The Nerd's Best Friend

By ashlyn0304

74.9K 2.5K 226

Raelynn is your typical nerd. Straight A's and an art student. And to add to it, thick rimmed glasses and bra... More

The Nerd's Best Friend


1.2K 44 10
By ashlyn0304

Word Count: 2458


  It was now about three weeks since Valentine's Day and it was spring break. Claire and Gavin had come over for the week.

  Me, my mom, Claire, and Gavin were sitting in the couch, watching Naked and Afraid, when the doorbell rang. My mom stood up going tot he door while the rest of us stayed. I glanced at Claire, seeing the slight terror in her eyes.

  When my mom didn't return quickly, I stood up, along with Claire and Gavin to see what the holdup was. When we arrived at the door, there stood a military official, with his cap in his hand by his side. He had the same, straight face every officer held, but there was something different with his. He held an apologetic and sorriness in his eyes. I noticed my mom already had tears flowing freely down her cheeks, and that's when everything fell into place. I felt everything go numb and my heart rip.

  "Hello ma'am. My name is Officer Peterson, and I'm here with the devastating news, that, your husband, Brody Jake McKnight passed away yesterday while in war." He told us, his voice staying strict, without wavering. He glanced back at me, giving me a small sorry look.

  My mom broke into sobs, as I felt tears falling on my cheeks. I looked at my mom, before I spoke to the officer.

  "Thank you for informing us sir." I muttered, my voice breaking before he nodded, saluting us. My heart ripped further, as I hastily put my hand up to my forehead, shakily. He put it down, before turning away and leaving. I shut the door, as we all fell tot he ground in heaps.

  Me, mom, and Claire all crying, as Gavin tried to comfort Claire as well he could.

  I was sitting in my room, numb, staring at the four walls, as tears stained my face. When the door opened, I didn't move. I just sat there.

  "Hey." Marcus whispered, as he sat next to me gathering me into his arms. He held me close, as I closed my eyes, letting my tears slide down my cheeks. He kissed the top of my head, lifting me into his lap. My back rested against his hard chest, and his arms were wrapped around my stomach.

  "I miss him so much. I didn't even get to say goodbye." I mumbled, tears surfacing once again. He sighed, putting his head in the crook of my neck.

  "I know. I know." He whispered, as he took a hold of my hand, running his thumb over my palm. "I would say it will all be okay, but I know it will take you a long, long, long time to come to full realization about this. A piece of you had just left. But, I'm always going to be here for you, no matter what. I promise." He spilled out to me.

  I was crying all over again, as I looked up into his eyes. His too, were red from what I assume to be crying. Marcus always though if my dad as his second dad, and with him gone, he's going to hurt too. I would try my hardest to comfort him, but for right now, I needed him.

  But for now, I'm grateful he's here with me.

  "You don't have to pretend Marcus. I know it hurts you too." I mumbled, as he held me tighter. I felt him nod, as he started to let his tears come down.

  "He was like my dad." He mumbled. I turned my self in his lap, so I was facing him, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  "I love you." I whispered. He sent a weak grin, pressing his lips to mine. It wasn't passionate, nor was it hungry. It was, a slow, sensual kiss. One that showed he was here for me and I was there for him. A kiss that showed, we truly loved each other.

  After we found out my dad passed away, my mom got to work on the funeral. It was set for tonight, a week after my dad passed, and I was not ready.

  "Lynnie." Marcus said, entering my room. I was sitting on my bed, ready to go, with a picture of me and my dad. It was when he came home from deployment one time, we were on the tarmac, and he was holding 5 year old me on his hip and 8 year old Claire was hugging his leg. I felt a shadow of a smile form on my lips, before tears over took it.

  Marcus sat next to me, pulling me into him. I took a deep breath, before putting down the picture.

  "It's okay to cry." He told me. I nodded, getting up and grabbing my hand bag. "You look amazing." He said, trying to advert my attention.

It was a simple black dress with cold shoulder sleeves. With it, I was wearing black booties and my hair was in its natural curly state. My make up was my everyday natural look; because I only had a limited amount of energy.

  "Thanks." I muttered as he stood up, towering over me. He held my hands, and let them swing in between us. We held gazes for about a minute, before he leaned down as kissed my lips. His large hands, cupped my face, as his thumb stroked my cheek. I wrapped my arms around his torso, as he pulled away.

  I closed my eyes, resting my head on his firm chest. He held me close to him, inhaling sharply. I breathe din his scent, of peppermint, and grinned slightly. If anyone could make me feel better in this moment, it would be Marcus.

  "I love you Lynnie." He whispered, kissing my head. I nodded, pulling away. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together.

  "I love you too Marc." I sighed, as we left my room and walked down stairs. Everyone was there. Baley, Nick, Elliot and his family, my uncles and their families, Mrs. Clark and her husband Sam, and of course, mom, Claire, and Gavin. They all had sad expressions and were wearing black.

  As soon as Baley saw me, she gathered me in a tight hug, and I felt the tears surfacing for about He umpteenth time. She pulled away and gave me the same look everyone has given me. A sorry, sad look of forgiveness. I gave a weak grin, and so did she as we headed to the car. I got in the back with Marcus, as he placed his hand on my knee.

  We drove there in silence, and it was a comfortable silence. Once we got to the church, I climbed out and looked up at the signature cross. Marcus was beside me, with his arms wrapped around my waist.

  Eventually, I went inside, and saw my dads coffin. With Marcus holding my hand, I slowly walked up to it. Inside, was my dad, in a nice tux, and cuts and bruises all over his face. He was pale and stiff.

  At that moment, it all became a true reality. My dad had passed on and left us. He left mom, the love of his life. The woman he promised to protect his entire life. Claire, his first daughter. His little princess. And me, his youngest. His little nerd, and the girl he promised to walk down the aisle with.


"Happy birthday Sugar plum!!" My dad exclaimed as my entire family burst through the door to my room. I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes. My mom was holding a cake with the numbers 10 lit up on it. Claire looked as if she had just woken up and my dad had the biggest smile on his face.

  They brought the cake over to me, as I closed my eyes, making my wish.

  I wish, that everyday, is like today.

I blew out the candles, and they cheered.

  "Okay. Now get up and get ready for school Rae." My mom grinned, leaving my room, with Claire following her. I sat on the edge of my bed, as my dad joined me.

  "Rae, I have a something to promise you." He said, an honest glint in his eyes. I grinned, nodding excitedly. He chuckled, placing his arm around my shoulders.

  "I promise, that when you get married, I'll walk you down the aisle. Okay sweet pea?" He said, ruffling my hair. I nodded happily, as he chuckled, kissing my cheek. "Alright then. Get ready princess." He said, leaving my room.

•End of Flashback•

  "Hey. Hey. Come on. Let's just go sit now." Marcus said in my ear, trying to drag me by my arm, but I stayed rooted to my spot.

  "One more second." I muttered, wiping my tears. He sighed, letting go of me. I opened my purse, digging until I found it. I pulled out a tiny pencil, probably less then an inch in length, and placed it in the box. "I think you'll want your lucky pencil. I don't need it anymore. All my luck ran out." I mumbled, letting out a sigh. I turned to face Marcus, as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and headed to the front row of the church.

•Marcus POV•

  I watched as she just broke down suddenly. It broke my heart, knowing she hurt so badly. The passing of Brody was extremely difficult for me as well, since he was so close to me, but Raelynn lost her sweat and blood. Nothing could replace that. Nothing could replace him.

  I eventually got tired of her crying, and grabbed her arm, leaning down to her ear. "Hey. Hey. Let's just go sit down." I said, trying to move her, but for being an art nerd, she was really strong.

  "One more second." She mumbled, and I sighed, standing next to her. She fumbled with her purse, pulling out an extremely small pencil, placing it in the momentum's box. "I think you'll want your lucky pencil. I don't need it anymore. All my luck ran out." That split my heart in two.

  She couldn't possibly think all her luck ran out when he died, could she? He was an amazing person who shined a bright light, but that doesn't mean give up when that light goes out.

  "And now for some words from his youngest." The preacher said, as Raelynn, got up, straightening her dress. She looked at me, a look of asking for help in her eyes. I reached out and took her hand, giving it a small squeeze. She nodded, taking a deep, shaky breath, before reaching the podium.

  "My dad."

•Raelynn POV•

  "My dad." I started, looking out over the crowd. People I had grown up with. People who knew my dad, but not me. People who were simply there to give me and my family support. I honestly hated those people. They didn't know my dad like I did. They didn't love him like my mom. So what is it their doing to comfort us?

  "He was an amazing man who truly knew what true happiness was. Someone who could make you feel as if the world revolved around you. And sometimes, I thought it really did. On my first day of first grade, I was terrified. I remember, my mom not being there, and Claire running off to her fourth grade class, and my dad taking me to my class." I said, the tears I wanted so badly to not appear, appearing.

  "I began screaming and crying, and when the teacher tried to take me, he shook his head, lifting me to his hip and carrying me to the car. He buckled me up, and we went to frozen yogurt, and then, he took my hand, placing a kiss in it, before closing it." I said, letting my tears fall freely.

  "'When ever you feel scared or lonely, even just a little bit, put this hand to your cheek and I'll be kissing you. I promise sweat pea, I'll always be here, right in your heart. Now, are we going to go and crush first grade?"' He had told me. He made me so happy and excited. I jumped from the booth and raced to truck and when I got to class, I did what he told me. I placed my hand to my cheek, and then raced off to my class. Still, to this day, I'll place my hand on my cheek, and feel comfort take over my body, as if he was here, kissing my cheek right now. He'll always be in our hearts. I know that for a fact." I finished, going back to my seat, as Marcus stood up, taking me in his arms as I fell into him, shaking as we sat.

  "Beautiful. He's always with you." He whispered. I nodded, placing my right hand to my right cheek, a si leaned against Marcus. He rubbed my upper arm, placing a kiss to my head.

  My mom walked up to the podium, taking a deep breath, as she looked at me, then to my right, Claire.

  "It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again"

  See you again. My dads favorite song.

  After everyone spoke, and the service was over, it was time for the burial. Everyone stood around a six foot hole in the ground with my dads casket sitting beside it. There were officials standing tot he side with guns, and another with a flag.

  We watched silently as two officials folded the flag into a neat triangle, before handing it to my mom. She took it, crying in the process.

  "Load! Present! Fire!" Shouted one of the officials as three guns were fired into the air. This repeated it self two more times, before it was over. Finally, the guy with the trumpet played the last march.

  But did I pay attention to any of this? No. I didn't. I just stared at my dads casket, wondering what we would be doing right now if he were here. The only things I payed attention to were when Marcus would give my hand a small squeeze, then I would look up at him, with tears in his eyes as he solely focused on the burial.

  I closed my eyes, as the last tear rolled down my cheek and I took a deep breath.

  "You'll be okay sweat pea. I can promise you that."


I know!!! It broke my heart to wrote this chapter, but I've had this planned since the beginning. In fact, this chapter has been written since the beginning.

There are about to be a bunch of chapters with a whole bunch of feels, so prepare y'alls hearts.

Anyway, bye.

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