Katsuki's Baby Sister

By Yuzuki16

1.3M 44K 28.8K

Bakugo Katsuki is known by everyone for his always angry personality and foul mouth despite him wanting to be... More

{1} Safe
{2} A decision
{3} New family
{4} First day of School
{5} Incident at school
{6} After school
{7} Trying to bond with Katsuki
{8} Katsuki's Sick
{9} Katsuki's Sick and I am too (2)
{10} My first friend, Minato
{11} Snow day with Tou-san
{Special} Boy-WHAT
{12} First Christmas together
{13} Katashi and the truth
{14} Befriending Katashi
{15} Quirk manifest
{16} Bad day
{17} Ignoring each other
{18} Katsuki Birthday
{19} Staying at Minatos'
{21} Aftermath
{Special} Age swap
{22} Fight to protect
{23} Police are stupid...
{24} As normal as can be
{25} Freckles boy
{26} Training
{27} Sludge Villain
{28} All might
{Special} Age swap [2]
{29} Birthday
{30} Time flies
{31} UA Exam and Surprises
{32} New kid
{33} Class 1-A
{34} Class 1-A [2]
{35} Taken to USJ
{36} School Exchange
{Special} Normal
{37} Quirk Assessment
{38} Monoma Neito
{39} Sports Festival [1]
{40} Sports festival [2]
{ 41} Sports festival [3]
{42} Sports festival [4]
{43} Shock
Well then...
{44} Training week
{Special} At the mall with Tokoyami
{45} Caution from a stranger.
{45.5} Catching up
{Special} Sleepover with Kiri
{46} Exams
{47} Practical Exam
{48} Confrontations
{Special} Hakusho
{49} Unintentional
{50} Don't...
{Special} Pool side Iida
{Special} Small Katsu
{Fantasy A.U.} Finders Keepers
|2|| Prologue
|2||2| Changes
|2||3|Training and Testing
|2||4| Lost
|2||5| Another day
|2||6| Punished
|2||7| I...Know you
|2||8| New Meaning
I did a thing..
|2||9| Infiltrate
|2||10| Closer
|2||11| Escape
|2||12 | Freedom
|2||13| Remember us
|2||14| I'm real
AN- Shiyoko's Age
|2||15| My friends...
|2|| 16| Another Bakugou!?
|2||17| Try to be normal
[Special] Wreak
|2||18| Never thought
|2||19| A little closer
{Special} Girlfriend...no.
|2||20| Hidden talent
|2||21|| Heartfelt Reunions
|2||22| Nightmares suck
|2||22.1| The Bakugou siblings
|2||23|Festival of smiles
|2||24| Enjoy the Cultural Festival
|2||25|More Friends
|2||26| Fast Forward
|2||27| Wannabe Heroes
|2||28| Rescue at USJ
|2||29| Chaotic Family Dinner
|2||30|Chaotic Family Dinner {2}
|2|31| Cat Cafe Fun
|2||32| Mini Heroes
|2||23| Fan mail or Not
|2||34| Threat
|2||35| Suspicions
|2||36| Thinking|
|2||37| Waiting Game|
||38| First Strike|
|2||39| Poison|
|2||40| Finish him|
|2|| Epilogue|

{20} Unwanted Reunion

17.9K 621 521
By Yuzuki16

Early update! YAAASSSS!!!!


Ahem! Carry on....

°^° °^° °^°

Third pov

It's a nice warm Saturday morning. The Bakugo household was wide awake, which in turn caused their neighbors to be awake, and everything was as it should be...

"Don't you fucking come near me trash!!" Well... almost as it should be.

Katsuki had yet to acknowlegde Shiyoko and when he did it was only to yell at her to stay away from him. However his parents had noticed that most of his anger wasn't there anymore, he was just trying to keep her away. While away they had gotten a call from the police officer in charge of Shiyoko's appointments, who had told them something that they didn't want to hear.

They knew now that if they couldn't get Katsuki to fix his realationship with Shiyoko, she'd be taken away from them for a while, because her mental state was back to how it started and that's not what they or the officer wanted. Who knew they could do that after, Shiyoko was already adopted.

"Dammit Katsuki! Stop your shit!!" Mitsuki yelled. "You've got to stop treating her this way! If you don't then--" she stopped biting her lip.

"Then what!?" He asked wanting to hear what his mother will do.

"Nevermind... just get along with your sister, please?" Masaru interjected.

"As if that brat will ever be my sister..." Katsuki scoffed.

"Katsuki! Shiyoko has never done anything to you! You have no right to behave and treat her the way you do!!" Mitsuki yelled.

"Yes I do, she stayed! She knew I didn't want her here from the start but she stayed anyway!" he yelled out.


"It's okay..." Shiyoko cut Mitsuki off. Both Katsuki and Mitsuki turned to face her. Shiyoko was looking up at Mitsuki with a teary closed eyed smile making her frown.

"I really shouldn't have stayed. Maybe if I hadn't...you'd be safe...and this wouldn't be happening." Shiyoko looked down frowning.

"Hey, it's not your fault..." Mitsuki kneeled to reach her height "I told you I'd protect you didn't I? I plan on keeping my word. I knew what I was getting into from the moment I adopted you." Mitsuki explained


"It's okay. I promise." Mistuki reassured. Still not convinced Shiyoko went back upstairs to her room.

All the while during their converstaion Katsuki frowned. He didn't know what they were talking about or who they were referring to but one thing was certain, it wasn't him.

His eyes narrowed at the frowning face of his mother, there was something his parents weren't telling him and he didn't like it.

°^° °^° °^°

Shiyoko sighed sadly as she entered her bedroom. She made her way to her bed and laid on it, hiding her face in her pillow. She sighed again buring her face deeper into the pillow as if to hide herself from the world.

"How sad... they don't want you... but don't worry, I do..." a dark voice sounded from the corner of her room causing her eyes to widen.

That voice. That oh so familiar voice... Shiyoko didn't miss it at all. Slowly she sat up, eyes still wide but now shaking in fear of what she was going to see, worse yet...who she was going to see. Her breathing hitched and she began to shake. The person chuckled.

"There's nothing to fear Yoko-chan~, I won't hurt you..." he mused behind her, voice sounding closer than before.

She started to turn seeing the window in her room open. Broken open, because she hadn't opened it. She gulped as she kept slowly turning her body to face someone she thought was gone forever.

Morizukani Hakusho... Her father.

"I...I thought you were dead..." she managed to speak out. He chuckled.

"Dead? No. Faking it? Yes." He smiled sending shivers down her spine. "You see, I have a friend that can make you seem dead to others, so I faked it. I had a score to settle with a certain policeman your mother knew..." he sighed almost sadly "He knew about you and well...he had to go." Hakusho began to laugh maniacally as Shiyoko gasped.

"Ar-Are...are you talking about...?" She trailed off afraid to say his name.

"Hakumana? Why yes. Yes I am."

"You killed him...?" Shiyoko breathed out in shock. Tears going down her eyes.

Hakumana was his older twin brother. They shared the same quirk as well. Except Hakumana could only lift gravity off of things whereas Hakusho could only crush them with it. He was like a true father to Shiyoko but he had suddenly went missing after her mother's death, now to hear that he was dead...crushed her.

"I had to dear. He was beginning to look for you and your mother. He got news of her death and lost it. So I killed him." He sighed his blue eyes dull holding no regrets.

"What...what do you want!?" Shiyoko yelled hoping someone would hear her. She was planning to make a run for it but first she needed a distraction.

"What I want...? I want my daughter back of course!" Hakusho stated. He smiled and was about to move closer to Shiyoko when--

"Hey!" The door slammed opened and there stood Katsuki with an angry look that quickly morphed into alert and confusion "Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in my house!?" He yelled the moment his eyes landed on the man reaching for Shiyoko.

"Oh? I was not expecting that." He stated standing up straight again.

"Answer my question asshole!" Katsuki yelled small explosions leaving his hands.

"Oh don't mind me. I'm just here to take this extra out of your hands..." With that he picked Shiyoko up by her collar.

"No! No! Stay away!" Her eyes glowed and Hakusho went flying which also caused him to drop Shiyoko in the process.

Hakusho stopped himself from hitting the wall but he remained standing there as if he was in shock. A wide grin formed onto his face and he began to laugh. His laughter raised in volume until Mitsuki ran upstairs hearing the unfamiliar voice. She froze instantly when she saw him.

"You..." her eyes went wide and she began to look around assessing the situation.

Katsuki stood in front of her still in his fighting stance, Shiyoko was on the floor by her bed trembling and Hakusho was still laughing by the window.

"You...you got your quirk! And it's my quirk too! Amazing! Simply amazing!" He continued to laugh.

"Katsuki..." Mitsuki called him softly as she pulled her phone from her pocket. He glanced behind him looking at her. "...get Shiyoko. Right now." She instructed.

Knowing better than to argue he nodded and made his way over to Shiyoko. Just as he reached her bed he was slammed into the wall.

"Ah Ah ah... not so fast." Hakusho clicked his tongue shaking his finger at the struggling Katsuki.


"You aren't needed..." he muttered as his glowing eyes looked to Mitsuki sending her flying out the room and slamming the door shut.

"Kaa-san!" Shiyoko yelled getting up to run to her but she was stopped and pushed to the ground.

"Fucking asshole! Come here let me blow you to kingdom come!!" Katsuki screamed out still struggling against the wall.

Hakusho ignored him kneeling to reach Shiyoko. He lifted a strand of her blue hair and twirled it around his fingers slowly.

"You look so much like your mother..." she teared up.

"Don't hurt them...please..." she begged.

Katsuki scoffed, at a time like this she was worrying about everyone else but herself! Is she serious!?

"You really love them don't you?" Hakusho glared up at Katsuki and he glared back. "Maybe I should kill them after all. It'll teach you not to run away from me again." Hakusho growled his eyes glowing even more as Katsuki slammed into the floor.

He refused to scream in pain at the invisible weight that was placed on top of him, making him feel like his bones were going to break at any moment. He gritted it his teeth grunting, doing everything in his power not to scream.

"No! No stop it!!!" Shiyoko's eyes glowed as well and she picked up her lamp throwing it at Hakusho.

It landed a direct hit to his head making him lose focus on Katsuki and allowing the weight to be taken off of him. Hakusho touched his head in shock pulling his hand back to see blood on it. He glared sending Shiyoko down to her knees.

"You little shit..." he hissed out. "Is this how you treat your father?" He sneered. Shiyoko frowned

"You're not my father." She answered.

Hakusho glared at her. In seconds he had her in a choke hold lifting her off the ground.

"You're being rude Yoko-chan... it seems like you've forgotten your place! You deserve some...punishment." With that a snap sounded through the room closely followed by a scream.

°^° °^° °^°

Mitsuki and Masaru stood outside the room unable to get into it. Mitsuki had already called the cops but she found they were taking too long. Hearing Shiyoko's screams made them both freeze and pale at what could possibly be happening inside the room.

"Katsuki!! Shiyoko!!" Masaru yelled hoping for at least one of them to answer.

Growing frustrated he blew the door handle off but that still didn't make a difference. He couldn't get the door to open. Suddenly sounds of someone being beaten and slammed into things sounded and that didn't help the couple outside.

"Dammit! You asshole you better not lay your dirty fucking hands on my kids!!!" Mitsuki yelled.

Ignoring the fact that police had arrived Mitsuki was finally able to burst down the door. In the room stood a hero with his scarf wrapped around Hakusho who was strangely calm as he sat wrapped in bandages. Ignoring wanting to beat the living daylights out of the man Mitsuki ran over to Katsuki who had a few bruises on him.

"Are you okay?" She asked hugging him to her chest. Katsuki squirmed out of her hold.

"Of course I'm okay! How weak do you think I am?!" He snapped. Mitsuki sighed before she hit him over his head.

"You asshole! I'm here worried sick about you and that's how you treat me! I never said anything about you being weak! I asked if you were okay dammit!!!" She yelled hitting him a few more times over his head.

The police and the hero sweat dropped at the sight before them. Masaru sighed shaking his head however they were the least of his worries.

"Wh...where's Shiyoko-chan?" He asked making his wife and son freeze.

"Over here..." the hero answered lazily pointing behind him.

They turned to see that Shiyoko was out cold on the heros back. Mitsuki and Masaru gasped at the sight of her while Katsuki bit his lip looking away. Shiyoko was beaten up badly. Her lip was busted and bleeding still, blood was also running down her head and over her bruised left eye. Her right cheek was cut and swollen, her body also had various bruises on them especially her hand.

Mitsuki slowly approached the hero gently taking her daughter off of him and hugging her to her chest.

"Ambulance is on the way..." the hero spoke up softly.

Katsuki stared blankly as the hero dragged Hakusho out the room then his eyes went back to his parents that was staring worriedly down at Shiyoko. An officer came into the room asking for Mitsuki and Masaru to make a statement. Sighing Katsuki stood up walking over to Mitsuki who refused to leave Shiyoko.

"I'll hold her." He stated. She looked up eyes glassy with tears as she handed Shiyoko over to him.

"You two stay here. Please Katsuki... watch over her for me." Mitsuki pleaded and he silently nodded.

Katsuki shifted Shiyoko in his arms as he left the room heading to his own. There were too many people in her room and it was beginning to get on his nerves. Katsuki sat on his bed, Shiyoko still out cold in his arms. As he held her he found that it was difficult to look at her.

He had watched her get beaten mercilessly with and without her father's quirk. He too got some hits for trying to help but in the end it was Shiyoko that was protecting him. Every time Hakusho went to crush him Shiyoko would distract him which in turn earned her more beatings.

His hold on Shiyoko tightened and he bit his lip. Tears formed in his eyes but he angrily wiped them away. He hated how useless he felt, how easy it was for Hakusho to crush him and though Shiyoko's quirk was far weaker she stood up to Hakusho using her quirk better than he was. He could have used explosions but he didn't want to damage the room more than it already was. At least that's what he told himself.

"Katsuki..." he looked up, looking into the brown eyes of his father "Ambulance is here, come on." Masaru motioned for Katsuki to follow him.

Shifting Shiyoko once again Katsuki stood up and followed Masaru downstairs to the medics that waited patiently for them. Once they saw him they came towards him and began to inspect him angering him instantly.

"How do you feel? Can you tell me where it hurts? Does anything feel broken or out of place?" One of the men kept throwing questions at him.

"I'm fine dammit! I can take care of myself, take her!" Katsuki snapped motioning to Shiyoko in his arms.

"Give her to me." A woman walked over to them.

Hesitantly Katsuki passed Shiyoko over to her and she instantly began looking her up and down.

"Broken right arm, dislocated left, multiple hits on her head, it could have caused her a concussion. Deep cut on the lip and on her head, has lost a bit of blood. I'm going to see if I can wake her up and get her to stay awake. The damage done to her head can make her slip into a coma. There's also fatigue from quirk overuse." The woman spoke fast and fluently stated all the things that was wrong with Shiyoko.

Two men ran over with a stretcher and Shiyoko was placed on it. The woman then began to try and wake Shiyoko up as Masaru, Mitsuki and Katsuki watched in worry as nothing happened for a good ten minutes. After another eight Shiyoko finally stirred.

Instantly she whined and whimpered at the pain coursing through her body and the pounding in her head. She opened her eyes, though everyone could see that she was unfocused and a bit dazed as tears began to run down her eyes.

"Oh baby...I'm so sorry I let this happen to you." Mitsuki apologized.

"Kaa-san....Nii-chan. Is Nii-chan okay?" Shiyoko looked at Mitsuki who gave her a soft smile. Katsuki felt his eyes twitch at the question.

Is she fucking serious!?

"Yeah. He's fine sweetheart. You're the one that's in bad condition..."

"Yokatta...I'm glad he's okay..." she trailed off eyes dropping. Instantly the woman panicked.

"Don't let her sleep! Keep talking to her! Get her in the ambulance, anyone who can keep her awake go with her!" She instructed.

"Katsuki go. I'll drive behind you." Mitsuki demanded pushing him forward.

Katsuki glared but followed the people into the ambulance taking a seat besides Shiyoko. When he noticed her eyes closing he placed a hand on her chest...then roughly began to shake her.

"Oi! You piece of shit if you fall asleep I'll kill you!" He snapped. The man in the back with them stared wide eyed at Katsuki. Shiyoko stared blankly for a few seconds before her eyes looked to Katsuki and lit up.


"The one and fucking only."

"Where did okaa go?" She asked looking around the vehicle.

"She's driving behind us."

"Are you okay?"

"Would you stop asking that already!? Does it look like I'm injured to you!?" He snapped glaring down at her.

"No...but I know it still hurts... his hits always does..." she stared up at him

"Yeah, he can pack a punch...but guess what so can I!"

"Hehe...I know...Nii-chan's strong..." Katsuki smirked.

"Damn right I am!"

Shiyoko gripped the hand that was on her chest still. She was tired, Katsuki could see that but she was staying up just for him. He stared at how small her hands were compared to his one big hand.

"Katsuki..." she called out after a few moments of silence.


"...it hurts..." Shiyoko whimpered out tears gathering and instantly falling down her eyes as she gripped onto his hand tightly for comfort.

Katsuki frowned, watching her cry made him want to set the world ablaze until he took her pain away, until she smiled again. Damn him he truly cared about her.

He bit his lip trying to deny the facts but it was staring him right in his face. Fuck it all. He had to make new plans that now involved Shiyoko and still aiming to be no.1, because after this... he sure as hell wasn't going to let her out of his sight. He knew he could no longer deny what was right in front of him, not anymore and definitely not after this.

He opened his mouth to speak but the door opened and paramedics began to rush Shiyoko into the emergency room. Her hold on him tightened and her fearful eyes looked up at him before she had to let go and they took her away. Mitsuki joined him soon after and they sat there waiting for someone to tell them something, anything about how Shiyoko was doing.


Heyo! I hope you're happy I updated early. Though...I bet after this chapter you're not exactly happy with me...ehehe....

Ahem...on another note!

How did you think this chapter was?

Are you glad our favorite lazy sensei made a quick appearance?

Do you think Katsuki will still be an asshole after this?

All these questions!!! *dramatic fall*

How about this? If, and only if I get 200 views with at least 40 likes. I'll update before next week Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday.

That's only if though...

Well I better start working on the next chapter...


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