To Matter To You

By HotMess1717

133K 5.3K 636

(Was titled Never Say Never) About a cool, smart, confident curvy girl, Hannah, who is surrounded by cute boy... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 30

1.8K 80 4
By HotMess1717

Author's Note

First of all, very sorry that it took so long for me to update this story. At first I hated the way the story had progressed. And now I've found a new angle that I hope would be less cliche' and more real. Okay, maybe not more real but at least do more justice to the story. I really hate it if you guys give up on my story. I want the characters to grow. Especially Hannah, Trey and Liam. I want them to be better people by the end of the story so that it will do their characters justice. I promise I will try to be more diligent about updating. I hope you will bear with me.

~2 years later~

To say that our relationship has improved is an overstatement. But at least I wasn't feeling on edge too much around Dad. He is who he is. But at least I've found my voice and somehow he doesn't intimidate me anymore. He just seemed judgmental but I guess I could live with that. He is my Dad after all. And somehow it doesn't scare me to shut him up anymore. I guess I'm an adult now.

Haley has been backpacking for almost 2 years, longer than she had planned and has finally come home. She looked so gorgeous. Her skin was golden and she had a look of someone who has seen more than her fair share of weird things. She looked a little weather-beaten but still her bubbly self, which I was grateful for. It was good to have my sister back.

"I want to be a nurse!" She announced the morning after she came home. I almost choked since I was so surprised. Dad just stared at her for a few moments and continued eating his french toast.  He seemed unfazed. Could it be that..he approves?! 

"Really? Why?" I said in surprise. Haley just smiled as she took a bite off her food.

"Well, I love people. And making them feel better is my favourite thing to do. You know, I was a nurse's aid in Myanmar. Helping the Rohingya refugees. And it was life-changing..Plus, all doctors are cute!" She said and giggled at the end. There it is. Of course. I hid a smile.

"But in all seriousness, I really want to help people. Since I'm not smart enough to be a doctor, i guess being a nurse is the next best thing. And I really want to be a Pediatric nurse. I love kids." Haley explained and I have to agree with her choice. She is amazing with kids and sometimes random kids just start talking to her on the streets. She is that engaging. 

"Fine, as long as you're doing something with your life. I'm relieved you're back from that backpacking trip. It's time to think about your future. I won't have an uneducated and unemployed bum in my house." Dad said as he got up. Haley and I shared a secret smile. 

"I'll look into some nursing schools. I have a few good ones in mind." Dad said as he exited the kitchen. When he was gone, Haley and I sighed in relief. Though Dad has improved, somewhat, talking with him still kinda intimidates us. 

"So, tell me everything that's happened to you!!" I said excitedly. Haley laughed and pulled me and Ethan out of the kitchen, into the living room, where it's nice and airy.

Haley told us everything. I was in awe at what she had experienced during her trip. Ethan couldn't stop asking her questions. He was so enthralled. And Haley had lots of funny stories that she told us, making me almost breathless from laughing so much.

"Okay, so that's all from me. What about you, Hannah? How's the delicious Liam?" She asked and my blood kinda froze. I didn't look at her. Haley looked at me weird. Then, sensing that she had touched on a sensitive subject, Haley quickly changed the subject.

"Hey, who wants ice-cream soda from Bailey's?" Haley said as she suddenly jumped from the couch. Ethan jumped up as well and cheered.

"Me, me!" Ethan cried.

"Ok, go wait for us at the car." Haley said as she ruffled Ethan's hair, despite his protest.  Ethan sprinted to the door to put on his sneakers and jacket. Haley suddenly came to my side and put her arm around my shoulder, squeezing a little.

"Hey, you ok? Look, we'll talk about this tonight after dinner ok. No running." Haley said and I narrowed my eyes at her. She giggled and bounded to the door with my car keys in her hands. Oh no, no way am I letting her drive after she had the 2 year hiatus from driving. She might drive us off a cliff, I thought as I bounded after them, trying to wrangle the car keys from her vise-like grip.


"I'm gonna kill him. You should've told me what happened when I stopped over at Paris last month!  I would've tracked him down and stomp on his crown jewels! Wait..Are you sure nothing happened to him? Like you know, he might have got into an accident or something?" Haley asked. As morbid as it sounded, she might be right. I sighed.

"I don't know anymore. I just refuse to think about it. I'll just go mental and drive myself nuts wondering why he did what he did.  He probably has a reason for suddenly disappearing." I said as sighed. Haley put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Hannah. He really seemed to like you a lot and I just know that something must have happened. Look, let's go out tomorrow night." Haley said suddenly. She looked excited.

"Tomorrow's Monday. And I have an 8 am class on Tuesday." I told her matter-of-factly. Haley scoffed.

"Look, we'll just go somewhere and hang out for a bit. You can ask Amy along. Who knows, you might meet someone.." Haley said with a sly smile.

"Eww, Haley! I do not pick up men at bars. Or clubs. That's so low-rent." I said disdainfully. Haley just rolled her eyes.

"I'm not asking you to suck face with the first guy that you see. I just want you to mingle and meet other people. You know, just talk. At least try to forget Liam for a bit. Have fun..Nothing wrong with that, right?" Haley said as she batted her eyelashes at me, baiting me to agree. I sighed and finally agreed. She cheered happily and jumped off the bed. She bounded to my closet and yanked open the doors. She rummaged in it for a while. Then she emerged with a top that I forgot I own and a skirt that I never had the nerve to wear. It had a slit on the side up to my crotch. She got it for me. I looked at her smiling face in horror. No..No..Never!

"You're wearing this tomorrow! No buts.!" Haley said as she hung the outfit near my full-length mirror. I groaned and Haley laughed as she walked out of my room. I looked at myself in the mirror as I sat on my bed. It's been 2 years since I heard from Liam. 2 loooong years.  I just graduated last summer and am waiting for job offers. I had gone to a few interviews and I seriously hope that I would get a job soon. Over the years, I haven't changed much. My hair is longer and I think my face kinda matures a little. I don't know.  My body basically looks the same. Nothing much has changed with me. I haven't been on any date since Liam's disappearance. Amy kept making me go out with guys, but none of them appealed to me. And most of them were tools anyway. I kinda spent some time with Trey and Dan. But I haven't seen them since graduation.  I've been hanging out with Ethan and Lydia. Sometimes I see Amy, but not as often as we'd like.Most of my friends don't really know about me and Liam. I chosse not to tell them. And now that Haley has come home, I felt relieved since I'm more comfortable telling my own sister.

After calling Amy up and inviting her to join me and Haley, I hung up and started rolling around on my bed. It was just after 9 pm, still early. The summer weather was not helping in making me go to sleep. I got up and picked up my phone. I googled Liam Hennessy. Yeah, I always do that. Always. Pathetic, I know. But there he was. In all his gorgeous glory. 

There were so many stuff about him online. I've been following his life online for the past year. He's a big shot now apparently. No wonder he wanted nothing to do with me. I was tempted to reach out to him via social media, but I didn't have the nerve. Looking at his gorgeous face, I felt a small ache in the pit of my stomach. He seems fine, there's no accident. I didn't tell Haley, but I already knew he just cut me off out of the blue with no explanation. And he's not even dead, which pisses me off.  And the fact that it had been more than a year and I still haven't gotten over him pisses me off even more.

After a few weeks of going to interviews, I finally got a job in the city. It was in a really big company and my dad couldn't find anything to criticize. Which is the closest thing of him being proud of me. And it was okay. I take what I can get. One day, after jumping around in my room with Haley, Lydia and Ethan as a form of celebration on my new job, I was busy reading the letter of offer again, making sure I know what to expect. Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I looked up. Dad cleared his throat.

"So, when are you starting your new job?" Dad asked as he stood awkwardly but intimidatingly at my doorway.

"Um, next month. So, I'll have to find an apartment there fast." I said.  Dad nodded his head and walked away. I looked after his retreating back and frowned. That's it? Not wanting to let Dad dampen my mood, I just shrugged and started planning. 

That night, I texted Amy about my new job. She was over the moon ecstatic. We messaged each other back and forth. It seems that she had gotten in touch with Trey after graduation. He had been backpacking through Europe and had just got back. Suddenly I realized that I missed Trey. I thought we should meet up and have a mini reunion of sorts with the other guys and Amy.

It had been stressful trying to find a place to rent that's near the city so the commute won't be too bad.  I called all the numbers that I could to get an apartment. I couldn't even get  viewing, let alone a rental! My asking price was actually a bit low.  I walked around another neighborhood, trying to see if there were apartments in the area that I could afford. In the end, we threw in the towel and decided to try again another day. So Imelda, the realtor and I,huffed and puffed a little as we climbed uphill on the hard pavement towards her office. It had been a waste of a day. Just then, Imelda's phone rang. She spoke quietly and every now and then, she glanced at me and kept talking in a hushed tone.

After we looked at a couple more houses, I finally found my new home. But the rent was pretty steep. I decided to get roommates. It's the only way to afford the place. I know I won't be staying with Amy. Her new job is pretty near to her parents' place, she's staying there. specially since her dad was pretty sickly. Just then, my phone beeped. A message. i picked up my phone absently and clicked on the message. Trey. I smiled.

Trey : Hey Hannah! How're things in your end? I got big news!

I felt a spark of curiosity jumped in the pit of my stomach.

Me : Hey, Trey. Ok, what's the big news?

Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at caller id. Trey. I picked up quickly.

"Babe! You ready for my news?!" Trey hollered on the phone. It was noisy where he's at. I could just make out what he said. 

"Spill it,dude! Damn, it's noisy over there! Where are you?" I asked, hollering into my phone to make myself heard.

"Hold on! I'll find a quieter place to talk!" Trey said on the phone and I heard shuffling noises after that.

"Okay, Hannah. You still there?" Trey asked suddenly after a few seconds. It was quiet on his end.

"Yep, still here. Spill it now man." I said a little anxiously.

"Well, for your information, you're talking to the newest player of the Hawks!" Trey said excitedly. My heart leaped and I squealed excitedly.

"Oh my God! You finally got it! Congratulations Trey! Damn it, I'm so happy for you!" I was genuinely happy for Trey. He had worked real hard to get scouted into the big leagues. Since Liam had transferred and moved to Paris, Trey had been on the radar for scouts. Lots of coaches from the major league basketball teams had been watching him play until the end of the season on his final year. And to finally be offered to play basketball for the Hawks is like a dream come true.   

"Yeah,isn't it crazy?! My parents went apeshit out of their minds in happiness when I told them just now. This is it. Hey, are you busy tomorrow? Let's have lunch. I'll get Ryan and Dan to come along. My treat! Meet you at Pedros at 12, how does that sound?" Trey said and I agreed.


At 12 sharp I entered Pedros. It was filling up pretty fast, since it's a popular Mexican restaurant. Just as the hostess approached me, I heard someone calling me. I looked behind the hostess and saw Trey waving at me. I smiled and the hostess ushered me towards the dining area. As I made my way towards the grinning Trey, I was a little surprised to see him. We haven't seen each other for almost 3 months and Trey had changed. He seemed more buffed and tanned. I guess he's been working out and practicing all summer. His hair was clean cut and neat, seemed a lighter shade of brown and he was wearing a white t-shirt with worn leather jacket and jeans. He looked gorgeous.

He hugged me when I got to the table. Dan and Ryan was there, too. We all hugged. It was really good to see them and I told them so.

"Man, did you get hotter?" Ryan said and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up! What are you guys up to now?" I asked and each of us just caught up with each other's lives. Ryan got an offer to be in a coaching team in Boston. And Dan got a desk job with a man's health magazine in the city. I told them about my job in the city as well, and something clicked.

"Hey, do you guys have a place already?" I looked from Dan to Trey who's beside me. Both of them shook their heads. I smiled. 

"Since we're basically working in the same area, wanna become roommates?" I asked and they said yes faster than I thought possible. Suddenly, I felt excited. I'm finally an adult! Working, having my own place, paying my own's going to be awesome.

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