Far Cry 5 OneShots and Prefer...

By we_all_have_secrets_

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The second book is up! Far Cry 5 OneShots and Preferences 2!!!! (I do not own any of these characters) More

Preference: Jealous
Preference: when they are drunk
Preference: You're Pregnant
Preference: First Kiss
John Seed X Reader: Private Baptism
Preference: They have a Nightmare
First Dates
When you have an Argument
You Get Hurt
Favourite Thing to do Together
You Take A Bullet For Them
When They are Sick or Hurt
When YOU get Jealous
Massages: Receiving and Giving
Compliments: Giving and Receiving
What You Watch on TV Together
You Bring Home a Pet
They Meet Your Family
You Go Missing
You Introduce Them To Video Games
You are Captured by Another Sibling
They Meet Your Ex
Movie Night
They Find Out That You Have Depression/Eating Disorder
You Make Them Go to A Carnival
They Find You Seriously Injured
Nicknames For Them and You
They Think That You Are Cheating on Them
They Prevent you From Committing Suicide
They Catch You Singing
You Tell Them That You are Apart of LGBT+ community
You Come Out as Trans
They Find out That Your Parents Abuse(d) You
You Go To The Zoo/Aquarium
They Find Out That Somebody is Stalking You
They Discover That You are a Real Angel
You Take a Joyride in their Favourite Vehicle
They Find You Wearing Their Jacket
They Propose
They Meet Your Child
They Find out that you Help the Resistance
When You Randomly Faint/Passout
You Have a Butterfly Tattoo
The Deputy is pregnant
Hickeys/Love Bites
They Find Some Explicit Photos of Yourself on Your Phone
You Die
You're not Pretty...You're Beautiful
You Tame a Wild Wolf
A/B/O- First Meeting and Their Scent
They Catch you doing Something Embarrassing
They See Your Self-Harm Scars
You Hunt Supernatural Beings
They Tell You About Their Nightmares
The Deputy is Pregnant Part 2
You Accidentally Arouse Them
The Candy Jar
They Hearing You Listening to a Song
You Loose Your Memory
They Accidentally Hit You
Your Favourite Character Dies
You Prank Them A Lot
You Suffer From Insomnia and They Find You Awake
They Flirt With You and Fail
They Meet Your Intimidating Older Brother
You are Really Clumsy
You are Their Child
Supernatural: you Introduce them to the Winchesters and Castiel
You Tame and Bring Home a Tiger
You Go to a Heavy Metal Concert
They Teach You to Hunt and You Get a Kill on the First Shot
You are Plus Size and Insecure
You Get Bullied and They Defend You
You Have Facial/Body Piercings
Gender Swap!
You Have An Accent
Having an Argument About Hogwarts Houses
Finding Out That You Wrote a Poem About Them
You Get Turned on by Their Pet Names for You
They Find Out About Your Kinks
You are a Werewolf
You are a Demon
They Find Out About Your Kinks Part 2
Their Child Swears for the First Time
They Catch you Watching Porn
Their Child Interrupts Them Doing Something Important
You Are Lucifer/The Embodiment of Lucifer
They Surprise You With a Puppy/Kitten
You Have A Bath Together
You are an Angel Part 2
They Offer You Support
Sleeping Positions
You Borrow an Accessory of Theirs
Your Birthday
You are Actually a God/Goddess
What They are Like in Bed
Your Water Breaks
Video Games part 2
You/They Tell Jokes
Video Games Part 3
You are Mute
Old Friends
You Cheat On Them
They Try to Flirt but Fail Part 2
They Grab Your Butt
You Get a Cold
Your Child's First Word is a Swear
Jealous Part 2
You Are Blind
You're Mute Part 2
Their Child's First Day of School
They Meet Their Child's First Date
They Adopt A Homeless Teenager
You Used to be in the Military
You Escaped an Abusive Relationship
You Are Immortal
Video Games Part 4
You Escaped an Abusive Relationship Part 2
They Are in Love with the Deputy
You Have Asperger's Syndrome
Video Games Part 5
The Deputy is Their Long Lost Sibling
They Read MY Stories About Them
You Are A Virgin
They are in Love with the Deputy Part 2
Their Child Has Their First Heartbreak
You Have Different Coloured Eyes
Showering Together
They are in Love with the Deputy Part 3
They Deputy Introduces them to Sharky
You Are Their Sibling and Betray Them
You Have A Big Argument
Dating Joseph Seed Would Include
A Member of the Flock Flirts with you and gets your Number
Dating Jacob Seed Would Include
Movie Night Part 2
Jacob Seed X Reader: You Die in his Arms
Dating John Seed Would Include
You Accuse Them of Cheating on You
Dating Faith Seed Would Include
They Get Protective
Dating Sharky Boshaw Would Include:
You Go Horseback Riding
Dating Hurk Jr Would Include:
You Bring Home a Tiger Part 2
Dating Nick Rye Would Include
You are Their Sibling and Leave Them With Your Child
You are the Embodiment of the 7 Heavenly Virtues
You Loose Their Baby/Miscarry
Movie Night Part 3
Their Kinks
It's Not What It Looks Like
Video Games Part 6
They Catch You Singing
Dating Jess Black Would Include
You are the Deputy and You Are Joseph's Child
Your Older Brother Has "The Talk" With Them
You Surprise Them With A Gift
You Are The Deputy And You Are Jacob's Child
You Are a Serial Killer
You Have Cancer
You are a Vampire
John X Reader: You Die During Child Birth
You Meet Your Favourite You-Tuber
They are in Love with the Deputy Part 4
Seven Heavenly Virtues Part 2
They Flee Hope County and You Host Them
Their Child Gets Abused
The Collapse Happens
Dating Staci Pratt Would Include
John X Reader: You Die in His Arms
They Accidentally Kill Somebody Who You Love
Video Games Part 7
You Are Wild
You Have an Identical Twin: Prank
You are a Nephilim
You are a Vampire Part 2
You are From an Alternate Universe
You are on Your Period
Dating Eli Palmer Would Include
They Find out That They Have a Child
Sharky Boshaw X Reader: Fluff
You Find Them Reading the Kama Sutra
Somebody Steals From Them
Staci Pratt X Reader: Comfort
They Accidentally Kill Somebody who you Love Part 2
Dating Joey Hudson Would Include
Your Ex Tries to Get you Back
You Feed The Judges Peanut Butter
Snowball Fight
You Jump Into the Water From a Cliff/Tree
Boomer Brings You Your Favourite Gun

First Time Having Sex

6.8K 103 15
By we_all_have_secrets_

Joseph Seed-

Joseph would be cautious, not wanting to push you too far or scare you. He would take it slow, not wanting to startle you and giving you every opportunity to stop what you were doing. He would've waited until you were both completely open and comfortable with each other, you knew it was coming and you had been waiting for him to make the first move. When he finally did you had no intention on stopping him. He wanted it to be more than just physical, it was emotional and even spiritual to him. You were together in mind and spirit, and now in body. He would be slow and gentle but passionate, he would be attentive and practically worship you, everything about it would be intimate.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob would be hesitant, not wanting to hurt you or scare you away. There would be moments when you both got close to reaching the point of no return but he always ended things. He found it difficult to trust people, to open up to people, it would take some time to develop a relationship with Jacob, even more time for him to be affectionate or intimate. Eventually the tension between you both became too much and he gave in, forgetting about his hesitation. He would still be a little afraid of hurting you, but he knew that he wasn't an affectionate person. He would be very attentive to you but wouldn't be very affectionate, a kiss here and there, but he wasn't comfortable enough yet to be much more affectionate than that but you would even that out by being more affectionate towards him. He wanted to be gentle to avoid hurting you but it's not really in his nature to be gentle, you had no complaints. 

John Seed-

John wouldn't be hesitant to make the first move due to his experience and all around view on sex, but he would have been hesitant to make the first move with you. With you it would mean much more than when he was with anyone else, it was a whole new level of intimacy with somebody that John hadn't experienced. He would still be the quickest of his siblings to make the first move. John finds it difficult to control is emotions a lot of the time and this would be no different, his love and his desire made themselves known. He would be very affectionate, kissing you over and over, covering every inch of your body, and wanting you to do the same to him. He was touch starved and desperate for you. He would definitely be attentive and intimate, he would like to be able to see your face and your expressions. 

Faith Seed-

Faith wouldn't exactly be hesitant, but she would nervous and shy. Due to her past experiences being that open and intimate with somebody would be difficult, but she was sure that she wanted to be that close to you. She made the first move, partly because you didn't want to push her into anything that she wasn't comfortable with. She would be very attentive, slow and gentle as she covered your body and you covered hers. Despite the gentleness she would be full of love and passion, just needing to be close to you, practically kissing you the whole time. She would whisper words of love and endearment in your ear or against your lips, she would be completely focused on you. She might even be a little surprised, but very pleased, to find that you would do the same in return.


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