Haven't Met You Yet

By nbhoodguinxss

2.2K 104 30

People walk into our lives for a reason. Eventually we realize why and sometimes, we are never the same. More

Haven't Met You Yet
Chapter 2- Crash
Chapter 3- Buzz! Buzz!
Chapter 4- Opportunities
Chapter 5- Superstition
Chapter 6- Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter 7- Three Blind Mice
Chapter 8- The Kiss
Chapter 9- Surprise,Surprise
Chapter 10- What If ?
Chapter 11-Wishing On A Star
Chapter 12- Time To Shine
Chapter 13- Ugh.
Chapter 14 - Idiot
Chapter 15 - Not Again
Chapter 16 - Conceal
Chapter 17- Stormy Weather
Chapter 18 - Just Maybe
Chapter 19- Shit.
Chapter 20- News
Chapter 21- Bam
Chapter 23- Acceptance
Chapter 24- At Last
Chapter 26- Hope
Chapter 27- One Last Time

Chapter 22- Resolution

60 4 1
By nbhoodguinxss

"Oh fuck!" I hoped out of my seat and started running towards Melanie and Ana.

"What, oh shit!" Jasmine yelled, finally realizing what was happening.

I was already pretty far ahead of Jasmine. There was a bunch of people in the club so it felt like the fight was miles away. My arms felt like I had just rowed myself from another country, thanks to all the shoving I had to do. People were crowding around instead of trying to break it up, which made things a lot harder than they needed to be. Of course, I saw Jay standing there cluelessly. He was never very good with confrontational scenarios. But he wasn't my main concern at the moment. With one last forceful shove, I was in front of Melanie and Ana.

Boy, it was ugly.

Ana may have been rather small, but that didn't stop her from beating Melanie's ass. I watched her fists pound Melanie's face over and over again. Melanie had no chance in hell against Ana. I had seen enough of this and I needed to put an end to it.

I braced myself as I shuffled over to Ana carefully, after all, her fists were kind of flying everywhere at this point- I wasn't trying to get punched in the face. I grabbed her around the waist and picked her up off of Melanie.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME DAMMIT!" Ana screeched. She was kicking me and trying to pry my hands off of her, she was actually doing pretty well but Jasmine grabbed her legs and helped me carry her away.

She started digging her nails into my arms and scratching the hell out of me, kinda like a cat when they're fighting another cat.

"Dammit Ana stop it! I'm trying to help you for fuck sake!" I jerked her and hoped it would work. Thankfully, it did.

We dragged her outside into the cold air, which I knew she wasn't too happy about. She never really liked the cold. Jasmine let go of her legs and tried to chase down a cab for us. I let go of Ana's waist and just held onto her arm.

"You should've let me stay and beat her ass." she grumbled. I just sighed and tightened my grip a bit.

Even though Melanie had pretty much ruined our friendship, I still cared about her. So I didn't really want Ana to beat her to a pulp.

Jasmine whistled at us and told us to come over to her. I was basically guiding Ana along, she was dragging her feet and I could hear her breath still sort of ragged. Which I figured was from her adrenaline being so high and all.

We sat in the cab so that Ana was in the middle. She just sat silently with her arms crossed. Jasmine was shaking her head and most likely mentally scolding Ana.

I found it kinda funny that even though the three of us were in an awkward spot with one another, I still knew them so well.

Jasmine had asked the cab driver to take us back to our place. To which, Ana made a face. Probably because it had been a while since the three of us were there altogether.

That was the most silent cab ride I've ever been on.


Once we got back to our house, I got out first and searched for my keys so we could hurry and get inside. Ana and Jasmine were behind me, both of them looking rather done with life.

I finally unlocked the door and went straight to my room so I could change clothes. I loved getting all dressed up but, sweat pants and t-shirts were just perfection to me. After I was done changing I grabbed some clothes for Ana. They were gonna be a little big on her but they'd have to do.

Most people probably would've gone to bed as soon as they got home but my mind was wide awake. There was quite a few things to comprehend at the moment. However, one thought really stood out. The sight of Melanie all over Jay.

I thought maybe she just thought he was cute and decided to act on her feelings but, Jay wasn't her type at all. Maybe she was drunk. Either way, she couldn't have known about him & me so I really didn't have much of a reason to be mad at her.

"Hello? I'm talking to you." Ana snapped her fingers at me.

"Huh-oh sorry I was just thinking about something. What did you say?" I stuttered and shook my head, trying to bring myself back to earth.

"I asked why you had extra clothes in your hand." she stated blankly.

"Oh, um they're for you. I know they're gonna be big cause well, you're tiny and I'm not. But here, I hope they're okay for you." I started to smile at her but I soon realized how stupid I'd look.

She laughed weakly before she opened her mouth to speak. "Thanks, but I don't think I'll be staying. It'd just be awkward." She stood up and started walking towards the door.

"You dummy, if I wanted you to leave I wouldn't offer you clothes and a place to sleep. Shut up and get back over here." I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

She looked at me and gave me a genuine smile. I handed her the clothes once more and she took them into the bathroom to go change.

I walked into the kitchen to make myself some tea, surprisingly Jasmine had already beat me to it.

"Hey. Did you want some?" she sounded so tired.

"Please. I thought you went to bed actually." I replied, trying to sound slightly cheerful. I figured maybe if I acted like I was okay, it'd rub off on her.

"How could I?" she whispered.

I gave her a pat on the shoulder before hugging her tightly. Jasmine was never one for any kind of violence, so I knew she was probably bothered by watching someone get their ass handed to them, especially by someone I'm assuming she still cared for. I let go and searched around the kitchen for some honey to put in my tea. Thankfully there was some in the cabinet. Jasmine handed me my favorite mug full of my favorite tea. After I perfected my tea, I went to the living room.

Ana was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed like a little kid. I could tell she felt super awkward.

"Go get some tea, it'll help you feel better." I suggested and took a sip of my tea.

She looked up at me and nodded her head before walking off toward the kitchen. I sat down on the couch and sipped my tea slowly, trying to savor how relaxing the moment was. Warm tea always made me super mellow and calm, which was something I needed quite often.

Jasmine and Ana came into the living room together, both of them with a cup of tea in their hands. It was actually kinda cute, but if I told them that they'd probably laugh and call me crazy. Ana laughed and broke my train of thought.

"What?" Jasmine questioned.

"I was just laughing because I remembered that when we first moved in, we lived on a steady diet of jasmine's perfectly brewed tea and mcdonalds." She laughed and ran her thumb over the side of her mug.

"We literally sat around and did nothing but eat burgers and fries." I added.

"Followed by debating who was better, Backstreet Boys or Nstinck." Jasmine said. She obviously preferred Backstreet Boys...silly child. I rolled my eyes and corrected her.

"Those were the days weren't they?" Ana smiled at us.

I returned the smile and went back to staring at the intricate designs on my cup.

"I'm sorry." said Ana.

Jasmine looked at her slightly confused, I have to admit, I was a little taken back by her statement too.

"It's fine, don't eve-" Ana interrupted me.

"No, you guys need to know that I'm sorry for everything. Not just tonight. I miss you guys so much, it's been hell without the two of you."

I looked over at her and saw her blinking like a crazy person. I knew exactly what she was feeling, and in that moment, everything was okay.

"It's not your fault. Let's be honest, we all played a part. So don't blame yourself Ana. I think we should just look past this and, I dunno, maybe go back to how things used to be." Jasmine said sympathetically.

"Exactly. I couldn't have said it any better." I agreed.

After about thirty minutes of talking and laughing our asses off, Jasmine decided to go to bed.

" I should probably try to sleep too." I wasn't really tired, but I knew I'd be tired tomorrow.

"Um, actually now that Jasmine is asleep, I wanna talk to you about something." Ana said slowly and reluctantly.

"Erm, okay. What is it?" I sat back down on the couch.

"I want you to know why I did it. I think you should know." she replied.

"Proceed." I urged.

"Well, it's kinda a long story so, I'll try to keep it short and simple. Basically, Melanie and I used to be good friends. Like, reeeaaaallllyyy good friends. I had this guy I was talking to from back home, Derek, and we weren't exactly dating but we had something going on. Melanie knew all about it and constantly urged me to make it official but I was too scared. So, one day, I came home to find Melanie and Derek on the couch... uh...well-"

"Yeah I get it. Go on." I cringed.

"Thanks. Well, after that I never spoke to either of them and that's why I always got so upset with you when you'd hang out with her. I learned to live with it until Jay came into your life. I didn't want her to do the same thing to you. You don't deserve to ever go through something like that, especially after everything you've experienced back home." she twiddled her thumbs cautiously, probably nervous of what I'd say.

"Wow, I guess she really is a bad person. I mean, she's not necessarily the best friend in the world so I guess I should've seen this coming. As for Jay, I don't care. They can do whatever they want with each other." I responded thoughtfully. It all made sense now, all the snide remarks and actions from Melanie. She never really was my friend.

"Dude. Are you seriously still trying to convince yourself that you don't like him?" she crossed her arms and stared at me rather observantly.

"I don't. I mean, we don't even talk anymore. Plus I kinda met someone else." I stated.

"Alright, listen to me very carefully. I know I haven't been around for a little while here, but I can't tell you that I've never seen you so happy. I'm not saying you were depressed or anything before but, he made you better. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure that means something. As for Max, yeah sure he's a cutie and he's sweet to you, but be honest with me... you still like Jay don't you? Way more than you like Max." She said, totally shutting me up and proving her point.

" Wait how do you even know about Max?" I realized.

"Jasmine, duh. Why do you think I knew exactly where you'd be tonight dumb ass? She keeps me updated occasionally. But that's not the point right now. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you're not practically in love with Jay." she replied, putting me on the spot.

I looked at her and back down at my hands. "I- I don't know. I'll admit, he did-does, make me happy. He's my best friend, besides you guys. He just understands me in a way that no guy ever has. He's everything I could want in a guy. The way his lights up when he's excited about something, or how he can't say certain words correctly because of that adorable accent of his, or how about the fact that he's a bigger nerd than me, which is really saying something. Honestly, he's kinda perfect to me. But he has Kelsey Ann, and I have to accept that."

Just the thought of them being together made my heart hurt and my eyes sting all over again.

"I truly believe that if he knew everything you just told me, he'd leave her right away. You're amazing, and he'd be stupid to not give you a chance. You guys just compliment each other in a way that's hard to find these days. Please don't let stupid shit get in the way of having something with him. As you would say, I ship it." she hugged me. Which I was actually shocked about because she hated hugs and basically any kind of affection from others.

I hugged her back harder than I've ever hugged anyone before. "Thank you. For everything. You're the best Ana, I'm glad you're back."

"What kind of a best friend would I be if I didn't get your head outta your butt for you? I love your stupid ass." she punched me in the arm, which was so cheesy but I actually appreciated it.

"Good point midget." I winked.

"Oh okay, you're only a few inches taller than me so shut the hell up. Anyways, tomorrow, you better go get him back. Or I will punch you in the boob, multiple times until you fix things with him." she shoved me lightly.

"Okay I get it damn you psycho. But what about Max, what should I do?" I frowned, I didn't wanna hurt him. Especially because he had been there for me and taken such good care of me while I was upset.

"I think he already knows. It's fairly obvious that you pretty much love Jay. Just be honest with him, he'll understand." she comforted me.

I nodded and decided that now I was actually going to bed. Especially because tomorrow was now a big day for me.

Tomorrow would either be the best day of my life...or the worst.

I guess I'd have to wait and see.


Hiya guys!

So I'm really hoping you all like where this is going (:

Of course, I still have a big surprise but obviously you'll have to wait and see what it is!

I still can't believe this story has nearly 800 reads. I never even thought I'd get 100 so this feels amazing.

Thanks you so much for staying and reading. Even though I take forever to update ! I really am gonna try to work on it.

'Till next time,

Bye !

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