What Brings Us Together (A Ra...

By RandomAccountName23

48.3K 1.6K 128

Laura Wilson used to have a normal life. She worked in the Central City Police Department as a CSI, along wit... More

Chapter One: Gee, Where Do I Begin
Chapter Two: Roger That
Chapter Three: Could This Day Get Any Worse?
Chapter Four: Hopefully We Can Figure It Out
Chapter Five: I Did A Pretty Darn Good Job, Too
Chapter Six: Favorite Outfit Kind of Day
Chapter Seven: I Knew He Was Our Meta
Chapter Eight: Did I Miss Something?
Chapter Nine: What The Freaking Heck Just Happened?
Chapter Ten: Lady Luck Smiled On Me
Chapter Eleven: I Think It's All Connected
Chapter Twelve: Is There Something Wrong With Me?
Chapter Thirteen: You Really Do Look Good
Chapter Fourteen: I'm Gonna Stay Here, Stretch My Legs
Chapter Fifteen: Good People Don't Destroy Lives and Call It Noble
Chapter Sixteen: You're A Beautiful Girl, Laura
Chapter Seventeen: I'm A Unique Person
Chapter Eighteen: Welcome To The Party
Chapter Nineteen: #Feminism
Chapter Twenty: You Get To Decide Who You Are
Chapter Twenty-One: Muggers Are Superhero 101
Chapter Twenty-Two: I Wouldn't Have Either
Chapter Twenty-Three: Get Dressed, Dibny
Chapter Twenty-Four: You Let Her Get Away
Chapter Twenty-Five: What In The Freaking Heck Was That?
Chapter Twenty-Six: It's Kind Of A Long Story
Chapter Twenty-Seven: I Like The Sound Of That
Chapter Twenty-Eight: We Found DeVoe
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Goodnight, Dibny
Chapter Thirty: To Barry and Iris
Chapter Thirty-One: I Hate Nazis
Chapter Thirty-Two: Boyfriend-Girlfriend It Is
Chapter Thirty-Three: What Changed? (EXTENDED)
Chapter Thirty-Four: Tinsel
Chapter Thirty-Five: I'm Not Kissing Him
Chapter Thirty-Six: Barry Allen Wears A Mask
Chapter Thirty-Seven: I Really Really Like You
Chapter Thirty-Eight: We've Got Work To Do
Chapter Forty: I'm Sorry
Chapter Forty-One: You Make It Sound Like A Disease
Chapter Forty-Two: I'm Coming, Laura
Chapter Forty-Three: Say Goodbye To Your Little Friends
Chapter Forty-Four: Flat Stanley
Chapter Forty-Five: I Don't Like It When You Read My Mind
Chapter Forty-Six: Dwarfstar
Chapter Forty-Seven: Embiggen is Not a Word
Chapter Forty-Eight: Evasive Maneuvers
Chapter Forty-Nine: I Love Ralph
Chapter Fifty: You Let People Down
Chapter Fifty-One: I Believe in You
Chapter Fifty-Two: I Saved Barry
Chapter Fifty-Three: It's Not Going To Kill You
Chapter Fifty-Four: Are You Ok?
Chapter Fifty-Five: Beginner's Luck
Chapter Fifty-Six: Blood On My Hands
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Just Like Izzy Would Have Wanted
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Just For A Little While
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Possibility
Chapter Sixty: Improv
Chapter Sixty-One: Who's In The Wrong Here?
Chapter Sixty-Two: Dibny-Esque
Chapter Sixty-three: Edwin Gauss
Chapter Sixty-Four: The Tough Call
Chapter Sixty-Five: I Lose You Either Way
Chapter Sixty-Six: Beat The Thinker
Coming Soon

Chapter Thirty-Nine: What Did I Do?

621 16 1
By RandomAccountName23

I sighed, crossing my arms as I stood in front of a fleet of cops, watching a hostage situation going down in the bank. This moron had a bomb strapped to his chest and three hostages.

"Fine, just tell us what you want." Joe said into the phone, concealed by his open car door.

"I want you to back of, or I will detonate this thing." I grabbed the phone, speaking into it.

"Calm down, alright? No one needs to get hurt today." I told him.

"You just shut your mouth Skyrocket! You just follow my instructions, and everybody here gets to live to see the sunshine tomorrow. Alright."

"Ralph, what's the hold up here?" I mumbled into my earpiece.

"I'm getting there! Don't rush me, Lo. Genius takes time." I rolled my eyes, a ghost of a smile on my face at my dork of a boyfriend.

"Yeah, well these hostages might not have time. This guy is a moron, and that kind of makes him dangerous."

"Alright. First, I want a car. Something Eco-friendly, like a Prius." I furrowed my eyebrows behind my mask."

"Ok, we can do that." Joe said, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"Good. Uh, right. Now second. " Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the hostages slide out of the room in the background, and it wasn't hard to figure out what had happened. I snuck away, luckily without the robber noticing and flew up to the roof, entering through an open skylight to find Ralph ushering the first hostage out the door.

"Good thinking, Dibny." I said quietly. He smiled at me, stretching his arms out and pulling out the second hostage.

"I want a plane, alright? A private plane. And a salad, alright? I'm counting calories!" 

"Ok. It's gonna take us an hour to arrange that." Joe's voice said.

"You better hurry up, because these hostages don't have much time." the robber turned around to see that his hostages were gone. He turned around, looking for them and Ralph and I entered the room.

"Should have gone with a steak, pal. 'Cause it's the last decent meal your getting for the next five to ten years." He said.

"Nice." I muttered.

"Thank you." Ralph turned around, making 'OK' signs with his hands. I furrowed my eyebrows, grabbing his arm and turning him back to the robber.

"Who the heck are you?" I cringed.

"Your friendly neighborhood superhero. You can call me..." He trailed off.

"Come on, stay on topic." I muttered.

"One second. Guys, this is a huge moment for me. What's my name?"

"I was wondering where you were going with that." Cisco's voice said.

"Can we do this later? Please?" I asked, pulling Ralph's hand away from his ear.

"Hey, hey, where are my hostages?"

"Bathroom break. They just couldn't hold it anymore. Don't worry though, they're totally safe.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Get back freak!" The robber held up the detonator as Ralph edged closer to him.

"Freak, oh, sticks and stones may break my bones, buddy. Well, they used to. Not anymore."

"Less banter, more crime fighting." I muttered. Ralph turned around.

"Babe, can you just let me do this?" I held up my hands.


"I'll blow this whole city block."

"Uh, you do realize you're  a part of that block, right?" Ralph asked. "Come on man. It's a weekday, people just want to get off work, go home and watch Netflix. SO why don't you take off that vest and-" 

"No, don't touch me!" Ralph reached forward and pulled the bomb off of his vest.

"No!" I shouted. The robber pressed the button and I made a force field around Ralph. He put the bomb inside of his stomach and it went off, making him kind of resemble a hot-air balloon. The Robber fainted and the smoke slowly started to deflate out of Ralph. I released the force filed, putting my hands on my knees and letting out a sigh of relief. 

"Ralph, are you ok?" Iris asked.

"He's fine." I said. "Luckily. What where you thinking!? That was way to risky!"

"I'm fine, he's fine, everyone's fine! It worked, didn't it!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, but it very easily could have not gone that way, and I would've sat here and watched my boyfriend explode while I trapped him in a glorified bubble!" I hissed.


"Just let this be a message to all you criminals out there. Catching you won't be too much of a stretch." I pinched the bridge of my nose as we watched Ralph talking to a reporter after the mission.

"And so, our streets are safe again, thanks to our beloved Skyrocket and Central City's funniest new hero, the Stretchy Man."

"Ok," Iris said, pausing the interview, "Embarrassing. Laura, next time you're running point. And Cisco, you're going too."

"Iris, a chicken needs to leave it's roost sooner or later, especially when that chicken insists on running point on the mission over the superhero with four years of crime-fighting experience."

"This is bad."

"This is really bad. Stretchy man, that's a terrible name. Also now that I'm gonna be on TV all the time, this grey suit, gotta go." I shook my head.

"Hey, easy chickadee."

"No Ralph, I meant you. That bomb could've torn you to shreds."

"And we don't know if Laura's force fields could've withstood the blast, so you could've killed her, Joe, or any of the police outside." Caitlin pointed out. Ralph looked at me and I nodded in agreement.

"Relax ladies, my cells are completely polygamized."

"Polymerized?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah, that. Which means they can stretch and take a bomb blast."

"Oh my gosh." Iris groaned.

"Dibny is in-dib-structable."

"Dibny is kind of acting like a jerk." I pointed out. "You're totally missing the point, Ralph you have to be more careful!"

"No, no, no, you are missing the point. What I really need guys, is a new superhero name. Ramon, you've had all this time, you can't come up with anything?"

"Patience, ok? I'm getting to you. I've just been a little preoccupied, what with Barry being in Prison and all!" 

"Also, if you could pretend to care, at least a little bit, that I could've died today, that would be great." I muttered.

"My dad and Cecile are meeting with the Judge tomorrow to go over his appeal," Iris stated. "We've been pouring through the evidence piece by piece, but..."

"Don't worry Iris, we're gonna get him out."

"Hey, has Barry joined a gang yet? I've got some friends on the inside, I can make some calls."

"Shut up, Ralph." I said. I was being a bit harsh with him, but I was angry! He put everyone at risk today, including myself, and all he cares about is his freaking superhero name. Everyone looked at me awkwardly, including Ralph.

"Ok, I will stop helping now." Iris grabbed her coat, leaving the room, Caitlin went to the med bay and Cisco retreated to his lab. I sighed, crossing my arms and rubbing my eyes. Suddenly I was being pulled across the room in my rolling chair and looked up to see Ralph and stretched his arm and was pulling me over to him, until my chair came to a stop in front of him. "I'm sensing that you're mad at me.'

"Really? Where'd you get that idea?" His face fell slightly, and I sighed. "Sorry. I'm sorry."

"What did I do?" He asked. I shook my head. "Look, Laura, I love you, ok? You know that I wouldn't have put you in danger if I wasn't a hundred percent confident that it would be ok."

"That's not the point, Ralph." I said, not looking at him. He scooted up to the edge of his chair, grabbing my face and forcing me to look at him. 

"If that's not it then what are you mad about?" I bit my lip.

"You put yourself in danger today, Ralph. If that hadn't of worked, if you had gotten yourself blown up, do you know what that would've done to me?" I asked. "To-to not only lose you but also to watch you die right in front of me? I would've had to be focused on the safety of the civilians while my boyfriend is dying and..." I trailed off, taking his hands off of my face and holding them in my lap. "I like you, believe it or not, and I kind of want you to stick around for a while."

"I see your point Laura, I do." I looked up at him. "But you and Barry put yourselves in danger all the time. Why do I have to be careful and you don't?"

"We are careful, Ralph! Every risk we take, every time we put our lives on the line, we plan it out very carefully to make sure that no one else gets hurt, and to save ourselves if it can be avoided. But today, you just shoved that bomb in your chest cavity without any thought of the consequences. You have to think about the risks before you take them, or at the very least talk them out with your team." He sighed, leaning back in his chair and taking his hands from mine.

"I just...why is everything I do the wrong thing according to you guys?" I shook my head.

"Ralph, that's not what I said-"

"Well, that's what it feels like!" He shot back. "Oh, Ralph messed up again, it's time for another superhero lecture."

"You're learning, that's all. Mistakes come with the learning process-"

"Yeah, well it's starting to feel like you guys don't think I can do anything right."

"That is not true and you know it!" I shouted. "I have done nothing but support you, Ralph! I have had total faith in you this entire time-"

"Yeah, until Barry isn't around to clean up my mistakes." My jaw dropped, and he paused as he realized what he'd just said. "Laura-"

"Don't. Do not turn this around and make this my fault. I am trying to help you here, I have done nothing but train you and try to make sure that you know what you're doing, so don't you dare sit here and say that Barry is the only reason I've had faith in you thus far."

"I didn't..." I shook my head, standing up and leaving the cortex. Our first fight...

Not great.

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