Promise | Glake

By GucciGlake

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"Promise me?" "I promise." More

❝ 7 minutes in heaven ❞
❝ Mine ❞
❝ Thirdwheel ❞
❝ you look bad ❞
❝ Team Glake™ ❞
❝ Hickeys ❞
❝ Pinky Promises ❞
❝ I promised ❞
❝ Revenge ❞
❝ You're Okay, I'm Okay, We're Okay ❞
❝ Five Days ❞
❝ Blame ❞
❝ Someday ❞
❝ you're okay baby ❞
❝Songs for Blake❞
❝ nightmares ❞
❝ reminiscence ❞
❝ Richardson-Smith ❞
❝ trust ❞
❝ insecurity ❞
❝ partner in crime ❞
❝ Winnie ❞
❝break up❞
❝ Vance ❞
❝ Star Gazed Talks ❞
❝ Breakfast ❞
❝ Blake's Girlfriend ❞
❝ Without you ❞
❝ Code Blue ❞
❝ GSGS & BER ❞
❝ It will always be only you ❞
❝ first love❞
❝ Laurel ❞
❝ my boy ❞
❝ Song About You ❞
❝ closure ❞
❝ Sad Songs ❞
❝ Unsupportive ❞
❝ Zeke ❞
❝ worries ❞

❝ nothing ❞

366 33 20
By GucciGlake

I was quiet and calm for the rest of the car ride to my aunt's. My mum didn't ask anymore questions and I was left alone. After forty minutes of an awkwardly peaceful silence, we arrived at my aunt's. I got out of the car, happily hugging El.

"Hey G." El smiled holding me tightly.

"I need to fucking talk to you ASAP." I whispered hugging her back. "It's extremely important."

"How extreme is extremely?" She asked not letting me go.

"Like, the extremest of extreme."

"That isn't a word, but I got it."

"Mum?" I asked looking to her. "I'll go lay down." I said as I started walking inside, Eleanor following me. I flopped on to her bed, her doing the same thing.

"So, what's up with you?" She asked.

"El, I'm in a relationship." I blurted.

"What?!" She scoffed. "That's great George! With who?" She asked ecstatically." Is she pretty?"

"For fucks sake, you're just like my mum." I said rudely with an eye roll.

"oh... so is she not pretty?"

" He is pretty."

"H-he?" She asked. "OH-HE!" She yelled.

"Stop fucking yelling Eleanor. It's secret, no one really knows." I sighed. "My mum knows Blake's in a relationship, she thinks he's with a girl, doesn't know he's actually with me."

"Wait what, Blake!?"

"Yeah... Blake"

"Like... Richardson Blake."

"No Eleanor. Blake fucking Shelton." I said sarcastically. "Yes Blake Richardson."

"Since when?" She asked. "And what he's gay? Wait you're gay? What the fuck is going on man, I'm fucking confused."

"Me and Blake have been together for a month or so, And he's bisexual, I'm just gay ."

"And I never knew about this?" She laughed.

"No one does practically, Reece, Ellie, Soulla, Abbie and a few other close friends, other than that, no one really does."

"I'm happy for the both of you, now how are you going to tell your mum?" She asked laying down on her side looking to me.

"El, she's certain Blake is with a girl, she thinks I'm straight, she doesn't know anything." I sighed.

"How do you plan on telling her this?" She asked.

"Honestly Eleanor." I started, looking to her. "I have no fucking idea." I looked back to the ceiling with a long sigh. "In fact, I don't even want to."

"Why's that?"

"I don't know, there's no one openly gay around her, I don't know how she'll take it. Telling Soulla was easy, Alexia is gay but my mum? Name one person that's gay."

"you." she smirked.

"openly gay."

"hmm. no one."

"Exactly, so I don't know how she'll take this; in a good way or in a bad way?"

"It's your mum George, come on, I'm 110% sure she'll take this news greatly."

" Just because you're sure, doesn't mean you're right."

"I know George, But hope for the best okay?"

"and expect the worst." I sighed.

"No. Hope for the best and expect the best." She smiled hugging me. "I love you Georgie." She muttered kissing my cheek. "I'm happy for you and Blake, it'll last a whole lifetime, I'm sure of that." She grinned. "And don't pull that 'Just because you're sure, doesn't mean you're right' phrase here or I'll push you off my bed." She laughed

"Thanks El." I chuckled.

"So now what? Want to watch a movie?" She asked sitting up.

"Yeah, I'll probably fall asleep though, I'm still not feeling good."

"Alright." She smiled going through the Netflix movies, pressing a movie I didn't know, I barely paid attention. 10 minutes into the movie and I was out like a light.


4 hours later, I woke up with El sleeping next to me. I looked to my phone, seeing 17 messages from Blake and three missed calls. I called him back, him answering on the second ring.

"Hi you." He answered.

"Hey, Having fun?" I asked with a smile.

"Ye - YO BITCH " Reece interrupted.

"Hi Reece" I chuckled.

"Yes, Lots of fun, would be even more fun with you but hey."

"Everything is okay?"

"Yes why?"

"I don't know, I thought you'd be mad at me."


"The way I spoke to you before, it was rude and all."

"Well, you tend to be a little bitch sometimes, but I understood your reasons so no, I wasn't mad." He reassured me. "And even if I was, that was like five hours ago sweetie, it'd be pathetic if I still would be."

"Oh good." I smiled. "So the fair is nice?" I asked laying down.

"Yeah it's quite nice, Charlie is the cutest too!" he exclaimed. "He keeps getting me and Reece to do all the bouncy adventures with him. Like George, I want a fucking kid."

"So do I" I smiled, imagining Blake with a kid summed up the word adorableness.

"Yet that's not happening anytime soon, so for now I guess we'll just babysit everyone else's kids." He giggled.


"Did you tell your mum yet?"

"Eh, No. I told Eleanor though, but I will tell my mum."

"Stay calm okay? It's going to be fine, your mum will love you even more."

"Or it can backfire and she disowns me like Noah's parents did to him."

"Okay for starters, Natalie and Tommy are nothing like your parents. Very similar names, Natalie Natasha, Tommy Tony, but they are nothing alike." He said. "Your parents will love you okay, there's no doubt about that."

"Blake what if th-"

"- Don't even what if me okay. everything will be fine."

" Yeah." I sighed.

" Yeah buddy, I'll be there in a second." Blake said away from the phone, I'm assuming to Charlie. "The absolute cutest."

"Charlie?" I asked even though I knew.

"Yeah, he's so funny too, ugh I want a kid."

"Do you actually want a kid or you just want Charlie?"

"Hmm. A kid named Charlie Perez." He giggled.

"Is that Charlie's full name?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah it is." He laughed. "Anyways, Bake has to join Bubby and Chalie into another adventure, through another bouncy house."

"Bake and Bubby huh?" I laughed.

"Hey! Don't forget Chalie." He laughed. "He's been calling me Bake since we met, and had too much problems saying 'Reece' so Reece was like 'Hey buddy, you can call me Bibby instead', and Charlie was like 'okay Bubby' and he doesn't pronounce his 'r's so he calls himself Chalie." He laughed. "I love you George, I'll see you later alright?"

"Yeah, I love you too, Have fun." I smiled before hanging up. I walked out of El's room and out to the living room where my mum was seated next to my aunt.

"Oh look who's awake." My mum smiled.

"Yeah, I'm alive."

"So I think we might've found who Blake's girlfriend is." She smiled looking to me.

"What?" I coughed.

"Look." She said showing me her phone.

"They are so cute!" She laughed.

For fucks sake Ellie.

"And she's confirmed it too."

"You're like a fangirl mum, always trying to find the best tea."I rolled my eyes.

"Look! Even Blake said it. He called her Sweetie, the cutest thing ever!" Funfact mum, he calls me sweetie too. "They are so cute George look at them!"

"Mum did you seriously retweet that?" I asked with another eye roll.

"Yeah they are too cute!"

"Oh look mum, They aren't together." I said showing her Blake's recent tweet.

"So now, you can stop fanwomaning."

"Dang, I really thought we had her." She laughed.

"Who the heck is we. I know who he's with. I also know who Ellie is with, and they aren't together."

"Who are they with!? I wanna stay updated."

Me. mE. me. ME.

"Ellie is with Reece and Blake's with some blondie."

"Ugh okay, now I have to go through Blake's following and check every blondie."

Yeah but I bet you won't notice I am the blondie.

I laid down on the couch next to her, taking out my phone and started texting Blake.

My mum thought you and Els were together lmao

Baby 😍
Yeah well everyone did 😂

Baby 😍
Did you tell her?

Should I?

Baby 😍
Yeah that'd solve a lot of your problems

Or cause new ones

Baby 😍
No I don't think it would, it would save a lot, and your mother will be so proud, now tell her before she actually does go through all 3,402 people I'm following.

"is it her?" My mom would ask every blondie she'd cross, I would always shake my head no every time.

I'll tell her once she's done going through and notices that none of the blondies is the blondie you're with.

Baby 😍
Okay fair enough 😂😂

Baby 😍
I love you Georgie let me know how it all goes

For sure.

Love you too ❤❤

"It has to be her! She's the last one"

"That's Reece in a blonde wig mum."

"Oh, thought she looked familiar." She said with a laugh. "So does he not follow her?"

"Mum listen. Blake is dating someone you know."

" is he dating one of my nieces? ELEA-"

"-no mum, hes not dating any of them."

"Then who?" She laughed.

"Mum, promise me something."

"I'm listening?"

"I'm sorry okay, I'm scared." I started, being overcome by tears.

"George?" My mum questioned as she saw I started to cry. "Why are crying sweetheart?" She asked holding me in her arms, patting my back.

I couldn't stop crying.
I was terrified this was the last time I'd hug my mum after telling her the truth. I was scared she'd disown me. I was scared she wouldn't even want me home. I was scared for so many reasons.

I stayed in her arms for a few minutes, crying onto her shirt, as I build up a bit of courage. I sat back up as my mum took my soaked cheeks in her hands. "Please talk to me George." She said worriedly while she brushed her thumbs on my cheeks. "You can trust me okay?"

"Love me unconditionally mum. Promise."

"I promised myself that when you were born."

"I'm gay." I scoffed. "I'm dating Blake." I started crying even more as my mum just started at me. "I'm sorry mum."

"No, no, Nothing is wrong. You have nothing to be sorry for George. Just took me some time to process. It's okay sweetie." She smiled pulling me against her, squeezing me tightly. "I'm so proud of you my love." She said kissing my forehead. "And if I'm honest, You're the prettiest Blake could ever have." She giggled, causing me to laugh. "Nothing will ever make me love you less okay?"


"Nothing." She stated, pulling me into another hug.

I felt this big weight fall off my shoulders, I suddenly felt happy again, I didnt have to hide from my mum anymore.

|yeEt |

funfact, If Blake wouldve been following Jeffree Star I probably wouldve used that but he dont so byee blakey Hello Reecey in a blonde wig 🤩😍

- k bye
- janiqua

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