boy," I warned, patting his head lightly.

"Do me a favour and put him the mouth cover," a girl stated.

"It's called a muzzle, and... Do me a favour and go to Hell."

"Shay!" Bobby warned, slamming the door shut.

"Sorry Bobs."

"Don't call me that at school." Kurt stood up, pulling towards Bobby.

"Aw, he already knows his uncle."

"He's not my nephew!" Bobby warned me. I raised my hands in surrender, letting go of Kurt's leash. The dog soon licked Bobby's hand. "Go back to Shay," Bobby said after a moment. "I hate my brother and I hate your mother and I hate you and I hate this whole class- especially you, Greenberg- and I hate mischief night! Devil's Night! I don't care what you call it," Kurt walked back to me.

"Come here, boy," I told him, putting the muzzle on his mouth.

"You little punks are evil." The class laughed. "You think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged?" he screamed, "a man's house is supposed to be his castle!"

"Oh, God," I whispered to myself.

"Mine is a freaking omelet!"

"Don't give them ideas," I begged. His eyes landed on a small gift the rested on his desk.

"Oh, this? We're not gonna do this again." He grabbed it and dropped it to the floor, before stomping on it. A sound of shattering was heard. He crouched, taking in his hands a cup with his picture and #1 Coach.

"Did you do it?" he asked me.

"I got you Kurt, man." he looked disappointed, "and some Shazam's comics." He rolled his eyes at me, "I'll think of something else."

"That's my favorite niece." he clapped his hands, eyes landing on a birthday card.

"Your only niece," I added.

"Happy birthday," he read, flipping it open, "love, Greenberg."

I pressed my lips as Bobby glared at Greenberg.

He turned to look at me.

"You, your father and your mother better a good gift for me."

"I think that the fact we moved is already great." I looked down at Kurt, as he smashed the cup. "Our uncle is a man with many problems, but we love him."

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