Because Of Him | ✅

By underthespellofwords

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Evanna Austen a freshman in college, starts out her journey with her friends. After successfully passed out h... More

Because of him - Story And Character Aesthetics.
01| What?
02 | It's over now.
03 | Lies then Truth.
04 | Unexpected Visitor.
05 | Lucky Day.
06 | Hot?
07 | I can't tolerate.
08 | Sorry.
09 | Broken pieces and misunderstanding.
10 | Mind your Business.
11 | Teach me!
12 | First Day.
13 | Party?
14 | Humiliation.
15 | Partners.
16 | Fun Ride.
17 | Forgetting by shock.
18 | Hide And Seek.
19 | Hug and Party.
20 | Spider!
21 | Strawberry Shortcake.
22 | Fight.
23 | Mess.
24 | Hanging Out.
25 | First meeting.
26 | New he, Happy me.
27 | Two days.
28 | Twenty questions.
29 | Happiness to sadness.
30 | Realization.
32 | Getting Caught.
33 | Drunk and Angry.
34 | Long Way Home.
35 | Drunk Aftermath.
36 | Friends?
37 | What do you like?
38 | Happy times.
39 | Shopping.
40 | Sensation.
41 | First Move.
42 | Staying Overnight.
43 | Words.
44 | Touch.
45 | Blanket.
46 | Repellent.
47 | Attraction.
48 | No Sign.
49 | Misunderstanding.
50 | Hard Day.
51 | Getting late.
52 | Embarrassing Day.
53 | Happy bunny.
54 | Subway Station.
55 | Terror!
56 | Kissing him.
57 | Dark and Big.
58 | High!
59| Disaster.
60 | Pick Up Line.
61 | Last chance.
62 | I like you.
63 | Help me!
64 | Just My Luck.
65 | Black magic.
66 | Curly fries.
67 | High Hopes.
68 | Falling in love is painful.
69 | I am not happy.
70 | He needs you.
71 | Ruining you.
72 | Choir boy and sinners.
73 | I love you...
74 | Jealously.
75 | Confidence.
76 | Miss me?
77 | Possessive.
78 | Manwhore.
79 | Trust you.
80 | Care for me.
81 | Punish you.
82 | Advice.
83 | Ultimatum.
84 | Past life.
85 | Condition.
86 | Security guard.
87 | Bad.
88 | Sick.
89 | Text.
90 | Cousin.
91 | Accident.
92 | Photo.
93 | Meeting.
94 | Game.
95 | Cat fight.
96 | Hide.
97 | Guitar.
98 | Birthday girl.
99 | Lethal.
100 | Us?

31 | Unwanted feelings and confession.

938 54 65
By underthespellofwords

I don't like this chapter. Seriously I don't. It doesn't end in the way I wanted it too but since I was too lazy to change my 7k+ words into something I haven't even thought about...I left this draft as it but edited it to make it look somewhat presentable. I don't know why some of my lines here sound so not like what it should sound like it is. Good luck.

I hope you have some super sensory senses that make this chapter in your eyes and mind, worth reading one.

P.S : Watch out for my first cliffhanger and obvious errors. Stay tuned for (both) many more. ;)

"Do you guys want to do anything this Sunday?" Selena asks.

"Yeah why not? We could go to uh-the new mall you and Julia went to. I heard they make the best hot dog in one of the shops and we can watch a movie too. The latest Disney one that just came." Amelia suggests. I don't have to look at them to know that they all are glancing at me.

We all are huddled up in our apartment hall. It's Saturday night. Selena and Julia decided to come and sleep here. I know why they are here -to make me feel good, suggesting food, new Disney movies in theatres and new converse to buy. They all wanted me to forget about the presentation but I just can't, no matter how many times I tried to forget about it. It crawls back in my head and leaves me blank. It's been three days since the project. After I left the geography room I took the bus to the cafe and waited there till my job began. Kim questioned me as to why I left my classes but I didn't say anything and drown myself in sketching. My friends called me multiple times and I told them I am okay and lied that my job needs me early. I know they didn't buy it specially Amelia but she didn't bug me I guess she realised I need some alone time.

My feelings towards Liam are the thing that messes with my mind. I like Liam. This sounds so weird everytime I think about it. How did this happen? How all of sudden I get a feeling towards a boy I hated so much since I laid my eyes on him?

But I think I know, I know when did this happen not exactly but I have a slight clue, those sleepless nights, dreaming of hazel eyes and the unknown happiness, the smile on my face was the symptoms of how I started growing towards Liam. At first I thought I am happy that he is changing and we sort of handling each other company but then the things he did for me, the food he brought, the almost kiss, the time he came in my cafe and said those things, the twenty questions game it was all developing my feelings inside without me knowing it. Everytime, I was around him I became nervous, my constant gaze on him, my sudden noticing of Liam, his clothing style, his hairs, his eyes, his hands and every single thing he does. It was all gesturing towards my feelings. That's why I was so hurt when he said he can't wait to get away from me. The reason I cried that night then in the class he doesn't even know my name. I cried in that empty class for god knows how long.

It sucks that you somehow developed feelings towards someone who doesn't even take a proper glance at you nor even know your name when you spend more than four weeks with them.

I look at my friends who are looking at me. I stop reading my novel that I only managed to read like two pages in one hour. Their eyes are hopeful that I will say something, anything. I have been bottled up for two days now and they are worried because this is the longest I never talk. So I decided to talk because I am mad and upset on Liam also but not on them. These are my friends who have been trying for three days as if they are the reason behind my silent state. I decided to push that feeling I have grown towards Liam and focus on my amazing friends.

"Sounds good. I will eat three hot dogs if I like and I need purple converse." I say and see how smiles appear on each of their pretty faces.

"Really?" Amelia asks, surprise evident in her tone. I nod my head.

"Only if you pay for both." I cheekily say and she rolls her eyes at me but says yes. I watch as everyone seems to be happy that I finally speak so I let it like this, from inside I am different but for them I have to pretend that I am okay.

We watch a comedy movie till late night and around 1 we go to sleep as usual Julia and Selena goes to Amelia's room and me and her sleep in mine. I was wide awake the whole night due to Amelia. I didn't turn much on the bed because I didn't want to disturb her. She isn't a light sleeper but is a cuddly person. Her arms are wrapped loosely around my waist as If I am her pillow. I shift slightly, staring at the ceiling as soon as my mind is filled with flashbacks, tears make an appearance. The same thing is happening on repeat from the past three days. I remember the time outside the library when Liam suddenly held me in his arms and hugged me. He was hiding from a girl and I was caged in his arms. I remember the way he smelled, the first time I smelled him and instantly drew towards his sweet and calming scent. That was probably the first and last time I was this close to him. Our almost kiss had us close so many times but that day it was more intimate than any other times. I close my eyes and play that scene over and over again. That time wasn't like other times we got close, It was more longer and there was a reason unless his other futile attempts. I put a hand over my mouth as the emotions bubble up more, my bed sheets stain with tears and I turn around with a sad smile on my lips.

I feel like from these past three days, my mind is repeating the exact same sentence, asking the same questions and I am getting nowhere with it. It's like I never left that geography class. I am still sitting inside, hiding from everyone and admitting that I like Liam. I am not even sure that what I am feeling towards him is actually named like. I never experience this emotion, this feelings towards anyone. So how could I be so sure that I do really like him? What if I am infatuated by him and by mistake thinking that I like him. I really need a class or someone who can dig information about my feelings towards him, who can analyze my symptoms and tell me that yes it is this or that. It matters to me because I have been so distant lately, I could see it too. It's affecting me in a bad way.

I wanted someone to tell me it's just a short admiration that will go away with time. I had been wondering about those girls Liam has been with. I am sure he has fling with beyond fifty girls. Don't those girls ever feel anything about him? I mean apart from his rude behavior, he is a very handsome man at least in my eyes. The most handsomest I ever seen. Don't they ever find themselves stuck with feelings even though their business lasts only for a couple of hours. Don't Liam ever developed any feelings towards the girls he had been with?

Because, I am a person who gets attached so easily and even though Liam and I never did anything I still feel attached towards him in a way I can't describe. It's not physical but sort of emotional one. Since the day I met him, he was nothing but rude to me, always trying to find reason to either humiliate me or hurt me. I was curious when I saw how different he is to those boys I am friends with. Like Drake and Dylan. They both were polite, they showed their true self. I know Drake the longest, he is my first male friend in college and even though it took me time to tell him about my personal stuffs, open up about myself. He has now become my sort of best friend. I was never good at judging people, the reason why I never try first to make friends. The one time I did, it brought me an enemy in the form of Natalie. But with Drake, It was like he was meant to be my friend, to this day I never find anything where I can doubt him. On other hand Dylan, the green eyed man, we might meet countable times but his aura is so comforting. He seems real, they both do. I never feel like they are hiding something from me. Drake is like an open book whereas Dylan wore his emotions on his face but Liam is like a vast ocean. One time he is calm and serene and on another he is rocky and angry.

And I somehow got myself in the middle of it. Now either I get to float to a surface or swept away by his angry waves.

After the presentation he didn't even come after me, not once he apologized, he had my number he never texted me neither called me. He even knows where I work, I live but he didn't come and that's what hurts more. I like him whereas he is happy right now from separating me. I felt sometimes that he was going to come to me to apologize or anything when I saw him walking towards me two days ago but he turned back, taking my false hope with him. I was crying over here that I developed a feeling towards him, a person who will never reciprocate it. I wanted to be around him despite what he did meanwhile he was just so content and happy that I finally left him. I waited for three days. Maybe he will come around and apologize but he didn't and that was the time I decided to avoid him, to avoid him completely and put the end to this unwanted feelings if possible.

Sunday came and we visited the mall as planned. We ate, we bought things and hung around sometime and after that we left. That outing was for me so that I can feel fresh and enjoy myself, putting an ease to my thoughts but I didn't enjoy it. I hate to say it but I thought I would. It may have kept my head off from him for a couple of hours but after that I was back to square one but for my friends I kept my jolly face on.

Now I am afraid because today is monday and I have to go to college. I don't feel like going and sharing the same class with him. I pack my things and go outside when Amy calls me. She was saying something about an incident that happened in Physics class which I wasn't listening to because my mind is occupying somewhere else.

I bid goodbye to my friends and meet Drake on the way. He was also the one who had been calling me non stop since that day. I told him I am okay and need time but he still insisted if I want Liam dead. He said and I quote "I know a guy who knows a guy who we can hire as Liam assassin. With a good amount he can finish him without leaving any sort of his pathetic dead body."

"Hey!" his tone is cautious, his eyes calculating my mood.

"Hello." I greet and he looks at me over. I can tell he wants to say something but he holds back.

"What are we doing here? Let's go." I say and pull him by his hand. We walk to the class but he halt his step making my movement stop.

"Where are you going? Lab is this way silly." He says. I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Lab?" my eyes widen when it hits me.

"Holy crap, today is lab?" I ask him and he nods his head.

"But how? I-" I stop myself when another thing hits me. Liam is my lab partner. What am I going to do now? I can't go in there and stand beside him and do experiments like everything is okay. I can't ditch either because I don't do that but I can't go in there too.

Why is it happening today? I am so not ready to work with him, heck even go near him.

"Today is Lab class, professor Cooper told us last friday." he pauses then adds. "You ran off so I guess you don't know." he says and I groan, feeling like hammering my head on the wall. Drake asks me If I want to go or not I guess he realizes why I am so unwilling about lab class. I decide that I should go whatever happened... happened and no one can change it, I can't be a coward about it all the time. I have to face Liam if not in the Lab then somewhere in class. If I hide that means he wins in his plan to make me feel like crap. As for my feelings that I can hide, I know it will go away because I already started hating him sort of, since the day I realized I like him.

I smile at Drake and tell him that I am okay and ready to go. We both go into the lab and I find various eyes on me. It's like they are watching my moves as if they know Liam is my partner means they are expecting more drama. I make my way to the counter when I see mop of dark curls there. He is leaning on the slab and just by seeing him my shoulders slump, remembering the horrible start of our presentation. I guess he senses my presence because he had a shock expression on his face when he sees me. I guess he wasn't expecting me to come after all but he is wrong I am not going to sulk around. I quickly pull out my notebook to engage myself and distract from him. I don't even know what I was reading but it makes much more sense then standing beside him doing nothing. Out of the corner of my eyes I see him shuffling and hear someone saying but Drake appears on my side. I guess he was the one.

"Hey you know we could change the partners in the lab." Drake tells me enthusiastically and I feel the burden shift from my shoulder. A smile starts to appear on my face.

"Really?" I ask, astonished. He nods and the smile stretches. I really don't want to be with Liam when I am trying to avoid these feelings that I don't want. I hastily pack my stuff and Drake informs me that he is going to ask his partner for an exchange.

"Where are you going?" Liam asks behind me and I am taken back a little, listening to him after so many days. I notice how usual his voice sounds as if nothing happened almost one week ago like he doesn't do anything. A hint of anger was in there too which confuses me but I don't say anything and slung my bag to look for Drake but Liam stands in my way.

"I ask you something." He raises his voice.

"And didn't you get the memo I am not telling you." I snap at him and try to move but he stands in my way again.

"Leave." I say but he doesn't budge instead he moves a little towards me. The goosebumps irrupt on my body just by his action and I avoid looking at him. He extends his arms on either side of me but before he can do anything I push his chest hard.

"Don't." I warn him and make my way to the exit. I can't stand him not in this class. I see various eyes on me when I am leaving the class but I ignore them. I don't care that I am ditching a class. I am sick of him, he knows exactly what he was doing, messing with my feelings again. I bet now it was his plan all along to make me like him then do this so he can hurt me.

I increase my pace, trying to get away from him. My body still wasn't normal, I can still feel his presence around me.

"Just wait, dammit." I hear his loud voice and that has me stop in my tracks. I look around and find him standing a few feet away.

"I need to tal-talk to you." he stammers and runs his hand through his hairs. I tear my eyes away.

"I don't want to." I want to shout those words at him but it comes out as a whisper. Suddenly I am feeling sad. What is happening with me?


"Hey. Evanna?" an unrecognisable voice says behind me and my eyes widen when I see the person standing there. In front of me stand none other than Jason Scott, the star of the basketball team, the heartthrob according to girls and the guy, who has everything. I blink so many times in case I am dreaming but when I see his blonde hairs hold back by a headband, a light stubble on his chin, his basketball purple-white jersey that is dripping with sweats and his blue eyes that is looking at me, I finally realise that I wasn't dreaming. He is actually here.

Jason Scott is here? In front of me? That too saying my name?


"Jason?" It wasn't meant to be a question, it was more like I am confirming.

"Yes." he smiles lightly and I see one dimple on his left cheek. Dimples reminds me of only one person who is coincidentally standing behind me.

"You know my name?" I can't help but ask in surprise. He called me by my name. He knows my name? How? I am shocked.

"Yes I know. I called you just now." he amusingly says. I gape at him. He knows me? He knows my name. But how? I am sure I am as invisible as popular Jason is-the opposite.

Funny how a guy knows my name who I barely encounter with heck I am not even famous like he is but still he knows my name whereas the people I paired up with don't even know it. With whom I spend almost one month.

"Sorry I'm just um shocked usually people around me tend to forget it even though we spend time together and here we hardly know each other." I say. It was purely directed towards Liam and I know by Jason's confused look he didn't get it but I am satisfied when I see Liam looking down at the ground.

"Erm okay. Well I was wondering if you have five minutes I want to talk to you." Jason speaks and I look at him perplexed.

"Me?" What does he need from me? He nods his head and I find myself agreeing to it but apparently the man beside me has other plans.

"You're not going. I told you I want to talk." Liam cut in.

"If you're busy I can wait." Jason politely says before I can say anything Liam cuts in again.

"Yes she is, now fucking go." he snaps.

I frown seeing how rudely he says that. Jason looks at me for confirmation and I shake my head.

"No I am not. Just give me one minute I am coming." I tell him that and he leaves us alone. I look at Liam who is now closer to me.

"What the hell is your problem? Didn't I tell you I don't want to talk means I don't. Now. Leave. Me. Alone." I turn around but he grabs my wrist.

"You're not going, I told you I want to talk." he orders and I jerk my hands from his grasp.

"Stop ordering me. It's my decision and I told you I don't want to talk and what do you even want to talk about? There is nothing to talk about and if you want to mock me for my excellent performance then I guess you have plenty of time for it as for now leave me alone." I snap and turn towards Jason. I don't wait for his reaction and gulp when I find how my hands are trembling.

"Hey." I say to grab Jason's attention. He quickly put his phone in his shorts and looks at me.

"Hi." he awkwardly says and the hint that he might overhead our conversation soon become the cause of silence around us. I look down at the ground, I am not embarrassed that he heard us but I am taken back by Liam attempting to talk to me. Why did he leave the class and run after me? What is even there to talk?

Well if you could just let him talk maybe you'll be able to find the answer. My subconscious mocks me. I hold back an eye roll.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I ask after a good minute of silence. From the people I heard he is confident but here he is something else.

"Yeah." Jason coughs. "I was wondering...well you're friends with Selena. I saw you with her many times and I want a favour from you." His words give me a slight idea of where he is heading. I don't say anything so he continues. "I asked her on a date. I am sure she already told you and uh well she ignored it. So I want you to help me." he rants.

"What help?" I suspiciously ask.

"To get a date with her. A little dinner one, perhaps." he says.

"Why would I help you? She is my friend. She doesn't want it and I am on her side not you. It's her decision." I point out.

He sighs and pulls out the hairband making his hair go in different directions.

"Look I-I like her and wanted to meet her properly, to know her and hang out with her but she declined the date. I just want you to do something and bring her to the party. To one of my parties and if she rejects me there then I, yeah I will respect her decision."

"What? I am not going to bring her-"

"No i mean not like that I didn't mean-fuck. I mean just so I could meet her somewhere outside the college. She hardly met me here. I know it bothers her when I used to come outside her class. So I want to meet her somewhere I can openly tell her, confess her my intentions. I swear if you're thinking I have wrong intentions that I have not. I know I don't have a good image but I mean it, it's nothing like that." he says.

I sigh when I hear him I thought he meant in that kind of way. Hearing his ranting I don't know if he actually meant his every word or not. Sure his image in this campus is not great except he is a really good basketball player apart from it he is a champ in breaking girl's hearts and now he is interested in Selena. Nice.

"Look I am sorry but I can't help you. Hate to break it for you buddy but she already told us she wants nothing from you or any guy." I speak on behalf of her, saying that my mind goes into flashback when I caught Selena kissing a guy. So that means he wasn't Jason besides that boy wasn't blonde. I double check Jason hairs in case it's not his original color.

"Please just bring her to the party. I will talk to her and if after asking again she said no I swear I will not bother her." He pleads and my headache occurs.

"Jason I can't force her if I told her you asked me this she will surely say no I told you she wants nothing from you from anyone. She isn't ready for a boy or relationship." I say, the last sentence I don't know is true or not anymore because I literally saw her kissing a guy and I don't even know if she is secretly into a relationship or not.

"Please Evanna. I mean it when I said it's just in a platonic way and don't say that I told you to bring her just make some other excuse after from there i will take care of everything. I swear my intentions aren't just limited to sleeping with her."

I cringe and gosh this boy swore so much. He gives me that innocent look and I sigh. I rub my temples and try to think. Should I agree to this or not?

My brain is already not working from last week and now Jason had to give me a topic where I had to think-use my head, by think means properly. Heck it's about my friend. What should I say to her? What excuse should I make? Most importantly what if she isn't interested in parties. Also should I even do this?

"Please." Jason pleads again.

I frown. I have no choice. "Okay." a grin spread across his face and I add. "But if she said no I won't pressurise her I will try but I can't promise. She is my friend so I am on her side more compared to you. Heck no, I am all her side."

He nods happily and puts on his headband again.

"I promise. I will be my best and won't blow this up. I will tell you about party details later here in college. It won't be happening soon I guess but I will tell you early." with that he turns around and I do too.

"Hey. Jason, why did you come to me? I am sure if you know me you know Selena's other friends too. Why me then?" I ask while turning to him. He turns too and walks backwards looking directly at me.

"Because someone told me you won't let anyone down if they are serious and start pleading around you. You can't resist people in need." He winks at me and turns around. I scowl at his words and roll my eyes at his moving figure.

I am pretty sure he definitely heard about this from Drake. I remember when he told me how one of his friends asked about his new friend, which is me and he told me, he said good stuffs about me to them. Jason might have heard it.

Oh Drake, you and your parrot mouth.

"God this is so hard. I'm going back." I groan and turn back but stop immediately. This is a repeat from the past ten minutes. I am standing outside the theatre hoping to convey Jason's wish in my style of manner to Selena. At first I thought to go and tell her the truth because I know she will say no and then I will tell Jason she isn't interested but Jason's pleading face keeps on coming, making me turn back from this idea. I hate it. I should say no to him immediately when he is convincing me but who I am kidding I know I would help him. I just can't say no to people who come for help, help in a good way. I think Jason was serious when he said he wanted nothing just getting to know her better and there's nothing wrong in that. If he tried something inappropriate I wouldn't hesitate to kick his 6 feet tall frame. Well I guess Selena is more capable of it but I can be a back up.

I heave a sigh and finally turn back. I guess I should come up with good timings and planning. She must be busy somewhere and if I suddenly talk about parties she will suspect because I am the last person who will talk about parties with her, to anyone in general.

"You don't look like yourself for the past few days. What happened, dear?" Kim asks when she gets a break from cooking. She pulls a stool in front of me and sits down, her eyes are roaming at my face and I try my hardest to focus on the payment a customer gives me. I smile at him and give him the change.

"He is gone and you don't have any customers now. You can talk." Kim says and I sigh because I know she won't let it go.

"Just some college work keeps me busy and stressed." I lie and she gives me a flat look.

"Don't lie I could tell this is something else. It happened since that curly headed boy came here a few days back." my eyes widen at hearing her words. Wow she is so observant than she appears to look.

"I-no. It's not." I mentally smack my head at how much I stammer in that sentence.

"Yeah and I am not 60 but 30." she deadpanned.

"Well you could pass for 40." I joke and attempt to divert the topic but I guess Kim isn't in the mood to buy my futile attempts.

"Are you telling me or not, otherwise I will stop giving you Kim special sandwiches." she threatens me. Well It's a threat for me. My jaw drops hearing her and I find myself shrieking.

"Noo please don't do that. I love those sandwiches." I plead, ready to go down on my knees. Kim rolls her eyes at me.

"Then spill." she says. I sigh. I guess I have to tell her. Besides I guess I can tell her easily compared to my friends because if I tell them my sudden new found feeling towards Liam they will either go crazy or kill him. There's no in between. I didn't tell anyone but telling Kim won't be harmful. They already have so much hate brewing inside them for Liam and If I tell them I know they will lose their mind. Also how can I even tell them without not getting judged about my feelings towards my tormentor.

"Do you remember a while ago I told you how someone made fun of me by putting a red stain on my behind and everyone laughed at me thinking I'm on my periods?" I say to which she nods quite frantically so I continue, "That boy was my partner for a chemistry project. We spend 14 days together to complete it and somehow I-"

"You like him." Kim states as if it's a universal fact. I nod my head somewhat, appalled.

"I don't know when this happens. I hate him. He was like the first person to walk on this earth that I passionately hate. More than Trump even though Trump never hurt me personally but you...get it right? So I find myself liking him at first I denied it because it's stupid I used to plan his murder with my friends and now I wanted to spend more time with him. So on our project day we have to present ourselves. He got the introduction part and when it comes to my name. He didn't say it." my voice gets gruffly in the end as the scene plays in my mind. Mocking laughter echoing in my head.

"What? What do you mean he didn't say it?" Kim questions, eyebrows furrowed.

"He doesn't know my name Kim. We spent fourteen days together and before that I used to help him in studies. We met many times like a whole month. I used to go out with him and during the presentation I got to know that he never even knew my name." I choke on my words.

"Wh-What the hell is this? How could-" she fumbles with words. "Even I know my great grand grandma name even though I never saw her or met her and you were project partners. How could he? Was that his game to insult you more. Did he do that on purpose?" Kim asks and I find myself thinking I did think that. I know it's in his habit he wouldn't admit his defeat. He is sick like this. Since the day he came he never once went without insulting me. He said that he wasn't done with me.

"I thought that too but I don't know. He can do it that I can guarantee but i don't know if he actually doesn't know my name or did that purposely but before presentation, he never called me by name. Never." I reply. Her eyebrows furrow at my words.

"What do you mean he never called you with your name? Then how did he call you if he wanted to?"

"It's complicated I mean I-I really don't know how to explain." I tell her truthfully because I don't even know how we spend one month without him saying my name.

"Oh. If that's the thing then what happened to your feelings? Did that change after the project?" she asks.

"It was the same day I found my feelings for him. I mean I was wondering how that affected me so much I mean I don't even care if he not called me by name or remembered it but that was before but now I-it matters. It matters when we stand in the middle of the classroom and say your partner's name but nothing came out from the person you developed feelings for. I guess I wasn't embarrassed that time that people were laughing. I was more hurt that he didn't know my name and once again I found myself in the spotlight because of him." I finish and a single tear falls from my eyes. I remove my gaze from Kim and start wiping the counter. Kim stops my hands and shakes her head.

"Leave it. I guess it's time for a sandwich." She grins and I smile lightly in her attempt to divert my mind. She walks back to the counter wall and as usual chop some vegetables and put some things which I don't know. After five minutes she hands me the sandwich and I take a bite instantly forgetting about my misery.

"It's so easy to make you happy. You eat this normal sandwich like it's some expensive dish from an expensive restaurant." Kim shakes her head amusingly and I give him a toothy grin.

"Thwis gowd." I say in between the food and she cringes.

"Evanna if you don't mind can I ask you something?" she says and I nod my head at her. She continues. "How does that boy look, the one you like?"

I stop chewing and look at her.

"Uhm he was the one. The curly headed boy you're talking about." I tell her and watch as her jaw drops, eyes widening.

"What? He was the one, who was your partner? The reason behind your smile and tears?" the way she says the last line makes my heart flutter but not in a good way.

"Yeah he was the one." It sounds cheesy but heck if it isn't right.

"But how? Are you sure?" she looks so shocked.

"Of course Kim I'm sure. Are you okay? What happened?"

"But he was alw-com -he curly headed, dressed in all black, tall like mountains and handsome as hell?" she asks again and I roll my eyes.

"Yes Kim he was the one. Now what happened? Why are you so-confused?" I ask but she just shakes her head.

"Kim? What happened tell me?" I try again.

"Wipe your mouth after eating okay." With that she leaves the counter and I sit there, blinking several times. What the heck just happened? Why didn't she tell me?

It's nearly nine and I serve my last customer. My mind isn't in what I am doing instead it was on the expression Kim gave me when I told her about Liam. She looked so shocked and confused. Did that mean she doesn't like my choice or she knows Liam from somewhere? I went after her again to ask but she pushed me away.

"Thank you." the woman says and I smile at her. I watch as she disappears through the door and I sink on my seat putting my head on the table, closing my eyes. After a few minutes I hear a tapping on the counter.

"I know Kim, I am going. Two minutes." I tell her and go back to my mini rest. Today I am so tired and I groan when I realise I have to travel through a bus. At first I was happy about this independent thing but now I am not, the only downfall is travelling by bus. Sometimes I get lucky to have a seat, sometimes I am unlucky for not getting a seat but also to be met by stalkerish type people. Sometimes people who are high get on the bus and then it's either their stinky smells or cursing mouth. People who are sloshed do have a blunt mouth, they blurted out their life in a span of fifteen minutes to anyone sitting nearby or to the whole bus. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes the bus driver had to kick them out because of their unacceptable behaviour.

"Kim." I whine when I hear the tapping again but my mouth falls open when I see it wasn't Kim. My heart instantly races when I see Liam in front of me, dressed in all black, (nothing new) his hairs that look bed type, more curlier than usual. His hazel eyes that are peering at me.

"You?" The sudden anger and hurt mix in my voice and I gulp to regain my normal voice.

"I want to talk to you." He says and I roll my eyes at how robotically he said it.

"Wasn't I getting myself clear this morning? I don't want to talk. Leave me alone." I keep my voice low and pull out my bag from the counter and move towards the door. I guess my nap is put to an end now. Thank god I am not wearing an apron otherwise it will be embarrassing when it doesn't open. I hear the jingling sound when I open the door, followed by another one.

"Fuck, just listen to me." I hear frustration in his voice but I don't turn and walk faster. A hand encircles around my wrist, pulling me back. I turn around and come face to face with Liam's chest. I look at him and jerk my hands from him but he clasp it like handcuffs.

"I told you to stop doing that. What do you want? Leave me." I push his chest from my free hand but he grabs it too and pulls me forward, more at him. All together dismissing my words. My breath hitches in my throat when I smell the familiar scent I used to like.

"Not before you fucking hear me out." he dips his head to look at me and I raise my eyes too. I shake my head because I couldn't trust my voice, I can already feel the lump in my throat and the sweaty hands due to the proximity between us.

"You infuriate me so much." he groans.

"Ditto." I scoff and wiggle in his grasp.

"So you're not going to listen to me?" he asks.

"Are you deaf or what? I think this is my fourth time saying this to you. I am saying last time leave me alone I don't wanna talk to you." I snap at him.

"Fine." he spits and leaves my hands. Thank you. I want to say but don't. I step back but suddenly Liam pulls my elbow and in one swift motion he throws me on his shoulder like I weigh nothing. Am I that light weighted?

Wait a second did he just throw me on his shoulder?

"Put me down." I hit his back hard when I registered what was happening. I am hanging upside down and I can literally feel the sandwich I ate coming in my throat.

"Put me down." I shriek but he doesn't stop and walks faster.

"I swear If you don't leave me I will kick you." I threaten, my legs aiming for his stomach but his grip on my knees tightened.

"I like to see that because I will take you down with me too." he says and immediately I grab his shirt from behind. I can't trust him he can throw me if he wants and falling from this height can cause injuries, not severe but still. He reaches into his car and I take it as my cue to run when he puts me down. He opens the passenger door with me on the shoulder and throws me inside. My plan backfires so I push him back to get out but he holds my hands and pushes me further into the car and closes the door. He presses his keys button, signalling the door is locked. I try to open it but it won't budge. I watch as he rounds the car and I keep my hands on the handle when he will open it again.I will jump out. The light flashes once again and I open my door. I put one leg on the ground but instantly he grabs my hand and pulls me inside.

"Leave me." I scream as he locks the doors again. He leaves my hand and I try to open it but he child-locked it and I gulp nervously.

"Wh-what are yo-you doing why did you lock it?" my voice comes out shaky and my hands quickly go down to the phone I had in my pocket.

"So that you can't run away." he says and turns his body to my side. I shift as far as I can towards the door and put my bag on my lap. He must have noticed my nervousness.

"Look I don't mean any harm just listen to me and I will leave you." he says the same sentence again and this time I nod my head because I want to get out from here. Being here with him in this car makes me anxious and I am sweating like a pig.

"I-I am sorry for that presentation gone wrong, thing." The way he says it seems like he doesn't mean it and wants to get it over with fastly but spending days with him I came to realize he isn't good at apologising but he tries like now.

"It's okay." I mumble and look at the front avoiding him. I am not okay. I wanted to yell at him but I know it never brings us anywhere.

"What? You okay?" he seems shocked and my assumption ignites with it.

"So what do you want me to be? Not okay?" I laugh a little then add. "I bet this wasn't the reaction you were hoping for, you were expecting crying and me moping around. It's your plan all along isn't it? To humiliate me in front of the whole class. First you act like all different around me, your cooperative nature towards the project, then saying thanks in the cafe, helping me with presentation later, taking me to that place, showing with my sketchbook in the cafe and next day showing your true colors." I spit in disgust and breathe heavily.

Liam looked taken back by my outburst. "You think I did that on purpose?" he asks and I look at him deadpanned.

"Well judging by your previous behaviour yes, you can do anything when it comes to me. I don't know what your problem is with me. I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much? Since the day I met you-you..." I choke on my words due to the lump in my throat. "Now you're finally free from me but you come again. Isn't it what you wanted? To make me lik-" I stop myself when I realize what I was going to say. I hope he didn't hear it.

"Make you what?" he asks but I don't say anything.

"Make you what?" he raises his voice in the octet and I jump a little due to my jittery nerves.

"To make me look like a fool in front of the professor and the whole class, your I am not done with you is finally done I guess, you're done with me? Or is there anything you wanted to do too." I shout at him. Why can't I keep my voice at bay when it comes to him?

"I told you I didn't do it on purpose." he seethes.

"Oh yeah then you really don't know my name? After spending so much time with me. You just somehow don't know my name or you just forget it during the presentation. Do you even realize how it feels to stand in front of many people when you already is a nervous wreck, when you feel like to run away or faint by seeing those curious eyes who are waiting for you to go wrong, to give a bad show so they can have fun of you and you gave them exactly what they wanted by using me. It's almost one week since that happened and still I am a fool, a laughing stock. I worked so hard for not getting messed up there, I was even wondering to not fumbled up there for your sake because we had to present as a group. I couldn't pull you down because of my anxiety. I had to think about you too. I was really ready for it but with your stupid game....I-I-I hate you." I half yell at him. Getting it all out of my chest, gives me relief but my emotions are on high peak.

"Just please open the doors." I plead and sniff a little.

"There wasn't any stupid games. I don't forget about it. I knew your name but that time I-" he groans frustratingly and stops.

"I told you it's okay. You're free, we are free the project is over. Just please now let me go." I say, jiggling with the handle. I hear him sigh behind me.

"I don't want to be free. I mean it when I said thank you in the cafe I mean every help I did for that presentation. I mean it when I said I want to complete the project with good remarks, the only time I don't mean my words was at the night I came to your cafe." he says and for the first time he is saying with a different voice not his usual stoic tone. His words had my heart beat faster and harder.

"What do you mean?" I whisper, holding my breath.

"That I don't want to get away from you....I need you." he finishes and just like that his words hit me like a monster truck.


I know it wasn't star worthy but still like a shameless, greedy person I had to ask. Can you guys give my star an orange color.?D

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