Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders

By Pastwitch98

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The Lyoko Warriors aren't the only ones protecting Lyoko and battling X.A.N.A. The Lyoko Defenders are anot... More

Chapter 1: Disagreement
Chapter 2: Disagreement Part 2
Chapter 3:
Trivia 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Trivia 3:
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Trivia 4
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Trivia 5
Trivia 6
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Trivia 7
Chapter 17
Trivia 8
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Trivia 9
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Part 1
Chapter 25: Part 2
Chapter 25 Part 3
Chapter 25 Epliloge
Chapter 26 Part 1
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
A message from the Lyoko Defenders
Season 2

Chapter 20

24 1 0
By Pastwitch98

Several Days Later:

Cam reluckday stood inside the goal, unprepared for what was to happen. Alexei got the ball from lynn, than headed for the goal. Lynn came up behind to steal the ball. Alexei pived to the left, taking the ball out of Lynn's reach. Determined, Lynn dove for the ball. He would've gotten it, had Alexei not jumped with the ball. His path clear, Alexei ran the final few feet to the goal. Cam slide to the left, as Alexei feinted to the left as well. At the last moment, Alexei changed his kick to target the right side of the net. Noticing Alexei's trickery, Cam dove to the right. The soccer ball flew over Cam's out streched handsm into the net.

"Goal!" Alexei cheered. It was a rare lazy Friday afternoon. Prinpal Hall had cancled afternoon classes for a staff meeting. Most students used the free time to explore the city. Alexei had plans to meet Mara later. For now, the guys relaxed with a 'friendly' soccer game.

"Doesn't count, Cam isn't a real goalie." Lynn gave Cam an alopjtic look. They all knew it was true. Cam hated any sport that invovled a ball. Ironically, he enjoyed ice hockey.

"When Emi comes to earth, I'm gonna teacher her how to play soccer." Alexei retreived the ball, ready for another round. Lynn came up from behind to steal the ball, before it was thrown into play. The two sprinted after the ball, working on passes and drills to get ready for the upcoming game. Evenutally, Cam sat by the goal content to just watch his friends. He would have perfered spending the afternoon playing video games with Kya. Lynn also tried to get her to hang with him after school. To their dismay, she choice to joureny to the ice ring alone. Kya admitted during breakfast her coached mentioned how she'd been unfocused. Praiticing alone, Kya hoped to regain her foucs.

"Alexei!" Mara squeaked. Dressed in a jean skirt and light pink blouse; Mara impantiently tapped her foot. "We're suppose to go shopping before the movie." Mara's hair flowed with each shake of her head.

Alexei gave his trademark smirk. "Sorry, Mar. I lost track of time. Let me shower and change, before we go."

Mara's expression softened. "You owe me ice cream. I'll be waiting in the quad." With a swish of her hair, Mara strucked away.

Lynn shook his head, amazed by Alexei's ability to 'calm' Mara. "Only you and Ally can calm that girl. What's your sercert?"

Alexei thought for a moment. "Simple, my charming good lucks."

Lynn rolled his eyes, before chucking the ball at Alexei. "And and that, game over. I'm off to the mall." Avery would probably in their dorm , since Mara was hanging out with Alexei. Lynn figured it'd be best to spend the rest of the afternoon away from campus. "Unless there's an attack, I'll see you tomorrow." Lynn waved by, before disappearing around the corner.

Cam grabbed his bagm to walk with Alexei to the lockerroom. Today was a rare time when the four of them all spent the day apart. Normally, Cam would use the time to work on his many projects. However, Emi was waiting on Lyoko for Cam to update the locator program. A simple task, made diffecult with a crult file blocking the software from updating. Cam knew one person who'd be able to help. Problem was, getting the help without revealing Lyoko.

"You and Kya are going to have to speak evenutally." Cam leaned against a locker. He needed Alexei to understand how unreasonably childish they were being. "We've been lucky there hasn't been any attacks for a few days. But we can't afford to rely on luck or fighting amoung each other."

"Thanks for pracitcing with us." Alexei gave a slight smile. He knew everything Cam said was true. Right now, he didn't want to think about his issues with Kya. He was always the one alogozing first. While he could've found a better way of explaining himself, Kya was the one who yelled and stormed off. For now, he wasn't going to be the first one to 'give in'.

  "I'll be home late tonight." Closing his locker, Alexei went to shower. Unlike the others, Alexei had several groups of friends outside of the Defenders. He couldn't spend all his time with one group. Even if he was with the Defenders eighty-five percent of the time. Once Emi was materizlied, they wouldn't have a reason to see each other as much. Cam might still play video games with Kya and he would see Lynn at pracitice. But outside of these relationships, Alexei and Kya along with Lynn and Cam, didn't have much of a connection without Lyoko and Emi.So what was the point of fixing a relationship that will fall apart anyway?


Cam's POV:

"Are you sure your friend can help?" Sitting in the quad of a neioboring school, I spoke to Emi while waiting for my friend. I arrived early, since Kanna students didn't have afternoon classes. "Maybe I could reconfigurer the data perameters?" Emi offered.

"Don't worry, my friend will be able to fix the program." Glancing at my watch, I noticed glasses should have ended. At that moment, students flooded the quad, racing out of class. A group of three male students made their way to a small encover. A female student in all black leaned against the wall, greeting the three males. "Sorry, Emi. My friend's out of class."  

Closing my laptop, I made my way over to the encove. Bits of their converstion could be heard. The first one to speak was the blond male wearing a purple shirt. He was doubled over in laugher. "The look on Sissi's face was priceless." Something about his carefree attudie reminded me of Alexei.

"It wasn't that funny." The bruntte male didn't appear to share his friend's amusement. "Can we stop discussing this?"

The sole female of the group raised an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"Don't say anything, Odd." The bluntte glared at his Odd. 

Odd slung an arm around his friend's shoulder. The interaction between the two mirrored mine with Alexei. Alexei also has a habiat of not hushing when asked. "Aww come on, Ulrich. Yumi desevers to know. It shouldn't be a sercet bewteen friends."

"Leave Ulrich alone, Odd." Yumi slightly smiled. "You don't want me to share the events of your last date, do you?"

The humor drained from Odd's face. "Your promised you'd keep that a sercet!"

Now Ulrich was smirking. "Now this sounds interesting."

"Cut it guys, I'm trying to concernate." The other blonde male with glasses glanced up from his laptop. "I need to finish this before-"

"Hey, Jeremie." Interrupting their converation, I gave a small wave in greeting. 

Everyone, including Jeremie, appeared surpised. "Cam, your early."

Doubling checking my watch, I shrugged. "Kanna Academy cancled afternoon classes. So, surpise." I waved my hands in fake surpise."

"Einstein," Odd interrjected. "Who's your friend?"

For two years, I've exchanged letters and emails with Jeremie. We first meet two years ago, when my sister took me to visit Kadic Academy. As a former student of Kadic, she often visited and assisted with clubs. Meeting Jeremie had been pure luck. On that day, sis was helping with a sixth grade verus seventh grade soccer game. Knowing sis would make me play, I snuck away. After getting lost, I managed to find the library. Jeremie was the only person there and hunched over his laptop engrossed in his work. Being the nosy kid I was at that time, I peeked over his shoulder. That worked, until Jeremie got up and noticed me. Several moments of converstion later, we discovered we had alot in common.

"Guys," Jeremie gestured to me. "This is my penpal, Cam. He's an eigth grader at Kanna Academy."

Ulrich took a sip of the soda he'd been holding. "Is he still a penpal if he lives within walking distance?"

It was a question we often got. Until last your, I had been taking ________ lessons with Alexei. My sister's way of making sure I exerised. Between that and designing video games, I didn't have much free time. "Becausore of our schudles, we don't have the chance to meet often. So we mostly commicuate via letters and email."

"Ingore them." Yumi gestured to Odd and Ulrich. "I'm Yumi. The blonde one who likes to make bad jokes is Odd and the one sulking is Ulrich."

Blushing slightly, Ulrich said 'I'm not sulking.' the same time Odd said 'My jokes are awesome'.

"I'll see you guys at dinner." Jeremie grabbed his bag, than waved to his friends. It's nice to know I'm not the only one with eccentric friends. "Sorry about my friends."

"You should meet mine. Espcailly my best friend." I followed Jeremie through the unfamilar halls to his dorm. The few times we've met, it was always at a library or bookstore. There something calming and relaxing about being surrounded by books.

"I took a look at the program." Jeremie's room was on the second floor, of the main hallway. Like Kya, he didn't have a roommate. A single bed in front of a long table lined one wall. On the opposite wall sat a medium sized warobe with a large bookself wedged into the corner. A simple desk and chair held a massive computer on the back wall. "What exegall does the program do?"

The one question I didn't want to answer. "It's a locator update for one of my games." The best lie has some truth spinkled in. From our exchanges, Jeremie is well aware of my love of both playing and designing videos. It's a well known sercer between the two of us that I create video games in my spare time. For personal reasons, I've opted not to tell the others.

"Let's begin with this." Thankfully, Jeremie accpeted the answer, as he brung up the program.


Alexei's POV:

Mara walked into the tenth department store, looking for the 'perfect' dress. The first dance of the year had been reschuled to be after the game against Kadic. Kanna Academy hold several dances and school wide events throughout the year. Mara is on the school's event club, which meant she vetoed everyone and chose the this year's theme.

"The dance isn't for another three and a half weeks." I took my usual post by the dressing room, allowing Mara freedom to roam. "Why are you searching now?"

Mara returned with a pile of dresses in varying styles. "It's a girl thing, you wouldn't understand."

If all girls shopped like this, Kya must be abnormal. Kya's style is an odd mix between semi-tomboy and partly girly-girl. She only goes shopping when needed, even than she perfers not to. Unless it's for figurer skating supplies or video games.

"I've gone shopping with Kya muiltple times. She's never been upsied like this." I must've said the wrong thing. Mara suddenly dropped the clothes onto my head.

Hands on hips, Mara sassly said. "Well excuse me for not being perfect like Kya. The girl everyone loves, who can do no wrong." Flipping her long dark hair, Mara strucked out of the store.

I passed the clothes to a nearby worker, than dashed after Mara. She was halfway down the block by the time I was outside. An ice cream shop at the corner caught her attention, allowing me to catch up to her.

"Will you speak to me if I buy you ice cream?" Sweets is the best way to earn Mara's forgiveness. Mara pointed to a brightly colored sign. 'Triple Sundeas Speical For A Limited Time', the sign read. 

Mara went into the shop, taking a seat by the window. In one of her 'moods', she won't speak to me until she's gotten her ice cream. The line was long, but the wait short. Workers came down the long line taking orders. My Triple Sunday Speical and Vanilla Swril, greeted me upon my arrival at the resgiester. The Triple Sundeas Speical, is three smaller sundeas shushed together in one gaint bowl. At least ten different flavors and tops were used to create the frosty treat. Mades my tiny cone look untasty.

Mara's eyes lit up like a child on Chirstmas. The bowl hadn't left my hands, before she began eating. This small girl eats ice cream, like a linebacker eats for calories. She wolfed the icy treat down in less then twenty mintues Patting her stomache in statisftion, Mara began eyeing the tiny bit of ice cream left on my cone.

"Don't you dare." Ally's voice made Mara sqeauk. The quiet blonde chick, was decked out in black leggings under navy blue shorts, a loose fitting grey sweatshirt, and grey tennis. Her short blonde hair was mostly tucked under a baseball cap woren backwards. "You know better than to eat this much ice cream before a competition."

"And you," She turned her glaze to me. "why did you buy her that! Are you trying to help Kya win, by fattening Mara up!?" Several customers turn their heads at Ally's shrill voice.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I took two deep breaths. Ally knows very well how differcult it is to keep Mara from ice cream. You'd have a better chance at fighting off a straved lion, then keep Mara away from ice cream. 

"Chill, Ally." Avery chimed. The star player of Kanna's soccer team was dressed very causal today. Faded dark jeans paired well with his button down black shirt and tennis. "She hasn't had ice cream in two weeks. I think she's earned this treat." He gave me a glare, making it clear he wasn't on my side nor trying to help me.

"Where's the rest of your freak squad?" Avery curled his lip in disgust. The really knows how to ruin someone's day. I'm surpised Lynn hasn't filed for a dorm change. Heck, I'd convice mom to let Lynn move in if he wanted. No one needs to be around this jerk.

"Did you forget your promise, Avery?" Mara shot her own look of disgust at Avery. "Any issues with Alexei and you can leave." Her glare dared him to disobey her. What is it with Avery and Mara? She appears to be the only one who can keep the jerk in line.

Avery mummbled 'fine' under his breath as he went to wait outside. Ally used the time to befily lecture Mara, who stared out the window the entire time. During their 'talk', my cell buzzed with a message. 'Possblie fragment location. Come to the mansion asap.' Any other time, this would've been an inconveicenne. Now, it's a welcome distraction. 

The girls were aborsbed in their converation, allowing me time to sneak away. Getting away from Avery unseen is going to be impossblie. Instead, I chose to go the bold way. Sprinting in front of Avery, I tossed a lovely note at him. While he was distracted, I made my way back to the school. Time for anothe trip to Lyoko!


Thanks to Jeremie's help, they were able to fix the curpurt file and send the update to Emi. Cam had differcultly keeping Jeremie from discovering the truth.

"This is really an interesting program." Jeremie pushed his glasses onto his nose. "What exectly is it suppose to locate?"

"Keys." Was all Cam said. Part of him wanted to share the truth, but the other didn't want to make his friend another target for Xana.

"Cam!" Emi's sudden appearcne scared Cam, who slammed his laptop closed.

"What awas that sound?" Jeremie swung his chair around, looking for the sourse of the sound.

"I didn't hear anything." Cam lied. He'd forgetten to remind Emi to call or message him. She'd return to the pass would erase Jeremie's memory.

Jeremie raised an eyebrow, as he moved to inspect Cam's laptop. "It sounded like someone was speaking from your laptop."

"Oh that," Cam moved his laptop out of Jeremie's reach. "It's just a video."

Their converstaion was interruperted by Cam's cell ringing. It was a message.:

'The locator program discovery a Key in the desert sector.'

Cam quickly sent a message to the others to meet at the mansion, asap.

"I'm sorry, Jeremie. An urgent matter came up." Rushing to grab his stuff, Cam headed for the door. "Thanks for te help, Jeremie. I'll send you the results later."

Cam nearly ran into Ulrich, as he dashed out the door. Ulrich, Yumi, and Odd stared at Cam; confused by his frantic actions.

"Did you scare off your only genuis friend, Einstein?" Odd smirked.

"Not now, Odd." Jeremie turned back to his computer, connecting to Lyoko. "Sorry, Aelita. My friend was here, I couldn't answer." He'd been able to play off Aelita contacting him, by saying the sound came from somewhere else.

A pink haired female with elfish ears, popped onto the screen. "It's fine, Jeremie. I just wanted to let you know, I've detected another strange signal, it's coming from the desert sector. Xana's also on the move."

"Keep an eye on things for now. I'm going to see if I can figure out what that signal is." Jeremie in formed the others, letting them know they might have to go to Lyoko.


'Dear Jerkward, 

Have fun explaining to the Mara why I ran off. After all, you did 'hurt' my feelings in front of them. I've sent her a lovely text explaining everything, but I'm sure she'll want to know what execptly you did.

Your least favorite teammate,


Avery crumbled the note, then tossed  it over his shoulder. He didn't understand what everyone saw in that idoit. Alexei is all talk and no skills. Avery knew the only reason Alexei made it on any team each year was because of his mother. How else could a talentless idoit get into Kanna Academy, let alone any sports team.

"Avery!" Mara's screech could be heard from outside the shop. Several people stopped, glancing in to the shop to watch a girl hurrily grab her stuff and dash out the door. "What did you do this time?"

Avery rolled his eyes, Mara's anrgy tamerper would have to wait. He had an idoit to catch. "Mara, berate me later. I've got something else to do right now." 

Avery rarely disobeyed Mara, let alone walk away from her. But that's just what he did. Ally dragged Mara down the street, in the oppisite direction of Avery. She was use to Avery's bluntness and randomly leaving. The two were only 'friends' because of connection with Mara. In truth, Ally sometimes didn't care for the jerk attuide of Avery. She didn't want that to rub off on 'inncoent' Mara. Her best friend was already bad enough, having been spoiled by her parents. Heck, Ally had also been spoil by her older cousin. No wonder the two of them got along so well.

"Come on, Mar." Ally danglyed an icy treat in Mara's line of sight. "The movie's gonna start soon. We'll find the boys later." As they walked the short distance to the movie theater, Ally hoped for their sake, the boys had a good reason for leaving.

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