You're my...

By darcyjog

474K 25.1K 5.5K

After years of Yo telling his dad that he should get married again, his dad finally has found someone that ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Thank You
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3
Bonus Chapter 4
Thank You

Chapter 15

6.4K 360 175
By darcyjog

A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Wayo POV

I think someone needs to pinch me. I still can't believe that Pha asked to court me and that I said yes. Well, I would be stupid not to say yes, but I just can't believe that it is happening to me. OMG!!

I look over at Ming and I can't tell what he is thinking. He isn't showing any real emotion. I'm sure that he is confused, but I'm sure everything will work out for the best.

I suddenly catch some movement out of the corner of my eye and when I glance up, there he is, Pha. He is smiling at me and I think my legs just turned to jelly. I use all my strength to keep me from falling at his handsome face and that gorgeous smile. I instinctively I smile back to him and I want to wave but I'm afraid that I will get into trouble.

Ah, Kit is looking at Ming. I could tell earlier that Beam is telling the truth. Kit looks at Ming with such love in his eyes that Ming should also be able to see it, but I think he is refusing to acknowledge it right now. I did catch that he smiled back to Kit which is a good sign, but I'm not going to let him stop there. I just hope Ming doesn't get mad at me for helping Kit to win Ming's heart. I don't think it will take much effort though because usually if Ming doesn't like someone, you can immediately see it, but with Kit I haven't seen anything yet. I haven't even heard no from Ming which is surprising.

The rest of the practice I couldn't concentrate because my mind kept going back to Pha and our time at the restaurant, along with him asking me if he can court me. Oh, I quickly go back to the moment when Pha kissed the back of my hand. The warmth of his lips on my skin was so exciting and I can't stop my mind from wondering what it will be like if he kisses other places. My mind immediately starts to imagine that Pha is kissing my neck, my chest, my ear, and....

Before I can even imagine it, Ming yells at me, "Yo! You coming? Practice is done!"

I look around and I'm the only one still standing in the middle of the room while everyone else is packing up and heading out the door. Oh, how long was I out of it. But, I really enjoyed what I was fantasizing about as I think about my fantasy one last time, a grin is instantly plastered across my face while I begin to blush. I have never had thoughts like this before. What has Pha done to me? One meal together and I'm daydreaming about Pha and what his mouth can do to me. Oh, I need to calm down.

I hurry over to get my things and I quickly throw them into my bag. Ming walks over to me and teases, "Hey, Yo. Are you thinking about a certain someone who just confessed to liking you?"

I instantly blush again and sheepishly say, "He also asked to court me, and I said yes."

Ming instantly jumps towards me and shouts, "What? When? You didn't tell me!"

I chuckle at Ming's silliness. "Well, I haven't had a chance because he asked me while we were at the restaurant. I'm so happy and yes, I can't stop thinking about him. I have never felt this way before. You know that I don't have any dating experience. What if I screw this up? What am I going to do?"

Ming smiles and teases, "Ah, our baby Yo is growing up. He is finally being courted and he maybe has fallen in love already. How cute." Ming playfully pokes me a couple of times which I immediately try to swat his hand away. I'm trying to be serious here and he is playing around like normal. UGH!!!

I whine, "Ming, stop it. I'm serious and I don't want to screw this up."

I finish grabbing my things and I throw them into my bag. Irritated, I immediately start stomping my way to the door before Ming chuckles and throws his arm around me. "Yo, don't worry about it too much. It looks like P'Pha isn't going to let you get away that easily, especially since he has already asked to court you. Are you going to make it difficult for him? Or are you going to be easy and give in right away?"

What kind of question is that? Why would Ming ask me something like that? I don't understand.

I shake my head and I ignore Ming as we continue to walk towards the door. Without knowing it, Pha and Kit have walked through the door and are now staring at Ming and me. As Ming tries to poke me again, Pha growls, "N'Ming, you better stop it right now. You may be N'Yo's friend, but I don't like other people touching my baby that much."

Startled at Pha's voice, we immediately stop and stare at Pha and Kit. Kit looks a little wounded by Ming's playfulness with me and I hope that he doesn't hate me for Ming's behavior.

Pha takes big strides to us and before Ming and I have a chance to even react, Pha is pulling me from Ming's arm and Pha is wrapping his arm around me instead. Well, I have to admit that I like this much better than with Ming's arm around, but I won't tell Ming that. Plus, Ming has Kit to hold now.

Pha takes my bag from me and throws it over his shoulder. "N'Yo, let's go. I'm taking you back to your dorm room."

"What? I always go with Shane. You don't have to and I'm sure it is out of the way." For some reason, I'm panicking, and I don't know why. Maybe it is because we will be alone in the car together. Oh, I need to calm myself down.

Pha smiles and he pulls me tighter against his chest. "N'Yo, I already know what dorm you live in and I actually live in the same one and I already told Shane that I was taking you home. He tried fighting me, but I said that I wasn't going to take no for an answer, so let's go."

I instantly blush, and I quickly mumble, "Okay. If Shane knows, I guess it isn't going to be a problem then." I try to look back to see what Ming and Kit are doing but Pha pulls me even tighter against his chest which is pressing my face against his firm muscles. Oh, I don't know if I can stay like this for very long. I have a growing urge to bite and nibble those strong muscles just under that shirt. My mind doesn't need anymore encouragement as it quickly jumps to what does Pha's bare chest look like. Oh, the things that I can think of are just amazing.

I try to clear my naughty thoughts from my mind as we walk out of the practice hall and into a group of students. Some are our fellow moon and star competitors while others are maybe their friends along with the rest of our gang waiting for us to get done. As soon as Pha and I walk through the door with Pha's arm around me, everyone, except for our friends, immediately turn to look at Pha and me in shock. Fear instantly engulfs me. The last time that I saw expressions like that was when I was getting bullied and beat up when I first went to the United States and Shane was there to protect me.

Instinctively, I grabbed a little tighter to Pha and he must have sensed my fear, as he says, "What are you guys waiting for? You need to go home."

One of the girls immediately shouts, "P'Pha, why are you hugging Ai'Yo?"

Collectively, the group nods and shouts, "Yeah, why?"

Without even looking for Shane, Shane is instantly right at my side along with Forth and Beam who can tell that I'm getting scared. Shane whispers, "Don't worry, Yo. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Pha clears his throat and replies, "Why? Why else? He is my boyfriend. Who wouldn't hold their boyfriend tight?"

The crowd gasps and several of them have their mouths wide open. I guess that is one way to tell people about us but Pha is a little over confident. I haven't been asked to be his boyfriend yet and he is forgetting that I haven't agreed to it yet. I have only agreed to let him court me, but I haven't agreed to be his boyfriend.

Without thinking, I playfully slap Pha's chest and I pull away from him a little, as I whine, "P'Pha, you haven't asked me to be your boyfriend yet. I haven't said yes to that yet."

Pha smiles at me and hums, "I know but they don't know that, and I don't want anyone else trying to get to you while I'm right in front of you and courting you. Okay. I will ask soon, very soon."

I smile and lean my head on his chest as I listen to his heart beating frantically. Oh, he must be nervous too.

I didn't realize that Ming and Kit were also standing around Pha and me to help the others to form a protective shield as we all gather up our stuff and head to the parking lot. Once we are past all the students, Ming chimes, "Yo, what was that all about? The group looked like they wanted to tear you apart."

"I don't know. P'Pha, do you know why?"

Pha squeezes my shoulder, as he replies, "Well, I think they are upset that I'm dating N'Yo."

I immediately pop my head up and ask, "What? Why?"

Forth chuckles, "Well, Ai'Pha is very popular and there are many girls and a few boys that are hoping that he will date them, but Ai'Pha hasn't really dated anyone this past year. He only had a couple girls that he dated but they didn't last long. So, everyone is upset that they tried hard to get his attention and you stole it away from them, before they even had a chance."

Beam chuckles, "Yeah, everyone wants a piece of the great Ai'Pha."

Instantly, fear flows through me as I focus in on what Beam just said. Everyone wants a piece of the great Pha. How can I fight against everyone else? I'm not any better looking than them. Why would he choose to stay with me?

Pha quickly whispers in my ear, "Everyone else is dull compared to you, N'Yo. You are the one that I like and fell in love with at first sight. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

Pha's smooth voice instantly calms me and we walk towards the parking lot.

Pha walks straight to his vehicle and over his shoulder, he calls out, "N'Yo and I will be leaving first. I'll see you tomorrow."

I quickly wave as I get in the car and shout, "Good-bye."

Once we are in the car, Pha hurries to get on the road and pull away from the parking lot. As soon as we are on the road, Pha smiles and teases, "I was surprised when P'Shane told me that you live in the same dorm as me. I was even more surprised when I found out that we live almost side by side."

Without thinking, I immediately blurt out, "What? Which room is yours?"

Pha chuckles, "I live in the room across the hall from yours."

What? I live across the hall from this god and I didn't even know it. How can that be? Well, I guess I haven't met anyone else that lives on my floor yet, so this shouldn't be much of a surprise. Our dorm rooms are the nicest on campus and according to my dad, my room is the most expensive, the biggest and has everything, including my own full-size bathroom. It is actually more of an apartment than a dorm room, but I love it.

Pha hesitantly adds, "I originally thought some bratty spoiled rich kid lived there so I didn't want to meet the person living there. I'm surprised that it is you and I'm glad. I don't think you are spoiled or a brat. If anything, I may say that you are cute and adorable." As Pha says the last sentence, he quickly has a smile that explodes across his face which makes me smile too.

When we get to the dorm, Pha walks me up to my room. Well, technically, Pha is walking to his room, too. We stop outside our doors which are as he said, across the hall from each other.

My mind is racing about what to do now. I have never been to this point before. This is all new to me. What am I supposed to do now? Do I unlock the door or not? Do I invite him in? Or is that a bad idea? I really don't want this night to end but I don't know what we do now.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as Pha slowly pulls my keys out of my trembling hands. I'm frozen in place as I watch Pha smile at me and then he slowly unlocks my door and opens it. As Pha slowly puts his hand around my waist, I unconsciously hold my breath. My mind starts going through questions again. What is he going to do? Is it all right to ask him in or should I wait? I can I kiss him? Oh, I want to kiss him so badly that I'm trembling at just the thought of it.

Pha slowly pushes me into my room as he follows me inside. I slowly let my breath out as Pha closes the door behind us. Oh, this it. I have never had a boyfriend in my room before. What do I do? I don't want to act too forward but I don't want to act to shy. What should I do?

My mind keeps running through various questions as Pha guides me to the couch. Along the way, he puts my bag down along with his bag. I stop in front of the couch and I nervously look at Pha, who clearly wants so much more but I don't know if I'm ready for more. Shoot, who am I kidding. I don't even know exactly what the more all includes, but I hope that Pha will teach me.

Pha smiles sweetly at me while I unconsciouslyreach out and grab a handful of his shirt, as I bite my lower lip. Oh, the thought and imagines that are runningthrough my head right now are so naughty that I can't help but to blush. As our eyes meet, Pha licks his lower lip andbefore I realize what I'm doing, I use the hand that has a fist full of Pha'sshirt and I pull him to me as my other hand quickly goes around the back of hisneck and pulls his head down. I stand onmy tiptoes and quickly tilt my head, so I can reach his lips as I kiss Pha. I'm sure it wasn't the best kiss, but it ismy first kiss and I love it. Pha immediatelyreacts and he quickly wraps his hands around my waist as he pulls me closer tohim. He doesn't waste anytime as he turnsmy innocent first kiss into a smoldering hot melt the elastic in my boxers kiss.

Posted August 6, 2018

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