Up To My Neck In You (Sequel...

Por vampirewerewolves

59.5K 2.3K 536

After leaving the tour and estranged 'love of her life,' Suzie-Q made her way directly back to Australia with... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Sixx
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Sixx
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine

Chapter Thirty-Two

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Por vampirewerewolves

I stood in front of the mirror, staring at the necklace around my neck. The diamond heart pendant stood out, it was absolutely beautiful, even if a diamond was missing. I was planning on heading into work, just for a little while anyway. To see how things had been going and to catch up on whatever hadn't been done.

Tommy and I hadn't spoken, of course. And I refused to have him anywhere near me or the bedroom, that included Angry. The only two people I did have anything to with was Vince and Mick. The other two not a chance. Well, luckily Tommy seemed to have spent time out of the house, around Angry.

Exiting the bathroom, I walked through the hallway and into the kitchen. Opening the cupboard, I pulled out the car keys and turned back around to see Vince standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Where you going?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"To work, want to come? If you want, might give you that nipple piercing you always wanted." I suggested, giving him a small smile.

"Really?" He asked, his lips forming into a smirk.

"Really, really." I nodded, watching the excitement appear on his fair face.

"Alright, give me a minute." He turned away, quickly heading towards the hallway.

"Meet you in the car, Vince." I called out, watching him keep his back to me.

Vince didn't answer, nor did he turn around, all he did was give me the thumbs up and continue on walking.

Walking out of the kitchen, I walked through the lounge room. Tommy was sat there with his hands in his lap, twiddling them almost nervously. His dark brown eyes focussed on me, watching me walk pass without a word. I could see he wanted to say something, but with how I refused to pay any attention to him, he didn't speak.

Opening the front door, I walked out and over to the car and got in. Placing the key into the ignition, I turned it clockwise, listening to the engine rev to life. Within minutes, as I listened to the rumble and the quiet sounds of the radio, the door swung open and in hopped Vince.

"Ready?" I cocked an eyebrow, smirking.

"Definitely." Vince nodded, tugging on his seatbelt as I reversed out of the driveway and onto the road.

"So what are you thinking? Hoop or bar?" I ask not too far into the drive.

"Hoop hey, I reckon they're sexier." Vince chuckled.

"Think what you wanna think, Vince." I laughed, changing gears.

"What? Isn't that sexy enough for you, Sue?" Vince cocked and eyebrow and looked back to me.

"Vince, you're forgetting that this isn't for me." I smirked. "It's for you and well.. whoever." I flashed him a grin before turning back to the road. Just as I did that, the revs of the car died down and we were beginning to chug to a stop. Luckily I managed to pull it off the road a bit, so that we weren't in the middle of oncoming traffic.

"What's going on, Sue?" Frowned Vince as I turned the car off.

"I don't know." I shook my head, turning the ignition in the car, listening to it tick, trying to start, but it didn't.

"It's not out of fuel, the battery isn't dead. I don't know what's going on." I pulled off my seatbelt and reached down to the lever for the bonnet. Pulling it, I heard the thump before getting out of the car and heading towards the front of the car. Vince did the same, following me around to the front as I pulled the bonnet up, staring down at the engine.

"Sue, can you get in and turn the ignition? I wanna see if I can hear it." Vince asked as I put the rod up to the bonnet, making sure it was stable.

Nodding my head, I rounded the car and got into the drivers side. Turning the key in the ignition, I did it several times listening to it trying to turn over, but still, nothing.

Getting back out of the car, I stopped at the side of the car to see Vince peering in.

"You're right, it's definitely not the battery. I don't know aye, could be spark plug, may be the fuel isn't getting to the injectors, fuck knows." Vince frowned.

"Yeah I'm not sure Vince." I shook my head. "It hasn't played up since it got fixed up. So it could be anything." I murmured.

"One thing is for sure, we need a mechanic to look at it." Vince took a step back and looked over to me. "And I don't know how we're gonna do that, we can't fucking call them."

"We will just have to try and get a lift to the mechanics. Tell them where the car is and they should be able to come back and tow it." I replied staring up the road.

"Is that really a good idea? Might be some fucking creep who picks us up." Vince crossed his arms over his chest.

"It's okay, you'll protect me, right?" I laughed, battering my eyelashes.

"Nah Sue, you're on your own. I'm getting my ass out of their before you can say fucking Sydney." Vince winked.

"Oh, my hero." I rolled my eyes. "We'll be alright, I've hitch-hiked in much worse places." I murmured.

"Oh yeah, that's right!" Vince laughed. "You and Axl, that was pretty funny."

"For you guys maybe, for us, fucking hell. But I suppose, somehow that day Axl and I were for once on the same wave-length." I smiled. "I'm glad I wasn't stuck with you, you would be bitched more." I teased poking my tongue out.

"Ha-ha Sue." Vince rolled his eyes.

"Come on, let's try and get a lift." I beckoned, nodding towards the road where cars were coming and going.

With Vince by my side, we stood at the edge of the road, trying to wave cars down. But unfortunately we weren't successful. Not one bit.

"Maybe you're holding your tongue the wrong way." I smirked, looking over to Vince.

"Shut up, baby. You're killing my groove. Take a step back and watch and learn." Vince shrugged his shoulders with quite a pleased expression.

"Alright then hotshot, you try." I rolled my eyes and walked back down towards the car.

Leaning against the car, I crossed my arms over my chest and waited, watching Vince work his magic.

Within minutes a little bronze Nissan Datsun pulled over. On both the front and back the car had 'L' plates, (Learner plates) and on the side of the car read 'Learner Driving Training'.

"Check this out, Sue. Betcha couldn't do that." Vince smirked, yelling back to me.

"Vince, it's a driving school car. It's gonna be like a 16 year old you know." I yelled back, a very amused smile plastered across my face.

"Bullshit." Vince shook his head, before beckoning me over.

Walking up to the road where Vince stood, I watched as the window to the car rolled down. Inside was a young girl and what looked to be her trainer. He didn't look very pleased, not one bit.

"Vince, she's only a kid." I murmured quietly.

"Oh my god! It's Vince Neil! From Mötley fucking Crüe!" The girl shrieked loud, loud enough it had the trainer, Vince and myself cringing.

"Monica! Language!" The trainer hissed.

Before Vince could exchange any words whatsoever, the young teenager known as Monica ripped off her seatbelt and jolted out of the car, running around the car and towards Vince. Well, Vince sure had a fan.

"It's Vince! Oh my god!" She continued to shriek, panting almost breathless.

"Fuck." Vince mumbled, staring down at the girl with googly eyes.

I didn't know what he was expecting, but I knew this sure wasn't it. Not a screaming teenage girl who was lucky to be five foot tall. She was tiny. She didn't even look the legal age to drive.

"It's Vince! It's Vince Neil!" She squealed.

She looked like she wa about to pass out, almost literally.

"Yes, yes I'm Vince." Vince awkwardly replied, turning his head and looking at me with a very uneasy expression.

"C-C-can you sign my chest?" Monica asked ripping up her top, revealing her bra-less chest.

"Fucking hell." Vince mumbled again, he didn't sound all so impressed.

"I'll leave you be, Vince." I giggled, walking away and back towards the HR.

Ignoring what was going on, the screams of Monica and the constant criticism from the trainer, I closed the bonnet if the car and opened the drivers seat, sitting inside and staring out.

Vince looked to be struggling against the grip of Monica as she held onto him. He was looking over his shoulder, over to me with a pleading expression.

"You're on your own, Vince." I sung out laughing.

After ten minutes of Vince looking like he was going through hell, Monica squealing and the trainer trying to free Vince from the girl's killer grip, Vince wandered back down to me with a pale white face.

"I see, you've got quite the fan." I teased, watching him glare daggers at me.

"She made me sign her tits." Vince choked, looking very disgusted with himself.

"Poor Vince, you had to sign boobs." I rolled my eyes. "Any other time you jump to it."

"Sue! She was like twelve! She wasn't ever tall either!" Vince shook his head, shivering. "I felt like a fucking pedo." He groaned.

"Sixteen actually, and I told you so. Next time Vince, how about you listen to me?" I suggested.

"Yep." Nodded Vince. He looked incredibly disturbed, disgusted even.

"So I heard you're gonna propose to her." I added jokingly. I was putting shit on him, stirring him up and loving every moment of it.

"Fuck off, Sue!" Vince hissed.

Within seconds, I spotted the very familiar black Commodore pull off the road and park beside us.

"Look here, your boyfriend came to the rescue." Vince murmured.

"He's not my boyfriend." I replied, listening to the engine turn off and Nikki getting out of the car.

"Car troubles?" Nikki cocked an eyebrow, walking around the car and towards Vince and I.

"I never thought I'd be fucking pleased to see you Nik, but fucking hell thanks for stopping." Vince sighed, shaking Nikki's hand.

"Why? What happened?" Nikki chuckled, looking from Vince and finally to me, who was still sitting in the drivers seat looking out.

"Vince's teenage girlfriend stopped by." I replied, making Nikki laugh, but Vince scolded me.

"She's not my girlfriend! I'm like old enough to be her fucking dad." Vince shivered.

"No." I shook my head. "You're only twenty seven Vince. You're still potential boyfriend material." I teased again, laughing harder.

"Shut up Suzie-Q! She makes me feel like a fucking paedophile." Vince shook his head.

"Do I want to know?" Nikki cocked an eyebrow.

"Nah man, best if you don't." Vince replied.

"Hey Sue." Nikki sent me a smile, his eyes lingering to my neck and an even bigger smile replaced the previous one.

"Hey Nikki." I replied, not moving one bit.

"I see you like it." Nikki rested his hands into the pockets of his pants. "I thought of you when I bought it." His smile revealed his teeth.

"Yeah, I may just like it." I shyly smiled, looking down at the ground.

"Like what?" Vince asked, sounding confused, stepping beside Nikki and looking at me.

"What the fuck happened to it? It wasn't like that when I bought it?" Nikki suddenly asked, leaping towards me and grabbing a hold of the pendant, looking at the diamond heart pendant.

"Oh that." Vince mumbled. "Tommy got to it." Vince replied, before I could open my mouth.

Nikki used his other hand to raise my head, making me look him in the eyes. "Why the fuck would Tom do this?" Nikki had a very annoyed expression casted across his face.

"Man, that's for you to find out yourself." Vince huffed.

"No. Tell me what the fuck is going on. Tommy ain't like this, why did he do this?" Nikki let go of the pendant and stared down at me, waiting for an answer.

"He said it was rubbish, that I shouldn't be accepting any of this from you." I murmured, for once admitting the truth. "He told me to stay away from you." I admitted once again.

Nikki looked confused and Vince looked surprised. As if he didn't believe I openly said what really happened, especially to one of all people, Nikki.

"Why the fuck would he do that?" Nikki looked furious. "Go on, you obviously know what the fuck's going on. What is it?" Nikki snapped his head to Vince who gulped, looking slightly intimidated by his fellow bass player.

"I don't know all too much Nik, but Tom's been very protective of Sue lately. Ever since you disappeared out of the picture." Vince admitted this time, his blue eyes flickering to me. I knew what was going through Vince's head and I was glad he never mentioned it. The whole backstory of what was really going on between Tommy and I. I was so frightened of Nikki finding out about the dirty little secret, I hadn't realise how much it truly terrified me until now.

"Has he now?" Nikki glared from Vince to me, his beautiful green eyes were very dark, matching his ropeable mood.

"Yeah, man. The rest though, you'd have to take it up with him yourself. It has nothing to do with me." Vince raised his hands in surrender.

Nikki clenched his fists as he pivoted on his heels, he than stormed off, down the side of the road. This had been the first real time I had seen the anger reappear back in Nikki and it wasn't something I had missed.

"Well, he took it better than I thought." Vince took a step closer to me and crossed his arms.

"Vince, how can he take it good? He knows nothing, except for the necklace incident." I leaned back in my chair.

"Good luck to you when he does find out." Vince pressed his back against the car.

"Yeah, well I don't want him to find out." I bit my lip. "So thanks for not mentioning it."

"That's no problem, Sue. I ain't gonna tell him, that's up to you and Tommy to talk to him about. Not me." Vince replied with a slight chuckle. "And by the looks, it's gonna be a shit storm when he does find out or figure it out for himself, especially if he's pissed over a necklace." He turned his head and looked down at me.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"I never told you, but that necklace is beautiful. Excluding the fact that Tom fucked it." Vince leaned down and took in the details of the pendant, a small smile plastered across his face.

"You never did because I only just put it on today." I giggled. "But thanks Vince."

"No problem." He nodded. "But since grumpy pants has gone for a walk, can I ask what's up? Are you and Nik.." He tilted his head to one side as he wriggled his eyebrows.

"Vince at the moment, we aren't anything. I've gone further with Tommy more than I have with Nikki in what? Six months, so at the moment I don't know." I twiddled my thumbs. "But-"

"But you want to? I can tell, especially if you're wearing the necklace." Vince spoke for me.

"I want to, but I don't know how to. Like I've said, I'm scared of going down that road again, scared he will only break my heart again." I slowly got out of the car and looked further down the road to see Nikki stood there with his back to us.

"And I can't blame you." Vince wrapped his arm around me. "But with Tom? You two need to figure shit out because-" Vince trailed off with a sigh.

"Because of what Vince?" I murmured.

"He's jealous, Sue. And that generally only means for one thing." Vince mumbled.

"And what might that be?" I asked, dreading that I may have already known the answer.

"He's into you." Vince replied.

"I don't want him to be." I shook my head. "I love Tommy, but Jesus Christ, I don't want to marry him. I don't want kids with him, I don't want anymore than what it is." I clenched my jaw.

"I only love one man, and he just happens to be over there."

"Suzie-Q, believe me I know. It's been that way for years, trust me. I fucking know. You told me first, remember?" Vince chuckled.

"Yeah I think so." I nodded, trying to think back.

"I saw it coming, you know. I mean, you didn't really hide it well Sue. It's just, Nik was too stupid to see it. If he had seen it much earlier and if he acted out on how he felt also, you two may have been much further along than what you are now." Vince gave me a smile.

"Yeah well, who knows." I rolled my eyes.

"I do. I might be blonde Sue, but I'm not fucking stupid. I'm more observant than you think. And at first I wasn't sure, but when you bought him that ring, I knew for sure."

"Yeah?" I smiled. "He never wore it though."

"You'd be surprised Sue, he did wear it. You just never noticed." Vince chuckled.

"No, I noticed. He obviously never wore it around me. Because I always checked."

"Never wore what?" Nikki's voice interrupted Vince and I. He sounded like he had calmed down from only minutes ago, his expression still read annoyed, but he seemed to try and hide it.

"The ring." I replied. It was no use lying about that, it wasn't a secret.

"What ring?" Nikki furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, his eyes flickering between Vince and I.

I sighed and shook my head. "Nevermind."

"No seriously, what ring? Who didn't wear the ring?" Nikki was definitely confused, he had no idea.

For all I knew, he could have thrown the ring out or gave it away. I wouldn't have been surprised. It's not like it was worth very much money. It was a sterling silver ring, so it wasn't cheap-cheap, but it wasn't expensive either. And at the time, I wasn't made of money either. So it was quite a big step to spend the amount of money I did and to build up the courage to buy a ring for the bloke I liked.

"Nikki, don't worry about it. Vince and I were just talking." I reached in to the car and grabbed my purse and car keys, slamming the door shut.

"Dude?" Nikki frowned, looking to Vince.

"It's not me." Vince chuckled, shaking his head. "Do you mind giving us a ride though, we got to get to the mechanic to get the car towed." Vince enlightened, refusing to talk anymore to Nikki about the ring.

"Yeah sure." Nikki nodded his head. "Come on, I'll take you." Nikki gestured towards the commodore as he left us.

With Vince by my side, we walked over to the black commodore where Nikki was waiting. Heading towards the back door, Vince grabbed me and pushed me to the front, a smirk lingering on his lips.

"He's your man, you ride up front." Vince opened the back door and got in, leaving me standing at the front passengers side door blushing.

Biting my lip, I pulled open the door and slowly got into the car. Shutting the door and pulling on my seatbelt, I looked to my right to see Nikki just watching me.

"What?" I mumbled, my entire face flushing red now.

"Uh, nothing." Nikki shook his head and started the car.

In seconds we were off, driving down the road in silence. Not even the radio was playing, at all. It was legitment silence, other than the car engine.

"So-" Nikki started, turning his attention back to me for a split second. "Is this a new thing with Tom or he's been doing it for a while?" Nikki asked.

That question wasn't something I expected to come out of Nikki's mouth, especially since he had gotten so mad over what Tommy already did.

"That part in general? That's new." I replied keeping my hands to myself and twiddling my thumbs.

"What do you mean 'that part'?" Nikki replied.

"Nothing." I shook my head, not wanting to get into further detail.

"Sue?" Nikki sighed, obviously trying to push for more answers.

"Nothing Nikki." I said in a deeper voice, hoping he would clue on that I didn't want to talk about it.

Luckily, he did. He didn't ask anymore, the rest of the car ride was mostly in silence, other than the several short moments that Nikki and Vince shared conversation. Pulling into the mechanics, I tugged off my seatbelt and got out of the car, the two men doing the exact same. Entering the office, I came to a wooden desk where a man was sat behind.

"G'day, what can I do for you?" He looked up from some paperwork and gave me a smile.

"Hi, my car broke down on the highway. I was wondering if you guys do towing by chance?" I rested my hands against the tall desk.

"Yeah of course we do. What's the make and year model of the car?" The man behind the desk asked, grabbing a blank piece of paper.

"It's a 1966 Holden HR. I seriously can't think of the rego plates at the moment though, I'm sorry." I tapped my fingers nervously.

"That's all good, so you said it was out on the highway?" The man cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Do you need me to tag along and point it out? I can if you want?" I suggested.

"I'm sure we will find it, but that's not a bad idea. So before I get one of the blokes to head on out, you do realise there is a fee for towing and of course whatever you need fixing?" He stood up from the desk.

"Yeah, that's understandable." I nodded again.

"Rightyo. That's all I need to know." He flashed me a smile. "Give me two secs, I'll be right back." The man dismissed himself and walked through the doorway to the side.

"Sue, you know he's only gonna be able to fit one of us in the tow truck, right?" Vince announced.

Looking over my shoulder at Vince, I gave him a small smile and nodded my head. "Of course, I know."

"Okay, so this is Max. He'll be towing your car and working on it when brought back." The man reappeared, followed by another man who was wearing dirty overalls.

"How you going?" Max flashed the three of us a smile. "So, do one of you want to join me?" He cocked an eyebrow.

Before I could answer, Vince took a step forward and smiled. "I'll go with you, man." Vince gazed over his shoulder at me, smirking.

"Vince, I'll go! I was driving." I sighed.

"No Sue. You stay, I'll go for a ride in the truck. Don't stress, just give me the keys." Vince chuckled, holding his hand out for me to hand him the car keys.

With a sigh, I nodded my head and handed him the keys. Vince gave both Nikki and I one last look before he gave a wink, following Max out the side door.

"When the car gets towed back, I'll get your details." The man who had been at the desk grinned. "Until then, if you want to take a seat or?" He hinted, his eyes flickering between me and Nikki.

"That's alright dude, we'll just go for a walk." Nikki replied, his hand brushing against my back.

"Will we now?" I turned my head and narrowed my eyes at Nikki.

"Yeah. Come on Sue." Nikki smiled, his hand brushing against mine before his fingers entangled with my own. "Let's go for a walk."

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