Hopelessly in love

By implied_happiness

185K 6.1K 10.2K

Naruto suffers from anxiety and is just trying to keep his simple life and future together. However Naruto's... More

The begining
A Talk
A Fork
A Day Off
Baseball Practice
A Frog
Sleeping All Day


5.6K 198 607
By implied_happiness

Everyone in the house, except for Deidara walked down stairs to the basement, the walls were brick but posters, photos hung on them making it seem a little less dark.

Arcade games, were placed all around the room and some hockey tables in the center. A huge flat screen TV was hung up on the wall, cabinets full of movies were sitting next to it.

Gaara and most of the baseball team were playing arcade games, Naruto, Shikamaru and Hinata were sitting on the couch talking, catching up on whatever they missed.

"You did really well at your baseball game" Hinata said looking at her other friends.

Hinata has changed a lot over the years, She used to never talk, then she would only say a few words she was so timid. But once Sixth grade hit she started hanging out with Naruto and Shikamaru, it took her a while but she came around, eventually she started talking to everyone she could. She did a big 180 and turned into a social butterfly.

"Thanks Hinata!" Naruto shouted, Hinata's face turned bright red. She's changed but some things always stay the same, she still has a massive crush on Naruto.

Everyone was still having fun, Naruto and the others turned on the play station and started taking turns on call of duty. All the girls were on the couch or chairs, they were getting tired of watching the boys. But no one asked them to be there anyway.

"Why don't we play spin the bottle or truth or dare?" Ino asked.

Naruto visibly stiffened he gave Shikamaru a frightened look, Naruto doesn't like either of those games.

Shikamaru gave him a look that said 'it'll be okay' and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah okay" Kiba agreed. He wasn't bored but he wasn't going to lie he didn't exactly want to play video games anymore.

Gaara gave Naruto a worried look that went unnoticed and glared at Kiba for agreeing without asking everyone else.

"Lets play, truth or dare" Sai suggested, he didn't want to take the risks of the bottle landing on someone he couldn't stand, like Sakura.

Ino nodded her head. Everyone sat on the floor in a circle, Naruto and Shikamaru sat next to each other and all the girls sat next to each other.

"I'll go first!" Ino looked at everyone in the room, before picking Sakura. Naruto rolled his eyes typical. He knew nothing of the game didn't want to either. He really just wanted to go back outside.

"Sakura, truth or dare?" Sakura looked at Ino, then thought about it, the two girls winked at each other it would seem like they had this planned.

Naruto was starting to get nervous, he doesn't like this game, its a game where you literally have to do what ever you get asked AND you don't know what you're going to get asked. The more he looked at Sakura and Ino the more nervous he got. They clearly planned something.

"Dare" Sakura said as if she didn't know what Ino was going to ask her. Ino and Sakura snickered ignoring the confused glances thrown at them.

"I dare you, to kiss Sasuke" Ino giggled. Narutos eyes darkened and he looked shocked, angry, and a ton more bad emotions that's what he felt at the moment.

He glared at Ino before glaring at Sasuke. Sasuke gave Naruto a look and sighed. Naruto thought 'oh maybe he won't kiss her.' But if he didn't people would wonder why. Narutos glare shifted to the ground as he crossed his arms.

Sakura smiled at Sasuke before crawling over to him, Sasuke rolled his eyes, and gave her a death glare. Sakura looked hurt before stopping in front of Sasuke.

Naruto lifted his head trying to calm himself, what if Sasuke likes Sakura more than him?

Sasuke was sitting with his legs crossed waiting for her to fucking stop staring at him. He was surprised when Sakura jumped on to him, he lost balance and fell back.

Sakura laughed a little now laying on Sasuke, she brought her lips close to his and kissed him. Sasuke was struggling to get her off him but she wouldn't move, he wasn't kissing back but she was getting too close to him.

After a minute, a loud slam came, Sakura quickly got off of Sasuke and looked at everyone with a glare, everyone was confused, all except Gaara, and Shikamaru.

Sasuke looked around the room, Naruto was gone he must've slammed the door.

"What was that!" Sakura yelled angrily.

"Naruto doesn't like truth or dare" Gaara hissed. Looking at Ino, knowing she knew that.

Ino looked away guiltily.Was it that big of a deal anyway? Naruto was one person, his emotions were all over the place he was too much to handle. She was tired of it.

"Lets just continue the game, Naruto will be fine" Ino promised. Sasuke got up from his seat on the floor and began walking to the door.

"Where are you going Sasuke" Sakura sweetly asked. Sasuke flipped her off. Her smile fell and she turned away with tears in her eyes.

"I'm going to get a drink" Sasuke said walking up the stairs and slamming the door on his way out.

Gaara and the baseball team smirked at Sakura, they all wondered why she never learned. Most people forget, Sasuke doesn't give a shit about anything, he will do anything he wants and doesn't care about the punishment. He's in his own world most of the time. He's an asshole and he's rude, why all the girls love him is beyond him.

Most of the girls forget about that side of Sasuke because they are always looking at his good looks. His brain, and probably his money too.

Naruto wasn't sure, how to feel or what to do he walked into his room but then walked right back out. He wanted to be outside. He wanted to look at the stars. Naruto shook his head, no he didn't. He wanted to be with Sasuke.

He was mad at Sasuke, but that didn't mean he didn't want to sit in angry silence without him. He wanted Sasuke to sit on the other side of the room and Naruto sit on the opposite and they would just sit there, while Naruto glared at him. In silence. Facing each other.

Naruto walked down the stairs and out the front door. His helmet was sitting on the porch railing, he grabbed it and put it on his head.

Naruto put his phone in the back pack along with a sweater and put it back on his back he didn't care if he was out later then he was supposed to be.

Naruto turned to the four wheeler there was still a full tank of gas on the four wheeler. Naruto got on the four wheeler and turned the key.

Naruto drove into the field thinking, 'What is this thing going on between him and Sasuke?' Naruto drove deep into the woods and stopped at a large tree in the center of the trail.

Usually whenever he got to this tree he would ride around it but tonight he got off his four wheeler and sat there, under the tree thinking. Naruto already knew he was falling for Sasuke, he was already head over heels, but was Sasuke?

Sasuke and Naruto never really talk about their feelings, what this thing is. Are they officially a couple? Can they hide that? They only just started talking and kissing it wasn't even been that long. A couple days.

How long could they hide that anyway of it did turn to something could they hide it? Was this just an experiment for Sasuke? Does he have a thing for Sakura, I mean they way they were kissing sure seemed like it.

Naruto felt tears fall down his cheeks, he was crying over a boy. "Oh god I'm such a loser" Naruto mumbled to himself.

Sakura was everything he wasn't, she was pretty, smart, she was a girl. Naruto still doesn't even know who Sasuke was and he can't keep doing this if he doesn't know anything about Sasuke, they never talk.

This is how relationships end. Naruto didn't want that he wasn't even in a relationship!

Naruto laid up against the tree in silence for who knows how long, he just stared up at the stars he could see between the tree leaves. A gust of wind blew around Naruto, the tree leaves were falling, it was going to rain. Naruto got back on to his four wheeler and left.

Naruto drove until he reached the familiar field, he was almost home the wind was blowing hard and he felt small rain drops falling.

Naruto slowed down when he saw the bridge but stopped completely when he saw a shadow of someone sitting on the bridge. Naruto's stomach turned upside down, was his parents home? Was he about to be grounded? can he still go on the camping trip.

Naruto got off and started walking on the bridge, as Naruto got closer to the person he could see it was, Sasuke.

"Sasuke?" Naruto whispered as he got closer, Sasuke was staring at the water, he looked really out if it, was he sleeping? Naruto walked over and sat down next to Sasuke.

"Sasuke" Naruto waved his hand in front of his face. Sasuke seemed to come back to reality.

Sasuke jumped and he hit Naruto upside the head.

"Hey!" Naruto whined as he rubbed his head, the rain was starting fall a little faster. Not much but you could feel it and see it on the water.

"Where have you been?"Sasuke hissed he was angry, Naruto sheepishly smiled at Sasuke.

"Uh, for a ride?" Naruto asked, Sasuke was tired, cold, and angry.

Naruto ran out the room after he kissed Sakura and then just got on his four wheeler and drove away, not even waiting for Sasuke to come and talk to him.

Sasuke has been sitting out here for 45 minutes cold and confused. Sasuke started to rub his arms, getting the water off him and trying to stay warm.

"You're cold" Naruto observed. Sasuke just nodded his head. Naruto took off his back pack and took out his sweatshirt he put in there. Naruto handed Sasuke the sweatshirt.

"You're not cold?" Sasuke asked. Naruto shook his head, Sasuke took the sweatshirt and put it on, it was a little small but it fit.

"Sasuke" Naruto whispered. Sasuke looked at Naruto and put is arm around him, Naruto leaned into Sasuke. "What am I to you?" Naruto mumbled, into Sasukes side he didn't want to see Sasuke's face.

Sasuke thought about it for a while, Naruto sat there tears brimming his eyes. "I think you are the only thing in my life that makes me happy, I like getting up in the morning to text you, to watch you" Sasuke smiled as he talked, he never felt so much for one person.

He felt weird saying this stuff but with Naruto it felt like he had known his for years, on a personal level.
"I like your hair, your eyes, your laugh, I love when you laugh but you never laugh that much." Sasuke finished he looked down at Naruto. Naruto's eyes were shining from tears.

Naruto wiped his tears away and hugged Sasuke. Sasuke fell over on to his back from the sudden impact but still he held on to Naruto laughing.

Sasuke sat up, Naruto sat on Sasuke and wrapped his legs around Sasuke's waist. Naruto smiled at Sasuke, before turning his head. "You kissed Sakura" Naruto grumbled crossing his arms across his chest.

"Yeah, it was a stupid dare, it didn't mean anything and I almost got sick after." Sasuke leaned his head on Naruto chest, Naruto ran his hands through Sasuke's hair.

"It was nothing like kissing you" Sasuke raised his head, Naruto relaxed his arms on Sasukes shoulders.

"Yeah? you must really like me" Naruto teased. Sasuke nodded his head.

"Yeah, I guess I do" Sasuke searched for Naruto's blue eyes, they blushed, Sasuke smiled and kissed Naruto.

Naruto smiled into the kiss, he was still sitting on Sasuke, his hands found their way into Sasukes hair. Rain fell from the sky, fast and hard. Naruto laughed, his hair starting to stick to his face. Sasuke pushed the hair from Narutos face and laughed.

A loud boom came from the direction of the house. It caused the two to look at the house, the lights went out. The light rain turned into a thunder storm. Naruto and Sasuke quickly stood up.

"The power went out" Sasuke said.

"Yeah" Naruto started pushing the four wheeler into the fence, with Sasuke's help.

They put the four wheeler in the shed and ran towards the house, they quietly walked in through the laundry room. They both grabbed a towel and walked from the kitchen down a hallway and into the basement.

Naruto and Sasuke quietly walked down the stairs, everything was pitch black, Sasuke turned on his phone flashlight. Naruto motioned for him to shine it to the couch.

The couch was pulled out into the bed, all the girls were sleeping on it. Most of the boys were sleeping on the ground, or on a small futon Gaara must've pulled from the closest, some were sleeping on the arm chairs, everyone had blankets and pillows. The time on Sasukes phone said 9:15 it was earlier than they thought.

Naruto walked into the back of the basement and turned on the back up generator that was unplugged for some reason. All the lights, including the TV down stairs turned on. Naruto quickly ran over to the TV remote and shut it off. The two went back upstairs after shutting the lights off downstairs.

Naruto and Sasuke walked upstairs into the kitchen and got out the ice cream, they each made a bowl and ate it down in the kitchen.

Naruto would laugh randomly while Sasuke ate ice cream, causing Sasuke to think he had something on his shirt.

"What are you laughing at?" Sasuke asked his a small smile. Naruto smiled at Sasuke, and shook his head. Once they finished eating they both walked up to Gaaras bedroom.

Sasuke grabbed his clothes and took a shower in Gaara's bathroom. Naruto did the same in his own room. Once they were done showering and in clean warm clothes, Sasuke walked back in Naruto's room and shut the door.

Naruto was picking out a movie when Sasuke walked in. Naruto looked at Sasuke before laughing "Your hair Sasuke" Naruto pointed at him.

Naruto motioned for him to come over. Sasuke walked over to Naruto a angry look in his eyes as Naruto continued to laugh at him.

"What do you think of this movies?" Naruto asked holding up The Dark Night. "Its the best batman movie in my opinion but it's long and I might fall asleep, Wait do you like batman? Have you seen any of them, maybe I should have asked you first before picking out a movie. We can watch something else, you can pick it out" Naruto continued to ramble.

Sasuke wasn't sure how to shut him up, he took Naruto's hand and squeezed it, Naruto stopped talking and looked at Sasuke a scared look was in Narutos eyes.

"Calm down Naruto" Sasuke hugged him, Naruto relaxed nodding his head and hugging Sasuke back.

"I like this movie, I'm tired too so I'll probably fall asleep before he even blows up the hospital" Sasuke unwrapped himself from Naruto and walked over to his bed.

Naruto put the movie in and ran over to the bed and jumped on it, "Whoa this is the first time you've ever been in my room and now you're sleeping in the same bed as me." Sasuke nodded his head.

Naruto laid down next to Sasuke and put the fluffy blue blanket over them both. "I usually only sleep with this blanket but if you get cold you can get in the comforter." Naruto turned on his side and looked at Sasuke. Sasuke nodded his head and closed his eyes.

"Are we a couple?" Naruto asked and then quickly hid his face under the blankets. Sasuke chuckled.

"Do you want to be?" Sasuke asked he lifted the blankets off Naruto's head.

"I don't want, other people to know.....Is that Okay? I haven't told them anything about us, about me." Naruto whispered scared Sasuke wouldn't want him.

"Yeah, that's okay" Sasuke intertwined their fingers, "I haven't told my parents or even brother about us, they don't even know that I'm gay."

Naruto opened his eyes and stared at Sasuke, a shocked expression on his face. "You're gay?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at Naruto, "Yeah..... are you?" Sasuke mused.

"Yeah, I guess I am, That's the first time I've ever said that." Naruto confessed. Sasuke nodded in agreement.

"I guess, we're dating." Sasuke said with a smile he turned on his back and closed his eyes. Naruto smiled, and moved closer to Sasuke.

"Can I-" Naruto's face turned red, Sasuke opened one eye and looked up him. "Can I lay on you?" Naruto squeaked.

Sasuke smiled before opening his arms. Naruto smiled and laid his head on Sasuke's stomach, Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hand and laced their fingers together. They both fell asleep, not even turning the TV on.

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