Promise | Glake

By GucciGlake

28.4K 1.8K 2.6K

"Promise me?" "I promise." More

❝ 7 minutes in heaven ❞
❝ Mine ❞
❝ Thirdwheel ❞
❝ you look bad ❞
❝ Team Glake™ ❞
❝ Hickeys ❞
❝ Pinky Promises ❞
❝ I promised ❞
❝ Revenge ❞
❝ You're Okay, I'm Okay, We're Okay ❞
❝ Five Days ❞
❝ Blame ❞
❝ Someday ❞
❝ you're okay baby ❞
❝Songs for Blake❞
❝ nightmares ❞
❝ reminiscence ❞
❝ Richardson-Smith ❞
❝ trust ❞
❝ insecurity ❞
❝ partner in crime ❞
❝ Winnie ❞
❝break up❞
❝ Vance ❞
❝ Star Gazed Talks ❞
❝ Breakfast ❞
❝ Blake's Girlfriend ❞
❝ nothing ❞
❝ Code Blue ❞
❝ GSGS & BER ❞
❝ It will always be only you ❞
❝ first love❞
❝ Laurel ❞
❝ my boy ❞
❝ Song About You ❞
❝ closure ❞
❝ Sad Songs ❞
❝ Unsupportive ❞
❝ Zeke ❞
❝ worries ❞

❝ Without you ❞

365 29 45
By GucciGlake

The rest of the day went calmly. I texted Blake, letting him know I told my mom, he hasn't answered yet, he was probably in another bouncy house with Charlie and Reece. I ended up playing a bit of video games with El, calmly going through the rest of the day, couldn't wait to see Blake and just hug him with everything I had. I missed him, even though we talked earlier, the last I saw him, I was being a "little bitch" as he said.

I just couldn't wait to cuddle him while drifting asleep.


It was now ten pm, we were getting ready to leave. Blake answered finally.

Baby 😍

Baby 😍
And I'm happy it went well with your mum x I knew it was going to go well.

Baby 😍
I'll see you later my love 💓

I'm glad you had a good time 🧡🧡 I would've been there if my stomach wasn't being torn to shreds this morning x But I love you too x I'll see you later blakey 🖤

I put my phone down, walking to my mum, who was getting ready to leave, giving her hugs and good byes. "Let's go Tony God, you're slow." She laughed.

"Yes ma'am." My dad mumbled with a smirk. "Relationships are a hassle George, stay single for as long as you can."

Oh fuck. My mum turned to look at me, with one brow up,my dad noticing her look, then glancing back at me.

"Wait, George you are in a relationship?"

"Its uh-"

"Who's this?" Finally someone that didn't assume it was a girl.

"Actually dad." I chuckled nervously. "I'm not with a girl."

"That's not what I asked, I didnt ask if you were with a girl, I asked who you were with."

"You knew?"

" I did."

"You knew I was gay?"

"I knew yes." He smiled hugging me.

"Blake told you?"

"Blake? Wait, are you dating Blake?"

"Yeah, I'm dating Blake." I smiled.

"Well, I already love my 'one day' son-in-law, a great way to start life."

"One Day." I smiled thinking about it. That one day, He will be my husband, One Day I'll walk down the aisle to him and commit my life to him. One Day, Little kids, one day.

"We couldn't ask for a better in-law." My mum laughed. "Alright we'll get going now." My mum smiled hugging my aunt. "Take care of yourselves." I gave my cousins a hug, then my aunt and we began to walk out.

I sat in back, My mum starting the car, playing music. I was calmly humming the songs, dancing to some, going through some breakout singing moments.

My phone started to vibrate, I looked down to it, a number I didn't recognize, yet answered assuming it was maybe Blake calling from someone else's phone.

"Hello?" I answered, on the other line was heavy breathing and low cries.

"Is - is this George?"someone asked on the other line, stuttering and crying.

"Yes, who's this?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

"It's Blane, there was a car accident George." Blane broke down before continuing. "Everyone was involved. Ellie, Reece, Blake, Noah, Charlie and Vance."

"B-Blake?" My heart felt heavy.

"Yeah, The paramedics are taking them to the hospital now."

"Which hospital? And is Blake okay?" I started crying,My mom noticing and looking to me with a confused look on her face.

"John Radcliffe. Where are you? Do you want me to go pick you up?"

"No, my mum will drive me, Did you let Soulla know? And Abbie?"

"I haven't."

"Okay, let them know in the car, please stay with Blake and the rest of them. Please. Let me know if anything happens."

"I'll do that, meet you there." Blane said before hanging up.

I put my phone on the seat, and broke down. My mum stopped the music, pulling over, turning to pat me on the back. "What is it George? What happened?"

"There was a fucking accident mum." I sobbed. I held on to my shirt,wanting to rip it off. Wanting to hit the seat. Wanting to punch something. I didn't know what I was feeling, it was anger at myself for not being there, sadness, and the fear.

The fear of losing him.

I didn't want to feel that fear ever again.

Yet here it is, at its worst again.

"Where are we headed George?"

"John Radcliffe." I said, my mum looking to my dad.

"That's like an hour away." My dad said looking to me.

"Fucking go." I yelled. My mom turning back around, Starting to drive. I was panicking. I kept texting all of them, hoping I'd get an answer from one of them, yet none of them did.

Please tell me your okay Blake.

I can't live without you, you know that.

We're in this life together. I can't go through it without you blake please.

My screen blurred as the tears fell from my cheeks. I turn my phone off, rolling down the window, trying to breathe yet nothing was easy right now. My mind was gone. "How much longer?"I growled from the back seat.

"Still a good half hour."

"Hurry up fuck!" I yelled leaning onto the seat.

"I can't go faster than the speed limit George." My mum said.

"Fucking do it, I'll pay the ticket I don't fucking care! I just don't want to get to the hospital and he's already dead!"

"Don't think like that George." My dad said, I not really wanting to listen, I was all over the place.

After 35 minutes of me complaining for my mum to go quicker, texting Blake without answers, panicking, we finally arrived at the Hospital. I ran in quickly, sprinting to the receptionists desk.

"I'm here for Blake."

"Blake What?" She answered rudely, and it wasnt the time for it.


"Are you two related in any sort."


"I'm sorry, only family." She said, not even glancing at me. I clenched my jaw, tightening my fist before I slammed it in her face.

"I'm sorry miss' 'I've got my head so far up my ass', May I speak to someone that has a bit of fucking humanity before I climb over this counter and beat this fucking slut."

"- GEORGE." My mum yelled pulling my arm. My dad on the other hand chuckled.

"What seems to be the problem here kid?" A mid 40s man asked.

"This fucking noodle bitch won't let me see my boyfriend that got into a fucking car accident."

The man, Dr. Lepore, looked to the younger lady before demanding her to move. "Now." He proceeded which she did. "You know an attitude like that can get you fired, and I promise I'll make that happen." He sat down in the chair she was just in, Re-greeting me. "So your name is?"


"And you're here to see who?"

"Uh, Blake, Richardson." I stuttered.

"Just Blake or all ten in the accident?"

"Ten? What do you mean Ten?" I scoffed.

"Three-car accident, Six in one car, three in another one and there was only one passenger in the last."

"How are the six that were in the van?" I asked, hoping he'd tell me Blake is okay.

" Horrible state for the most, Vance is braindead."

"Not to sound rude, But I don't really care about him, I've never even met the dude. Can you put them in order for worst state to less worse?"

"Worst is Vance, Then Blake -"

"- is he okay?" I interrupted.

"Nothing's certain, He's comatose right now."

"Does that mean like, a coma?" I asked.

"Yes exactly, he suffered quite a few injuries, Head injuries, Neck injuries, arms, spine."

"He'll be okay though, right?" I asked. "I'll be able to hold him again? And hear him sing,or even talk?" I cried. "He will be okay?"

"Chances are low." Right then and there, My heart shattered.

"What about Reece? And Ellie?"I cried.

"Reece is also comatosed, Ellie will be fine, She isn't as injured as the others."

"And uh, Noah? And Charlie? The little boy, are they okay?"

"Noah is okay, he's sleeping right now, and the little boy is in the kid zone, with a man named Blane Keller, said to be a friend of the family."

"Yeah, he is." I sighed. "Can I go see Blake?" I asked.

"Yes, I'll finish filling in the form and you will. Am I filling some for your parents too?" He asked looking to my mum and dad.

"Yeah, we'll visit too."

Doctor Lepore gave me a paper with their rooms and this little sticker saying 'visitor' on it, I stuck it to Blake's shirt that I had on, walking to the first room on the list, Blake's.

I walked through the doorway, breaking down to my knees seeing him. He was all patched up, with tubes all over the place. I sat on the chair next to his hospital bed, leaning my head on the bars. I took his hand in mine, holding it tightly while crying. "Hi baby." I said through tears as I gently moved his hair away from his face, I moved my hand to his cheek, rubbing it softly. "I - hope you're okay." I cried. "Just please, come back to me." I kissed his hand, that was still tightly in mine. "I don't want to go through life without you by my side Blake." I leaned in a little closer to him. "You know, our Someday, it can't happen without you, I don't want my someday with anyone other than you. If you want to leave, if you want to give up Blake, please remember me and us, and keep fighting." I leaned up and kissed his cheek, sitting back down and leaning my head on the bars. I had no plans on leaving him, even when he'd wake up, I'd stay with him. I held his hand, Falling a sleep next to him, I wasn't in the most comfortable position, but I was with him, and that's all I ever wanted.

|sadness |
So I cried writing this x

Yall can thank Ellie for this update


- Jess

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