Hopelessly in love

By implied_happiness

188K 6.2K 10.2K

Naruto suffers from anxiety and is just trying to keep his simple life and future together. However Naruto's... More

The begining
A Talk
A Fork
A Day Off
A Frog
Sleeping All Day

Baseball Practice

6.7K 241 851
By implied_happiness

Today was Thursday, one more day till the weekend but the weekend was the furthest thing from his mind. Naruto was quickly getting dressed and running down stairs to leave with everyone because he got up late.

Usually he would think about the clothes he wears and always bring a sweatshirt no matter what but today he forgot it.

He picked up his school bag and gym bag and ran down stairs out the door without saying by to his parents. Naruto and Gaara were sitting in the back.

Gaara was telling Naruto everything he can about the team and there plays, everything was in a very specific way. After hearing all of this it wasn't a surprise that they have only lost one game, and that was against Suna.

Gaara was explaining all of Suna's best players and how they are a strong team but they have a few weak spots like teamwork. Teamwork is crucial in a sport, if you don't have team work you don't have anything.

Deidara parked the car and everyone got out, Naruto was running his hands threw his hair causing it to stick up more than usual, this was a common thing for Naruto to do when he got nervous or didn't understand something.

Gaara kept reassuring him that everything would be fine, he's a good player but Naruto still wasn't sure. Gaara and Naruto walked into the school together side by side until Kiba and Sasuke came up.

Kiba running at them and Sasuke walking his normal 'cool guy' walk. As Kiba got closer Naruto saw he wasn't slowing down, he was running top speed at Naruto. Naruto didn't know what to do!

Kiba jumped onto Naruto who kept his balance as hard as that was with a 100 something pound guy on you. "I heard you're on the team! Yes! We are so gonna beat Suna tomorrow" Kiba pumped his fist in the air as he got off of Naruto.

'Beat Suna tomorrow?' Naruto thought looking  at Kiba for a second before realizing what was going on, "There is a game tomorrow!?" Naruto asked looking for anyone he knew, mainly Shikamaru.

Kiba looked at Gaara "You didn't tell him we have a game tomorrow against the hardest team?" Kiba huffed.

"Did you tell him if we don't win we don't go to the finals?" Sasuke asked knowing damn well he didn't. Gaara just shook his head no and watched as Naruto frantically kept looking for someone. Probably Shikamaru.

Kiba noticed Naruto becoming extremely anxious and was looking around for something.

"What are you looking for Naruto?" Naruto turned to Kiba.

"Shikamaru" Naruto bluntly answered and went back to looking for the spiky ponytail. Sasuke glanced at Naruto.

"Why are you looking for Shikamaru? You two like a thing?" Kiba asked and was a little surprised with how forward he was being usually he would never ask someone something like that.

Naruto's face turned a deep deep dark red, Naruto quickly shook his head back and forth. "NO! No, we're not together" Naruto was shaking his hands back and forth.

He didn't want anyone to think they were together. Naruto was to busy shaking his head to notice Shikamaru appear behind him.

"Naruto" Shikamaru called from beside him, Naruto qucickly turned around and hugged him, thank god. Naruto quickly started mumbling incoherent words and got off Shikamaru.

"What's wrong" Shikamaru looked worriedly at Gaara for an explanation but when Gaara was about to answer Naruto started talking, very fast.

"I joined the baseball team and I don't know why I did that, I mean I do I wanted to do this for me, because I made a whole promise to myself about trying new things and getting better at talking to people. And I was kind of fine last night and this morning until Gaara kept talking about teamwork and how it was super important and what if I mess everything up? I mean I'll get kicked off the team right? and Kiba told me we have a game tomorrow against the hardest team and there is a lot at stake and I only get one practice with the team, one! What if I'm super bad? What if I do something and get the game cancelled? What if I-" Shikamaru covered Narutos mouth with his hand and looked him in the eyes before Naruto nodded, Shikamaru took his hand of Naruto's mouth and looked at him.

"Naruto, Stop. Take a deep breath and think about your thoughts" Naruto nodded and took some deep breaths.

Shikamaru continued "How long have you watched baseball?"

Naruto was quick to answer "All my life."

Shikamaru nodded "Exactly there is no what ifs because you're going to do fine, and I'll even be there so you'll be okay"

Naruto visible calmed down, he smiled "You're going to come to the game?" Shikamaru nodded.

"Great! awww you're such a good boyfriend!" Naruto cooed in a joking manner. Naruto smiled a shaky smile at him and turned around, he forgot everyone was still here.

Gaara, Sasuke and Kiba were shocked, "Wait! I was joking. It's a joke, we're not together!" Naruto blurted out.

Everyone just nodded heads they were more surprised at how fast Shikamaru calmed Naruto down.

Everyone took mental notes of this, Shikamaru wasn't always going to be there. Naruto scratched the back of his head, his face heating up again.

Naruto looked at Sasuke and sighed. 'Great now he probably thinks I'm a weirdo' Naruto thought. Naruto's shoulders dropped and a gloom took over Naruto.

Everyone was looking at Shikamaru for help but he just looked at Sasuke and then Naruto, Shikamaru put two and two together. He was suspicious for a while but now he thinks he knows for sure.

Shikamaru put a hand on Naruto's shoulder causing Naruto to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

Naruto looked over his shoulder and saw Choji approaching. Choji was stuffing his face with chips when he reached everyone. "Naruto lets go, I need to talk to you at lunch. Alone" Shikamaru was determined to get the truth out of him.

Naruto looked at Shikamaru and then thought about what just happened, everything he did, Naruto was thinking 'Shikamaru already knew about his anxiety, the only thing he did was look at Sasuke after words and' Naruto's eyes opened wide and his face turned red.

"Oh No we don't!" Naruto raised his finger to shikamarus face and started drawing circles in front of his eyes.

"Forget what you saw, you're wrong, I have no secrets." Naruto sang hoping he would ignore everything he saw.

Everyone was confused and thinking the same thing 'What the fuck is happening' Shikamaru rolled his eyes and slapped Naruto's finger out of his face.

"No, were talking during lunch." Shikamaru started walking away down the hall.

"No Shikamaru I will not date you!" Naruto said a little loud but not loud enough to get the attention of others.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes, "You're not getting out of this conversation." Shikamaru muttered as the bell rang signaling first period.

Naruto kicked an imaginary can and started walking to class, everyone following.

Lunch came faster than Naruto would have liked, he did not want to talk to Shikamaru but he also knew he wasn't going to stop until he talked to him.

Naruto slowly walked to his table 10 minutes late, everyone thought he wasn't going to show up but they were all hoping he would so they could hear what was going on.

Naruto reached the table and dropped his lunch on the table. Shikamaru got up from his seat and they both walked behind the school and into the woods, a spot Shikamaru goes to sometimes to smoke.

Everyone at the table was disappointed they wanted to know what they were talking about, Kiba was about to get up from his seat and follow them but Gaara stopped him.

"Let them talk, alone" Gaara didn't want anyone to hear what they were talking about, it must be important if they wont talk about it at the table.

Kiba slumped his shoulders and sat back down, they all continued talking about the game.        

Naruto sat down on a rock and waited for the questions from Shikamaru. Shikamaru opened his cigarettes and lit one. "You got a thing for the Uchiha" Shikamaru stated, he didn't ask, he told him.

Naruto's face turned red and he looked away. "You should be careful with that one, hes hiding things I can tell" Shikamaru looked at Naruto.

Naruto just nodded, tears were brimming his eyes he didn't want to talk about this. He never wants to talk about this because its too much and Naruto doesn't understand it or want it.

Shikamaru sighed and puffed out some smoke. "Naruto its okay, I'm not mad or anything I just want you to be careful" Naruto nodded his head he was holding back tears.

Naruto got up and hugged Shikamaru. He was lucky to have Shikamaru. The two walked back together Naruto still upset but was holding it down. Naruto sat down and didn't touch his lunch he wasn't hungry and he smelt like cigarette smoke.

Naruto's bottom lip quivered he bit and tried to hold back the tears.
Gaara looked at him he was worried, it looked like everyone else was as well.

Gaara was going to ask him but Ino and Sakura were walking over, "Naruto are you okay?" Ino walked over to Naruto and touched his shoulder Naruto nodded his head and took out some fruit snacks.

Ino gladly accepted. "What do you want Ino?" Gaara asked annoyed with his sisters presence.

"Oh relax, I came over with Sakura we'll leave when shes done talking to Sasuke." Ino mumbled eating some fruit snacks.

Everyone looked over at Sasuke and Sakura, Sakura was standing next to Sasuke and quietly talking. Naruto crumbled his eyebrows together 'Are they together?' Naruto thought. Sadness filling his already hurt heart, he was already on the brink of tears.

Sakura and Ino were walking away but not before Sakura turned around and loudly yelled "I'll see you tonight Sasuke!" Gaara shook his head and finished his sandwich, Naruto looked at Sakura's back with disgust.

"Are you two together?" Shikamaru's tone was angry, not because he was with Sakura but because he knew Naruto wouldn't be able to handle anything else.

"We're going on a date tonight and honestly that's probably it" Sasuke shrugged his shoulders and looked at Naruto, who looked like a lost puppy. Sasukes heart ached just watching Naruto's face.

Gaara turned to Naruto "What did you and Shikamaru talk about?" He asked and watched as Kiba perked up.

Naruto sighed, "Shikamaru just wanted to make out." He mumbled a stray tear falling from his eye. He quickly wiped it away.

"Don't go around saying that! Temari will beat my ass" Shikamaru lazily replied.

Naruto smiled and laughed a little, "I always liked Temari" he said.

Naruto quickly got up from his seat and mumbled a small "I have to go."

Sasuke looked at Shikamaru and asked "Does he have a thing for Sakura?" Shikamaru raised and eyebrow with a smirk on his face.

'This boy is dense, what a drag.' Shikamaru thought. But Shikamaru thought he would help his best friend out at least subtly. "No, Naruto can't stand that girl, actually he dislikes almost every girl in this school" Shikamaru and Choji both got up.

They walked away from the table leaving a confused Gaara and Kiba. Sasuke, who was very close to figuring out what Shikamaru just said. 'If hes not jealous and doesn't like Sakura whats his problem? Unless of course he has a thing for-' Sasuke finally understood everything.

Why Naruto wouldn't look at him.

Why his face was always red around Sasuke.

'Naruto liked him' Sasuke's face turned red, this is a feeling Sasuke never felt before, he was happy, too happy for his liking.

Naruto liked him, and it was obvious for Sasuke that he is happier when the blonde is around him. 'Does he like Naruto?' Sasuke got up from the table thinking very hard about everything, he would test it out today during practice.

The rest of the day went by just as fast, Naruto couldn't get out his head the fact that Sasuke and Sakura were going on a date. Disgusting.

Naruto wasn't going to let that interfere with him right now, he would let it haunt him later before he goes to sleep. Right now he needs to focus on baseball.

Usually Naruto doesn't exactly try hard in gym class, hes just good at the sport. So today during practice while everyone was giving 100 percent Naruto gave a solid 80 and still came out on top. He was just good, he loved it.

The coaches couldn't deny it, in fact they predict Naruto will at least get a few offers from professional players by the end of his high school career. If Naruto can play his best and win a few games for the team he would find a spot full time. Guy was already determined to make Naruto a full member of the team.

Making one member sit on the bench for a few innings it was good to have at least one extra player anyway. The whole practice Gaara and Naruto were together, Guy was watching both of them pitch and couldn't deny they were both good.

It would be good to have two decent pitchers in one game. Sasuke kept an eye on Naruto the whole time, he watched Narutos facial expressions change, he liked his smile the best, Naruto's smile could probably cure Sasuke's worst days.

At the end of practice Guy huddled the team together and discussed who was playing where for tomorrow.

"Naruto will be our opener pitcher and Gaara will be the closing, this team doesn't slow down at any point so its important you all have energy. I think it goes without saying that I need everyone to give me 100 percent tomorrow."

Everyone agreed and all walked back to the locker room together. Everyone was talking and was excited for tomorrows game and pretty soon everyone slowly left the locker room.

"I'll meet you in the car Naruto" Gaara said leaving the room with Kiba. Naruto was the last one in the locker room, well at least he thought he was.

Naruto went over to the sink and washed his hands, he counted to 100 and then once again put two more pumps on his hands, his hands were full of mud and it was harder then he thought to get out.

Naruto looked up in the mirror and saw a person standing behind him watching him, Naruto jumped a little and put his hand to his mouth to prevent him from yelling.

Naruto walked closer to the person and saw that it was Sasuke. His face instantly heated up "You scared me Sasuke" Naruto huffed and went back to his bag, he put deodorant on and picked up his clothes from the ground putting them in his bag.

"You know, I think I learned some interesting information today" Sasuke leaned against the lockers and watched Naruto stiffen before turning around slowly.

"Like what?" Naruto's voice was shaky barely noticeable. Naruto was hoping this was going to be about baseball.

"I believe I figured out, why you blush every time you see me" Sasuke walked closer to Naruto, Naruto chuckled softly and backed away from Sasuke. "You. Like."

Naruto couldn't step back any further, his back slammed against the locker and Naruto's eyes darted around the room looking for an exit. "Me." Sasuke finished.

Sasuke lifted both of his hands and put them next to Naruto's head. Naruto closed his eyes tightly as he felt Sasuke getting closer. 'He's going to punch me, I'm going to get beaten up by my crush' Naruto thought.

Thoughts were racing through both their heads when finally Naruto opened his eyes and saw Sasuke staring directly at him, his lips were parted a little and Naruto couldn't help but think 'What if I kissed him right now? Would he punch me? Would it be worth it? How awkward would it be between us? What about Gaara?'

Naruto was tired of all these what if thoughts but it appeared Sasuke was having the same problem. Naruto remembered his goals, start a conversation with Sasuke, if he kissed him right now.....he would be farther ahead, and further progress is good.

Naruto stopped thinking for a minute he decided to just doing it, Naruto lifted his head up and got up on his toes, he kissed Sasuke.

Sasuke stood there for a second before saying fuck it and kissed Naruto back. They kissed each other with force and longing. When they pulled away both were breathing heavily and their faces were redder than tomatoes.

Neither knew what to say, but they both knew they wanted to do that again. "That was..." Naruto breathed heavily and trailed off trying to find the word.

"To good to be true" Sasuke finished Naruto's sentence. Naruto nodded before looking away from Sasuke. Sasuke lifted his hand and turned Naruto's face towards him.

Sasuke leaned down and kissed Naruto again, the kiss was short and powerful. Sasuke took Naruto's hand. "What are we going to do?" Naruto asked, they both didn't know what to do, they liked this, they both liked holding hands and kissing each other.

"We could text?" Sasuke suggested. Sasuke took out his phone and was spammed by texts from Sakura, Naruto looked down at the phone before frowning.

"Don't worry, I'll just cancel" Sasuke texted Sakura saying he was busy and not to get her hopes up about a reschedule he had no desire to go out with her in the first place.

Naruto and Sasuke traded numbers before awkwardly smiling at each other, they didn't know how to leave, or say good bye. Naruto put his back pack on his back and picked up his gym back

"I'll, uh see you tomorrow?" Naruto timidly asked looking away from Sasuke. Sasuke once again wasn't sure why he was doing that Sasuke took Narutos hand and gave him a quick peck on the lips before running out of the locker room.

Naruto stood there with a goofy smile on his face, wondering what the fuck just happened.

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